CHRISTMAS NUMBER GRESHAM OUTLOOK DECEMBER 18, 1914 PAGE SEVEN A Sermon by Rev. M elville T . W ire, preached Nov. 2 2 , 1914, at Gresham M eth dist Church V Hnd lips say holy grace. Che halo that a S ta r of Beth­ lehem shed 6nctrcles her young face. houghts of world quests those wee feet may pursue, Set heart to beating wild, fo r C hrist unto the earth is born anew * Cdith each new little child. Text Isaiah 47:14 • • • T h ey, ing upon a happy event of life when dom and well-being. When w« shall not deliver them selves from the really he would be looking on the properly locate sin we see how hein­ power of the flame free of death. Let no young man de- ous it is, how wanton it is, how un­ These words were spoken by the <*»’ • himself. The venture into the necessary it is. It is just as bad to­ prophet Isaiah against Babylon ano forbidden domain, the eating of the day as it ever was— if not a shade Chaldea; but they may fittingly serve Ifrult o{ knowledge has only one worse. With all the enlightm ent and as a text in dealing with the subjec. outcome. It means death. In tli fill material progress of modem times of gju indulgence he may think he Is ' see- sin still enthrones itself in the place A contemporary writer says: "We ing 1 ’’ *hen ir. reality he is see- where m en’s m otives emanate, In the are rather inclined to the view that death. Not merely physical