T W IC E A W EEK G resham O utlook VOL. 10, NO. 104 COUNTY SCHOOL BILL GOOD AS AMENDED GRESHAM. MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1921 CLUB LEADERS MEET TO DISCUSS PLANS NATIONAL TREND. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS $1.60 PER YEAR NEW LAW WILL AID FARM PRODUCERS By S. B. HALL, County Agent. Win. 8. Averill, head of th e A gri­ A n um b er of years ago, soon a fte r cu ltu ral d ep artm en t of Union High, th e N ational G overnm ent got to ru n ­ and Miss E thel I. C alkins, county ning on a level keel, th e needs of club leader, met w ith th e leaders of Every producer of any farm crops ag ric u ltu re as th e m ost su b stan tia l House Bill 215 passed th e legisla­ th e four poultry clubs of th e county in the sta te of Oregon will be bene- tu re a fte r being am ended so th a t in industry was recognized along w ith W ednesday. The leaders of the fltted by th e action of th e recent leg­ th e o th e r in d u stries, first by way of th e county of M ultnom ah th e city of clubs are Mrs Allen Seidel, Mrs. J. islatu re in passing th e one real con­ P o rtlan d will have no vote on its establish in g th e U nited States De­ Lynch, Mrs. A. C. A lth au s an d Mrs. stru ctiv e piece of legislation, th e co­ p artm en t of A griculture, sim u lta n ­ adoption in th is county. This in­ C. M Zim m erm an. operative m ark etin g law. T he effect eously w ith th is com es th e estab lish ­ form ation was obtained this m orning A program of work for the year of this act will be far-reaching. It ing of th e L and G ran t In stitu tio n in in an interview by telephone w ith was mapped out not only for Indi­ gives the sm all farm er a new ray of County School S u p erin ten d en t A ider- th e various sta te s, largely fo r th e vidual clubs but for th e county clubs. hope. purpose a t first for experim ental son. T he P o rtlan d papers have con­ Five general m eetings were plan ­ lu the past th e producer has been w ork aloug th e various lines such as tain ed no in form ation as to th e fate ned at which tim e all th e clubs will harassed by the sp ecu lato r and controllin g crop pests and diseases. of th e bill w hich is of m uch in te rest m eet to g eth er and w itness dem on­ gam bler In food products who c re a t­ Studying soil conditions and th e why to residents of th e county. stratio n s of various kinds by poultry ed an un stab le m arket. T he farm ­ G. N. Sager of P leasant Valley was and w herefore in connection w ith specialists and others. e rs’ re tu rn s w ere always a m a tte r of production. As th is w ork progressed largely responsible for th e introduc­ T he first of these m eetings is doubt. Individual m ark etin g pro- tion of th e am endm ent providing for over a period of years th e re devel­ planned for March 12 a t th e home of vides for no uniform system of stau- oped a necessity for n ot only experi­ th e voto of M ultnom ah county upon Robert Soderquist in th e C edar dis­ dardizing or grading. P roducts thus th e m easure exclusive of th e city of m ental w ork but a m eans to carry trict. T he clubs will Inspect Rob­ handled usually bring a price based th e re su lt of th is ex perim ental work P o rtlan d . Mr. S ager m et w ith th e e rts ' new poultry house which has on the lowest grade included in th e com m ittee th a t had th e bill u n d er to the farm er. P rim arily th is was ju st been com pleted at a cost of lot. to relieve th e stressed conditions consideration and pointed out th a t $150 or b etter. It is a m odern model To the consum er u n g rad ed prod­ which would develop in farm in g w hile th e resid en ts of M ultnom ah chicken house and th e m em bers will ucts are u nsatisfactory, because they areas sw ept by pests o r diseases and county outside of P o rtlan d would be find much of in terest in its a rra n g e ­ are not dependable. T he average th e only ones effected, th a t th e ir vote dro u g h t, and secondarily to get g re a t­ m ents. R obert expects to raise 100 consum er willingly pays a fair price er production from o u r land so th a t would not count on th e question as pullets th is year and expects them for an article known to be of good .those in o u r rapidly grow ing cities th e city vote controlled th e county. !' to pay the bill. He has two pens, quality and uniform . Producers could have a continued supply of WILL H. HAYS. The am endm ent was m ade a t his sug-1 one of Buff L eghorns and one of have m ade innum erable attem p ts to food stuffs. T his tren d developed gestion and the bill and am endm ent ' Who will become th e P o stm aster G eneral u n d er P resid en t H arding Ancona«. He has been keeping rec- organize for th e purpose of g ettin g was passed and is aw aiting th e gov- ' gradually to th e cry of G reater P ro ­ a fte r March 4. ords on 3 2 laying hens th is w inter. away from th e present w asteful duction w hich sw ept th e co untry u n ­ e rn o r's sig n a tu re to m ake it a law. . Among th e dem o n stratio n s plan­ system. W ithout a doubt th e governor will j til o u r co u n try has developed to a F ailu res have often resu lted from ned for th is m eeting Is "how to nation w ith la rg e a g ric u ltu ra l ex­ sign th is bill and it will then be a catch and hold a hen'*, also " th e a lack of cohesiveness in th e o rg an i­ question for each county to decide ports. T his condition continued u n ­ m aking of a nest for a settin g hen zation w hile it was g ettin g a s ta rt. til we found larg e q u an titie s of p ro d ­ fo r itself. and how to keep it free from m ites.” Middlemen and speculators have T he bill provides th a t each county uct in v ario u s lines w ith large Brood coops will also be shown. helped to d isru p t them by spread- sh all vote on th e bill and decide am ounts of farm products in th e pro­ May 28 th e m em bers will learn tng seeds of discontent and by bait- w heth er or not it will come u nder th e ducers h an d s wl*h ap p aren tly n o , Theo. V anD oninck, the local baker th ro u g h , th a t w hich did saved the how to keep young chickens free )nK m em bers away from th e o rgani- m ark et, w hile people in o th e r p arts provisions of th e act. from m ites and will also learn how ZH,ion. It opens th e way for th e sep aratio n of the co u n try and In th e larg er who has ju st re tu rn e d from a four lives of th e n ation. The effects of to cull o ut sm all chicks. The p re ­ The recent enactm ent of the legis­ the poor food ratio n s and terrib le cities w ere paying enorm ous prices of school affairs in th is county by m onths visit to his old hom e near la tu re provides for iron-bound con­ nervous stra in is still seen am ong the serving of eggs will be discussed. c re atin g a country school d istric t for th e sam e products w hich were A ntw erp, Belgium , has given th e Out- peopk> gnd Mr Van Donlnck Bpoke Ju ly 2 th e m eeting will be held at tra c ts between th e m em bers and the w ith a su p e rin ten d e n t em ployed by a going to w aste on th e fa rm e r’s hands. th e hom e of Mrs. Seidel. T he judg- association. It provides th a t heavy look som e very in te restin g facts especially of th e ch ild ren from 12 to At la st th e tide has tu rn ed . As a board of directo rs elected by the peo­ ab o u t th e people of his fo rm er hom e­ 15 years of age who showed th e e f- iin g work will be sta rted and dem on- penalties may be prescribed In such nation we have realized th a t o u r em ­ ple of th e county and does away w ith land and th e effects of the recent fecta of th e w ar. He saw lo ts o ^ s tr a tlo n s in caponizlng and dressing co n tract for the breach thereof. W ith th e office of county school su p e rin ten ­ phasis sh o u ld sw ing from th e cry of world w ar upon th e people an d th e crippled and sick children and m ore j for th e m ark et will be given. the d anger of disruption rem oved th e G reater P ro d u ctio n to B e tte r M ar­ dent. I t provides, how ever, th a t th e whc show ed th e effects of years ol ' A ugust 27 th e Judging work will producers m ark etin g associations p rese n t su p e rin ten d e n ts sh all retain keting. It is th is need which has land. Mr. and Mrs. V anD oninck made u nder feeding. Even th e grown peo- be continued, also th e culling. In- will be able to pull th ro u g h th e try- bro u g h t to existence th e F arm B u­ th e ir offices until th e ir term s expire. pie have n ot recovered physically i stru ctio n s on exhibiting and d isq u al-j | ng tim es th a t come to all orgknlzn- T he full text of th e bill was recently reau organization. T he sp read be­ th e ir trip in th e fall and w in ter and Ideations in the show ring will be , | Ons before they have had tim e to found th a t sightseeing trip s w ere not froia th e long strain . tw een th e price th a t th>- p roducer re­ published in th e Outlook. ceives and th e price th a t th e con­ so easy on th e battlefields as during The p e o r'e are glad to be free from gi veil and th e m em bers will learn Bhow effective results by established su m e r pays has gone to th e extrem e. the sum m er m onths when la rg e mo­ th e control th e "Saxon h o rd es" (as how to m ake up th e ir exhibits for | brands of products. ONE POUND OF LOGANS Once well established such organ- to r cars ca rry loads of to u rists T he F arm B ureau has fo r one of its they speak of th e G erm ans) and al­ th e county and Btate fairs. FOR EVERY 15 PERSONS O ctober 15 th e clubs will cull izations will be able to reach o ut to goals th e red u cin g of th is sp read by th ro u g h th e battlefields. T he Van- though they a re poor, they are happy G resham , O regon, F eb ru ary 25.— m ore direct m eans of m ark etin g , by D onincks, how ever had to m ake th e ir and a re w orking to build up th e ir some m em ber’s flock and w ork In ex- (he consum er and elim in ate or re- hlbiting will be discussed in prep- duce by a big m argin th e difference E d ito r O utlo o k :— F o r the benefit of stim u la tin g cooperation on th e p a rt way as best they could, ta k in g sm all homes And country. aratio n fo r th e N orthw estern Foul- th a t now often am ounts to 50 to 100 ’som e doubting T hom as who is afraid of th e p ro d u cer so th a t his products steam cars which had been restored T he p atrio tism of th e people has try show which m eets in December, j p,>r cent of the price th e producer to p la n t berries for fear of over-pro­ may find th e m a rk e ts w hich dem and to service. never been so in ten se and so spon­ duction, allow m e to say th a t th e them in th e q uickest, m ost direct They visited th e cities of D inant gets. _________ . __ We now have several statew id e loganberry crop for th e c u rre n t year way and a t th e least possible ex­ and Y pres both of w hich w ere lo cat­ taneous as it Is now. The people love | j A m e S H. ROBINSON th e ir co u n try and they love and idol­ VICTIM OF PNEUMONIA o rgan | zat |ong th a t have been try in g is estim ated a t 7,000,000 pounds. pense. T his phase of m a rk e tin g Is ed In th e occupied sections. P ictures ize th e ir king. T his am ount divided am ong the peo­ m ore new a t th e p resen t tim e. It of th ese cities before and a fte r the Jam es H am pson R obinson, a for- to establish them selves, such as th e “ No king of Belgium was ever ple of o u r country would m ean to has been proven in several sta te s and w ar give p erhaps a c lea re r Idea of m er resident of the P lea san t Valley Oregon G row ers Cooperative assocln- h earted ly as King give one pound of berries to every : by m any cooperative organizations. w hat occurred th a n any w ords can loved so whole neighborhood, died in S an ta Rosa, tion, w ith Its "M istlan d ” prunes and Van Donlnck. The o th e r h o rtic u ltu ral crops, th e Pacific 15 people. E stim ating th e C uthbert I T he F arm B ureau m ovem ent, as it is possibly do. Y pres form erly a city of A lb ert" says Mr. people all love him an d he w alks and C alifornia, on F ebruury 21, 1921, raspberry tonnage a t 3,000,000 increasing its m em bership by leaps b eau tifu l buildings js now a city of H e was born in I Cooperative P o u ltry P ro d u cers w ith talk s w ith them on th e stree ts Just as from pneum onia. Its "N ulade” eggs, th e Oregon D airy­ pounds would allow one pound for and bounds going into every s ta te in ru in s. In ta lk in g w ith Mrs. V an­ dem ocratic as any one can be. The Liverpool, E ngland, Decem ber 16, m en’s C ooperative League with Its every 36 people (a r a th e r sm all a l­ th e Union, is carry in g th e good work Doninck she said , “ th e re Isn’t an y ­ whole fam ily are th e Idols of th e peo­ 1855. He is survived by his widow, low ance). T hese estim ates are for to m ore people. In th e past the th in g left b ut ru in s.” Some of th e ple fo r they feel th a t they a re one Mrs. Mary R obinson; Mrs. 8. J. "M nlow est” b u tte r and cheese. Two th e sta te s of Oregon and W ashington farm ers as a class have depended en ­ people have erected them selves sm all wdth th em ’ in d V h e V in g 'h M ’dem on- j W alch of O a k la n d ^ C alifo rn ia and o th e r o rganizations are in th e fo rm ­ and include p ractically all of th e tire ly upon o th e r people to ta k e th e ir sh e lte rs and a re living th e re am ong Mrs. O. I. Joyce of P o rtlan d , sisters; ative process, th e C ooperative Wool stra te d his in te re st in th e ir w elfare & Mohair P roducers and th e Oregon te rrito ry th a t is adapted for the pro­ products w hich they have grow n and th e ru in s try in g as fast as possible to Belgium is doing g rea t th in g s for W illiam and Joseph Robinson of Day- W heat G row ers association. Some duction of th ese berries in the carry them to th e co nsum er un til reb u ild th e ir homes. A la rg e p ro ­ ton, W ashington, and John Robinson her soldiers. E verything in th e pow­ ten years ago Dr. H ector M acPher- U nited States. Don’t you th in k th e th is has becom e one of thp big busi­ portion of these buildings are of wood er of th e governm ent Is being done. of Lew iston, Idaho, b ro th ers. son, of th e B ureau of M arkets, a t fea r of over-production is g ro u n d ­ nesses of o u r country. I t is very and are only shacks b ut as m any as F u n eral services w ere held th is Almost all th e so ld iers received gov­ Corvallis, was sent by th e Federal less? If cold sto rag e Is to be prom ot­ n a tu ra l th a t those in terested in the can are building w ith brick in a m ore ern m en t positions a t th e close of the afternoon at th e M ethodist Episcopal Governm ent to E urope to stu d y life ed we m ust have a large increase In business of d istrib u tio n are not p ri­ p erm an en t form . T he lack of build­ church in G resham , Rev. David w ar and all o th e rs had to w ait for conditions. Being a m ark etin g ex­ acreage. Why no arran g e to plant m arily in e ith e r producting o r con­ ing m ateria l and th e low exchange C athey preaching the serm on. The places un til th e soldiers were cared now? D E. TOWLE. in term en t wus In th e G resham cem e­ pert, he n atu rally recognized th e Im­ sum ing. They a re not going to spend ra te s m ake it alm ost im possible to for. portance of cooperative m ark etin g in m uch energy in looking out for any o b tain m aterial. T he govern m en t has large crews of tery and was in ch arg e of th e m em ­ ADDITIONAL LOCALS th e dally w elfure of E uropean w ork­ "M oney is p len tifu l in B elgium ,” bers of th e Masonic order. business o th e r th a n th e ir own so It men w ith team s and g rad e rs a t work A P o rtlan d w oman driving a ers. says Mr. Vaif Donlnck, indeed even , . , , . . .. ,, , , . Mr. and Mrs. Robinson w ent to becomes th e d u ty of th e farm er . . . » n r leveling th e old battlefields and pre- Bqick coupe failed to stop h e r c r ” in Upon his retu rn he d rafted a hill _________. ________„ i . thro u g h self-protection fo r his own th e m an in rags has a purse full o f ; ___ p arin g th em for crops. Everyone is C alifornia several m onths ago for th e tim e to avoid ru n n in g Into th e pave­ which was enacted Into law in 1913. money b u t it has no value for th e ex- benefit of th e la tte r's health . He business to o rganize to th e point w orking tow ard th e goal of p roduc­ m en t a t th e F irs t S tate Bank th is w here he can assu re him self th a t his change rate s are so low th a t it takes ing as larg e crops as possible. The hail been w orking a t his trad e as T his law w’as considered th e m ost afternoon. She set th e em ergency own products are so d istrib u ted th a t ab o u t $3 to have th e p u rch asin g pow­ crops la st y ear w ere fairly good and sad d ler when sickness overtook him. modern piece of legislation of Its brak e so h ard U»at it locked and it th e consum er can afford to purchase e r of $1 in o u r m oney.” Some of the they have done much tow ard p u ttin g Mrs. Robinson will rem ain for a tim e kind in force at th a t tim e. Since w as some tim e before she could get a t th e home of h er sister, Mrs. Ida then much progress has been m ade at a price th a t w ill n et him so he can people have la rg e sum s of m oney on th e people on th e ir feet again. th e c a r moved. along th e lines of cooperative m a rk ­ stabilize his own business. T his is h an d and if exchange ra te s were B usiness seem s to go on as usual H am ilton. Jam es McP. R obinson has been eting. More th ought lias been given norm al would be w ealthy b u t u nder not a new plan because we find m any alth o u g h A ntw erp Is ra th e r quiet. q u ite ill for th e past few weeks. th e su b ject and new er Ideas form ed. large m a n u fa ctu rin g com panies who p resen t conditions they have as Mr. The business handled Isn’t h alf the MR. AND MRS HESSEL F rie n d s wish him a speedy recovery. Last fall Dr. M acPherson went to GIVE TWO 500 PARTIES have been follow ing th is very plan Van Donlnck says “only m ore money volum e th a t it was before th e w ar but F a ir board officials will m eet th e C alifornia and studied conditions for m any years by controlling th e re ­ to h an d le and ta k e care o f.” is increasin g every m onth. rep reeen tativ es of th e S tate Acci­ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hessel were w here g re a te r success had been a t­ They are plenty of supplies In Bel­ ta ile r's price of th e ir p ro d u cts by W ages are high b ut not high host and hostess a t two p arties this d en t com m ission at P o rtlan d S a tu r­ tained along th is line th an In any m eans of m an ip u latio n so th a t they gium b u t ev ery th in g is very high enough to live th ere. E ncouraging week. On Monday evening eight o th e r part of th e U nited S tates. U p­ day afternoon to consider th e case T he people have to pay a t least th ree practically d ic tate th e profit which Is facto rs in th e life of th e people are tables of 500 were played and on of F ra n k C. Jones, who was in ju re d on his retu rn he drew up certain This, too, Is m ade by th e w holesaler as well as prices for ev ery th in g th e ir faith in th e ir governm ent, th e ir W ednesday evening fo u r tables. On w hile w orking a t th e fa ir g rounds am endm ents th a t he felt were vital due to foreign exchange. Belgium the profit w hich is m ade by th e re ­ love fo r th e ir kin g , and th e ir de­ Monday evening th e honors were la st fall. T he accident com m ission to th e fu llest developm ent of a sys­ ta ile r -when h an d lin g th e ir p articu la r is n o t buying an y th in g m ore th an it sire an d w illingness to forget th e aw arded to Mrs. G W. S tapleton and tem of m ark etin g th a t brings pro­ has refused th e claim a fte r it had output. T hese estab lish m en ts have absolutely has to have because of the h o rro rs of th e w ar in th e reb u ild in g O. A. E astm an. On W ednesday ev en ­ ducer and consum er closer to each been th o u g h t to be p ractically se t­ been h erald ed as g rea t in d u stries low p u rch asin g pow er of its money of th e ir land T he people show a ing Mrs. W. R. G orsage and M. M. tled. and is looking fo r th e ch eap est m a r­ o th e r than th e present system . w hile th e farm er has had to fight fo r g reat reluctance to even discuss th e Squire won th e h ig h est score«. All o th e r advocates of the "back A recent announcem ent indicated the rig h ts to m a rk e t his own product kets. Most of th e supplies th a t are war conditions. Mr Van Donlnck T he spacious living rooms w ere to th e fa rm ” m ovem ent have accom­ Im ported In Belgium are from A m er­ th a t all but six of th e States had a f­ cooperatively. said th a t very d ea r friends tu rn ed tastily decorated w ith em blem s su g ­ plished nothing. People will go back ica b ut som e com es from E ngland. filiated w ith th e N ational F arm B u­ him down when he questioned gesting W ash in g to n ’s birthday. to th e farm only when th e profits Spray Now. All sto res a re h an d lin g A merican reau F ed eratio n Now com es th e them , by saying th a t if he cam e to Dainty refresh m en ts ended th e ev en ­ Lim e and su lp h u r spray, both liq­ llnés of goods and m eats and canned th a t can be m ade th e re are sufficient announcem ent th a t only two sta te s uid and dry, in any q u an tity . Spray goods a re displayed th a t cam e from talk of th e w ar th ey had no tim e for ing's festivities. to enable them to live u n d er 1921 have not yet voted to affiliate w ith outfits, hose nozzles, etc. L. L. Kid- him. They seem to want to forget Am erica Mr. Van Donlnck says It Is conditions Instead of 1850 conditions, In v ite s B e th e l BaiHist C hurch th e N ational F ederation. 1 0 3 « der Hdwe. Com pany. the conditions th a t have existed his opinion th a t th e U nited S tite s u n d er which m ost ru ral populations < 'oo|>ernt ton. T he Y. M .C. A. and Red Cross M a in S tre e t G arag e. i w ould find splended m a rk e t fo r all We are asking and expecting big now exist. are still on d uty in Belgium and are T his g ara g e is now open for g en ­ MANILA AND THE D enm ark, w here cooperative m ark- PHILIPPINE ISLAND? products of th is co untry In th e E u ­ ren d erin g v aluable service to Amer- things from God. P ra y er, consecra- eral rep a ir w ork of all kinds by ex­ ropean co u n tri -s If It were n ot for Ican tra v e le rs and the people of th e '!« » ro ll H atnrdsy, F eb ru ary eting has been encouraged and prac perienced w orkm an. N orm an Sm ith, Sunday evening a fine series of th e foreign exchange but a t present m Lunch ! tlced for 40 years. Is the only nation phone 51. country. These organ izatio n s are J 26, beginning at 10:30 a ■ views show ing the P hilippines of to ­ ’ they are buying as little as possible on th e face of the globe w here In tho served In gran g e h all. day will be shown at th e M ethodist One Dodge delivery 1920, A -l con­ highly th o u g h t of and next to th eir If you have no church home and last decade ru ral population has in- dition, $950. One 1918 Chevrolet church. T he Inform ation contained and looking to o th e r co u n tries for own co u n try A m erica Is loved more to u rin g , good condition, $450. One In th is set will well repay your seeing ch eap er m arkets. and rig h t-j creased a t th e expense of th e cities. th an any o th e r co untry In the world. w ant to work for C h rist 1920 touring, good condition, $500. It. It will Inspire you as you note H erb ert H oover Is a very p o p u lar In »11 o th e r countries the people have eousness, m eet w ith us. P resid en t W ilson is still popular the tran sfo rm atio n w rought on th e " GRESHAM OVERLAND CO., Sunday school a t 10 a. m Sunday m igrated from the farm-; to th e citing W. A. Hessel. people by th e work of th e p ro testan t man with the Belgian people who with th e Belgian people and they m issionaries. All ages w ill enjoy th is have a g re a t appreciation fo r w hat have come to associate his nam e and T he follow ing topics will be dia­ so th a t th e food supply Is actually cussed: "O u r T ransgression l i a. in th reaten ed . P rosperity on th e farm D entistry m ade painle«s by nerve lecture. Am erica has done for th e ir country. blocking m ethods. Try It. Dr. C. P. The serm on topic for next Sunday "N o m a tte r w hat acilon Am erica th a t of H erb ert H oover w ith the “ His N am e,” at 7:30. m ach needed supplies from America. I In fo rm al Biblical discussion a t 3 m eans prosperity to all The new co­ Johnson, 611 Morgan Bldg., P o rt­ m orning will be "A s Jesus Passed land, Oregon. Main 6749.— Adv. By.” Special music by th e choir ta k e s In world affairs now th e people If they w ant A merican bacon they IP tn. and Y. P. 8. L. m eeting at operative m arketing law safeguards th e sm all producers and sh o rten s th e of Belgium love h e r for w hat ahe has ask fo r e ith e r Hoover o r Wilson j 6 p. m. You are welcome. both m orning and evening. D entistry m ade painless by nerve JESSE E BROWN, Pastor. The E pw orth L eague topic at 6 :30 done for th e m ,” says Mr Vail Don- road from th e producer to th e con­ blocking m ethods. T ry It. Dr. C P. will be "G od’s Providence in Agrlcul- bacon. They say th a t A m erica came sum er, Johnson, 611 Morgan^ Bldg., Port* I tu re .” T h is 1 b a lesson on th e social inck Mr and Mr«. Van Donlnck visited | See J o h n B ro w n f o r In -u ra n c e . A b itter fight was staged ag ain st land, Oregon. Main 6749.— Adv. mission of C h ristian ity In India. Miss to th e ir relief and they feel th a t she th e battlefields a t Dixmeude and saw j I can ta k e care of all lines of Elizabeth Jo h n so n will be th e leader. : saved th e day for them . T he s u p - , th e old tren ch es, th ree lines fo r a l­ sta n d ard Insurance, Including F ire, N e « l Your H o lt C le a n e d ? C ontinued on page 3 Life, C asualty, A utom obile In th e Mrs. Z im m erm an’s class of boys plies which w ere se n t were all th a t ’ Have It French dry cleaned. Re­ lied troops and th re e lines for the best com panies on ea rth . John pairing neatly done. Tailoring for will fu rn ish special featu res J n the kept them going and w hile p e rh a p s , Money savers sure enough. W an- Brown, Main stree t, G resham , phone opening exercises of th e Sunday ladles and men. j som e of th e th in g s did n o t g e t ■ 981.. tf Tads. (Continued on page 5) school, w hich m eets a t 10 o'clock. RETURNED TRAVELER SAYS BELGIUM IS RECOVERING FROM EFFECTS OF WAR - PETER LENARD, Tailor.