Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, October 02, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Raising Sheep in the Cornfield
old cap on my head, stand on my feet,
bent over to m ill;, place my head in the
h e ife r’s groin, and tak e a firm hold of
tho hind te a t on the h e ife r’s rig h t side,
w ith my le ft hand, and the fro n t fore
te a t w ith my right. When she tries to
kick, X brace my feet, and stiffe n my
neck, and back, and hold on to the
te a ts w ith a bull d o g 's grip. Tho le ft
hand is tho one she tries to get loose,
as it is tho one th a t prevents her from
h ittin g th e pail w hich seems to be her
p artic u la r object of spite. S tanding on
my fe e t, I can vary my position as she
varies hers, and if my hold is m ain­
tained, she can kick but little, and can ­
not h it me nor the pail. I do not tr y
to draw an y milk while the struggle
lasts. I only tig h ten my grip and m ain­
ta in my hold.
Tho len g th of th e struggle depends
on th e disposition of the heifer. Some,
more stu b b o rn th an others, will make
several fierce fig h ts fo r the m astery
a t th.8 firs t m ilking, and rep eat them
w ith less.violence a t tho second. W hen
she fin d s th a t 1 am m aster of the s itu ­
ation, and can “ hold tho f o r t,’’ th a t
I d o n ’t w a n t to h u rt her, th a t I do
w ant th e m ilk, and am determ ined to
have it w hether she is willing or not,
she gives up tho b a ttle and th ere is no
more trouble. I have never known a
h eifer to in ju re her te a ts by my hold­
ing on to them while she was kicking.
057» cu t one of her te a ts badly in goto
tin g over a barbed w ire fence, w here a
tree had been blown down across it. A l
■he was in full flow of m ilk th e te a t
had to be m ilked. I t w as very sore
and she would not allow it to he touch«
ed, and when I took hold of it she
kicked furiously. I had to m ilk th a t
te a t by force. She fo u g h t h ard er th a n
heifers, b u t when she gave up, and a t
lowed the te a t to be squeezed, shn
trem bled and quivered w ith pain and
exhaustion. I never had a heifer, or
cow, th a t I could not m ilk by forces
and W’hen broken th ey sta id broken.
HOSE who have handled sheep on • Tho same is tru e of m any of th e nox­
th e general farm know th a t these j ious weeds. The sheep will e a t them
anim als ean live, grow and make o ff and keep them eaten down, so
m ntton and wool an much w aste herb th a t weed seed fo rm atio n is im possible.
W here the cornfield is to be sown
•g e th a t few oth er anim als w ill eat.
Bheep are well know n to be th e great-1 to w heat, ry e or tim o th y a f te r the
• s t weed and sp ro u t ex term in ato rs in corn in the fall, it is an excellent plan
existence. The sheep farm is alm ost to p astu re the stan d in g corn w ith sheep
u niversally a clean farm . Tho rav in g a few weeks previous to eorn harvest.
th a t a medium sized flock o f sheep will Then, a fte r th e eorn has been rem oved
make every y ear in cleaning fence rows from tho field, th e surfaco w ill be
and ridding fence lines and field s of clean of foreign grow th, th e la n d will
noxious weeds will p ractically pay for bo evenly m anured and th e field will
Y o u w an t to » r e
th e ir keeping, especially when th ey are be in ideal condition fo r fa ll seeding by
trouble and tree*.
fruit that
given ered it for fertiliz e r scattered
aver th e farm to m ake th e grasses and ground. H a rv estin g th e corn fodder
Other money crops grow b etter. G rassy will bo easier w here no g rass or weeds
W r ite fo r
fence rows alm ost in v ariab ly follow bother, and w here th e corn is to be
C a ta lo g u e f l /
whero sheep have trim m ed th e fence I husked from th e stalk s in the field the
Know 1 fie
Manufacturers 182 Morrison S t, Portland. Or«»
w ork w ill be easier fo r tho sam e re a ­
row s of weeds and sprouts.
On «very farm every y ear th ere is son.
w aste green herbage th a t ean n o t be
In every case w here eorn Is grown
utilized by cattle, horses or hogs, owing ' for the grain only, to bo husked in the
to other crops grow ing in the same field from th e stan d in g stalk s, it will
fields w ith the useless herbage. A fter pay any farm er to p astu re th e corn­
th e la st cu ltiv atio n of corn, fo r in field in late sum m er and early fall
•taneo, d iffe re n t kinds of sum mer w ith sheep. C leaning th e field of weeds
grasses and many k inds o f weeds spring and grass and tho stalk s of th e lower
A p ractical tra d e m akes you ind®.
up betw een the rows and around the | leaves w ill make husking of th e corn
pendent. T akes only a few m onths to
■Idea of th e cornfields. The only com , easier, while th e fe rtiliz e r added to the
learn. P ositions guaranteed.
mon w ay these weeds and sum mer i soil by the anim als w ill be an im por­
grasses can be destroyed is w ith the ’ ta n t gain. E ven w here th e eorn is to
G entle old eows will som etimes kick
boo, an expensive and laborious process. | bo cut and used fo r silage, th e loss of
I f cattle, horses or hogs were turned a few of the low est leaves of th e eorn when th e y have cracked te a ts th a t
into th e cornfield to e a t the summer p lan ts will make no appreciable d ll' h u rt w hen m ilked, and they m ust be 91 fi Com m onwealth Bldir.. P ortland. Or.
grasses, they would to tally destroy the ference in th e yield of silage. Some m ilked forcibly. O ur best, and gen tlest
corn, and no doubt in m any eases in p astu re th eir cornfields w ith sheep in j
ju re them selves by overeatin g of tho la te sum mer even whero the eorn is to
new corn.
be cut and shocke*1 in th e field and
B ut sheep will effectiv ely clean a the sto v er to be used dry. The sum m er
cornfield of sum m er grasses, and al grasses aro w h at th e sheep w ill eat 1
most, if not all, of th e weeds, and the} first, and if th ere is enough o th er k in d s '
will do it w ith o u t in ju rin g the stand of feeds th e sheep will not e a t m any j
W ith or W ithout Buzi Saw Attachment
Ing corn. There is nothiug sheep like corn leaves.
W i l l saw 2 0 to 4 0 cords of wood per day at a cost of
M lu
b etter in the way of green forage th an
P L I -1 -S IT S E L F up the steepest M I L L and
M any farm ers now aro b u y in g a n d !
young fo x tail and crabgrass, or eo w 's feeding lam bs durin g th e late sum mer \
O ne man writes he sawed 56 ricks in 10 hoars.
foot. O th er sum m er grasses th ey will and fa ll seasons. W hero lam bs are to
A noth er taw ed 4 0 cords in 9 hours.
Th ere ’s
e a t readily, as well as alm ost all weeds be fa tte n e d in th e sum mer cornfield, i
more you ought to know . W rite for F R E E cat­
th a t grow in cornfields. Kagweeds are eow peas are drilled w ith th e eorn to !
alog containing full description w ith testimonial*
th eir fav o rite. W hen tu rn ed in to a give tho lam bs a v ariety and more pro­
t m m mnt line! act if*
field of stan d in g eorn a few weeks tein in th e ir field ration. Cowpeas in
a fte r th e la s t cu ltiv atio n of tho erop, the row s w ith th e eorn grew up and
about the tim e the corn begins to shoot vine to th e corn. The tw o crops th riv e
Í ....
PdRTikNB' ORfl'i'' i '
and tassel, they will go up and down well to g eth er, tho corn m aking p rac­
th e rows nipping o ff the grass and tically as good crop w ith as w ithout
weeds as th ey come to them , scarcely tho peas, while th e peas c o n trib u te j
touching the blades o f the stan d in g n itrogen to th e soil. Seme aro w illing i
eorn. L ater, when they have cleaned to in v est in a ear load of lam bs and
P o_
th e field of weeds and grass, and tho d rill cow peas in th eir corn to be p as­ O O
fence rows around tho field, th ey will tu red by tho lam bs simply fo r th o ex ­
e a t the lower blades of corn, b u t they tr a fe r tility added to th e land. T his is
will not in ju re th e ear eorn nor the claim ed to be one of th e cheapest and
upper p a rt o f the stalk s in th e lenst. best w ays to fertilize any land, w hile
In doing th is work of cleaning and some d irect money is usually m ade in
keeping clean the cornfield, they scat handling tho lam bs as m ark et anim als.
te r m anure of th e best kind betw een W here th o lam bs are k ep t in th e corn­
To B uy Some of th e Stock in th e Fam ous
all the rows, w hich is one of th e best : field fo r m any w eeks in late sum m er
fe rtiliz a tio n s tho field ean receive.
and early fall, consum ing th e eowpeas
On m any farm s, fo x tail and crab I in th e eorn, oth er herbage in th e field,
grass are serious pests to th e soX In to g eth er w ith some co n cen trated sup
sp ite of care and elean cu ltiv atio n th ey plem ents, a 1 rgo q u a n tity o f m anure
eomo up, grow and reseed th t land will bo d istrib u te d over th e field . I t is
W hile I t W as S eiling at
•v ery year. Thero seems to be no com- an economical way of applying m anure
men w ay of erad icatin g them . B ut to th e land and it is a good w ay to
sheep will do it to a clean finish. feed m ark et lam bs.
W here a floek o f sheep is turn ed into
T h is sum m er b y aeeident our flock
M any o f You D id Buy It, b u t Those W ho Did N ot, S till n a v e
• cornfield shortly a fte r th e last eul of sheep g et into a cornfield w here a
a Splendid O pportunity to M ake Money by B uying
tiv atio n , before any of th e sum mer largo tru e k p atch of beaus, melons,
a t th e Present P rice of
grasses have blossomed and form ed peppers, tom atoes and p otatoes w ere on
Seed, they will clean out th e grasses one aide. To our surprise, w hen the
and completely provent seeding. Where sheep were found in th is field they
th is system is followed on the sum mer had n o t in ju red th e p lan ts of th e tru ck
g raasm fo sted farm , soon the farm will p atch in th e least, b u t were e atin g fo x ­
b i cleaned of the grasses, as the plants tail and w eeds only.— W. F. O.
B efore long it will go to 15e, 25c, 50e and higher, because
Will be p revented from form ing seed.
it is g ettin g b e tte r all the tim e, and f a r seeing people are b u y ­
ing now.
Is C s n a r'a B ia M M « P illa
Profitable Trade
C apacit
Reierson Machinery Co.
O °-
You Had Your Chance
Flathead Valley Oil Co.
10c Per Share
fm .li,
I.U .M .
Milking Kicking Cow
p rW rrrw i I«
N B R E A K IN G a heifer, or m ilk in g a
k ick in g cow, I never strik e, or kick
her, or use any violence ex cep t to
laaist •«
milk her in spite of all she can do to
TMI cu m
p rev en t it. The principle is th e same
m ade use of by Jo h n S. B arov, Glea
son, and other noted horse train ers. In
single handed contests, th e anim al is
made to ex h au st its stren g th in n fu tile
runs. w jo l . r a t s , etc .
endeavor to become m aster, an d will
alw ays yield when conquered b y the
■«atti«. Wash.
superior power and Intelligence of
Write for Price List and
m ar.
Shipping Tags.
fPt-airt m.i non 1.1» paper.)
T o break a k icking heifer w ith h et
first ?alf, 1 p u t her into a stall and tie
her head up short to th e m anger, so
th a t she cannot back o at, nor surge
Our prices about h alf other dealers. We ' ahead, and give her some dry meal Io
pay highest price fa r second hand regie eat in order to put her into an am iable
tor«. We do expert repairing and guar sta te of mind. B ut th is will not p re­
aatea our w rk. Will exchange to suit v en t her from k ick in g if she d o n 't
your requirem ents. 8 U S D WALL CO., 805 I w nnt to be milked. I do not place the
End avenue, Seat tin. Phone M aia 11S0. I p a il d irectly under her bag. 1 p u t an j
You know what the proposition ia; if not, w e’ll help you to
fin d out. W rite for our prospectus.
227-28-29-30 Peyton Building, Spokane, Washington.
Bhodehamei, Babcock A Co., Fiscal Agents.
Flathead Valley Oil Co., Spokane, Wash.
Gentlemen—I hereby subscribe for__---- ---------share« of the
Treasury Stock of the Flathead Valley Oil Cm, at 12|c per
Name ----- ------------------------------------- ---------- — — .
Cash Register Bargains
c o_