w ic E A W EEK VOL. 10, NO. 86 G resham O utlook GRESHAM, MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON, CHAUTAUQUA SYSTEM ON NON PROFIT BASIS XMAS EXERCISES AT UNION HIGH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1920 H i l l L IT T L E ( H I I . D I t F N E V E R Y W H E R E A J O Y O U S S FLY SON S T IL L M E .M A K E ; M E B R I M i O CR I'H Et l O l S G IF T S TO THEM EV EN FOR T H E D E A R C H ILD J E S U S ’ SA K E . TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS $1.50 PER YEAR POMONA ENDORSES WEED ELIMINATION An event of far-reach in g conse- jquence occurred recently in P o rtlan d _____ j when th e E llison-W hite B ureau, op- Rev. A. 8. Hisey, p astor of th e era tin g hund red s of Lyceum courses, At th e last Pom ona g ran g e which w .i. j , . . 1 festivals and ch a u ta u q u as thro u g h - M ethodist church, was th e speaker of Out th e west, placed th e ir business met at L ents th e question of weed the afternoon at Union High school on a stric tly non-profit basis At one _. . . step this places these e n tertain m en t control was taken up and a fte r th o r­ T hursday when the C hristm as pro- and educational assem blies on th e ough discussion th e rep o rt of th e gram was given. Rev. Mr. H isey Plane of th e school, college and week com m ittee was accepted an d en ­ , , I church. was asked to give "T he T rue Two ypars aRO Mr. Ellison and Mr. dorsed. T his rep o rt will be placed In C hristm as S tory" but he said th a t W hite were prim e m overs in an at- the hands of in terested legislators ami the story was so fam iliar to everyone ,place a11 bureaua *? th,T a bill containing th e am endm ents and . . . . , , . U nited S tates on non-profit basis. It provisions of th e rep o rt be placed be­ th a t he would tell som ething of the wa3 defeated th ro u g h selfish interest men who w rote the stories. He o u t- 1 on th e p art of some of th e sm aller fore th e coining legislature. lined th e Bible sto ries as they a re I com panies of th e east. T he w estern 8. B. Hall, county ag e n t; C. B. found in M athew and L uke a n d 'g a v e , " ™ has. t a *e" , h e ,6tep and 11 J 3 Lewis, and J. J. Johnson rep resen ted ... . . . . . expected th a t w ithin a few years th e Pom ona grange and J. E. S tansberry, som ething of th e ch a racteristics of m ovem ent will be nation-w ide, th e tw o m en who w rote of th e b ir th ' T he new org an izatio n ta k es th e D istrict A ttorney Evans and 8. B. Hall nam e of th e E llison-W hite Lyceum and early life of C hrist. w ere appointed by th e county com ­ Mary Cogswell gave a pleasing and C hau tau q u a association. It is m issioners to work out su itab le PEDAGOGY CLASS sponsored bv some of th e leading reading ab o u t "T he F irs t C hristm as men and women of th e Pacific Coast. am endm ents to th e existing laws on CAN KEEP SECRETS T ree.” T here are nine m em bers on th e the subject. T he pedagogy class gave a one act Vaye H arm on gave th e ever charm board of tru stees, seven of whom will T he report as adopted by Pom ona reading “ 'T 1 w as th N ig ht B B e efor. fo r e lyceum be e ,e c te and d fro cb m a y u e ta a r u q 1° by the gran g e is as follows: l ine g reading was th e e M ght u a y ear patrons in comedy at th e Union High school “ In counties w here th e county l hristm as. . (bp different districts. T he board of O ther sp eak ers who have accepted Thursday m orning which was much T he m orning services at th e court has appointed a person in ac­ Musical num bers w ere given by th e tru ste es fo r th e p resen t year is as fol- G irl's Glee club, by th e Boys’ G le e ilow8: c - w - Tenney, president of in v itatio n s to speak here during enjoyed by the stu d en ts and th e few M ethodist Episcopal church will be In cordance with th e provisions of this act, th en upon petition bearing th e F a rm e r’s W eek are George A. Mans g u ests who were present. c u b „nd by , b . u » ,b „ H U b « b , b « . X ^ ,b US ' ' S ; . ’rtc,,i 0. a ‘.", i , £ » field of M edford, president of the Ore- T he nam e of th e comedy was "How keeping with th e season. T he se r­ sig n atu res of ow ners of a m ajo rity of th e land w ithin a d istrict whoso tra. All w ere very fine. j iana, Texas, A rizona; L. L. McCoy, gon S tate F arm B u reau ; I. N. Ga- a woman keeps a secret.” The play mon by the pastor, Rev. A. S. Hisey boundaries a re described in such pe­ C urtis C. H endricks had c o lle c te d ' b anker and cap italist of Red Bluff, A tition. notice shall be served as pro­ a num ber of am using jokes about the C alifornia, rep resen tin g D istrict No brielson, governm ent road control , had been kept a profound secret and will be a C hristm as message. 2, C alifornia; Geo. W. G earh art, a t ­ sp ecialist; C. N. W alker, M ultnom ah Kave evidence th a t a woman can keep C hristm as anthem will be sung by the vided in this section and the county stu d e n ts and faculty of Union High torney-at-law court shall enforce the provisions of , P o rtlan d , O regon, rep ­ a secret if she w ants to. choir. T he evening serm on will be this act w ithin such d istrict, as pre­ which he gave' u nder th e heading of resenting D istrict No. 3, Nevada, county fru it inspector; G. It. Hyslop, professor of farm crops; Ju liu s T he secret in th e play was not »3 scribed in sections 4840 to 4849, in ­ on th e su b je ct “ S lightly Soiled "T he Office Dog A gain.” They c re a t­ U tah, C olorado; Gov. D. W. Davis, L uscher of Fairview one of th e best of Idaho, rep resen tin g D istrict No. 4, inform ed calf breeaers in th e sta te carefully preserved and was soon dis­ Special music will be given in th e clusive, as they apply to C anada ed a g re a t deal of am usem ent. th istle (C ard u u s arvense,) and quack of Idaho and W yom ing: A. C. who has m ade extensive records on closed in a m ost am using m anner. evening. Miss L ucille M cCarter presented S trange grass (A gropyron rep e n s), and such su p e rin ten d e n t of schools, th e cost of feeding calves, and Ray Mabel Sweetley (M abel L u n d q u ist) T he reg u la r m eeting of the Ep­ the le tte rs to the football men. In A storia, Oregon, rep rese n tin g D istrict o th e r weeds as the p etitio n ers may Lasley who will d em o n strate th e I had ju st become engaged to H arold w orth League will be at 6 :3 0 o'clock see fit to include" should be am end­ h er opening rem arks Miss M cCarter No. 5, M ontana; Mrs. Josephine Cor- cu ttin g and tre a tin g or potato seed. W right b ut it was th e “ deepest kind said th a t every team had its ups and Uss P reston, s ta te su p erin ten d en t of and will be full of in te rest to the ed to read as fallow s: S. B. H ail is plan n in g a com plete r "In counties w here th e county .___ _ _ , . . . . . . , public instru ctio n and president of program for th is year, one which will o f a se c re t” because before announc- young people. These m eetings are downs and th is seem ed to be « ¡ th e N ational E ducation association, m eet th e needs of the farm ers and be lng It they m ust win the approval of court has not appointed a person In grow ing ln num bers and in en th u ­ accordance with th e provisions of this "dow n” year but th a t they fully ex- representin g D istrict No. 6, sta te of different from th e one given last j H aro ld ’s uncle who was in E urope, or act, then upon petition bearing the siasm . pected th a t it would be a valley be­ W ashington; H. E. Cross, president year. lose a possible ten thousand a year. T he Sunday school will m eet as sig n a tu re of one hundred o r m ore H. E. Cosby will give some in te r­ tw een the peaks of last y e a r’s success of W illam ette V alley C h au tau q u a a s­ sociation, at G ladstone, Oregon, re p ­ At a tea Mabel m et h er d ea rest friend, usual at 10 o’clock. T h ere has been ow ners of farm land w ithin the coun­ and the successes of th e y ear to come. resenting D istrict No. 7, O regon; J. estin g lectu res of Interest to the th e county court shall enforce the poultrym en and will help them solve M aude H arrison (Jo sep h in e Tow n­ a steady increase In atten d an ce from ty provision of this act w ithin said L etters w ere presented to David i R. E llison and C. H. W hite, ax-officio any of th e problem s th a t they may sen d ) and finally confesses th a t sh e is week to week fo r th e p ast tw o o r county, as prescribed in section 4840 Johnson, A rth u r G ran, R ichard S a t- 1 members. have. engaged. terstrom . E llis W right, R ichard , The E llison-W hite C h au tau q u a and th re e m onths. T h e 200-m ark has (o 4849, inclusive, as they apply to J. C. H urd, assista n t county agent The news spread th ro u g h th e whole not been q u ite reached b ut all are C anada th istle and any o th e r such . m I. o I T. „ Lyceum business was founded in Lane, W a lte r Sweek, P ercy P u lfe r> il913 by j R EIHson of Portlan(1> lead er of th e sta te , and P au l V. Maris weeds as the ptltlon may see fit to in ­ d irecto r of extension for th e Oregon p arty alth o u g h no one really told u n ­ w orking for th a t atten d an ce by J a n ­ clude.” C harles Brow n, Melvin P eterson, Ru- and C. H. W hite of Boise, Idaho. In A g ricu ltu ral college, a re o th e rs who til they had to. F o rtu n a te ly , th e uncle A dditions we wish to recom m end uary 2. The church was packed last bin P eterson, W ilfred N asshahn and eight years it has grow n from a tiny will give addresses on live questions cam e hom e and gave his perm ission n ig h t by m em bers of th e school and are as foliows: Newell F an ch er. S ub stitu tes who com pany to th e largest organization of th e day. " F irs t th a t law’s be enacted p ro h i­ of its kind in th e U nited S tates, o per­ F arm ers should plan th e ir work before th e tea p arty broke up, and th e ir friends w hen th e an n u al biting w ere given honorable m ention were atin g e ith e r lyceum, festivals o r ch au ­ the shipm ent into Oregon of so th a t they may be free to atten d as i H aro ld ’s telephone call relieved the C hristinas program was p u t on. A any hay, grain o r o th e r product Jo hnle C arlson, E dw ard Schenk, E d­ tau q u as in p ractically every town of m any m eetings as possible. necessity for keeping th e engagem ent offering, am ounting to which carry the seed of C anada th istle w ard S outhard, M aitland Geddes, th e west. Several h u n d red people a re T he days and th e ir topics as o u t­ a secret. As Mabel said " it isn ’t a splendid and providing for its enforcem ent." em ployed th e y ea r aro u n d and op- 1116.50, was tak en for the relief of lined are as follow s: B u rt H orburg, and Ray Strong. Second, to provide for a q u a ra n ­ proxlm ately th ree and a th ird m illion secret any lo n g er” a fact d em o n strat­ th e suffering children of Europe, in ­ Monday, Ja n u a ry 10.— Soils, F e r­ M aurice B otkin, presid en t of the people in th e w estern sta te s atten d ed tine law which can be applied to any tilizers and Pests. ed by th e num bers of th e te a party. cluding Russian A rm enia. T his will prescribed area w ithin th e sta te , stu d e n t body, presided a t the m eet­ th e ir lyceum an d c h a u ta u q u a assem ­ Tuesday, J a n u a ry 11. — Field M embers of th e class who took p a rt be forw arded a t once th ro u g h the large or sm all, which is infected with blies du rin g th e past year. Offices Crops Day. ing. anada th istles, said q u ara n tin e to are also m ain tain ed in Chlgary, Al­ W ednesday, Ja n u a ry 12.— P oultry were, Mabel L u n dquist, Josephine g eneral Sunday school board of th e C pro h ib it th e tran sfe rin g of any farm berta, and A uckland, New Zealand. Day. Tow nsend, Adele Schenk, Florence church and will be cabled to E u ro ­ product such as hay, g rain o r any MORE BUSINESS HOUSES In 1919 th e New Zealand c h a u ta u ­ Dairy [ B ram hall, E dith B aker, A nnie Hoov­ T hursday, Ja n u a ry 13. pean h ea d q u arte rs for im m ediate o th er product which Is liable to carry ADD XMAS DECORATIONS quas w ere placed on a non-profit Day. er, Hazel Stanley, R uth E lliott, Ida use. the seed of C anada thistle, the object basis and it is expected th a t th e Ca- ^ F r i d a y . J a n u a ry 14.— H o rticu ltu re | Segter and K atbprlnp B ratzpl. Oracp Both th e Bank of G resham and th e ) nadiau d ep a rtm en t will also follow in A w atch-night service will be held of th is to m ake It possible to quuran- Ine ag ain st a county, or tow nship, or F irs t S tate Bank have beautifulJ th4 m ills was levied and 20 g reat-g ran d ch ild ren ) usual and d elightful affairs th a t has th e purpose of in stallin g lights in *9.00— 30 cords 1st grow th fir cut F rom th e tim e of his conversion at glad to learn th a t she and her bus- for T he next re g u la r m eeting of the th e schoolhouse. T his will am ount to 30 days. been held ln Union High th is year. firemen will be held on Ja n . 3. At th e age of 21. Mr. Cawiey took a deep band a re planning on “ com ing n o rth about *358. ,8 .5 0 — 30 cords dead wood fir de­ in te re st in th e cause of C h ristian ity livered In Gresham . b . ™ « l.r of i S i - i T i k In th e sp rin g when th e o th e r geese No one who reads th e Outlook .b k A reme t'a n l P arty . 8« W. A. HES8EL. ( m eans and personal labors Only a com e” to quote from her letter. should have th e slig h test doubt about officers will be held. T he A reme club will give a card _ _ ----------------------- j few days before his d eath In th e w h at to get fo r "h im " o r " h e r,” o r D entistry m ade painless by nerve T he F irs t S tate Bank fu rn ish es Its 'h o m e of his son, D. M C athey and Why not a S onbra fo r C h ristm as? p arty , W ednesday evening, Decem­ blocking m ethods. Try It. Dr. C. P. "th e m ” o r " i t,” o r w here to get w hat saving depositors w ith U. 8 T reasury I wife, he took p art in fam ily worship Ask th e G resham Drug Co. ber 29, In Masonic hall. Admission Johnson, 611 Morgan Bldg,, P o rt­ they desire. T he m any local stores certificates ru n n in g six m onths o r one : and prayed ferv en tly and Intelligently Pyrex Oven Glass m akes ideal will be 26 cents each and playing land, Oregon. Main 6749.— Adv. have m ade C hristm as shopping u n ­ year bearing In terest a t r a ts of 5 fc ¡to r him self and gave clea r evidence C hristm as gifts. A larg e asso rtm en t will begin a t 1 :3 0 p. m. A cordial per cent and 6 per cent. No safer of his p rep aratio n fo r th e change th a t usually easy th is year. When In doubt try a W ant Ad. securities can be had. tf 1 was so soon to come. to select from a t L. L. K idder Hdw. in vitation la extended to all. 87 (C ontinued on page 5) NOTED SPEAKERS FOR FARMERS WEEK GENEROUS GIVERS AT S. S. EXERCISES