GKE8HAB OUTLOOK, Troutdale Re-elects Mrs. Harlow Mayor T ro u td ale citizens turn ed out en m asse T uesday and voted. Mrs. L au ra D. H arlow received 48 votes fo r the office of m ayor, th e largest vote cast for a single official in the • m unicipal election. H. E. Bloyd w as re-elected city reco rd er and Mrs. Isab e lla W aite trea su rer. Alvin C. Copeland w as elected m a rsh a l by a vote of m ore than th re e to one against his opponent, E. E. B illeter. Jo h n 8. B urns, C. E. Scott and R. D. H ew itt w ere elect­ ed fo u r-year councilm en and Mrs. Id a C raw ford and Mrs. F ran ces Fox councilm en for the tw o-year term . In te re s t w as keen in th e race for governor and sen ato r. For the fo rm er P a tte rso n far outdistanced his com petitor, th e vote standing 90 for P a tte rso n and 56 for Pierce. S tallard , the w et candidate, re ­ ceived 11 votes. In th e senatorial vote H aney and S teiw er cam e near being a tie, th e form er receiving 66 and S teiw er 64. Stanfield got b u t 26 votes and Adams a bare two. C rum packer defeated his op- % o n e n t, Carson, 104 to 45. Pliegley polled th e la rg e st vote for county com m issioner, 85, w ith T aft second w ith 83 and Morse receiving 80. T he g range incom e tax bfll carried as far as T ro u td ale w as concerned, th e vote stan d in g 57 for a n d 46 against. TROUTDALE f $1 >250,000,000 for Good Roads in 1927 FBIDAY, XOVEXBBB A, 192*1. PACE KELSO Robbery Attempted Mrs. P. C. Spooner and Mrs. E. Herx en tertain ed the at Troutdale Bank club at ' th e la tte r's hom W e om an's last Greeting Cards. Vital Topics T h ere is no nicer form of C h rist­ m as rem em brance for d istan t r e la ­ tives and frien d s th an a n eatly en ­ IS YOUR BODY A MACHINE? graved p erso u al g reetin g card. We c a rry a com plete stock and YES, and like other m achines it invite you to inspect them . We I requires the skill of an EX PERT. suggest, too, th a t you o rd er now ¡TH E CHIROPRACTOR em inently for delivery about Decem ber 10. | qualifies as a “Body M echanic.” P rices a re low er, th is year, th an ever before. Make Chiropractic your Habit. GRESHAM OUTLOOK, Phone 1561. T hursday. F ourteen m em bers w ere F o r th e th ird tim e in the past five y ears th e T ro u td ale S tate bank p rese n l' wh° 8P8nt ‘he afternoon In has been m olested, th e la st a t-I discussing th e im p o rtan t election tem pted robbery o ccurring S atu r- ! m easures. V isitors p resen t were day night or early Sunday m orn- ; ®*r *- Ivers, Mrs. Hazel K enton and ing w hen en tra n ce was gained by ' Mary Dietl of P o rtlan d , also Why not buy lum ber d irect from b reaking a sm all pane of g lass at i Mrs. Ered Decker. R efreshm ents the m ill? Sandy L um ber Co., phone 1 Office Phone 1321 Res. 3203 Sandy 223.—Adv. the re a r. T he would-be robbers. wel^‘ served by the hostesses, Bank of O resham Bldg. G resham how ever, ap p aren tly obtained The H allow e’en social given at nothing of value for th e ir pains, the schoolhouse S atu rd ay evening A ccording to investigations m ade under auspices of the W om an's by D eputy Sheriffs M art'n, K elly ; club drew a full house, and the and Deman th e work ap p e ars to be cafeteria lunch brought in about th a t of am ateu rs. The side w all $25, w hich w ill go tow ard play- had been drilled in as far as the ground equipm ent. T he school the concrete, and p laster near the ! gave a H allow e'en program and SATURDAY A M I MONDAY ONLY ceiling by th e vault had been gam es w ere enjoyed in th e play- broken. shed, as a featu re of th e evening. The first attem p t to blow the An o u tstan d in g event w as Dr. vault was m ade In 1921. but too Entil E lina's lecture-concert at the m uch explosive was used and th e Sandy union high school on F riday in te rio r of th e bank was w recked. : evening. Dr. E nna played mostly A rchie McCoy w as convicted of the from A m erican com posers, M ac-1 job and sentenced to the peniten- Dowell, G rainger and Mr. Beach, I tiary , but com m itted suicide before and also from Grieg, Bach and his term w as over. A year ago Ute some of his own com positions. The b ank's em ployes w ere held up. As . higs school's g irls chorus sung and a re su lt th ree boys w ere convicted the high school band played two and sentenced to serve ten years num bers. each in the penitentiary. BARGAINS. C hristm as G reeting cards in lots Ilale} Baptist Ser» Ices. , . , of 25, com plete w ith envelope to So successful and well attended m atch and your nam e prin ted or n 1P ™1‘^ nary. P!ans a re co ‘I'leted and officers of The A merican Phone 1236 Gresham have been the spec'al services held engraved on cards, as low as $2 50, Road Builders Association a re driving forw ard to th e g re a te st good road parley ever held, scheduled fo r Chicago— Jan. J.0th-16th, 1927. at th e H aley B aptist church during ^0 for $3.75. O ther ca rd s a t $3.50, t h e la t t e r o a r t o f O c to b e r th a t t h e *4'25 a,,d *500 for 25 com plete. P resid en t Coolidge is to open the congress— and every sta te governor 1 t I p a rt °* O ttol,er th a t ,he GRESHAM OUTLOOK. Phone 1564. T h a n k s g iv in g ( a n is on S ale Now congregation and pastor have de- __ ____________ in the United S tates will he th e re in person o r represented. The 1927 highw ay program calls fo r construction o f 55,000 miles of new road­ cided to continue the cam paign A W ant Ad will do it for you. way to cost $1,250,000,000. Photo shows officers of th e A. R. B A over Sunday, November 7. Meet­ which met in Chicago last week for the first m eeting. Seated, a t lefti ings a re held every evening at 7:30 Pres. H. G. Shirley, Richmond, V a.; R ight, S en ato r Jas. H. MacDonald, except S atu rd ay . The L o rd ’s Sup- ,■ New Haven, Conn.; standing, left, C harles M. U pham , R aleigh, N. C.; per will be observed im m ediately rig h t, C. M. Babcock, M inneapolis, Minn. a fte r the 11 o'clock m orning s e r1 m ake the mail a little late on the ' w ith the usual happy ending. The vice on Sunday. Sunday school I last of the route. proceeds of the en tertain m en t will will convene at 10 o'clock, and the evening service at 7:30. Evan The L adies Aid m et w ith Mrs. J. be devoted to the P aren t-T each er gelist Axel Wall will be th e sp eak -! association fund. R. K n a rr W ednesday afternoon er at all th e services. All are cor- . and a large crow d attended. The dially inv'ted to be present. PLEASANT HOME com m ittees w orking on article s for “ L e i T H O R do th e D ir ty W o r k " th e an n u a l b azaar w ere very en ­ “The C h rlst'a n 's R enaissance" th u siastic about the w o rk -th at was GILLIS being accom plished. At the close will be the topic of the serm on Born to Mr. and Mrs. E ric V er­ of th e m eeting deliciouR re fre sh ­ Sunday m orning at 11:15 at the m ents w ere served by Mrs. R. D. P leasan t Home M ethodist church heiden, at the home of her p aren ts on Sunday. October 24, a son, Eric H ew itt and Mrs. E lla H ensley a s ­ by the p asto r, the Rev. E W. W ith- Paul, J r. Mrs. V erheiden will be sisted by the hostess, M rs. K n arr, as Amy E lliott, early enough to allow th e women nell. T he ju n io r church will be rem ejnberod {o go out on the highw ay in tim e to a t t *1®i 8ame hour in charge d au g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed j of Mrs. A lta Stafford. E pw orth E lliott, of G illis, Mrs. Ed. H am ilton see Queen M arie’s p arty go by. I League convenes at 7:30. of P o rtlan d , is carin g for m other j Mr. and Mrs. W ill McCaffrey of Clothes and linens cost more than ever be­ C rookston, M innesota, and Mr. and Much in ,erest •» cen terin g in the and baby. Mrs. A. Zelbeck of P o rtlan d w ere m us‘c a ' program w hich is to be fore. Rubbing wears them out. Moving parts T o o M ill'll. dinner guests a t th e home of Mr. given S atu rd ay evening at the in a washing machine, twisting or pushing R astu s— "Ah you all w o rk in ’ and Mrs. C arl Ziebeck W ednesday M ethodist church for th e benefit of m uch now adays Sain?" against the clothes causes friction and wear. the E pw orth League piano fund Sam—"W orkin'? Man I ’se ju st | evening. Thor’s method o f using water action alone and th e P leasan t Home o rch estra. w orked to death. I done wish I Mrs. Anna L ato u rell, Mrs. C la r­ h ad n ’t m a rried Mandy—she done prevents wear. By making your children’s Some fine m usical num bers a re be­ keep me busy g e ttin ’ w ashings for ence P arso n s and R ussell Wilson ing prom ised and th e re will be a her to do." dresses, your linens and all your clothing last spent Sunday at th e home of Mr. th ree -e h arac ter play e n t i t l e d , longer, the Thor will pay back its cost many and Mrs. R obert W ilson in P o rt­ "F o u r A. M.” times oVer. land. Dr. Geo. E. Mallett Candy Special Rose City Mixed, lb. 20c Eline’s Milk and Nut CHOCOLATE BARS 3 for 10c Hepp’s Racket Store Mrs. F red P elton and her sis­ te r. Mrs. Shields of P o rtlan d , a t­ tended a 1 o'clock luncheon on W ednesday at the home of th eir au n t, Mrs. F red W agner of Irv in g ­ ton addition. T he P aren t-T each er association w ill give an old fashioned dance in th e T ro utdale city hall, "November 13. Dr. and M r s . Jam es Robinson visited Mrs. Eunice Robinson and fam ily S aturday. Dr. and Mrs. Robinson have been visiting r e la ­ tiv es in K entucky and W yoming for th e la st th re e m onths and are re tu rn in g to th e ir home in S eattle, W ashington. T he Rev. E. R. D. H ollensted will p reach next Sunday a t the com m u­ n ity church a t 10 o’clock, taking for his subject "W hat Is a C h ris­ tia n .” ’ Sunday school w ill follow th e preaching service at 11 o'clock. T he T ro u td ale P aren t-T each er association gave its usual H allow ­ e ’en p arty to th e school children w hich was w ell attended and en ­ joyed. T here w ere m any pretty and also hum orous costum es and those aw arded prizes w ere, Nola S m ith and C harles H ew itt in P rin ­ D on't fo rg et the ad v e rtise rs when you need an y th in g in th e ir line. cipal H ew itt's room ; Ju n e McGin­ LUSTED n is and Ja ck E vans in Mrs. The Lusted P aren t-T ea ch e r as­ T h o m as’ room ; and ¡n Mrs. S cott's room , P atric ia O versted and M orris sociation will meet Friday, Novem­ McGinnis. P rizes given to p re ­ ber 12. A good program will be school age children w ent to Robert presented, including music by the P ow ell V alley R oad P lea san t Home o rch e stra, a solo and R oberta Robinson. by Leslie W alrad. of Gresham , and 1 m ile e a st of G resh am Mrs. M yrtle H udson of Bend a play by an a ll-sta r cast, “F ath e r Invites th e public to its services Oregon, is visiting at th e hom e of C hanges His Mind." T his is said h er b ro th er. J. S. H udson. i Sunday School 9:45 A. M. to be the chance to learn how to (■railed System . Mr. and Mrs. M cPherson and get fa th e r on the rig h t side. Any­ Morning W orship II o’clock, "A Mr. and Mrs. W illiam s of P ortlan d body who w ants a wife or who C hurch Service in H eaven.” visited at th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. w ants to get rid of one is asked to ¡8:90 o’clock c e ilin g service a J. W. E rickson, recently. Bible lecture, "T he C hristian come and see how it is done. H u­ and G overnm ent." Mr. and Mrs. Ray T ham as and mor. th rills and rom ance abound. ch ild ren of W alton, Oregon, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John B lunder. T R O U TD A LE S A N D & (1 R A V E L CO. Mrs. F ra n ce s Fox en tertain ed S unday at h er home in honor of Concrete and Planter th e b irth d ay of her daughter, Mrs. Melvin Short. Sunday visito rs at the Hudson hom e w ere Mr. and Mrs. C. Ammon and son Tommie, Mrs. B arnes and son L ester, Mr. Shea, Mrs. Cole and son and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. K ester, all of P o rtland. Sold in the Bunkers or Delivered Mr. and Mrs. C. F. P arsons and CEMENT AND CEMENT BRICK Mrs. Mary P arsons w ere dinner g u ests S aturday evening a t the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Sam H arlow of P ortland. P h o n e G resh am 4SI) Mrs. E lecta P araen s attended a w edding at V ancouver. W ashing­ TR O U T D A L E. ORE. ton, on S atu rd ay evening. Mrs. P arso n s visited relatives In V an­ couver on Sunday, retu rn in g home i.it]iniiiiiiiigjiMiiiiiiiiianiiiiiiHiitjiiiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiHHniHHiBHiioiiiiHiaiiitjiiiH'iiMi't:iiiii Sunday evening. The E astern S tar gave a dance in th e city hall la st S aturday night. A larg e crowd attended and an en ­ joyable tim e w as reported. It was also considered a financial success. Sunday v isito rs from P ortland at th e home of Mr. and M rs.-F red P elton w ere Mr. and Mrs. Norton and baby; Mrs. F red W agner, L au ra Scott, Mr and Mrs. Ivin L am bert and daughter, Mrs. L am ­ b ert. w hose m aiden nam e was C ar­ rie Sm ith w ill be rem em bered by th e older se ttle rs here. Mrs. Alice C ourter of L atourelle each visited h er siste r, Mrs. J. A. L ars­ son, over th e w eek-end. Sir. and Mrs. David B urns and ch ild ren , of Newberg, visited th e 'r m other, Mrs. M argret B urns, on Sunday. T h ere has been an extension m ade on R ural route 1 from T ro u t­ First State Bank Bldg., opposite telephone office, dale th a t tak es in the Hogue and Gresham, Oregon Cam eron mill and Ridge lum ber m ill, which has It tendency to, Saron Lutheran Church SAND Why Kill Your Wife? SAVE MONEY on clothes Portland-Gresham Stage LV. PORTI,AM» QAe Hark Hnd Vain hill LV. GRESHAM C owell A « « b e r ti P h on e MAIn 8611 P h o n e 1823 ■ 8:30 9 :30 10 :30 11 :30 12 :30 1 :30 2 :30 3:30 4 30 a. a. a. a. m . m . m , m . m.. P. B. P. B. P. B. P B. P. R. S:30 . 8 30 p. m P. ■ 7 .30 p. m., B «11 30 p m. B V. b. V. L. V. b. V. L. V. b. V. b. b. m. P. m. B. m P. m. B. m P. o. m B. p. m P . p. m. B. p in P. p m , B. 5 :3 0 p. m. P. X« 30 p. m. B ■ 8 :30 p. m B. ■7 :00 8 : 30 9 30 10 :30 11 :30 12 :30 1 :30 2 30 3 :30 4 30 a. a. a. a. a. Electric Ironer V. b. V. b V. b. V. b. V. I.. V. b. L. ¿ S u n d a v s ah d H o lid a y s on ly. «S atu rd ay«, S u n d a y s and H o lid a y s ■ D ally ex cep t S u n d a y s and H o lid ays. p . V.— P o w ell V a lley . B. L.— B a se Line. O w ned an d op erated by W hy Iron by hand? CLEARANCE SALE % - Miss Halsey P h o n e 1901 G resh am The place of honor on the Thanksgiving table is held by the Turkey, therefore you want the best that is to he had. In order to insure yourself the best turkey your roaster should he one that roasts him to that appetizing brown tender yet firm enough to not fall to pieces and retaining the moist­ ure w’hich makes the r^eat sweet and juicy. That part of the dinner can easily be obtained if he is roast­ ed in a J. R. KNARR $"^.50 I. E. METZGER GEO. LEWIS & SON GENERAL HAULING 6 Entire Stock of Felt Hats E very hou sew ife w a n ts Io use p len ty of linen fo r fam ily and guest«. But o rd in a rily it is used s p a rin g ly w hen it m e a n s h a c k -b re a k in g h o u rs o v er th e iro n in g hoard. T h e T h o r F o ld in g Iro n e r b rin g s a new o rd e r of th in g s. I a b le linen, bed lin en , etc., can he ironed q u ick ly w h ile s ittin g dow n. Yon can be e x tra v ­ a g a n t w ith th e use of linen an d n e v e r n o tic e th e d ifferen ce w hen u sin g th e T h o r. And th e linen lias a lu stro u s sh een im possible to get w ith a han d iron. 'Ihis'IhorIroner irons shirts, dreftes-even ruffled things G ra v e l Friday and Saturday, November 5 and L IN E N S W e a r-E v e r Alum inum Roaster $ 4 *^0 No. 2, Regular $6.65, Special... $ 5 * ^ ^ No. 3, Regular $7.20, Special... $ 6 * ^ 0 W earever Alum inum R oasters a re m ade of h ard e r, th ick er abeet aium ipnm . They will beat evenly, cook thoroughly and save fuel. For lender. Juicy, flavorful roast« —a W earever R oaster. You’ll find them useful all the year around for o th e r purposes besides roasting. No. 1, Regular $5.45, Special... WtARCVEi L L. KIDDER HWE. CO. Exclusive Agents in Gresham Main Street Phone 1421