T W IC E A W EEK G resham O utlook % VOL. 11, NO. 9 _________________________________________ GRESHAM, MULTNOMAH COUNTY. OREGON. W. C. ALDERSON TEACHERS MULTNOMAH GRANGE SUPT. ENTERTAINS HEARS ABOUT WEEVIL M ultnom ah g ran g e held a very p leasan t and profitable day at its reg­ u la r session S aturday. T here was a large n um ber p resent and th é re g u la r business of th e session was conduct-1 ed. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Seventy-seven teachers of M ultno­ m ah county schools w ere guests ot W. C. A lderson, county school su p e r­ inten d en t, at a luncheon a t th e cham ber of co m m erce'S atu rd ay noon at th e close of th e re g u la r m onthly. teacherg. m eetlng A A C am pbell, principal of the TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1921 SMALL BOY INJURED IN POWER FEED CUTTER Lo.vce .Mayfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. M arion Mayfield of th e Powell Valley d istrict, was th e victim o t a serio u s accident a t his hom e S a tu r­ day when he attem p ted to use a pow er feed chopper. In som e m an­ lier his sleeve was cau g h t in th e m a­ chine and drew his arm in break in g th e boe above th e elbow so badly th a t th e bone was to rn th ro u g h the ttesh. T he boy’s m o th er w*as passing th e building w here th e chopper was located and h earin g Loyce scream she ran in and threw off th e belt stopping th e m achine. It is alm ost certain his arm would have been to rn off if assistan ce had not been near. Dr. H. V. Adlx was called and the child was tak en to P o rtlan d w here he is at th e Good S am aritan hospital. It is expected th a t he will be brought hom e in a sh o rt tim e. A few days before Loyce was in-, ju red H arley, th e younger boy, had his fingers badly cut in a hand m a­ chine b ut he is doing well and the cuts were only flesh pou n d s. $1.60 PER YEAR GRANGE CIRCUS WILL SHOW AT ROCKWOOD M ultnom ah g ran g e will move th e ir “ circu s” , clowns, trap eze perform ers, stro n g women, etc., to Rockwood gran g e hall w here th ey will give tho second p erform ance of th e season S aturday evening. April 2d. ThlB circus, which was given at th e M ultnom ah gran g e hall th e last of F eb ru ary before a packed house, was one of the biggest evening's en ­ te rta in m e n t th a t has been p u t on for som e tim e. Since th a t tim e several ad d itio n s have been m ade to th e pro­ g ram Including som e fine m usical num bers. Beside th e m usical num bers th ere will bo sev eral readings and a num ­ ber of o th e r features. “ B orrow er’s Day” , a comedy Is one of th e m ain fea tu re s of th e even­ ing. The cast Includes about a dozen persons and it is h ard to decide which of the group carries out th e ir p art in th e best style. T h ere is a poetry w riting Miss whose head is filled with jingles, a deacon who gets most Indignant, any n u m b er of in ­ quisitive, suspicious ladies and men who are of a gossipy type, th e re is a m ost a ttra c tiv e young lady and two eligible young men and they a re all mixed up in a neighborhood squabble w hich gives plenty of chance for am using situ atio n s. Tho play ends in th e m ost d elig h t­ ful m an n er, “ and they all live h ap ­ pily ever a fte r.” A nother little playlet given by four ladies of th e Victory neighborhood, p o rtray s th e tria ls of a m odern housew ife who a tte m p ts to h ire a se rv a n t ( ? ) She has plenty of tro u b le but not from lack of can d i­ d ates who come to look her over. It was especially well ren d ered and created m uch am usem ent. T h ere is also a series of comedy sketches in which M aggie an d Jiggs, M utt and Jeff, and th e K atzenjam - m er Kids, M amma, C aptain and “ de in sp ecto r” all ap p e ar In th e ir usual roles. T he ch a racters have all been chosen with care an d they have sp en t som e tim e u n d erstu d y in g th e o rig i­ nals. These p arts have been consid­ erably enlarged d u rin g th e last m onth and in doing so th e program com m ittee have elim inated th e one objection, th a t th e “comic se ctio n ” of th e circus w asn 't long enough. A special com m unication inform s th e program com m ittee th at both the clowns will be present. T he clowns m ade a whole show by them selves a t th e first perform ance and they too have had a chance to th in k up som e new stu n ts. Rockwood g ran g e will serve su p ­ per a fte r th e program and will hold a candy sale. T hero will be a sm all adm ission charged. T he en te rta in m e n t is one fu ll of comedy and la u g h te r and everyone who a tte n d s will g et th e ir m oney's w orth in lau g h ter. Thom pson school, was chosen toast- P lans fo r a bazaar to be held next m aster for an inform al program of O ctober w ere discussed and It was de- speeches. Speakers review ed th e cded to postpone any decisions until w or*1 of county schools d u rin g the next m onth when everyone is re- four years and lauded th e prog- quested to bring in ' plans for the re8S m ade u n d er th e ad m in istratio n event. 1 A lderson. Among those who Five candidates w ere given first sP°ke at th e luncheon w ere H. C. and second degree w ork. They w ere Seym our of th e Oregon A g ricu ltu ral Mr. and Mrs. John B ryan, Miss Fay College, lead er of boys’ an d girl6' L ord, E arn est and E arl Lord. i clubs ,n th e 8 ta te- several P o rtlan d C. W. W alker, county fru it in s p e c t-' Pr lnclpals, and i’rincipal C. M. Quick- or, gave a sh o rt ta lk on th e necessity j sa" o? tb e G resham g rad e school, of spraying and th e tim e to spray in A helpful fe a tu re of the m orning th is county. m eeting was class recitatio n under J. E. S tansberry, sta te horticul- 'Hfection of teachers from P o rtlan d tu ra l inspector, gave a ta lk on th e i city school®- weevil th a t is destroying th e straw - T he m onthly m eeting of th e coun­ M. G WOODLE HEADS berry beds in th e n o rth e rn p a rt of ,y teachers is held in place of tn e QUARANTINE LAWS TO BE RIGIDLY ENFORCED MULT. CO. FARM BUREAU th is state. Mr. S tansberry had a a n n u al teach ers in stitu te and is PLEASANT HOME clum p of straw b erry plan ts which Proving very successful and m ost Several new cases of sm allpox have At th e M ultnom ah F arm B ureau Dr. Crockw ell and wife from P o rt­ w ere badly infected and gave every- helpful in developing m ethods and been reported to th e city h ealth of­ m eeting which was held in P o rtlan d land were visitors at F o rest L auder- m eeting th e problem s of th e ru ra l one a chance to see Just w hat the ficer d u rin g th e p ast few days and a J la st F riday M. G. W oodle of the back's Waster Sunday. weevil looked like. H e told of the teachers. | P leasan t View neighborhood was Mr. and Mrs. F reelin C o rn u tt, of stric t q u ara n tin e will be imposed up­ reasons for th e inspection and fo r the elected presid en t of the county organ P o rtlan d , were g u ests of Mr. and q u a ra n tin e on straw b e rry plants NATIONAL G A R. and W.R.C. on all who are in th e hom es w here ization. O ther officers elected were Mrs. J. F . Collins. REPRESENTED HERE any cases exist. from Oregon by the Btate of Oregon. H. W. Lynch, vice p resid e n t; Guy H. Miss Ida Chase, who is a tten d in g Mr. S tansberry h a s 'J u s t com pleted The law provides th a t in homes R obertson, of L usted, se cretary ; J. school at M onm outh, was hom e for a G. W. W onacott has received his an inspection to u r of th e sta te and com m ission as aide-de-cam p to Wm. w here th ere is sm allpox any who have L uscher of F airview , tre a su re r. J. sh o rt E a ste r vacation. reported th a t th e re w ere only three A. K etcham , com m ander-in-chief of had th e disease o r who have been W. E vans of C orbett, II. F. W ihlon of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C arp en ter are patches in M ultnom ah county which the national G. A. R. T his is one of successfully vaccinated d u rin g th e L usted, and I. A. Byers of L ents s ta ­ happy o ver th e arriv al of an 11- w ere free from weevils. Only oue the high positions of th e G. A. R. and past seven years m ay be released tion, were elected directors. pound d au g h ter, E aster m orning. patch in W ashington county, th ree in These officers form th e executive one which req u ires som e active serv ­ from q u ara n tin e provided they tak e B. C. A ltm an fell last T uesday and Y am hill and one in T illam ook were ice. Mr. W onacott is u n d er th e o r­ th e proper precau tio n s by fu m ig a t­ com m ittee of th e county F arm B u­ fra ctu red several ribs. He is now free from weevils Mr. S tansberry re ­ ders of th e com m ander-in-chief and ing th e ir clothes an d th en rem aining reau and th e adoption and ou tlin in g much Im proved and able to be up. ported Marlon and C leckam as coun­ may be called upon a t any tim e to go aw ay from th e q u ara n tin ed home. of the program of work for th e coun­ Melvin K rab ill of P o rtland Is a ssist­ ty each have seven fields free from to any m eeting or encam pm ent to On no account can th e re be any go­ ty was left to th is com m ittee. The ing w ith th e w ork on th e Ingelside th e pest. Mr. S tan sb erry explained rep resen t th e com m ander-in-chief. ing back and fo rth from th e q u a r­ executive com m ittee will m eet a t th e farm fo r a few weeks. th e m ethod by which th e people of B ureau office W ednesday, Mr. W onacott does not know how his an tin ed house. T he q u ara n tin e lasts F arm W ilbur A ltm an has been ill w ith th ese counties kept th e ir fields clear. nam e cam e to be pre; nted fo r th is for 21 days a t least from th e begin­ March 30 and plan th e ir w ork arid th e m um ps and tonsilltls. He Is P lan ts a re obtained from C alifornia, com m isison as th e first know ledge he ning of th e disease and If th e pa­ appoint local com m ittees to carry on much im proved, however. p lanted on new ground and then th e Mrs. F erry Sm ith and baby d au g h ­ had of such action was the receip t of tie n t is not en tirely recovered by th a t th e work for a sh o rt tim e. new plan ts are sold in C alifornia. T here were m ore th a n a h undred te r, was an E aster v isito r at th e , , . , the com m ission and aide-de-cam p s tim e as m uch longer as is necessary. The ow ners keeping enough of th e . . . , , i , , , . „ , , „ ¡insignia from th e n atio n al h ea d q u ar Any one b reak in g th e q u ara n tin e farm ers a t th e m eeting which was hom e of h er m other, Mrs. G. E. Bau- new plants to set out a new field for | ___ . , ,. .. . . 1 der. te rs a t Indianapolis, In d ian a by e ith e r going into a hom e o r p er­ m ost in terestin g . them selves and plow ing the old beds E. E. F lavill, ed ito r of th e W est­ It is rep o rted th a t T hom as T aylor Mrs. C h risten a H um ason has also m ittin g any one to en te r a q u a ra n ­ under. received sim ila r honors as she has tined home is laying him self liable ern F arm er, and Geo. A. Mansfield trapped a 3 00-pound black b ea r on L. H. Stone, D. D. Ja ck and C. D. been appointed as aid to th e n ational to th e fine and im prisonm ent im ­ were th e sp eak ers of th e day and they th e b an k s of th e Sandy river. W elch w ere th e M ultnom ah county L eonard P itts, who Is in th e field created m uch In terest by th e ir clear men who have patches of berries free p resident of th e W om en’6 Relief posed by th e ordinances of th e town explanations of object», aim s and a rtile ry a t San A ntonia. Texas, was Corps and has received h e r com m is­ and th e laws of th e state. A close from weevils. kicked by a horse recently and su f­ sion and insignia supervision of all q u ara n tin ed hom es ideals of farm organizations. A piano solo by Miss Zaidee Autl, fered a broken Jaw and th e loss of G resham people are very proud to v ill be m ade from now on In an ef­ readings by Mrs. A. J. A ult and Mrs. one of his fro n t te eth . Several claim two of th e n atio n al officers of fo rt to see th a t th e re is no in frin g e­ PLEASANT HOME GIRL S arah W heeler, a solo by Rev. E arl WINS HONOR CONTEST stitch es were necessary to close the an organization th a t m eans so much m ent of The law. B. Cotton and a m arch by th e chll- wound. to th e people of th is n atio n as does The q u a ra n tin e will be placed by dren w ere fea tu re s of th e program . „ . „ , . In a com petition Just closed, R uth A 10% -pound son was born Frl- r, , i i i the G. A. R. and th e auxiliary organ- Dr. H. H. H ughes, town h ea lth of­ A lfred D. Cridge, th e Jo u rn a l re- , ,, Ick ler of P lea san t Home and Helen day evening to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan , . .. , , ization, th e W o m en s R elief corps, ficer, and no one will be released p o rter, and his wife w ere p resent and . . . . . . , ‘ Maxwell of G ilbert stn tio n were the N eibauer. The young man has , , .. , , ,, r riends of these p opular local mem- from q u ara n tin e except w ith his per­ a t th e close of th e lectu re hour Mr. . . w inners of th e honor rings offered by been nam ed Ralph Irvin. Both „ C ridge ,, . . . ,, bers a re happy o ver th e ir appoint m ission. gave an in te restin g little talk , . K th e gild reserves d ep a rtm en t of the m o th er and son are ioiug well m ent and a re confident of th e wis- Dr. H ughes w arns ail p aren ts th a t in which he expressed him self as w ill­ Y. W. C. A. Miss E thel M itchell of Sunday services a t th e M ethodist, dom of th e choice. any one sending a child to school P o rtlan d is in ch arg e of th is work. ing to assist in any way possible the j church were well atten d ed Sqpday, who has a rash of any so rt will be g ran g e and its patro n s and in which The Sunday O regonian had th e su b ject to a heavy fine u n d er th e pictures of th e g irls and th e follow ­ a n u m b er of new faces being In th e he extended th e Invitation of th e j JOHN MOLL ANSWERS DEATH S SUMMONS town ordinances and th a t th e rules ing account of th e ir work, in th e s o ­ congregation. In sp ite of th e fact Jo u rn a l to use its pages for printing th a t a t least 15 re g u la r a tte n d a n ts at will be rigidly enforced. T h e fam ily of g range notices, etc. Sunday school w ere m issing on ac­ John Moll, fo r n early 30 years a d o ctor should be called and th e d iag ­ ciety section of th e p ap er: T he day was m uch enjoyed and resident of th is vicinity, passed away T he girls won 260 points. These count of sickness o r o th e r causes th e re w ere a n um ber of visitors pres­ at his hom e on Pcrwell Valley road nosis of th e case left to him . Many were for h ealth , service, know ledge which k ep t them from Sunday school, of th e ch ild ren who have had the and sp irit honors. T he work u n d er th e re was an in crease in th e reg u la r en t beside those who spoke. and Buckley avenue on S atu rd ay , atten d an ce. T he secretary rep o rted An in te restin g record was broken ’ March 26, agpd 73 years He ,g Bur. disease have not been sick b u t have thp hpadtng of hp a,th ,ncIudp8 w.llk . 60 persons present. FAIRVIEW PIONEER sp read th e infection by m ingling ,ng Bpvpra| m „ pg. undpr BPrvlcPi S atu rday w hen Mrs. C ynthia W heeler vived by 6PVPn children Mrs A rth u r T he en tire Sunday school and SUFFERS APOPLEXY cooking, hom e duties, ta k in g care of m any o th e rs who cam e only fo r th e missed g ran g e fo r th e first tim e i n , G rant of L lnnem ann 8 tation: John w ith o th e r ch ildren. preach in g service, enjoyed th e illus- ,, „ .. . . „ . The county h ealth officer will be i tbp ch ildren, m ending and doing oth- over 10 years She was busy a t th e Moll of Mo n tav llla, Miss L ena Moll trated serm on which Rev. E arl B. D unbar, well known pioneer UndPr know ledgo hom e of Ralph N eibauer w here she of th e fanilly homp Hpnry and Mj,;p h ere again on T h u rsd ay and will Pr h elp fu | dutleB Cotton gave on th e Passion W eek, j resid en t of F airview , suffered a was caring fo r h e r grandson, Irvan v.ho live n e a r th e hom e place, Miss again give his opinion in a n um ber th e re are many th in g s th a t count, and as presented by th e people of Ober- stro k e of apoplexy on M onday roorn- of cases u n d er question. In th e * u n d er sp irit honors, atten d in g Sun- um m ergau. T he pictu res w ere un­ N eibauer, who arriv ed the nig h t be­ Cecilia Moll of W ashington, D. C., day school, discussing ten ideals, re ­ usually large and clear. One of the ing and is now In Oood S am aritan fo re to gladden the hom e of Mr. and and Mrs. Lizzie K ronenberg of Oak- m ean tim e all suspicious cases are citin g Bible verses. fea tu re s of the day was th e rep o rts hospital in P o rtlan d , w here he was held in q u aran tin e. Mrs. Irvan N eibauer. .Mrs. W heeler land C alifornia “T he G irls’ Reserves are young of th e Misses A nna L e n n a rts and tak en for trea tm e n t. Those who have been q u ara n tin ed girls in th e ir teens and th e m em ber­ Mabie Slbop, who w ere d elegates to had not missed a session of Multno- Mr MoU wa8 a natJve of G erm any Mr. D unbar has been ja n ito r of th e m ah g ran g e since O ctober, 1910. | and canip t0 th ,8 pountry whpn he d u rin g th e p ast few days are th e ship is found in many of th e grad e th e O lder G irl’s conference at Mc­ school building and w ent th e re early and soVne of th e high schools The M innville. These rep o rts were an C. W. Gleason fam ily, w here Mr. I was seven years of age. He was m ar- G leason is ill, L illie Nelson at the honor rings are o rn am en ted w ith a in sp iratio n to those who listened. A yesterday m orning to s ta rt th e fires. CEDAR AND VICTORY blue tria n g le w ith th e le tte rs ’G. R .’ sh o rt program was given by th e m is­ He was probably strick en soon a fte r : ried in W isconsin and cam e w ith his hom e of Miss Id a M. Schrepel, Vaye “ Follow ing is th e code of th e re ­ sionary su p e rin ten d e n t, Mrs. H. L: reaching th e schoolhouse, as he was A nu m b er of local people enjoyed fam ily to P o rtlan d 30 y ears ago. H arm on a t th e L. H ylton hom e and serves : Ball. A song by Alma and Genevieve p rep arin g to lig h t th e fire when he a neihgborhood picnic a t th e Victory T he fun eral services w ere held at Mrs. Cecil M etzger who is being “ As a Girl R eserve I will be g r a ­ Bickford was especially enjoyed. cious in m anner, im p artial In Judg­ school Sunday and a m ost delightful St. Jo se p h ’s church n ea r L innem ann cared for by Mrs. G ulllckson a t the O m er B urris of Mist, Oregon, sp en t fell. He was in an unconscious con­ m ent, ready for service, loyal to th e past week a t th e hom e of his sin­ dition when found by th e teach ers day was spent. T here was plenty of on M onday m orning« Requiem mass M etzger home. friends, reaching tow ard th e best, ter, Mrs. Wm. H ow lett. He left S u n ­ when they cam e fo r th e day ’s work. fun and an ab u n d an t dinner and ev- wa> said by Rev. F a th e r N u tk er of As n early as could be learned all earn est In purpose, seeing th e b e a u ti­ day for P o rtlan d . eryone was happy. Mt. A ngel and th e serm on was of th ese cases are doing well. ful, eag er for know ledge, rev eren t to T he records of th e P lea san t Home Because of his advanced age, Mr. God-, victorious o ver self, ever de­ M. E. Bunday school show only 1 pu­ D unbar's condition is consedired se r­ P lans for th e sta n d ard izin g of Vic- Preacb ed by Rev. l a t h e r G regory of pil In th e prim ary and Ju n io r classes ious. to ry school a re progressing nicely Sacred H ea rt church, P o rtlan d . The R ev. Erni-st Sm ith, F orm er P astor of pendable, sincere a t all tim es.’’ , In th e prim ary and Junior classes and additio n al money is being raised , body " as laid to rest in St. Jo se p h ’s Handy IMew of lllood Poisoning. MISS CLARA KERSLAKE who has m ade a record of perfect S an e U tility D ecision. for the needed im provem ents. At cemetery beside th a t of his wife who Rev. E rn est Sm ith, p asto r of the BRIDE OF BULL RUN MAN atten d a n ce th is year. T his is Zelma The U nited S tates Suprem e co u rt Collins, a Junior. U ntil Bunday th ere th e P aren t-T each er m eeting w hich Pa88,‘d aw ay on F eb ru ary 6th of last M ethodist church at McMinnville, Miss C lara J. K erslake, d a u g h te r of were fo u r In th e race. Floyd, V era upholds decisions of Oregon Public was held F rid a y evening th e re was >ears. died a t his home la st F rid a y from end Eva Stafford being th e o th e r service com m ission, th a t cities ca n ­ blood poisoning. T he fu n eral se rv ­ Mr. and Mrs. A1 K erslake of Spring- th ree. The sudden illness of Floyd goodly nu m b er p resen t and a pleas- not compel public u tilities to give dale, becam e th e b rid e of L ouis E r­ DEWEY GIBBS WEDS ices were held Sunday. T his news a fte r th e fam ily w ere in th e car an t evening spent. T he proceeds them free m unicipal service In ex­ vin B aker ,of Bull Run a t a quiet EASTERN OREGON GIRL ready to s ta rt for Bunday school pre­ will bring sorrow to m any friends in from th e refre sh m e n ts will be added change for ch arters. vented them from atten d in g Bunday w edding w hich was solem nized a t th e sections n ear Sandy w here Rev. to th e sta n d ard iz atio n fund. Miss E lm ira F ra n k of Ione, and In num erous tow ns free h y d ran t the home of th e groom 's p aren ts, Mr. I an(’ broke Die record of th e la tte r Alton D outhet has th e m easles now Dewey Gibbs of G resham w ere m ar­ Mr. S m ith was p asto r ab o u t six years I » „» I „„,„.1 th ree. Floya is now h im self again service, free telephones and free se r­ and Mrs I. A. B aker of L usted. and rP gre(tlng th a t h i„ goa| , ago. Rev. S m ith's fa th e r was p asto r b u t is g e ttin g along in a satisfactory ried a t the hom e of th e b rid e ’s p a r­ Mrs. B ak er is well know n In th e J y ea r’s p erfect atten d a n ce has been vice on s tr e e t cars had been forced m anner. W endell h asn ’t broken out ents in Ione Sunday m orning The of th e P lea san t Home charge at Springdale neighborhood w here sho broken. from public u tilities, th u s casting ad ­ ab o u t th e sam e tim e and many peo­ w ith th e rash yet but is feeling badly groom ’s m other, Mrs. R. W. Gibbs, ditional burd en s on p riv ate patrons. atten d ed school. She was also a stu - _ . ______ _ . _ . _____ and it is supposed th a t he is coming was th e only one of Mr. G ibb's rela- ple will rem em ber th e family. T he Oregon le g isla tu re enacted cent of th e C orbett high school. Mr BASKET BALL GAMES th e Eddy bill to com pel th e Public down w ith th e contagion. L aurence tives who w lrtessed th e cerem onv B aker is an overseas veteran of the TO BE RESUMED FRIDAY service Wtial G overnm ent f a n I»<>. com m ission to really legalize Is en tirely over th e « • • ts of the di- which was a quiet home affair, T he O r|p n t baakpt b a„ tean , w |„ such ineq u itab le co n tracts, b u t th e T he governm ent can n o t create g re a t world w ar He is em ployed at sease now. L A J OJ ^ J ^ UPle_ ._retUrn.ed L® bM lneaa except in a sta te of war. o r Cam eron and Hoggs mill n ear Bull I mppt thp Llncoln governor vetoed th e bill as an in ­ L eag u ers In a sec- E dgar W ilson is having a hom e G resham M onday evening and will by going into th e tax p ay er’s pocket Run and th e young couple will m ake ond gam p a t , hp O r|(jnt h a „ F r)day te rferen ce with sound policy. .u i- u _ u i -• — — — --------------------------- i To allow city councils or even th e lig h tin g electric p lan t installed on his m ake th e ir hom e w ith Mr and Mrs to fix prices h ig h er th an th e law of th e ir hom e on Mr. B aker a home- ev en | ng April 1st. T hese te a m a , people them selves to exact free ser- farm and It is expected th a t the- work ) R W. Gibbs fo r a sh o rt tim e. stead n ear Bull Run. supply and dem and. played one of the m ost exciting gam es j vice o r service at special rates in of w iring will be com pleted this Mrs. Gibbs will be rem em bered by j held an ab u se equal to free passes, Mr. B aker is a b ro th e r of Mrs. S. It can only help business by re ­ evening. F riday. m any friends as th e charm ing young lieving it of burdens of taxation an a F. P itts of Lusted and Miss Florence of th e season recently. W hen th e on th e theory th a t all such service gam e closed th e re was a tie score | m ust be paid for by h ig h er rates Mr. ami Mrs. I. T. W ood, Miss Ma- lady who spent some tim e la st «um ­ regulation. Given th e hom e m ark ets B aker of G resham . It was decided to play th e tie off in j charged som e o th e r users bel Wood, Mrs. E thel E llenberg an a raer w ith th e fam ily of her uncle, and m ark ets abroad to sell surplus five m inutes but nt th e close of five d au g h ter, V irginia, Mrs A lta G entry j C harles Calkins. S a le s m a n W a n t «-«I. S«v John B rou n for Im-urance. / products, business and production W ant a live b u stle r to sell Chev- m in u tes th e re was still a tie. Anoth- and son R ussell were gu ests at th e Mr. Gibbs Is a well known Gresh- I can ta k e care of all line« of will and m ust ta k e care of itself. ro lets in G resham te rrito ry . Exper- e r fine m inutes resu lted in th e Lln- sta n d ard in su ran ce. Including F ire. hom e of Mr. and Mrs. N. E T u rn er, in am boy and an ex-service man who lence unnecessary. Must own your coin team w inning two points which Life, C asualty, A utom obile In th e P o rtlan d Sunday aftern o o n . Miss saw m any m onths of overseas service. II h ny slighting > “ «*»« • »*• • ”<’ *•*«* *• blocking m ethods. Try It. Dr. 0 . P. Money savers sure enough.— Wan- Up-to-date ads for up-to-date read , Keep in style, Try one of those Johnson, 611 .Morgan Bldg., P o rt­ Tads era— Want Ade. “classy-fied” ads. the want ads. determined to win this time. land, Oregon. Main (7 4 9 .— Adv. »