PACK FOl'R GRESHAM SPECIAL FOR THRIFT WEEK QITVOOK UERDS OF FUTURE TO GRAZE IN THE NORTH RUG S 9x12 Tyvan . . . 9x 12 Crex G rass 9x12 “Edgem ere” Tapestry Brussells 9 x l2 ''S am ac" - 9x12 Villa G rass 9x10 1-2 Congoleum $15.00 13.00 27.50 15.50 10.50 11.50 r / i' & JIA 1910 SENATE BILL AMENDED subjects and form ulate the method of conducting discussions. 13) To provide and conduct games, dances, com m unity dram as, musicals, motion pictures, and to prom ote all sim ilar play activities with a view to i increasing the Joy. health and good fellowhip am ong both ad u lts and i I youths. 14) To provide courses of stu d ie s' 1 for young men and women as a prepar tion for citizenship and devise meth- ods of organizing th e youth Into vol- J untary, cooperative and constructive I forms of p atrio tic service. I have a Large Assortment of small Rugs at equal values SPECIAL I J. Ed. METZGER FRIDAY. J A M ARY 3 1 . (6 ) To pro m o te closer coopera- ' tion betw een th e school and the ! home, betw een p are n ts and te ach ers; to aim to im prove th e school eq u ip ­ m en t, to secure m ore ad e q u ate su p ­ p ort an d b e tte r housing conditions for teac h ers; to en d eav o r to p ro ­ vide ways an d m eans o r to rem ove such obstacles as may be necessary to en ab le ail ch ild ren to rem ain in school u n til they have finished th e , g ra m m a r grades. 1919 R eliability Service WE HAVE A FEW Oliver Manure Spreaders Which are Low-Down, Light-Draft, Eesy to Operate. If you » r. n l/" Sr,? 'a^ ;'r8 £ ’» will appreciate them, and the prices are Before-the War Prices, prices that you will not see again tor a good many years. hereT 1’ , ‘ Set Up readr f°r 7»“ *« Oui , o f u î ------- o n ù ï cornes ï CftOA the me«- phone 548 YOUR HOME FURNISHER GRESHAM u Y h Rureat undcv«'opcat It has done for o th e rs. Mrs. 0 the d istrib u tio n o r th e o rg an izatio n each o f the school districts o f the ¡Cook, Macon, III., w rites, ” 1 havi For the convenieue« of pat of th e schools, to recom m end th e es­ county, or counties, affected hereby found It gives th e q u ick est relief of ta b .n lish m en t of new schools o i am i "f such election there shall be any cough rem edy I have ev er u sed.1 cons who may he unahl to wait hr eh lih r o r ... .. . 7 '7 — c o rr e la tio n o f th e wm u° T S * ’ n ‘ T >'Ubm,tted ,0 ,hl 11 t>al vot' r* o f such Mrs. Ja m es A. K n o tt, C hillicothe, Mo. tor service on account of tnv with th a t of 11, . ih r k. ° f h<> ‘“ 'hool,<; ' the question of w hether or not says "C h am b e rlain s Cough Rerned; ( h e s ita m Phone 691 .. . . »rarles, a g rlc u ltu r- such ounty shall come under the pro can n o t be beat fo r coughs an d co ld s.’ shop being crowded, and to a al activ ities, and o th e r form s of ed ­ visions o f this m t. and unless and un- J - Moore, Oval, Pa., says " I have eomadate more of them, 1 will ucational service. til a m ajority of the legal voters voting Ulied C h a m b erlain 's C ough Rem edy 19) To act as secretary of the a t s u h election, shall vote in fa r o f o f ? ” severi‘1 oct'a s lons when I was sur- have S potlights and electric horns. C . . » X 1. " , r . T 'î . i n - . « ' ounty Hoard of E ducation and to . Some c h o i e b argains at Chipm an s E. O sburn .< Co. have ch a rg e of th e clerical, s ta tis ti­ ........."1 VH sto re .UI V . eond-hand Adv. lisio n s of t h i s at t. the provisions ab o u t a c u re .— Adv. cal and financial work connected hereof shall not become effective so as . . . . . . . . „•_. . . . . . . . . . . . . Read th e W ant sds w ith th e a d m in istra tio n of th e schools of th e county school d istrict. On February 5 He is to approve all w a rra n ts draw n on th e funds of th e county, and to Allows us to com pete w ith all rivals A This is the place to loo k fot p rep are th e financial and sta tistic a l I he ingred ien ts of o u r bread and -i’ p o rtio n s of th e req u ired an n u a l pastries are in strict conform ity with men who know how to do first school rep o rt have been learned during th e great W orld War. tlie w ar reg u latio n s and the neatness One is that by practice of conservation and thrift, a nation or (1 0 ) To have g en eral ch arg e of class work when they get of o u r bakery has given us th e h ig h ­ it all pu rch ases of supplies for an individual can accomplish things which seemed in former the est sa n ita ry ra tin g P atro n ize a to do. days impossible. schools and th e d istrib u tio n of th e hom e industry. sam e, and to have g en eral o v ersig h t There is perhaps no more striking proof of what can be ac­ The 100 per cent American of al! ja n ito r service and rep a ir complished by intelligent conservation than what has been work, except as o th erw ise provided done by America in the popular financing of the war Barber Shop Next to the for by th e county hoard of education. G resham . Phone II t i l ) To be cu sto d ian of all legal Before the war then- were less than three hundred thousand Post Office. papers belonging to th e county bond holders in the United States. school (U strlct; to give all req u ired I he American people were taught to practice Thrift, to elitni- notices. a d m in iste r o a th s ; sign iifltc Wftstp hik I to save their money. co n tracts as d irected by th e b oard; Home-made Sausage and reg ister all te a c h e rs’ certificates; d is­ Lard. Sweet-Cured Ham v RESU LT trib u te blank form s an d collect and | «’r ,y million bond holders today in the United States and Bacon ta b u late th e sta tistic a l re tu rn s; We buy Beef Cattle, Calves. k ep a com plete set of books cover­ Member of N ational M aster Hogs. Hides. Etc. ing all financial tra n sa c tio n s and all B arbers Association fu n d s; and perform such o th e r clerl- I H O I I Its. ITTKNTIONI G eo . D ie d , H ours from s M p in. W«‘ Niixike Y nar Meat cal an d s ta tistic a l fu n ctio n s as he Main Street Grpahnni. Ore P h o « « 801 M aiaritays i<> | | p. may be d irected to do. O R K S H IM . OREGON (1 2 ) To p rep a re an d issue an Disc Harrows HESSEL’S FARM MACHINERY GOOD FRUIT AUCTION SALE L. L. Kidder Hdw. Co. Mt»«» Goodyear Tires FORD SIZE 30 x 32 C. E. Osburn & Co. * . BAKING EXCELLENCE I Notice io the Public An Additional Barber Lessons of Inestimable Worth CITY BAKERY SANITARY MARKET Prop. B. F. BAUER. Prop. ¿first ^ ta tr iBank