TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS G resham O utlook VOL. 1«, NO. 52 GRESHAM. MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1»“.*« GRESHAM PEOPLE CLUB WORK WINNERS SEE NATIONAL PARKS ENJOY HIGH HONORS Schneider-for-District-Attorney Campaign Launched in County AUTOS ANO ( YULES WILL RACE VI McMINNVILLE T W IC E A W EEK 21.50 Per Year PREMIUM AWARDS ENDED HEREWITH John Flem ing, of T routdale, an all- Cham pionship auto and m otorcycle around club w orker of M ultnom ah races a re billed for Sunday afternoon, county, is enjoying a w ell-earned trip Septem ber 5. at th e McMinnville Speedway under auspices of the V et­ Mrs. Ethel Miller, her m other, Mrs. to southern Oregon as th e aw ard for (Continued from last issue) high scoring at the 1925 Oregon sta te era n s of F oreign W ars of Oregon. E lizabeth McLain and nephew, W il­ Many new en tries are being received liam McLain, w ith Miss M arian Rob- fair. Two boys and two girls com- HORTICULTURE. for the au to races and m ore reco rd s ertson, retu rn ed S aturday from a 17- ' p arty w h ic h j e f t A shland. C a m p a i g n B ooster C lub O rgan ized in G re.h am Apples. will undoubtedly fall before th e la st day trip w hich included a Five boxes— 1st C. X. Mickelsen, race is finished. All th e ca rs th a t P o rtlan d : 2d H. E. Ball, Boring. and R ousing MaSS M eetin g P lan n ed th ree of the principal national p arks tional park w here they will rem ain took p art in th e last m eet w ill be on | T h ree boxes— 1st C. N. Mickelsen. of the United S tates, the O rand C an­ until next S atu rd ay as guests of j hand and in addition to a su b stan tia l I P late display, five specim ens, O rtley yon of the Colorado, the Bryce canyon R ichard P rice, m an ag er of th e L ith ia i 1st C. N. M ickelsen: 2d F. A. G reg­ cash aw ard, th is race will be a b attle — and Zion national park, the la st two hotel at A shland and C rater lake ! ory, P ortland. lodge. from s ta rt to finish and it is predicted i P late display. A rk an sas B lacks— 1st located in southern Utah. T he th ree Young F lem ing w ith his com panions , The S ch n eider-for-D istrict-A ttorney th a t th e w inner will have to closely I C. N. M ickelsen: 2d Mrs. Alice W elbes, p ark s w ere m ade th e p roperty of the appro ach th e w o rld ’s record tim e in T routdale. scored highest in all In d u strial club cam paign was form ally launched at a United States by an act of 1920. M otorcycles otorcycles troin from ull all Mrg W ealthy— 1st C. N. Mickelsen, 2d o rd er to win. M work d ep artm en ts at th e fair a year i booster com m ittee m eeting held Wed A„ ce Welbeg D uring the trip they encountered ago. The boys specialized in live­ nesdav night at th e G resham city hall sections of Oregon and W ashington D uchess O hlenberg—1st F. A. G reg­ several severe electrical storm s, also have entered for th e cham pionship ory, 2d E. J. G radln, G resham . neared th e vicinity of a d isastro u s stock a t th e fair and th e g irls fea­ at w hich tim e plans w ere u n dertak en Rome B eauties— 1st C. N. M ickelsen, events in th is class and some real r i l ­ w aterspout, but them selves suffered tured home econom ics and dom estic to secu re for A ttorney Clifford G. 2d Mrs. Alice Welbes. science. Besides being en tertain ed a t S chneider th e stroifgest possible su p ­ ing is assured. no inconvenience. An in te restin g G rim es Golden— 1st C. N. Mickelsen, In addition to the m otorcycle races 2d Mrs. G. W. A lder, T routdale. sight in the Kaibad national forest ( ra te r lake th e club w orkers w ere port of ea ste rn M ultnom ah county. will be a com plete p rogram of m o to r­ Fall P ippin— 1st John Eggim an, w hich adjoins the G rand canyon w as quests of E. L. K ing, su p erin ten d en t M ontgom ery W est, of P o rtlan d . Mr. cycle stu n ts, such as tric k riding w ith B oring: 2d F. A. Gregory. th e vast num ber of deer w hich are of the S outhern Pacific lines a t a b a n ­ S ch n eid er's cam paign m anager, was Lady Apple— 2d C. N. M ickelsen. side car, broad jum ping, obstacle p rotected there. The m em bers of th e quet aboard his p riv ate ca r d u rin g th e p resen t and outlined th e needs and Hyslop Crab— 1st C. N. M ickelsen, races, and m any o th er th rillin g stu n ts. 2d E. J. G radln. p arty counted 1000, but it is supposed 1925 fair, in addition to receiving v al­ plans of th e cam paign. Mr. W est is T he featu re ride of th e day for th e G ravenstein— 1st Mrs. Alice Welbes, th a t th e re a re 30,000 deer in th e park. uable w atches provided w ith funds en th u siastic. He show ed th a t he was m otorcycles will be th e free-fo r-all for 2d C. N. Mickelsen. In Idaho they had the p le asu re of subscribed by th e pow er u tilities of h ea rt and soul for his candidate and T ran scen d en t— 1st F. A. G regory. the cup em blem atic of the cham pion­ w as ce rtain th a t w ith the cooperation driving for ten m iles in sig h t of a the state. W inter B anana— 1st C. N. Mickel­ The boys an d g irls scoring h ighest expected from th is and o th e r com ­ ship. sen. 2d Geo. M. Crane, Milwaukie. w onderful m irage of a large lake. W axen— 1st G. N. Sager, P o rtlan d ; A day w as spent at Salt L ake City a t th e com ing sta te fa ir w ill receive m u n ities Clifford G. Schneider would 2d Mrs. Alice Welbes. w here they listened to the stra in s of i prizes to be fu rn ish ed by th e b an k ers be our next d istric t atto rn ey . He was Ben Davis— 1st Mrs. G. W. Alder, the renow ned pipe organ, considered of th e state. They too will enjoy a | p re p a re ,j for a hot tight and showed I 2d C. N. Mickelsen. banquet to be given by Mr. King and j th a t he had his pockets full of high- King— 1st Mrs. Alice W elbes, 2d th e sw eetest toned in the world. This Mrs. Vera L. T ucker, G resham . pow er am m unition w hich he expect- o rgan w as co nstructed in 1870 and ex­ next year w ill go to C rater lake. Snow Apple— 1st C. N. Mickelsen, ' ed to use at th e o p p o rtu n e tim e as the cept for m inor re p a irs has not been ! Mr. and Mrs. W ill B lackburn and 2(1 Mrs. Mary M cLachlan. T routdale, changed since th a t tim e. They visited i cam paign progressed. J u s t w hat (L IF F O R D G. SCHNEIDER d aughter. F lossie oi A lbany, sp en t p C N M ickelsen, 2d j th ese le tte rs, affidavits and facts C andidate for Office of D istrict A ttor­ the Mormon tem ple sq u are and other W ednesday night w ith Mr. and Mrs. C. T oim ans Sw eet—1st Mrs. E dna M. places of in te rest around the city. A i gained from inv estig atio n s w ere or ney for M ultnomah County. A. C arothers. Mrs. B lackburn is a j Hall, T ro u td ale; 2d Mrs. Mary Mc- unique sight at th e lake w as th a t of from w hat source he did not disclose niece of Mr. C arothers. I L achlan. m any b ath ers in th e w ater floating in- ■ but he said he had enough in his pos­ hood and his stro n g q u alities of de­ Yellow T ra n sp a re n t—C. X. Mickel- F ree M ethodist Services. F red Schenk, of Mansfield, Ohio, a r- | 8en stead of sw im m ing. This is consid- : Sunday school w ill convene at 10 session to defeat th e p resen t incum ­ pendability and conscienciousness are rived W ednesday for a visit w ith his 1 Seedling—1st G. X. Sager, 2d F. A. ered a safe place to bathe as th e 22 ' O.clock tb e F ree Methodigt c h u rc h . bent, who is a can d id ate for re-elec­ recognized. b ro th er, John Schenk. Today they are G regory. per cent sa lt in the w ater keeps a co rn e r F o u rth and R obertg. T eachers tion, and p ut a clean, straig h t-fo rw ard O ther portions of the county will New Variety Seedling— 1st F. A. visiting a siste r a t Silverton. The G regory. person afloat reg ard less of his ability have bepn elected at a m eeting of tbe m an in his place. be governed by the a ttitu d e of G resh ­ b ro th ers had not m et for 26 years. W agners— 1st C. N. Mickelsen, 2d to swim. The re tu rn trip w as m ade ' Sunday schoo, b o ar„ tbjs week and It is realized th a t Mr. S chneider am locality. F or th is reason the first over a different ro u te from th e one classes are being reorganized for a has a stro n g h andicap to overcom e by ■ com m unity booster club has been o r­ Mr. and Mrs. W. D. K inder retu rn ed F. A. G regory. S pitzenbergs— 1st G. X. Sager, 2d they took in going and the en tire beginning of th e new Sunday school th e fact th a t S tanley Myers is the ganized here and the first m ass m eet­ last evening from a ten-day vacation Mrs. Alice Welbes. jo u rney w as m ost p leasan t and in­ ’ year. T w enty Ounce P ippin— 1st Mrs. G. p resen t incum bent and is well known. ing in the in terest of Clifford O. spent in W ashington. T hey first drove structive. Beginning th e com ing Sunday the He is a republican and th e county is Schneider for d istrict atto rn ey will be to S eattle, th en la te r to W alla W alla W. Alder, 2d G. N. Sager. Baldw ins— 1st O. N. Sager. 2d Mrs. 1 pastor, th e Rev. L. A. Skuzie, w ill atrongly rep u b lican , He also will held here. Also the first subscription w here Mr. K in d er's relativ es reside. Alice Welbes. T he trip from S eattle to e a ste rn Cecil Pulfer Weds Portland Girl. preach on th e fu n d am en tals of th e have plenty of m oney com ing from list to provide funds for th e cam paign Jo n a th an s— 1st E. J. G radln, 2d F. T he m arria g e of Cecil P u lfer, for- Bible. “Convictions” will be th e topic sources w ith w hich he is in in tim ate | W ashington over the Snoqualm ie pass A. Gregory. will be sta rted here. F or th ese re a ­ M ammoth Crab, 1st G eorge K nier- °< G resham , ^and Miss A nnette , for Snnday m o rllin „ touch to use in m aking his election sons it is th e m ore Im portant th a t th is w as a m ost d elightful one. i iem, Corbett. Bigbee, of P ortland, w as solem nized Mrs. G. W. McWillis, of Soap Lake, A num ber are plan n in g to atten d the secure. com m unity and the folks who know F lorence Crab— 1st E. J. G radiu. at th e P u lfe r home on E ast 39th stre e t d istric t q u a rte rly m eeting w hich will As an offset, In S ch n eid er’s favor is A ttorney Schneider so w ell p ut them - W ashington, a sister-in -law of Mrs. P ears. in P o rtlan d W ednesday evening in the ! bp held from F rid ay to Sunday in- Idaho— 1st Mrs. Alice W elbes, 2d th e fact th a t he c a rrie s an absolutely selves into th is cau se w ith all the Mary H olgate, h as been visiting her presence of the relatives of the tw o I elusive at th e P o rtlan d F irs t church. clean b an n er free from suspicion of energy and sup p o rt possible for the and has sp en t sev eral days w ith C. N. Mickelsen. co n tra ctin g p arties and a few outside . B eu rre Bose— 1st F. A. G regory. duplicity. He is a young atto rn ey 1 sake of th e resu lts and as an exam ple j frien d s at E stacada, Comice— 1st Mrs. V era L. T ucker. friends. Miss M artha H agberg, of G resham Tem ple Services. Mr. anil Mrs. K. O 'Leary left y es­ w ith good tra in in g and ability and is and in sp iratio n io all o th er com m uni­ Flem ish B eauty— 1st Mrs. Alice G r e s l . w a s am ong those p resen t D uring th e absence of th e p asto r, energetic, am bitious and fearless w ith ties, P o rtlan d included. terd ay for S acram ento, C alifornia, to Well, •«, 2d Mrs. Ü. W. Aider. and she sang, accom panying h erself the Rev. S. F. P itts, who will conduct Sickle— 1st Mrs. Alice Welbes. high ideals w hich a re needed in the D on't forget th e m ass m eeting to be be gone several weeks. R o b ert Mc­ B a rtle tt— 1st G. N. Sager, 2d Mrs. t piano.» The bride was attended ¡ a tw o-w eeks’ cam paign in S eattle be- county p ro sec u to r's office. Mr. Schnei­ D onald, of P o rtlan d , Is doing th e r e ­ held In M etzger’s hall next W ednesday I Alice Welbes. by h er sister, and P ercy P ulfer, ginning A ugust 29, E vangelist H. L. p air w ork in th e re a r of th e Quinby P. H arry—1st F. A. G regory. b ro th er of the groom, w as best man. Stenberg and wife, of Silverton, will der. it Is tru e, belongs to th e m inority night, S eptem ber 1. It w ill be stric t- W inter Nellis 1st F. A. G regory, 2d p arty , b u t th a t’s noth in g ag ain st him )y a S chn eid er-fo r-D istrict-A tto rn ey g arag e during Mr. O’L eary ’s absence. R efreshm ents w ere served. The couple fill his pulpit. Sunday school w ill Mrs. E. E. W elling Is 111 a t h er ! Jo,in ERRiman. p ersonally. The electo rs of th e coun- cam paign rally and all men and wom- w ill reside in P ortland w here Mr. P u l­ m eet as usual at 10 o’clock. T here B euerre A njon— 1st Mrs. A. W elbes. home w ith tro u b le p ertain in g to her F all B u tter— 1st G. N. S ager, 2d fer is engaged as a salesm an for an will be preach in g Sunday afternoon ty have h ereto fo re elected an out- en wbo would like to be inform ed on sta n d in g ’man to im p o rtan t office from (be can d id ate and reaso n s for back- eyes. She h as been having them < *. n . Mickelsen. autom obile com pany. at 2 o’clock by Mrs. S tenberg and s e r­ th e m in o rity p arty , and th e re is a co n ­ New Variety Seedlings— 1st G. N. ing him and give th e a ssu ra n ce of trea ted for som e tim e past. vices w ill also be held again Sunday viction th a t the office of d istric t at- Mr. and Mrs. G eorge K enney left j Sager. th e ir assista n ce and su p p o rt should be Service Station Gets Im provem ent. evening at 7:45. T h ere w ill be p ray er torney should be above petty p olitics . pregent T h e r e ’will be a h alf dozen th is m orning for a few days’ rec re a- i P lum s. The Twelve-M ile Service station, of m eeting T uesday evening and th e and th a t v o ters should look to th e I speakers, of both p arties and a cam- Ten or m ore B radshaw — 1st C. N. tlon at Seaside. M ickelsen, 2d Mrs. C. O. H orning, w hich E. H. R ueppell Is th e pro p rie- I young people’s Bible study will be Mrs. M. Norby and fam ily expect to Q resham c h a ra c te r and ab ility of th e m an r a th - p a ign fund will be raised. 2d A. E. Byron, Boring, to r. Is being m ore fully equipped by b ejd F r jday evening, er th an th e political p arty to w hich he The local booster com m ittee chosen, leave early In S eptem ber for Stockton, i Heine C de R auvay— 1st F. A. th e addition of a num ber of new de- J The cam p m eeting closed Sunday C alifornia, w here Mr. Norby Is w o rk -I G regory m ay p erchance belong. m any of whom w ere p resen t at the p artm en ts. A new ca r w asher is one j evening and th o se in terested a re well CoeB Ooldeu Drop— 1st L ucinda It Is acknow ledged th a t if S chneider first m eeting, are as follow s: K. A. ing at the p a in te rs’ trade. W heeler, Boring. of th e conveniences at the statio n , pleased w ith th e outcom e. Many con- A. Boese moved w ith his fam ily to Hlu<* Damson— 1st E. J. G radiu, 2d w hich will be a big im provem ent. It versions a re rep o rted and a g eneral is elected it m ust be by enough rep u b ­ Miller, D. M R oberts, Ross Brown, Oregon City on W ednesday. They John Eggim an. is a 350-pound w ater p ressu re H ardy revival of all who took p a rt in the lican votes to overcom e his p arty Mrs. Minnie Brown, Mrs. Dan Murphy, have been occupying one of th e , Colum bia—1st M arg aret S t.C la ir, elec tric w asher and Is of the latest services is evident. It Is hoped th a t handicap. H is cam paign m anager re ­ Rev. E. G. Judd, Rev. S. F. P itts, Chas. H elney houses at T hird and R oberts. 2d G. N. Sager. alizes th is and he Is settin g ab o u t to Cleveland. A. W. M etzger, Bud W il­ Silver P ru n e— 1st G. N. S ager, 2d type. A b attery shop is also being a sim ilar cam p m eeting may be held Mr. anil Mrs. Ben Hoover and Mr. George M. Crane. erected and ignition w ork will be c a r ­ next year, although ea rlie r in th e se a ­ co n c en tra te votes on S chneider on the liams. E rn est S tra tto n , H. L. S t.C lair, P etite P ru n e— 1st Lucinda W heeler, broad and com m endable basis of c h a r­ L. L. K idder, F ran k Jo n es and C. J. and Mrs. Alex. Adams retu rn ed last ried on. A greasin g pit is to be In­ son. evening from Y achats w here they en ­ 2d E lva Dolan. G resham . L undquist. D. M. Roberts w as chosen ac te r and ability. stalled. also a tire shop w here v u l­ Peaches. If an opinion m ay be based on the p erm an en t ch airm an and J. Ross joyed a vacation of n early a week. canizing will be done la ter on. New Salw ay— 1st Methodist Episcopal Services. Mrs. G. A. Cox retu rn ed T h u rsd ay N. Mickelsen. F. A. G regory, 2d C. way th e stra w s a re blow ing In the Brown, secretary . re st room s a re to bp a p a rt of the Dr. John P arso n s will occupy the evening from S eattle w here she visit- , Lem on C ling—2d F. A. G regory. first flurries of th e cam paign th e re A finance com m ittee was appointed new equipm ent at the service station. p u lp it of the M ethodist Episcopal ed w ith m ore th an 20 relatives. At E arly C raw ford— 1st J. H. W atson, will be a host of rep u b lican votes c a st by th e chairm an. He nam ed K. A. Claude Stockton is in charge of the church Sunday m orning at 11 o’clock P o rtlan d ; 2d Mrs. Alice W elbes. re p a irs and im provem ents to the in the absence of th e re g u la r pastor. I on November 2, for Clifford G. Miller, Mrs. Dan M urphy and E. II. S eattle she joined her au n t, Mrs. Ida L ate C raw ford— 1st F. A. G regory, L inton who w as h ere about two weeks S tratto n . prem ises. It will probably be a m onth . Dr Pargong is well known In G resham i S ch n eld er- 2d E. J. Grudin. ago from Joplin, M issouri, and they J The local com m unity can be de­ T he G resham hand has been asked Five or m ore Apricots— 1st Mrs. before everything is In readiness for and alw ays preach es a fine serm on Alice W elbes, 2d E. J. G radiu. pended upon to stro n g ly if not u n an ­ to play several selections in th e hall enjoyed a trip to V ictoria, B. C. operation. and one full of in terest. T h ere will New V ariety Seedling P each —1st F. Mr. and Mrs. O m ar Kluni have im ously back th e m an so w ell known th a t being th e night of th e ir public be special m usic at th e m orning s e r­ H arm onica P la te r* Honored. moved from th e F irs t S tate hank A. G regory. and u n iv ersally liked in “his home concert. Cham pion Quince— 1st Mrs. E dna Inasm uch as the harm onica has had vice and stra n g e rs w ill be h eartily tow n” and in e a ste rn M ultnom ah, The sp eak ers will be announced building to room s In the W ithrow H all, T routdale. welcomed. E pw orth League devotion­ block and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brown I P ineapple Quince— 1st Mrs. Alice quite a vogue in th is locality, and we w here he has been know n from boy- later. j moved Into th e vacated ap artm en ts. Welbes. honor th e local a rtists, it Is in te re s t­ al service will be held at 7 o’clock in G runge Quince— 1st F. A. G regory, station. The F o ster road extends on Mr. Brown w orks In P o rtlan d and ing to note th a t the hum ble m outh o r­ th e p arlo r of th e church. CONTRACTS LET FOR 2d Mrs. Alice W elbes. T he Sunday evening program will gan h as had recognition a t the COUNTY ROAD WORK from D am ascus to B oring, h ut th e re ' Mrs. Brown w ill be a teach er in the Display Com m ercial P ack G rapes— seem to be no plans as yet to com plete Sandy schools. S esqui-centennial celebration in 'Phil­ consist of a stereopticon lectu re on 1st C. N. M ickelsen. Among th e road im provem ents w hich th e paving fu rth e r th an D am ascus for (See additional locals on page 4) adelphia. Six boyg from Dayton, P o rto Rico. This w ill be especially Dried Emit*. ____ F irs t prize in plate displuy of Ohio, m ade the trip, stayed th ree in te restin g as it depicts w ith over 60 I are R) beg jn sh o rtly th ro u g h o u t th e the , present. Cam pbell's E arly, Concord, D elaw are, . . is . . th e paving , a ,i „ ' weeks at th e exposition and w ere beautiful views . one of „ the m ost In- county o » f th e Section bracin g rail,w ate r and highw ay tr a n s ­ E atons, Moore’s E arly, Moore’s D ia­ I. ( .('. INVESTIGATES portation. g u ests of th e official harm onica band. te re stin g spots u nder th e s ta rs and | mond, N iagara, W orden g rap es and strip e s and also the home m isstonary ^In e road from E ast S2d stre e t to USE HE HIGHWAYS He was follow ed on the stnnd by Pacific and Ita lia n p ru n es wou by C. They w ere welcomed by Mayor K en­ work under foreign conditions. j G resham . A. D. K ern of P o rtlan d was L. D. C onrad, of the d ep artm en t of N. Mickelsen. drick and assisted in the dedication Bible school will convene at 10 1 successful In landing th is neat little ‘ ' ie im portance of Oregon and the public w orks, who subm itted reco m ­ B ist D isplay Dried C herries— 1st of the Ohio building. m endations w hich had been worked Mrs. Mary E. C rane, 2d Mrs. F ra n k o 'c lo c K k a a m anil n r r a a v je e r r m m eeting e e tin g is la 1 contrac.t w . hich . . ca . lls . . for an expend!- ,■ n o rth w est in th e series of h earin g s o t r a m u((Jale; 3d Jtmle to their fullest ex ten t, and that dis- Bpgt Forch Mrg F j tru c k and general in su ran ce see B. W. at 10 o'clock, followed by the E nglish i ly, about a m ile and a h alf In length, S aturday. d p i n ary action could be tak en very Gug,.well Oregban, : 2d Mrs. W alter T h o rne.—Adv. preaching services at 11 from th e I and paving of the Oregon City road The m ost com plete survey of au to ­ easily on any re c a lc itra n t or Inef- Forbeg; 3d Mrg. E ra 8tone m otive c a rrie rs yet m ade was sub- flclent o p erato r, th u s in su rin g th e ,,egt E xblblt H<)Uge p la n ts — 1st An engine th a t Im proves w ith use. topic, "P erso n al C h aracter." A s e r ­ into D am ascus for about the sam e d is­ miffed by the sta te of W ashington del- m axim um of serv ice to th e public. 1924 W illys-K night sedan, only ru n mon in the G erm an language w ill im- tan ce has also been finished th is year. ' gallon, headed by H. O. B erger and | T he au to stag e men subm itted evl- Mrs. W. H. Gibson, G resham . 12,000 m iles. Best buy of th e season. m ediately follow the E nglish services. | A nother piece of C lackam as county L D. Conrad, of the d ep artm en t of d en es show ing th a t th e ir business M rs '" J(K'* FrUz Aportl*an