HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION Poultry and Dairy Products at Exposition W hat ■ S m a ll P r o d u c e ” M e a n s to th e M o d e rn F a r m e r , A p p lia n c e s a n d M e th o d s to B e S h o w n I n A g r i c u lt u r a l P a la c e a t P a n a m a - P a c ific F a ir , th e F a r m a s a M a n u f a c tu r in g P la n t. ------------------------------- --------------------------- I t becomes im perative th erefo re th a t , re n t prices, no farm er can refuse to U n ited S tates may learn much from the (B y Charlea W. S tevenson.) include some portion of th is kind of display of European states, while South the progressive farm er acquaint him self A K IN G the farm as a m an u factu r­ production in his scheme of m aking his ' not only w ith tho appliances applicable A m erican countries have even a larg er I own enterprise brin g the b est returns. ing u n it tho value of th e small Bource of in form ation in th e progress of to the individual farm , b u t w ith those produce rises into larg e n atio n al .la r g e r system s which are employed in Nor does it seem th a t the grow th of Im portance. I t is not m any y ears since both. ; th e local facto ries now being planted individual d airy , poultry and vegetable Magnitude Shown. J . Ogden A rm our sta rtle d th e country farm s will destroy this. In a sense it A few figures on d airy products and ad ja c e n t to th e farm s. Ho has double is a u tilizatio n of w aste, in unoccupied b y a series of a rtil le s in th e S atu rd ay in te re st in th is class of displays, firs t E v en in g P o st on th e use of th e re­ th e production of pou ltry and eggs in in the m achinery he can in stall on his and unproductive lands, w aste in shat- frig e ra to r car and its valuó to th e farm ­ the U nited S tates, av ailab le from tho own farm , nnd second in the best kind 1 tered gTain, w aste in th e value of fod ers o f th e country. The grow th of th irte e n th census, shows th e m agnitude to in stall in tho fa cto ry in which he der and roughness and the m arketable g re a t cities w hile p resen tin g problem s of these industries. In 1909 tho p ro­ portion of th e m ajor crop. I et, w hils may become a stockholder. o f serious political im port fu rn ish es a duction of poultry, inclusive of chick­ th is is true, failu re to tak e ad v an tag e These a re economic and political v a s t m ark et fo r th e farm er. The in ­ ens, guinea fowls, tu rk ey s, geese, ducks, problem s connected w ith this group of of m odern m achinery connected w ith crease of tra n sp o rta tio n lines an d th e pigeons and peafow ls, am ounted to farm in d u stries th a t aro w orthy of these farm industries m ust render them fa c ilitie s for m ark etin g produce have $4S8,468,354; th e value of fowls raised m ention. The tendency of these small a burden ra th e r than a benefit. added m aterially to th e fa r m e r’s an ­ du rin g the y ear reaching $202,506,272, products of the farm m ust be to reduce A ppliances and methods as shown in n u al income. T he well m anaged farm an increase of 47.9 p er cent over th e its acreage, a condition w hiqh should be th is group a t the P anam a-P acifie In­ to tal value fo r ten y ears» earlier. The h as beeomo in tru th , a facto ry . In v e n ­ hailed as a civic boom. N ot only does te rn atio n al E xposition m ust re tu rn es­ tio n and m achinery have become neces­ production of eggs fo r th e sam e y ear tho in ten siv e farm ing of the individual pecial b en efit to every farm er who will sary ad ju n cts, an d th e telephono f u r ­ (1909) w as 1,591,311,371 dozen. F or th is y ear th is was a production of 5.31 acre enlarge its production, b u t tho in a tte n d . M anifestly, th e exchange of nish ed a d aily price list. fow ls per cap ita and 17.3 dozen eggs per crease of the country home adds stab i1- ideas betw een the countries must r o B u t as in the case w ith every ad­ ity to a n a tio n ’s political life. The su it in g re a te r reflectiv e study through­ v an cin g in d u stry in a co u n try densely cap ita. spread of th is form of investigation and out the world. The m anu factu rers who A gain, th e dairy in d u stry fo r the p opulated, h av in g d irect and ab u n d an t know ledge has a far-reaching e ffect and ex h ib it in th is section w ill receive in U n ited S tates, y ear 1909, reveals the railro a d connections, th e la rg e r m ark ets adds a force and value to the d e p a rt­ retu rn the comm ercial rew ards of m erit, con tro l prices. T h a t th is has been of follow ing: m ent of ag ricu ltu re a t an exposition tho only basis of lastin g trade. Tho im m ense ad v an ta g e to th e fa rm e r th e Cows k ept fo r m ilk on th a t is above m aterial b en efits and application of electrical m otors to farm 20,625,432 farm s, num ber p resen t high scale of prices of m ilk, m achinery is co n stan tly saving labor com m ereiai profit. Cows k ep t fo r m ilk n o t on b u tte r, pou ltry and eggs te s tify . St. and liberalizing life upon th e farm . A 1,170,338 Farm as a Factory. farm s, num ber -------------- Louis, Chicago an d New Y ork prices recen t w riter calls a tte n tio n to the pos­ 21,795,770 N evertheless, it intensifies the farm ­ Total -------------------—------ On tu rk ey s, as an illu stratio n , durin g sib ility of re tu rn in g th e loom to tho e r ’s consideration of the farm as a th e holiday season, now control th e home through th e d istrib u tio n of elec­ u n it, a facto ry , if yon will, to be oper­ ta b le of tho tow n dw eller th ro u g h o u t M ilk producod on farm s, g a l l o n s ________________ 5,813,699,474 ated in the lig h t of the best business trical power, th u s solving m any of tho th e whole M ississippi V alley. And m ethods. J u s t how fa r th e individual sw eatshop and mill problem s of the day. B u tte r made on farm s, num ­ w here, tw e n ty y ears ago, th e m ark et in farm er m ay go in devoting land, tim e On the farm , it is certain , th a t no b er of pounds__________ 994,650,610 th o ad ja c e n t tow n controlled th e price, and cap ital to these phases of produc­ longer is th ere any portion of the to ta l p er dozen of spring broilers, to d ay the B u tte r mado in fatco ries, tion will employ his highest business product beneath th e consideration of pounds ..............- ................ . 624,764,653 prico is quote'd, per pound, a t an ad- acum en and m ust be dependent upon the skilled and w ealthy husbandm an, vanco of 300 to 400 per cent, whore, not only the productive conditions of and w ith increasing m achines to do the T o ta l__________________ 1,619,415,263 form erly, th e farm er ten miles from a his individual acreage, but his relation work the disad v an tag es are disappear­ Country tow n could n o t m ark et the C h e e s e made on farm s, _ _ 9,405,864 to th e im m ediate and rem ote m arkets. ing. The one-crop farm er, drudging a pounds m ilk of his cows save by th e laborious B ut i t seems certain th a t, w ith enr- v a st field, belongs to the past. Cheese mado in factories, process o f churning it in to b u tte r by pounds 311,126,317 p rim itiv e m ethods, now b y m eans of “I th o cream sep arato r, th e e x tracted T o t a l ____________ ______ 320,532,181 values can bo sold a t stab le m ark et p rices at the fro n t gate. So th a t it has C ondensed milk prodneed, pounds ________________ 494, <95,544 becom e p ro fita b ly practical to pay a t­ ANY INSTRUMENT-SUCCESS GUARANTEED International Displays. te n tio n to these b y p ro d u c ts of the Our course of instruction it absolutely new. It indorted by lead­ fa rm . R em em bering th a t the P an am a-P a­ ing teachers and conservatories. Metronome for teachinf time included free. A child can iraru. Tuition low. Installment Two Results. cific is an In tern atio n al E xposition, anil payments if desired. F rom these changes tw o resu lts are th a t th e E uropean nations by g o v ern ­ S E N D FOR FREE BOOK ap p aren t. Small facto ries are co n tin u ­ m ental or individual p articip atio n are Student receives the tame attention at if attend inf personal ally springing up to consume th e dairy to be p resen t, the educative im portance teacher. Over RXlO successful rraduates. References, North- pro d u cts o f sm aller grow ing farm o f th ese displays must rise in the pub estern National Bank. Portland, and any student-nam es and equesL areas; and co u n try tow ns and sm all lie regard. O ur in tern atio n al ag ricu l­ AMERICAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC railro a d statio n s have become shipping tu ra l exchanges m ust continue under p o in ts for all k in d s o f farm products, th e n a tu ra l laws of production in the 5th & Ankeny Sts., Portland, Ore especially pou ltry and eggs. N ot only g re a t staples, b u t th is class of farm th is, b u t tho farm has become a fac­ in d u stries in countries like G erm any, to ry fo co n v ertin g th raw iuiy i u i t m iiiiiiiiii; m» e < ■• ™ m " '“ aterial " ‘ “" F r a n c e , H olland and England must have Into tho finished product, or ad vancing mucj, to tell th e farm ers o f the U nited it p a rt w ay tow ard com pletion for con g ta te s a n d the rest of the world. The sum ption. A the .........*..... * ” nd ’ “ again — , re v e rtin g ~ to *1 "’ 1 in d u stries are classified as follow s: farm as a un it, tho farm in d u stry can GROUP 118. no longer ignore these sources of in ­ Appliances and Methods Used In Agri­ come. N or can th e farm er refuse to cultural Industries. keep a b re a st of th e prices w hich p re­ v ail; and while th e w o rld 's crop con­ i la s s 567—Types of ag ricu ltu ral f a c ­ to ries connected w ith farm in g ; trols tho prico of cereals, dom estic con­ d airies; cream eries; cheese factories, sum ption and tra d e m ust alw ays a ffo rd a m inim um o f dom ination in th e sev­ etc. eral countries in the m a tte r o f small (.lass 568—O il m ills; m argarine fa c ­ to ries; grain elevators and appliances. . duce, alb eit a ffe c te d by th e d en sity pri »f population and tho grow th of g reat Class 569— W orkshops for th e p rep ara sitios. The law o f supply and dem and tio n o f te x tile fibres. has more freedom of action and gives Class 570— E quipm ent for th e breeding of b ird s and for th e artific ia l h a tc h ­ ¡treater b en efit. ing, raisin g or fa tte n in g of poultry. Tt follows th a t a group of th e ex ­ h ib its in tho coining P an am a Pacific P o u ltry foods. M ethods of and a p ­ pliances fo r packing and tran sp o rtin g. In te rn a tio n a l K xpoaitioa devoted to a s h o w in g o f 11 A ppliances and M ethods Class 571— M arket gardening. B uild­ ings and appliances fo r grow ing, Used in A gricultural In d u s trie s ” of tho c h a ra c te r enum erated, m ust prove of g ath erin g , packing and m arketing vegetables. Processes and equipm ent decided ad v an tag e and gTeat service to th e farm ers of th e world. And it is to employed in th e forced cu ltu re of v eg etab les and plan ts, w ith specimens be m entioned th a t th e farm ers of th e o f products. W hat in th e U nited S tates is an ever increasing domestic trad e in th e older coun tries m entioned en ters into th e for- I eign exchange, H olland, for exam ple, | selling its chief foreign shipm ents to its neighbors. Registration Books Re-Opened NOW F arm er Ownership. Your fu tu re depends upon your T ak in g f" a ss 567, com prising dairies, tra in ii ;. L et us train you lo r a sue- .cream eries and cheese factories, th e ira I L. A D A M S , o f OREGON C IT Y . leading mer­ eessful business career. j portanee to the individual farm er lies chant, saps."—“ Since Oregon C itp w ent drp, O ver 2,000 stu d en ts train ed by ns m the fa c t th at th e tendency of the business has much Improved. Collections are holding lu crativ e positiona ' tim e is tow ards stock company ow ner­ are easier. I have fe w e r bad bills. A b o litio n ship o f all o f these among th e farm ers o f the saloon has turned a vast sum dailp to them selves. In the S ta te of Iow a the | the channels o f trade. Checks th a t used to farm ers principally own the cream eries. tbe cashed In saloons are now cashed In stores." And it is almost certain w ith the e x ­ BCSINT.sa C O IXEOB. tension of the ag ricu ltu ral cred it sys I M Wilket. rro ld sn t. Paid Adrertineraent b j ComdNtte« of On« Hundred to m . as operated in Germ any, to the ~4S Morgan Building. Port ¿and. Orrgoo POHT1.ASD, ORKOOB. farm ers o f the U nited S tates, th e own- W rite ne No troabie te »new«». , ersliip of these local facto ries by the 'fa rm e rs them selves w ill increase. T M u s ic T a u g h t by M a il a f f lH S H B t í í REGISTER TODAY TO VOTE OREGON DRY W hat Are You G o in g To Do? November 3, 1914