Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, October 09, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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| married in a week to the moat wan- morning to take Gertie ante riding, he
’ derful girl in the world, and the received her answer to th6 question ha
cashier’s desk, with its salary of $5000 had asked her two days before.
a year, had seemed but a step away.
At 11 the next morning, a boy
By Kenneth Carlyle Beatson, in L. A. Times
I Just a step away—yet 25 years were
brought Jones word that the president
to bring it not one inch closer! It of the board wanted to see him. Jonea
^ e" Rd‘iferent » . Major had been expecting that. He calmly
ONES’ daughter eupped her chin eome out It was best to get them o u t'
“ Uck ,had hved- ®ut on# morn,ng
in the palm of her hand and as quickly as possible.
put everything in perfect order, hung
Major s heart had gone back on him
turned her clear gray eye« full
For several moments Oertie silently and he had died without having time up a “ Please call at next window”
npon her father.
studied the earpet; then ebe sullenly to even make a will. And directly sign, got down from his stool, took a
" Ilea a e tell me just what it will ooked up with a bright smile.
) thereafter things began to break badly last look at his desk and window, sighed
mean if I refuse him,” she said.
slightly, and then went to Bakers’ of«
“ I see, father,” sho said; “ and I ’ll for Jones.
Jonee wanted to lie to her. He want­
marry Mr. Quigloy, of course. That’s) Black’s death had left room for a fice.
ed to assure her that it would mean no
Lakers glanced up as he entered.
a little enough thing to do for a father step up all along the line. What aetnal-
more if «he refused to marry Quigley
Sit down, Jones,” he said.
than if sho should refuse to marry any­
“ Y o u ll marry him if you love him, Pe^ UP except Jones, the second assist-
Jones sat down. Lakers thoughtfully
one else. But he found that with those
clear eyes npon him he somehow could and not otherwise,” he said decisively. ant being pushed over his head to the rubbed his chin for a moment.
not do so. A lie exposed to those eyes “ I haven’t told you this to influence cashier’s desk. Again Jones lived ovor
“ Jones,V he said, “ do you realize
would perish as certainly and as quick yon. I ’ve told it to you because I ’ve the disappointment he had felt then.
that you are getting to be a pretty old
never been able to lie to you. I f I
One day, some three months later, a
ly us filth exposed to the sun.
“ I ’m afraid,’’ he told her, “ It will thought you had married a man for my messenger boy had come into the bank
Jones nodded, n e couldn’t trust him­
mean that by this time next week the sake whom you did not love, I could with word that ho was wanted at home self to speak just then.
Beardstown National Bank will have a not liv e .” And the manner in which at once. When he had arrived there
“ Yes, you must be somewhere around
he said this last would have convinced Dr. Anson had opened the door for him.
now first assistant cashier.’’
65,” the other went on. “ A man that
Then he slowly wet his lips. Those
sion on the physician’s face had been. old can t do the work a first assistant
lips seemed utterly bloodless. His en ing the truth.
“ You’d better come right upstairs,’’ cashier must do, Jones. I t ’s a physical
tire face seemed bloodless, for that
Just then the maid came into the
other had said. “ S he’s been ask­ impossibility. The first assistant is th«
matter; and one somehow suspected
pack-mule of a bank, and everybody
that his whole body was, too. A friend up the card on the tray and glanced ing for you.”
Upstairs he had found his wife lying takes a turn at riding on him. I 've
had once laughingly remarked that his at it.
I t ’s Tommy Travis, ’ ’ she said, look in bed, a pink little object beside her. thought for a long time that we ought
tilood had all been absorbed by the
to have a younger man as our pack-
firm for which he had worked the last ing up— and Jones saw a little path of She had smiled weakly at him, closed
85 years. That friend never guessed red come into the cheek that was her eyes, and sighed deeply; and then mule, and I brought the matter up be­
turned toward him. ” Teli him w e’ll be Dr. Anson had laid a hand across his fore the other directors at the meeting
how near he bad come tc the truth.
this morning. They all agreed with me,
in, Mary.”
A light fl allied up in the g ir l’s eyes.
“ S he’s gone, Jones,” he had said and we decided to make young Sander«
Jones saw it and forestalled what he
A moment later they went into the
first assistant.”
know sho was about to say.
parlor to greet the visitor. Travis was simply.
Lakers paused and coughed. Jonea
“ No, Gertie, I don’t mean (hat,’’ he
»aid. Quigley wouldn’t have me let out by his looks, bnt actually a book keep­ shoved over Jones ’ head he hadn’t glanced at the window at his right and
because you refused to marry him. He er. He came of a very aristocratic, cared so much. It hadn’t seemed to saw that a shadow had fallen across it.
ten’t that kind I'm sure ho would very highly respected, very poor fam- matter, somehow. For a long time Evidently a cloud had passed before
want you to come to him absolutely of ly. Eugenieally, he was an ideal son- nothing had seemed to matter very the sun. The words of a song he had
your own accord or not at a il.’’
in law for anyone; financially, he was much. When he had finally begun to known as a child came back to him,
take a new interest in life, he had real­ “ Somewhere behind the clouds the sun
“ Then—what do you mean»”
Jones raised a shaky right hand to
Jones did not stay long in the parlor, ized that an advancement was out of is shining.” He smiled grimly to him­
his chin. That hand did not shake but quickly took himself off to his the question. A fixture he was and self and wondered if somewhere behind
merely because of any momentary ex­ lub. He did not stay long at the club, a fixture he would stay. Wheft the the clouds his sun could be shining.
Yes, Jones,” Lakers went on, “ we
citement. It had started shaking 15 for he found cards, companions and others moved, it was taken for grant­
years before, and it had grown more billiards all equally depressing. Leav- ed and as a matter of course that he decided that you ’d been our pack-mule
long enough. A man who has served
and more shaky every year since.
ng tho club, he walked slowly up the should stand still.
And now he was to be let out This his firm as long and as faithfully as
“ Oertie,” he said quietly, “ I am street, not knowing or caring where
66 years old. Now, the first assistant ‘ e was going. And presently he found was the end, then. After 35 years of you have deserves a better reward than
th a t Now, Winston hasn’t been well
in a bank is required to do a great deal iinself in front of the Beardstown Na- slavery, he was to be—
A clock struck off the hour of ten. for a long time, and his physicians fear
of work. He is required to do all of ional Bank.
his own work, part of the work of those
Ho stood there on the sidewalk a Jones started and climbed down from that his lungs are affected. H e’s
below him and most of the work of moment, gazing nt tho heavy plate-glass his stool. He realized, all at once, that bought a place out in Arizona, and he
, ,
, the place
was , very
He tried to is going out there next week. We de­
those above him. To do all this and to winnows. An autom obile w v-
hirled around
, . ..
do it well is a task that is difficult the corner, and its headlight fell full speak a cheerful word to the watch- cided at the meeting that no one was
of performance for even a young man. upon the window just before him, man as he went out, but somehow what better fitted or more entitled to fill
his place than you. So I take pleasure
For a man of my ago it is absolutely
ghting up plainly the interior of the he said did not sound cheerful.
Reaching home, Jones went straight in informing you, Jones, that from to­
impossible of performance. So, you hank. .Tones caught a glimpse of his
«ee— ”
own desk; and then, giving way to an to his room. He had been there but a morrow on your position will be that
“ But surely, father, they w on’t for­ odd fancy, he walked around to the few minutes when he heard the door of head cashier.”
get that you ’ve slaved for the bank rear entrance and rapped sharplv three open. Glancing up, he saw Gertie com­
When Jones looked again at that
ing towards him .'H er cheeks were un­
half of your life; that you ’ve— ”
window he saw that the cloud had
times. After a moment the night watch­
“ My dear,” Jones smiled, “ there is man opened the door, n e let Jones in naturally flushed and her eyes were^, gone by and that the sunlight was
not much sentiment in any business. without question; it was not unusual unnaturally bright. She sat down on streaming in brightly.
There cannot be. And there is probably 1 for Jones to come back to his office at the arm of his chair and put her arm
lass sentiment in tho banking business) night. Few first assistants can do all around him, and then suddenly she
than in any other. When a first assist tho work they are required to do in buried her face in his vest front.
4 4 F—father, ’ ’ she sobbed, 4 4 I—I e—
ant remains a first assistant until he their regular working hours.
Write for Information Today.
couldn’t. He— he asked me to— to
Is no longer able to do all the work
Straight to his desk went Jones.
that is given him, he is practioally al­ There, still guided merely bv fancy, he marry him, and I c—couldn’t refuse
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
ways replaced by a younger man. This got up on his high stool and sat look­
Mountain View Floral Co.
is not right, possibly, but it is inevit­ ing out through his window, just as he dollars a month, b— but I—I 1—love
able, and no one is to be censored for did when a line of people stood there. him. ’ ’
East 72nd ft Mill Sta., Portland, Oregon.
“ Why, what in the world!” ex
It. The life—or the health, at least—
He remembered the first time he had
of the bank requires that it be done.” seen the inside of the bank. Then he claimed Jones, raising her face.
and Chronic
“ Oh, I—I know I ’m ungrateful and
“ Have you any reason for thinking had stood in that line of people, wait-
D i s e a sea
that they intend to let you out just ing to have his first salary check
| cashed. What a wonderful thing that my asked me I e—couldn’t say no. I cured without drugs or knife
—I j—just c—couldn’t. I— ”
“ Yes. Sanders, who is under me, is *',it
P*P®T ha<1 seemed! In imagine
Suddenly Jones saw light. He saw
a son in law of Lakers, the president of, tion be pictured his life from that day
what she had dono and why she was NATURAL SANATORIUM
the board of directors. It has come to on- Now he was standing tremblingly
crying about it, and he saw, too, what 178 Eaat 60th Street, Portland, O regon
Hie that Sanders has been telling about before Major Black, then president of
his course must be. He forced a smile
that he expects to bo at my desk by U*® bank, asking for a position. Now
to his face.
tho middle of next week. This means, , he wa" working as a clerk—working
“ Well, Gertie, what are you crying
of course, that Lakers will try to have ! furiously that he might gain notice and
about»” he asked. “ You’re not sorry
me let out at the next meeting of the advancement.
Now he was again
you accepted him already, are you»’ ’
Do You Want a Homestead?
board—and the next meeting is tomor ' standing before Major Black, blushing
Gertie brightened a little behind her
I-ist o( Government lands In each His In
row morning.”
I at the other’s words of commendation
subject to homestand and (or wbst best
A frown settled on Gertie’s face.
#n<1 hearin< that h# w“ to be made
44 But—but Mr. Quigley w on’t— ”
adapted. Alee description o( Or-jon by
an awi!<tant
assistant teller. Now be
he wi
was on
•<I l kn.t«
K au
.. . . | *■
know w hat s b o th erin g v o n .” said
“ Oh, bother Quigley!” Jones ex­ Oountlca. Send (or 34O-pa(e book. *'A4-
I.,««- .» v « . •-
tfte bank steps, facin g a suripnff. sullen
iou re wondering where Quiff
. .
i >
«.»awss.. in. 1 i m 11 i tell
a it
a- one
X K ! mob of v _
men and women, pleading
ing with claimed lightly—he made it eome light rnntagee of Orecon.” Prioe 50 cents post­
ly. “ I wouldn’t think of allowing you paid.
ever comes
let out w ithout th you.
e vote’
of“ t t i . s j L .
’’•« _ V . '* - * «v..
‘hT " 0 U ? b/ ’7
to marry him unless you loved him,
board being u n a n i m o u ™ one above
and you know it, Anyhow, what if I
the position of
of clerk that ia. Now. (
let out of the Beardstown National»
«10 Panama M idi. Portland. Orefon.
L akers is preside,,«
of the
the board
board and
and with
es.dent of
A m in
' „u
- Wllh pebbles. and bis words brought I can get— ” He paused a moment and
a man or much
influence, and few of forth
> « « « « - ..
the d ir e c to r ,ch
. v , . " ¡ f o r t h only
only sneer, and ca tca ll,. Grad,, swallowed. He had meant to say that
ie iiM t h i m ’ i,* ""i' Care ,0
oot ally, though, the sneers disappeared and he could get plenty of other positions,
linn. , Quiglev is one . th a t m
iv h t.
11 , ain st
_ 11
ths ca . tc a ll,
grew less
Hit but those clear gray eyes would not
He «»mid be certain to do so if ho
______ , . 1VL „
enthusiasm swelled. He talked on furi let him. “ There’s other banks in
knew that I was to be his father in
ouslv and desperately. Presently a few town,” he finished. “ I guess there's
law. Do you see»”
began to turn shamefacedly away, and no danger of me starving to death. 1
Nobody but Jones himself could ever the rest, sheep-like, began to fo llo w .!" “ unstrung when I talked to you
realize «hat it was costing him to talk Now Major Black was sobbing out his ,
evening, and things seemed worse
like this to Gertie But h e could not thankfulness: telling him that he had tha"
«ere. Now, brighten up, my
help it. "hen a little child, Gertie had saved tho bank, and that the bank dear. and tell me more about Tommy. ”
turned those .liar gray eyes upon him would know how to reward him. Now
An hour later Gertie, reassure», and
and asked him the truth about Santa ' he was sitting at the first assistant hoppy, left the room. As the door
Claus, and lie had told it to her, and | cashier’» window for the first time, eioeed after her, Jonee relaxed ia his
never since had he been able to tell How bright the world had seemed that chair and sighed deeply. Just then he
ur anything but the truth. He felt morning! There had not been a tign ! felt a very, very old man.
MOW Hist a« long aa tho facta had to of a cloud in tho iky. He was to be
When Quigley called early the next
T h e First A ssista n t C ash ier
H c,l,»d 320 Acres Free