T W IC E A W E E K G resham O utlook VOL. 10, NO. 95 TU ESD AYS AND F R ID A Y S GRESHAM. MULTNOMAH COUNTY. OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25. 1921 $1 50 PER YEAR M. E. CHURCHES TO HOLD CONFERENCE EXPECT HARDING TO NAME COL. THOMPSON FUMIGATION PLANTS TAKE T ’ E ELECTRIC SURVEY TRAIN OF CARS HAS BEEN COMPLETED BENEFIT MATINEE SATURDAY FOR PDAhC C f 'lit f lJ ' r STARVING CHILDREN OF EUROPE X i lB y t \ By ROBERT FULLER. A survey of th e farm ow ners on (W ritten Especially for G resham th e Powell Valley road from Gresh O utlook) T he first q u a rte rly conference of , __ • F o u r huge fum igation plants, in am th ro u g h to new P leasan t Home th e G resham Social C en ter parish will which a whole train of fre ig h t cars for the purpose of d eterm in in g the -is wee' was one of n u m er­ be held at th e M ethodist church in is disinfected in one o p eratio n , have num ber who w ant electric lights has ous ac v itk a at th e g rad e school. On been com pleted. G resham F riday, Ja n u a ry 28. The been erected on the b o rd er between • t weekly assem bly, Princl- C. H. Johanson, B. M. Howell and churches com prising th is parish a re the U nited States an d Mexico to A lbert Quay m ade th e survey. They r ! C. d. Qulckeall arran g ed for a G resham , P lea san t Home, F airview , ¡guard against th e in tro d u ctio n of rep o rt th a t th e sum approxim ately program consisting of music by th e p lan t insect pests h arm fu l to farm $8000 has been subscribed to th e T routdale, Rockwood, Boring, Sandy pupils of th e different g rades. Tho crops. project. and Kelso. This is th e first q u a rte r­ g en eral expression was one of pleas- Some of th e most d estru ctiv e plant The rep o rt of the canvassers has ly conference to be held since th e a n ­ insects th a t ravage th e crops of been in the hands of th e P. R. L. & n u al conference last O ctober and is On W ednesday the P aren t-T each er A m erican farm ers have come from P- com pany fo r about a week b u t no circle held its reg u lar m onthly m eet­ one of th e m ost im p o rta n t th a t has Mexico, including th e cotton boll- word has been received front them as ing which was in terestin g th ro u g h o u t. ever been held by th e M ethodist weevil and th e recent in tro d u ctio n of yet. I Several m usical num bers were re n ­ churches in th is county. the cotton pink boll-worm , an insect A man is to be sent out from the dered by the pupils of th e school to A splendid program has been a r ­ said to be th e g rav est m enace th ct P o rtlan d office to m ake a new esti- - th e d elig h t of all present. T he prln- ranged fo r the day. Dr. W illiam ever confronted A m erican cotton m ate on the cost, tak in g into consid- C o lo n e l T h o m p T D ir I clpal speakers of th e aftern o o n were W allace Y oungson, d istric t su p e rin ­ grow ing. The A m erican F arm Bu- eratlo n the many facts learned In this Mrs. Sadie O rr D unbar and Miss R uth ten d en t, will preside a t the m eeting When President-elect Harding reau F ed eratio n has recom m ended survey work. It has been learned nnounces his cabinet choices, I Xoung both of whom spoke upon which will open a t 2 :3 0 w ith th e de­ to congress th a t th e pink boll-worm th a t the Bruns L um ber com pany, mong the men selected will be votional service. h ealth education. These m eetings be given im m ediate atten tio n . n ear Sandy will furnish poles at a he name of Colonel William should receive th e atten tio n of every At 2 :45 the business session will T he F ed eral H o rticu ltu ra l Board, considerably less price th an th e P. R. Boyce Thompson, is the opinion of J p atron of th e school. open and reports from all points will leaders In Republican ranks headed by Dr. C harles L. M arlatt, L. A P. can put them on th e ground Colonel Thompson is a western- F rid a y aftern o o n th e boys’ basket­ be read. R eports from Sunday chairm an, is th e control body which for. This will cut down th e cost to t . Born in Montana, he went east ball team m et and defeated th e Bor- schools, E pw orth L eagues, L adies’ to is in tru sted with the ad m in istratio n the com m unity. study and g rad u ate at Colum­ . ing team in Its initial gam e. The lo­ Aid and M issionary societies as well of th e F ed eral Plant Q u aran tin e act. The ro u te which has been subm it- bia School of Mines Then he cal boys were heavier and fa ste r th an tetu rn ed to the west and became as th e financial rep o rts for local and All ports of en try have governm ent ted to th e P. R. L. & P. Is th e one rich in copper mining He became th e B oring boys with th e re su lt of a cen tenary w ork will be received at statio n s where Im ported goodB are originally planned from G resham to A \ A R Y P 1 Í K F O R D . a colonel through service in the Q , 38 to 1 score. T he boys m ake a good th is tim e. Each official board should fum igated if it is believed th e re is new Pleasant Home along th e Powell Spanish-American W ar and in the Saturday m atin ee at 2 :3 0 . th e ap p earan ce In th e ir su its of royal blue have as m any as possible of th e ir d an g er of Infestation. j Valley road with no extensions or recent war headed the Red Cross Wi" give “ ^ " - f l ' and w hite and expect to p articip ate in R ussia for 18 m onths He m em bers present a t th e m eeting and J u s t now the Mexican border is In aide lines. W ithout doubt if this lino e n T w “ ?’ o? f o r e ^ H 8« r V C h l l d r e n fn a nurnbe r of Interesting gam es this gave one million of his personal are urged to have all rep o rts in. th e lim elight because of th e Immense J goes th rough, and th e prospects are funds to Red Cross or foreign lands. M anager A drian season. At 3:4 5 Dr. Y oungson will discuss dam age done to Mexican cotton by considered very good, m any exten- It was also Colonel Thompson is cooperating w ith th e N ational as- T he eighth grade, consisting of ?8 "A d m in istrativ e P roblem s.” Dr. th e pink boll-worm , w hich has sions will be made, but they will each who conceived the Idea and per­ sociatlon of P ictu re E xhibitors and m em bers, recently organize,! and Y oungson is known as a clear th in k ­ sonally financed th e Idea of giv­ caused as high as 8 3 per cent loss form a se p arate project. C o ttrell has th e H oover E uropean Relief Council elected th e follow ing officers- Win- ing th e home-town paper to the er and a m ost able business m an and th is year in th e L agune d istrict, th e not m ade a canvass as yet according to raise a fund of $ boys in the trenches Colonel 1,500,000 for the fred Hill, president; O rville Davld- he will certain ly have an in terestin g Thompson has resided In New g rea test cotton region in Mexico. The to late reports. g ra te st cause th a t m essage for the m em bers of the York for several years where he inset has appeared in Texas, Louis- W ithin a week o r ten days th e new th e C hristian era. ever confronted son. vice p resid en t; V ada A nderson, , se creta ry ; W illene Botkin, tre a su re r; s one of the financial leaders. churches in terested in th is new iana and New Mexico. estim ate should be ready and those Practically every motiou p icture I C arllto s S trebin. serg ean t a t a rm s : project. A special pink boll-worm commis- w-ho have pledged will know how th e house m anager in N orth A m erica is Mabel W inters, organist, Rev. E arl B. C otton will discuss D. D. MYERS AGAIN sion appointed by th e gov ern o r o f ; proposition lines up. assistin g the leading w elfare organ- T he class has selected royal blue "T h e P asto ral P roblem s of th e O ut­ GORED BY BULL Texas m ade an official investigation T he $8000 has been raised by sub- R atio n s n bringing quick relief to and w hite as th e ir colors, and are lying F ield .” Rev. Mr. Cotton has of th e L aguna eqnditlons»and report- scriptlon, each farm er subscribing th e d estitu te. Film agencies, pro- p lan n in g a num ber of activities for D. D. Myers, who was ju s t, recov­ m ade a survey of th e outlying te rr i­ ed th e dam age found th e re to be n o t ' th e am ount he felt was fair and Just ducers, and every man and woman ' the rem a in d er of th e year ering from Injuries received when he tory d u rin g his two and a half years less th an 50 per cent of th e cotton i and as much as he was able to do. connected with the industry a re gtv- T he th ird g rad e deserves compll- --------------------- p asto ra te a t P lea san t H om e and is w as gored by a bull- last week, had crop. At such a ra te cotton could ! ng th e ir tim e, th e ir energy and m ents in having again secured the p repared to tell som e of th e problem s an o th er enco u n ter w ith th e anim al not be grow n profitably in th e FRESHMEN WIN th e ir money to put over this g rea t honor banner, this being th e ir th ird th a t m u st be met. UNEXPECTED VICTORY drive. T hursday and again lost out. Only Unitd States, ta k in g into considers- G resham citizens an d all tim e. Rev. A lbert S. Hisey will discuss tion th e h ig h er wages paid In th is T he school has an enrollm ent of In tho second gam e of th e In tra - X Z d " , M‘‘,tn " mah County aro the topic “ B uilding th e Bigger P ro ­ th e presence of Wm. B utler, te ste r co untry for farm labor. P lan s are debted to th e P aram o u n t Exchanges 248 pupils which is the larg est in the g ra m ” and will tell of th e plans for fo r th e cow te stin g association, and u n d er way fo r stric te r e n fo rc e m e n t' MuraI ha^het ball series, which was fo r th e free use of th e program th a t history of the G resham g rad e school, developing a larger, stro n g e r church his prom pt action Baved Mr. Myers of border reg u latio n s and inspection hel<* Wedne8