5 T W IC E A W EEK G resham O utlook CHIROPRACTOR MOVES TO LARGER QUARTERS MUSICAL EVENTS TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS EX -TEA CH ER WINS IN PORTLAND JEW ELER IS P. E. P. UOMPANY GIRI, SPLITTING KINDLING $25.0(111 LIBEL CASE GIVEN STIFF SENTENCE ADOPTS NEW SCHEDULE NEARLY SEYER S THUMB Dr. M ary Becker yesterday moved T hose who have been follow ing th e T he ends of ju stice have been forcl An im p o rtan t change of schedule h er office and ch iro p ractic ex am in a­ Miss Mildred E isn er, a young lady Sam uelson libel case a t Oregon City bly upheld w hen th is week th e sta te of th e E stacad a and Bull Run train e w ho h as been m aking her home w ith tio n and tre a tm e n t room s from her „ in w hich Mrs. Sam uelson sued th e suprem e affirmed th e decree of th e has tak en place, to become effective h er sister, Mrs. B. F. P erry , residing resid ence on Main stre e t to the new PORTLAND SYMPHONY TO m em bers of th e Canby school board county circu it co u rt in th e case of q u a rte rs in th e north side of the PERFORM TWICE IN WEEK for $25,000 as the re su lt of discharg- F red erick L. Miller, a P o rtlan d jew el Sunday, F eb ru ary 7, on the In teru rb an tw o m iles so u th east of G resham , w as lines of the P o rtlan d E lectric Pow er th e victim of a d istressin g accident Sell building at Main and Second ------------ ing h er on ch arg es of im m orality ' er, who w as sentenced to serve 15 stre e t w hich have been undergoing F or the th ird ,im e th ls Beason- and com pany. The Cazadero local tra in T h u rsd ay evening when, engaged in w hich they brought ag ain st her, w ill m onths in the sta te p en iten tiary for renovation .and rem odeling for the Ineidentally for th e th ird tim e in its leaving P o rtlan d at 10:45 a. n r, and sp littin g kindling w ith w hich to s ta rt be in terested to learn th a t th e ju ry the death of Mrs. Alma H all who w as p ast m onth to m eet h er requirem en ts. h isto ry ’ the P o rtlan d Sym phony or arriv in g in G resham an h o u r later a fire, in some m an n er th e axe cam e aw arded the plaintiff th e sum of ' stru ck Ja n u a ry 23, 1925, by th e auto T A rem a rk a b le tran sfo rm atio n has been ch e stra will play tw o co n certs w ithin $1,000. It is thought th a t m ore th a n 1 mobile Miller w as d riving on Sandy will ru n to L ents Ju n ctio n only, th u s down on the g irl's hand instead of th e effected in the form er dingy building. a week. T his w ill be in th e week likely an appeal will be tak en by th e I boulevard n ear F airview as he was discontinuing service for points be­ wood w ith th e re su lt th e left thum b The color schem e thro u g h o u t is a com m encing F e b ru a ry 14. On Monday th ree m em bers of the school board, i speeding at an estim ated ra te of 45 or tw een C azadero and L ents. was n ea rly severed at th e Joint next T he tra in w hich has been leaving to th e hand and w as left hanging by a ch eerful buff w ith trim m ings of ivory night. F ebru ary 15, th e o rch e stra will The ju ry considered th a t Mrs. Sam uel- 50 m iles. M iller appealed to the su lending to th e paneled in te rio r a p a r­ give the seventh of th e re g u la r eve son w as en titled to about the am ount prem e co u rt, alleging th a t a num ber C azadero at 12:45, or known as the portion of the ligam ents. tic u la rly light and sunny aspect. The ning series of concerts. On S atu rd ay of a y ea r's sa lary on th e ground th a t of e rro rs had been m ade in th e low er 1:34 out of G resham from th e O. W. P. She w as Im m ediately brought to the depot, will be discontinued between ffoors of the reception room and p ri­ m orning, th e th ird and la st of th e office of a local physician w here m eas­ th e m em bers of the board had used court, but th ese w ere all overru led by G resham and Cazadero, but w ill o p er­ vate office a re covered w ith a brick series for young people will be given h a rsh language in effecting her dis- ' the higher trib u n al. u res to check tlie flow of blood w ere P o rtlan d concert-goers will be ex ­ ate front G resham to P o rtlan d , leav­ tile linoleum and th e floors of th e re tak en and then rem oved to the P o rt­ ch arg e from th e school. Mrs. Sam uel- A ccording to evidence introduced at m aining eight room s and hall a re also trem ely“ pleased w ith the anno u n ce­ son, form erly Miss Shaw , m arried one the tria l the jew eler, in com pany w ith ing at 1:50 p. in The tra in leaving land san ita riu m w here every effort is trea ted to a linoleum floor covering m ent th a t H arold B auer, w orld-fam ous of h er pupils, a boy I I y ears her a lady front P o rtlan d , w as driving out P o rtlan d at 6:45 p. m. on Sundays being m ade to save the in ju red m em ­ will ru n only to G resham , th e tra in C retonne hangings are in keeping w ith pianist, w ill play tlie fo u rth concerto junior. Sandy boulevard a t an excessive leaving here at 7:45 for C azadero to ber. At the Jiospltal she was put u n ­ of Ludw ig van Beethoven w ith th e o r­ th e g eneral decorations and add much der an an aesth etic and th e wound The deposed teach er says she co n ­ speed. Mrs. H all w as stru c k down be discontinued. chestra. The phenom enal success of to th e attractiv en e ss of the rooms. dressed. It w as found th a t th e cut sid ers th e aw ard in g of th e verdict is when she left th e m achine in which Changes have also been m ade on th e T h ere are two m ain operating rooms, E lly Ney's p erform ance of th e fifth a vindication of the ch arg es p referre d she w as riding w ith her d au g h ter, Mrs. extended diagonally th e e n tire length one containing th e high-frequency Beethoven concerto last m onth has ag ain st her. She has been clerk in g in Sue Bunn, to cro ss th e street. She w as Mt. Hood division. The tra in leaving of th e first phalanx, th e bone being electric m achine and th e o th e r the w hetted the ap p etite of the P o rtlan d a P o rtlan d d ep artm en t sto re, but now I th ro w n 30 feet, killing her alm ost in P o rtlan d for Hull Run at 12:45 will sp lit en tirely in tw o pieces. S everal th e ra p eu tic su n lig h t room, each de­ m usic lovers for th ese w orks, and with d eclares her in ten tio n of seeking stan tly . M iller’s m achine, a fte r strik - o p erate to th e G resham O. W. P. s ta ­ ten d o n s w ere reunited and th e w ound­ signed fo r a special line of treatm en t. the assu ra n ce th a t th e fourth concerto an o th er position as teach er. H er boy ing Mrs. H all, crash ed th ro u g h a fence tion and re tu rn to P o rtlan d from th a t ed thum b restored to its norm al posi­ depot, leaving at 2:50. No tra in will tion, w ith tlie hope th e re w ill be su f­ Two bath room s in w hich are given is second to none in th e Beethoven husband is now atten d in g high school and snapped off a telephone pole, leave the Mt. Hood depot for Bull Run ficient circu latio n to save it. The a t ­ the electric sw eat bath and th e elec­ rep e rto ire for pianoforte and o rch es­ in P o rtlan d . It is said the total cost Mr. Miller, who is p resid en t of the tric m ineral bath are im p o rtan t p a rts tra , they are looking fo rw ard with of th e tria l to Mrs. Sam uelson has Miller & Co., jew elers a t 330 A lder a t 1:50, nor w ill th e re be th e 3:30 ten d in g physician sta te d th a t Miss tra in leaving G resham from th a t depot E isn er w as p erfectly culm and co llect­ of th e ch iro p rac tic facilities. In a d ­ m uch pleasu re to th is event. exceeded $12 street, said th a t a petition would be for P o rtland. Mr. van H oogstraten will fill in the dition th e re a re d ressing room s and ed about th e m atter and m ade no out- m ade for a re-h earin g th ro u g h his a t ­ rest room s, w ith priv ate office and re- program w ith tw o num bers o^ m ore B aptist Church. m u ' tr , - cry any Aside from being torneys. Joseph H ainm ersley, chief ’ ception room n ear the fro n t entrance. m oderate length. He will open w ith i ex trem ely w eak from loss of blood, T he services w ill be held in J. E deputy d istric t atto rn ey , said th a t MINS MILDRED ZEEK IS the o rc h e stra l scherzo, "L 'A pprentl- Dr. Becker sta te s she has literally HONORED BI SHOWER h er physical condition is norm al. M etzger's hall over the fu n eral p ar- when the su p rem e co u rt had passed outgrow n her offices in h er residence. S o rc ier” of P aul D ukes, one of the lors and fu rn itu re sto re next Sunday, on a sentence, a petition for a re-h ear- Two social affairs have been given A fter ,h e acc,d en t the K*rl Hald sh « W ith a co n stan tly Increasing practice leading m odern com posers. T his w ork th e Bible school beginning at 10 a. m. j ing w as seldom successful. U nless recently in honor of Miss Mildred Zeek w as jU8t ° " th e point of lu ittin g her th e room s for tre a tm e n t a t her home is fa n ta stic and very tum ultous. whose m a rriag e to George B randt will w ork when ,h e «“ fo rtu n a te o ccurrence T he program w ill close w ith th e and th e m orning church service at 11 Miller succeeds in w inning executive w ere becom ing m ore and m ore inade­ o'clock. The in term ed iate society will clem ency, he has sm all ch ance to es- be an event of next week at the home took p lace' ever-popular sym phonic su ite of quate. She cam e to G resham about m eet a t 5:30. The B. Y. P. U. at 6 and cape the priso n term . of her p are n ts a t L ebanon, Oregon. “Scheherazade." four y ea rs ago from P ortland. She is R im sky-K orsakov, the evening service will com m ence a t It is predicted th at th e infliction of The brid e-elect's aunt, Mrs. A nnie JURY LIST DRAWN EDR This w ork has only been heard a few a g rad u a te of the Pacific C hiropractic MULTNOMAH DISTRICT :30. th is stiff sentence as a p en alty for H evel, gave a show er for her F rid ay College in th a t city and p rio r to ta k ­ tim es in P ortlan d , and it is too co lo r­ reckless driving will do much to curb evening at h er home, at w hich tim e Tiie ju ry list for ju stice of the peace ing up w ork there, had studied in Iowa ful and too vivid to m erit an early I his m enace, locally at least. about 20 g u ests w ere present. Miss co u rt of M ultnom ah county, covering TROUTDALE death. One of the them es, o ccu rrin g and also in B attle Creek, M ichigan. At E lla B aker and Miss Mildred Zeek c a r ­ th e p recin cts In G resham and vicinity, th e la tte r place she had been a pupil in th e excerpt “The Young P rin ce and Vivian Copeland, who has been quite ARTHUR F. NIII.I.ER ried off th e honors for original gam es. w ere draw n on F eb ru ary 1 by John the Young P rin c e ss” is widely known. of B e rn a r M cFadden, founder of th e ill w ith pneum onia, is some improved SU FFER S PARALYSIS Mauy beautiful gifts w ere received by Brown, ju stice of tlie peace, assisted w ell-know n m agazine, “Physical C ul­ a t th e present. Miss Zeek and la ter in th e evening by A. J. W. Brown ami C. II. K eller. tu re .” Dr. B ecker w as th e first n u rse LOCAL BOY RATES \S Mr. and Mrs. Ju liu s L am pert a re the A rth u r F. M iller, fa th e r of K. A. Mil­ dainty refre sh m e n ts w ere served. PRO-MIS’ SINGER Tlie list Is m ade up of fifty free h old­ to be em ployed by Dr. M cFadden in happy p aren ts of a d au g h ter born J a n ­ ler, of G resham , is seriously ill a t his A gain on T uesday evening th e young B attle Creek. W illie’-' E lliott, form er G resham u ary 28. The new baby's nam e Is home a t 1581 M ilwaukie stre e t, P o rt- ladies of the local telephone exchange ers in seven p recin cts w itliln the ju r is ­ diction of the court. They w ere draw n 1 ’’ • •< high school stu d en t, bids fair to L enora Josephine. ; land, th e re su lt of a series of p ara ly tic met at th e hom e of Miss B ernice Beers WRECKING OE BIT I.D I'"' The ‘old fashioned dance" given in stro k es w hich he lias suffered during and su rp rised Miss Zeek. who wus fo r­ In tlie la rg e r num bers from G resham gain p o pularity as a concert sin g er if BEGINS ON ” zi VEL l ST the predictions of his friends and the the city hall last S atu rd ay night by the past few days. The first stro k e oc- p rec in cts for the convenience of s e r­ m erly a m em ber of th e sw itchboard vice and saving of costs. From long assum ption of a noted P o rtlan d te ac h ­ the P aren t-T ea ch e r circle w as consid- cu rred on S atu rd ay and has been fol- B uilding operatio n s have been mov staff. Salad and cake w ere served and ex perience it has been found th a t ing along brisk ly in connection w ith er of the voice count for anything. He yred a g reat success. The sam e com- lowed by o th e rs th is week. T his again a num ber of p leasing gifts w ere those living at a d istan ce do not fa­ sung over th e P o rtlan d m ittee will give an o th er dance Feb- m orning it w as rep o rted th a t his left received by the guegt of honor. Those the new block to be operated by A. J has vor m aking long trip s ami leaving broadcasting station, KFWV. "the ru a ry 13th. side ¡8 paralyzed, although th e h ea rt present w ere Miss Mildred Zeek, Miss W. Brow n on E ast Pow ell stree t. As I th e ir w ork for the sumII pay received Mrs. Mary P arso n s and d au g h ter, action is stro n g and It is possible h E lla Baker, Miss L illian M arkw art, th e by jurorg according soon as th e c o n tra c t for the $26,000 voice from Mt. T ab o r,” with g reat su c ­ M r. Brown. Tin cess and has also been heard in the Faye, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. m ay yet rally if th e h eart rem ain s un stru c tu re was definitely aw arded to Misses O ra and Oral Sweek. Miss Alice follow ing Hre t h. Ju ro rs with th e ir C. E. Sw allow of P ortlan d , w orkm en M ultnom ah th e a te rs on the E ast Side B radley's home. affected. H ow ever, he is lying in P eterson, Miss Irm a G ates and Miss j p rec ln ct num bers T he la tte r have Mr. and Mrs. Bancke, son and d au g h ­ stu p o r and th e end is not unexpected In a recent interview w ith T aglieri w ere sen t im m ediately to begin th e B ernice Beers. been recen tly changed by action of te r from Longview sp en t th e w eek-end Mr. M iller Is 83 y ears old. w recking of the old building andcthis one of P o rtla n d 's finest voice te ac h ers tlie county au th o rities. is now going forw ard rapidly. If he said th a t w ith p ro p er train in g W il­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H ailey K. A. M iller has rem ained at th e FAIR BOARD APPROVES P recin ct 503, P ercy Giese, A. Dever- PURCHASE OF PROPERTY w eath er conditions rem ain as favor­ liam 's voice would easily develop into and atten d ed the old tim e dance. bedside of lifs fa th e r for v ary in g In eaux, C. F. Kuegg. Mr. and Mrs. R ichard K n arr have a concert voice of q u ality . H is notes able as du rin g th e p ast half of the te rv a ls d u rin g th e past sev eral days. A pproval of th e w ork of th e com ­ P recin ct 504, Jam es D ickson, M. w inter, the building will no doubt take a re of a ten o r range, although he can moved into th e ir new home, w hich is The strick en man Is widely known m ittee of the fair hoard delegated to recen tly com pleted, up at Sandy Dell. handle the low notes w ith ease. In Norby, P ete r W elland, Win. K oerner, on rapid strides. both In P o rtlan d and G resham an p u rch ase additional land for th e fair The L adies’ Aid m et W ednesday thro u g h o u t th e state. F or m ore tha A. W atson. W hile the m eat m ark et will be m ore addition to being able to sing he has w as expressed at the re g u la r m eeting with Mrs. W ill Spence. T h ere w as a achieved local fam e as a w histler, but P re cin c t 505, Roy Stone, Ed. H esiin, half a ce n tu ry he has been in terested of th e board last n ig h t a t the city hall, or less inconvenienced by the w ork incident to building, Mr. Brown h as let he has been advised to eith er drop one good crow d attended and afte r the in civic Im provem ent, both locally and w hich was attended by a large num ­ J. H. P eterson, C. P. Stone. it be know n his custom ers w ill receive or the o th e r of th ese and has decided m eeting a dainty lunch w as served by otherw ise. He has been an ard e n t ber of th e d irecto rs. J, V. Cogswell P re cin c t 506, H arry B ram hail. th e sam e courteous tre a tm e n t as fo r­ to desist from w histling and devote all Mrs. E unice Robinson and Mrs. Chas su p p o rter of th e C hautauqua associa reported for the com m ittee, th e o th er P recin ct 607, Mrs. K. A. Miller. Scott. his energy to voice cu ltu re. tlon and of th e sta te fair and Mult m em bers of w hich w ere T. R. H ow ltt, Em m a M anning, G reg Cox, H. 8. H a r­ m erly in the m a tte r of service. Mrs. F red P elton sp en t last. F riday nomah county fair, serv in g as secre "B ill”, as his frien d s call him, was Chas. Cleveland, H A. Lewis and A. vey, J. H. M etzger, Ben M athews, Geo. form erly a m em ber of a q u a rte t at in G resham v isitin g h er old tim e ta ry of th e co unty fa ir for several Gresham Beauty Slioppe W. Metzger. The deal, w hich has a l­ Leslie, G eorge W. K enney , F red everything in the line of cosm etic high school under th e direction of Miss friend, Mrs. Jo h n Bliss. Mrs. Bliss years. W hen th e M iller in te re sts be ready been closed, gives th e fair about Beechil, Ed. B aum ann. th erap y . C ourteous and efficient D orothy Dickey. He is th e son of Mr. and Mrs. Pelton w ere schoolm ates. camo m erged In th e Bank of G resham ten additional acres of land, m aking P recin ct 508, Mrs. Le V aughn Sm ith, treatm en t. Mrs. Lois St. C lair, F irs t and Mrs. Edw ard L. E llio tt of Powell B issinger & Com pany plan to s ta rt Mr. M iller becam e p resid en t of th e in S tate Bank building, phone 1841, m ore th an 50 In all. T he new tra c t Mrs. C lara P u lfer, Mrs. A. Meyers, o p eratio n s a t th e wool p u llery th e stltu tio n and continued In th a t capaci V alley and is 18 y ea rs of age. G resham .—Adv. extends north nnd fro n ts on the Sec­ A nna Full, G ertru d e B. Klnyon, Annie 10th of F eb reary and it is hoped to be ty for a n um ber of y ears tion L ine road for about 250 feet, and Hevel, B. W. Em ery, K III m Davidson, Money to loan on real eslate. Farm able to ru n through. S hortage of p elts F ree Methodist Services. extends w est to the grove opposite th e H. W. Cqoley, Thos. W iles, Geo. Cur- loans at 6 per cent. B W T horne Hethodist Episcopal Church. has caused th is p lan t to close. The reg u la r session of Sunday Bilile school m eets at 10 o'clock with Beaver S tate factory. W ith th is a d ­ rin , J. G. M etzger, F ra n k Gibbs, Roy Mrs. L u n b u rg and Mrs. Blaine T u r­ school at th e F ree M ethodist ch u ren classes fo r all ages, good te ac h ers, a ditional tr a c t It will be possible to Gibbs, A. B ru n n er, Jo h n Bliss. ner of F airview w ere in T ro u td ale * will begin a t 10 o'clock Sunday, fol­ co n stru c t a sta n d ard race trac k which P re cin c t 509, Mrs. H ilda G ustafson, h earty w elcom e for stra n g e rs and lowed by th e preach in g service a t 11 Monday aftern o o n visiting Mrs. F red prom ises to be one of th e finest half- Mrs. F ra n k H einey, C. W. Guile, A. H. profitable tim e for all. Pelton. by th e p astor, the Rev. W. T. Klotz- D ow sett, E. M. Camp, P a t Collins, Im m ediately follow ing th e service m ile tra c k s on the coast. bach, from the text, “H ave Faith In T he land was p u rch ased in various BenJ. Cam eron, II. (). Boswell. S unday m o rn in g th e re will be a p o t­ Jod.” FAIRVIEW P re c in c t 510, K. J. Ilag b erg , Sam luck lunch and business m eeting of p arcels and at prices differing ac co rd ­ The young people’s m eeting con­ T H R A F T M A C K . A The ladies of the M ethodist E pisco­ the Bible school board In th e base ing to th e value, but ran g in g from C a rre ll, A lfred Aim. venes a t 7 p. m., followed by p rea ch ­ H 0 E T E H I E I N ing again a t 8. T he w eekly prayer pal ch u rch met a t th e home of Mrs. Blent of th e church. B usiness of itn- $700 to $1000 per acre. T he to tal cost was $8275. Garden Service. E N Q B E S S N N D m eetings are held T h u rsd ay evenings. Ira Brooks W ednesday to com plete th e p o rtan ce ca lls for th e atten d an ce of T he publicity com m ittee for the fair P ru n in g , landscaping, law ns, spad- sew ing fo r th e b azaar w hich will be every te ac h er and officer. 0 U T R R S 0 T D All a re welcome to all of th ese se r­ was nam ed last night, consisting of | 01,1 fashioned g ard en s a specialty. held on the 12th of F eb ru ary in th e M orning w orship and serm on w ill E R E H U E I C S L I. O. W ilson and Ju liu s Meier of P ort- 1Complete line of fru ,t a ,“ > o rn am e n tal B vices. au d ito riu m of the Fairview school- be at 11 o'clock. Dr. C. W. H uett, th« tree s and sh ru b s for sale. W. W. X A S E A 0 I Y R house. I t was decided to hold th e pastor, will p reach tak in g as a them« land and H. L. S t.C la ir. Stowe, phone 321.— ■Adv. Zion 1, angelical Services. C onsiderable Inform al discussion | su p p er and sale at th e place named "Th< P erfect Man." T h ere will be Q B T R W N A P I S unday school at th e Zion Evangel ra th e r th an in the city hail w here it special m usic by the choir. A com ­ was had concerning th e landscape o f ) Make your telep h o n e earn you m ore U L E M Y I A L E N N the grounds near the e n tra n ce of th e by connecting it w ith a w unt ad ical church will begin at 10 a. in. Sun- has taken place heretofore, as Mrs. I E D L R R G day. to be followed by p reaching ser- Elsie L angley has rented the dining fo rtab le seat and a welcome aw ait all. fair grounds, hut definite action In the Ju n io r E pw orth League m eets at S T L Y T N W vices at 11 o'clock from the topic, room of th e city haU for a sto re build 3:30 p. m. T he ju n io rs, follow ing th e m a tte r was deferred to a la ter m eet­ I C A E I P D I Y “T houghts T aken C aptive.” T he sen-1 ing. T h ere will be a m iscellaneous lead -et by th e Bunday school, is in ing. Mr. Cogswell w as authorized to p ro ­ T 0 T C N B W M L E T 0 lor league w ill convene at 7:30 p. m. booth at th e b azaar consisting of all th e m idst of a co n test and atten d a n ce E M H T E O E A 8 H U and th e topic. “W hat Does C h ristian kinds of a rtic le s su itab le for sp ring and in te rest a re grow ing apace. All sed with the sale of fair stock and he E ndeavor Mean to Me?' will be d is-j and sum m er. The parcel post, candy boys and g irls of g ram m ar school age will im m ediately begin tlie canvass. P U H R T C R cussed. An adjo u rn ed m eeting of the board and fo rtu n e te llin g booth will be com- are invited. P A R A K E E Y Open Beason now. We All friends and such folks who have , bined in one and will be in ch arg e of Tin- sen io r E pw orth le a g u e m eets at will be held on F e b ru a ry 18. have it all the tim e, L N C C N N 0 B no church home a re cordially invited 1 Mrs. R achel A nderson. S upper will 6:45 for Its devotional serv ice with Baud < o n re rt Pletioew I,urge Audience. the best too W eather E Y H H G 0 W D U E to attend all these m eetings. be served from 5:30 until 8. P lan s are Guy R u sh er as leader. Yraing people T he larg e au dience w hich listened ley’H, Get ‘D ix ies” being m ade for a m usical program , a re invited and expected, older ones A 0 A 0 H I R 8 to the sacred co n cert given at the here also. G resham I ndenom inalionul Service«. which w ill be announced later. A good are a w ays welcomed T he League 8 I 0 0 D 0 A L T T Sunday school will convene Sunday tim e is prom ised and everyone is In­ closet pro m p tly a t 7:15 leaving a b u n ­ M ethodist E piscopal ch u rch la st B un­ day evening by the G resham hand was S N N D D R L 0 A at 10 o'clock a t th e G resham U nde­ vited. dant tim e to s ta r t th e evening service n th u slasllc over the splendid p ro ­ 8 U L E nom inational tem ple and at 2 p. m. th e G a Mrs. L angley has ren ted th e low er prom ptly at 7:30, which lasts one Hon Hons in hulk or E H U W E M S B G G A Rev. 3. F. P itts will preach. A youtyt p art of th e city hall and will move h er hour. T h ere w ill be special m usic gram and th e fine perfo rm an ce of the box. Don’t forget that hand, under its leader. Dr. H. C. Jo h n ­ U E E E R U D p eo p les m eeting will be held at 6:15 stock of m erchandise and th e post- th a t will be w orth w hile for one to son. The house was filled to capacity, 8 U Feb. 14 m eans a box Sunday evening, after w hich preach - office th e re from th e Cady b u ilding as sp ite of the heavy rain th a t evening 0 Y D of candy for your Val­ S S 0 A S Y ing services will he held, the song se r- soon as co u n ters and shelving can be m ak. a real effort to hear. Two solos and peclal In stru m en tal m usic will and some w ere tu rn ed aw ay The au- en tine. F N I F M C T vice to begin at <:30. P ra y er m eeting arran g ed . be preceded by a co ngregational song dtence gave s risin g vote of th a n k s to E 0 C A E F will be held on T uesday evening and The pupils of th e upper g rades of servn e. Dr. H uett will ta k e for th e Dr. Johnson and th e m em bers of the Y S N F D P R Bible study F riday evening All a re , the F airview school enjoyed a p arty in subject for th e evening's service "T he band for th is program , which w as glv- Our custom ers are sat- the au d ito riu m of th e schoolhouse New T estam en t Idea of H ell”, not en to th e ch u rch g ra tis 0 D A I E T R I welcome to each service. ified, they say so. Our T h u rsd ay evening. T he ch ild ren r e ­ w hat men believe but w hat th e Naw — "_____- -------------------------- — U A H N F H E E Berry Growers Attention. first thought is for our port a delightful tim e A luncheon day evenings beginning at 7 Jit by l)r R Y 0 D T I S N All b erry grow ers who are not u n ­ was served by the te ac h ers and a few custom ers T uesday evening a t 7:45 official II. Collins on "F u n d am en tal P rin cl- der co n tract, ATTENTION. Call H. O. of the m others. ■ Y S I D Andrew board will m eet In the p asto r's study, pies of H ealthy L iving.” All a re wei- , 896. for valuable inform ation E N M ember« a re expected, o th e rs a re wel- come. concerning th is y e a r’s crop.—Adv. Wladew fle a a la g T he T h u rsd ay evening p ray e r aer- C For expert window cleaning see 8 corned. Don't forget the advertisers when TsJIma, or leave order« with John Speeial free lectu res will he given vice and S crip tu re stu d y begins at E P hon e 2351 Gresham jyou need anything in their line. Brown, Orethani, phone 2M1. a t th e c h a rc h T uesday and W ednes- ¡7:3«. All a re co rd ially invited An Invitation to the Ladies •o f Gresham and Vicinity Oscar Says— Brick Ice Cream II K Confections Hot Lunches The Oscarette