Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, October 02, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Oregon Agricultural College is the Friend of the Farmer
Page of News Notes and Interesting Articles Specially W ritten by College Experts For This Newspaper.
View of Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Oregon, the Sole Aim of Which Is to Aid Agriculturists.
STALLION BUYERS W ARNED OF sub jects are en tirely scientific and p ro ­ Sherm an C ounty b ranch E xperim ent
fessional, and are made up of general S tatio n near Moro. I t is th e in ten tio n
of D ean Cordley not only to observe
N A SSIST A N T sta te leader of
HAT STA LLIO N S coming from o u t­ chem istry, general pharm acy, nom en­
tho operations in progress a t eaeh
i county field work has been ap
side the s ta te will bo exhibited a t clature, th erap eu tics and doses, phar
branch experim ent sta tio n in the s ta ts,
p ointed to help P rofessor H. T.
tho S tnte F a ir th is fall is the in ­ macognosv, organic ehernistry, m ateria
F rench eare for th e grow ing in terests form ation received b y the S tate S ta l­ medica, toxicology, q u a lita tiv e analysis but also to relate more closely th e w ork
of th e various college an d experim ent
o f farm dem onstration. The new assis lion R egistration Board, says Carl N. and prescription practice.
Each y ear the college has registered statio n d ep artm en ts w ith th e work of
ta u t is M. O. Evans, Jr., supervisor o f K ennedy,
tho A g ricu ltu ral College
school ami home garden work fo r the horse specialist who is secretary of the not only four y ear high school g ra d u ­ the branch stations, and b rin g all these
forces into closer co operation w ith th e
P o rtlan d Public Schools, who has al board.
Those contem p latin g buying ates, but men of more advanced age,
ready had considerable experience in any of these stallions are w arned th a t some of whom have had fiv e years or farm ers of Oregon.
ru ral work in Oregon.
th ey should ascertain w hether they are more o f p ractical experience in the
Mr. E vans, a n ativ e of V erm ont, is registered by associations th a t are drug business, b u t who lack adequate
a g rad u ate of Cornell U niversity, and recognized by the U n ited S tates gov­
has tak en tw o y ears g rad u ate work a t ernm ent. If th ere is any doubt as to course p eculiarly fitte d to th e ir needs. Septem ber 18, 19, 21, F rid a y . S atu rd ay ,
M onday— R eg istratio n an d examinee
In th is course as in all others, th e
the Oregon A gricultural College. In th eir soundness and breeding they
tio n fo r admission.
1912 he was engaged in m aking agri should be purchased only w ith tho u n ­ college is carry in g out its policy of
cu ltu ral in v estig atio n s fo r the sta te d erstan d in g th a t th ey are not to bo ac­ serving th e best in terests of th e state. Septem ber 22, T uesday— R ecitatio n s be-
survey of th e Oregon S ta te lm m igra cepted and paid for until licensed by W ith nine specially equipped la b o ra ­
to ries fo r chem ical and pharm aceutical O ctober 9, F rid a y —Q uarterly m eeting
tion Commission. The next y ear lie tho O regnu Board.
B oard of Regents.
was business m anager for th e G eneral
No unsound stallion is allowed by work, th is course, under th e super
W elfare School conducted by the A gri I law to stand for service in th is state. vision of P rofessor Adolph Ziefle, is N ovem ber 2— F o restry short course bo<
cu ltu ral College.
H ence no person should purchase for ' well suited to m eet th e needs of all
N ovem ber 25, 26, 27, 28, W ednesday
In M arch of last y e a r Mr. E vans public service a stallion th a t is not classes o f students.
S tu d en ts may register fo r this work
(noon), T hursday, F riday, S atu rd ay —•
was called to P o rtlan d to tak e charge recorded in a recognized association,
T hanksgiving recess.
of the school gardeu work for the G ar­ since such anim als are licensed as mon­ on the reg u lar reg istratio n dates. S ep­
den C ontest League. The success of i grels and do not meet w ith favor tem ber 18 and F ebruary 9. Any in ­ N ovem ber 30 to D ecem ber 5 (noon)—«
F a rm e rs ’ W eek.
the g ard en m ovem ent was so pro i among tho horsemen. I t is g reatly quiries concerning the course should be
nounccd th a t the P o rtlan d school g a r-| ag ain st your in terests to perm it a horse directed to II. M. T enant, R eg istrar O. D ecem ber 19, S atu rd ay (uo o n )— Chrish.
m as recess begins.
den plans soon camo in to national dealer or peddler to sell you an u n ­ A. C . C orvallis, Oregon.
recognition. Mr. Evans was then ap- j sound stallion or on<5~ of unsound
pointed supervisor of garden work by breeding.
Ja n u a ry 4, M onday— R egular excreieee
the B oard of Education. During his* The Stallion R< g istratio n Board, lo­ ’
ARM F.RS and gardeners may have; resum ed. W inter short course begins.
th eir seed fo r the fall erop test-] Ja n u a ry 6, W ednesday—Q u arterly m eet­
loss th an tw o y ears of service th e 1 cated a t C orvallis, is glad a t all tim es
school garden m ovem ent h3S grown , to give any inform ation w ithin its
ed by experts in charge of the I ing B oard o f Regentó.
from th re e gardens to 43, and the nuin- 1 power.
I A g ricu ltu ral College co o p erative seed J a n u a ry 30, S atu rd ay —W in ter sh o rt
b er of children doing garden work has '
1 testin g laboratory a t t t e S ta te F air in
course ends.
! Salem. T h a t th is may resu lt in very F e b ru ary 1, 2, 3, 4, M onday, T uesday,
increased from a few hundred to more j
th a n 8,000.
W ednesday, T hursday— F ir s t sem ester
W. K E H R L I, who w as g rad u ated , g reat g ain in m any cases has been con­
The work of th e new assistan t will j
exam inations.
a from the course in d airy in g a t clusively shown. The work will be done
be p a rtly d irect and p a rtly through the
tho A gricultural College la st w ith absolute thoroughness and accu­ F eb ru ary 4, T hursday—F ir s t sem ester
county dem onstration agents. I t will Ju n o , has been appointed farm dairy ad racy and will be free to all residents
deal w ith all forms of p lan t and a n i­ visor of th e H erm iston d istrict, to fill of the state.
F eb ru ary 9, T uesday—Second sem ester
mal production th a t are practiced on th e vacancy caused by tho resignation
“ G rowers who p lan t u n tested seed
th e farm s of Oregon, and will include of 8. J . Damon. Mr. K e h rli’s ap p o in t­ are o ften ta k in g big chances of spread A pril 7, W ednesday—Q u arterly m eeting
in a gen eral w ay th e advancem ent of m ent was to tak e e ffect Septem ber 1, ing weed pests as well ae g e ttin g a ’ B oard of Regents.
progressive ag ricu ltu re through the E x ­ anil he has already entered npon his poor s ta n d ," said P rofessor Scudder in A pril 16— F orestry short course ends.
tension division of the A gricultural
discussing this featu re of th e college M ay 7, F riday— M ilitary inspection.’
This is the th ird O. A. C. dairym an exhibit a t th e fair. “ The laboratory M ay 22 — Interscholastic F ield and
T rack M eet.
to receive th e ap pointm ent as dairy has ju st finished a test of a lfa lfa seed
field man a t H erm iston, the firs t being in which there were 47,970 weed seeds M ay 30, F rid ay — D ecoration D ay, legal
now deceased and th e second, Mr. D a­ ol various kinds in each pound of seed.
N CON NECTION w ith a num ber of mon, h av in g resigned to go in to th e In sowing th is erop the fa n n e r would M ay 31, Ju n e 1, 2, 3, 4, M onday. Too»,
day, W ednesday, T hursday, F rid a y -»
s tn te and d is tric t conventions the i cream ery business for him self. Like his d istrib u te 2,817 seeds of dodder and
Second sem ester exam inations.
n e x t m eeting o f th e W illam ette ■ predecessors, th e presen t encum bent many seeds of other kin d s on each
Ju n e 6, Sunday— B accalaureate exeta
V alley E d ito rial Association will be was selected b y th e head of th e dairy square rod of his laud.
O f 295 sam ples of a lfa lfa seed test , eises.
held a t th e A gricultural College. The d ep artm en t fo r his splendid q u alifica­
“ He w a s.-’ says P rofessor ed durin g th e last y ear, »3 sam ples Ju n e 7, M onday—Q u arterly m eeting o í
d ate for th is m eeting has been placed tions.
were more ot less ad u lte ra te d w ith
B oard of R egents.
on S atu rd ay , December 5, bv th e execu [ G raves, “ one of the specially strong
dodder. T his is 31J per cen t of the Ju n e 8, T uesday—Com m encement ex cm
tiv e com m ittee. Mr. H orm brook, edi ! men o f th e class, and will undoubtedly
to r of the A lbany D em oerat, is p resi­ bo highly useful to th e dairym en of samples tested, and shows th a t one man
I in every three th a t purchased a lfa lfa Ju n e 14, M onday— Summ er school be.
dent of th e association and Mr. Bede, his d istrict. He is in the co o p e ra tiv e
seed bought dodder for his farm . P ro ­
ed ito r o f th e C ottage Grove Sentinel, ' service of th e A g ricu ltu ral College and
is secretary . The A gricultural College the U. 8. D ep artm en t of A griculture, fessor Scudder called a tte n tio n to one
will jo in w ith the o fficers of the a s so and is in a position to ren d er practical
•S u b ject to change.
w orth of a lfa lfa seed, sowed about half
eiation in th e work of bringing a large aid to th e d airy in d u stry in various
of it and becom ing convinced th a t the
delegation of new spaper men to this wavs. ' ’
I t is th e province of th e field d a iry ­ seed was not pure, sent a sam ple to
convention and in providing for a
to keep in touch w ith the d a iry ­ th e A g ricultural College to be tested.
p ro fitab le m eeting.
An enormous am ount of dodder seed
I t is the wish of th e association of men of th e ir d is tric t and give such a s­ was found in the sample. The f a r m e r '
Ig ra d u a t
fieers th a t the tim e of th e delegates
had done untold dam age to his fields
from South«
should be divided betw een the business the local d airy problems. Q uestions of In f a c t the need of having seed tested
Illinoi * Sti
session and th e w ork of inspecting the selecting and im proving, tho herd, of is so pressing th a t much w ill ve made
Normal. 19Í
college buildings and equipm ent and feeding and m anagem ent, of dairy pro- of this featu re of the A gricultural 4 ol
U niversity
learn in g more of th e ch aracter and ex , dnetion and d airy m an u factu re, as well ; logo exhibit a t the S ta te Fair.
Illinois, 19(
t e s t of college operations. The occa as m ark etin g d airy produces, receive
U niversity
Sion w ill form an excellent op p o rtu n ­ th e a tte n tio n o f the dairy agent. The
Oregon L a
ity for the live new spaper men of the ag en ts likew ise v isit the dairy farm s
School, 1911
W illam ette Valley to see in operation on in v ita tio n or in em ergency, and
uceessful peach grow ers is Miss
the in stitu tio n m ain tain ed by the state eith er m ake necessary reeom m endatiens
Taught 6 >e
to give help and direction to its farm or tak e th e m a tte r before th e college
In c o u n t
ing activ itie s whilo a t th e same tim e sp ecialists who may be b e tte r prepared
rchard th is year has produced a
« ye
trailin g its fu tu re eitiaeaa for useful to render th e special service required.
priori pal i
cable fin e crop of peaches th a t
and honorable careers.
a « cupcrintc
in appearance and flav o r those
eat, 7 reara
Among the other im p o rtan t eonven
d is tin rtlv peach sections of the
la r g e
tions to be held during th is week are
Miss C raw ford has followed
N amine.
a c h o o la ; i
COURSE in pharm ney designed es
those represen tin g the ag ricu ltu ral, the
,liege m ethods o f orchard prsc
t e a c h in g la
peeialiy fo r those stu d en ts who
dom estic an d the educational in terests
,nd her success points the w ay to State Superintendent wash. h ; i t
w ish to tak e th e ju n io r snd the
of the slate. The presence of these eon
larg er production o f th e queen
g e t
B e h o e l, Port-
01 S c h o o !»
mentions here will give the editors a senior s ta te board ex am inations is
chance to m eet many leading men of m ain tain ed by th e A g ricu ltu ral Col­
Principle*— I favor Vinxcr lerma for c-um.
the s ta te in various lines o f endeavor. lege. T he course is stro n g and p ra c ­
try achoola. consolidation where practical,
A. B. Cordley. dean of agriculture . better tcachcra. teachers promoted for m .rit
Special railw ay ra te s will be seuured tical, covering a period of tw o years,
for th e d elegates who w ill be the and npon com pletion provides its s tu ­ and d irecto r of the O regon E xpert oaly. practical course a, S la t .’a money more
gucala of thv ctuiegu during their stay. dent» w ith a su itab le C irL iieate. The , m eut SVaLoa, spent last week a t the taconumically expended.