Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, October 02, 1914, Page 17, Image 17

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In the Home -- Fashions -- Household Hints -- Recipes
I sidering these facts it is easy to s e a
why we nso a g reat deal o f w ater in
I cooking cereals and why they should
bo cooked a long tim e in order to soften
A K E a largo wooden barrel hoop,
thoroughly. C areful m easurem ents of
cu t in two in the m iddle, fasten 3
apron. W atch yo u rself carefully and rig h t proportions is quite im portant.
(S pecial to F arm M agazine.)
or 4 feet a p a rt w ith lath, then
N STRU CTIO NS fo r cooking a meal, | see how m any unnecessary bowls and The cereal should cook up nil the wato*.
ta c k on mosquito bar. T his is good to
to g eth er w ith th o prelim inary a n d ' cooking utensils you use. T ry to use If w ater is added a fte r cooking is bo-
keep th e flies o ff baby while he is
th e subsequent operations, have ( as few as possible and w ork as quickly gun the result is not so sa tisfacto ry .
given to members o f the G irls’ In -| as good work will allow. I t Is not Finely ground cereals tak e fo u r time«
R aking soda will remove coffee stain s
necessary to spread w ork all over the ns much w ater as cereal, while flaked
from dishes. M oisten th e soda and rub ; dustrial Clubs in Oregon by Mrs. Lnlic k itch en or leave signs o f disorder any-
or rolled cereals tak e only tw ice as
on the spot w ith a cloth. Soda will
1 much w ater as cereal.
also rem ove b erry stains fTora g ranite
To put tho kitchen in order a fte r
i so p lain and so easily understood and
Coarse grains liko hom iny or cracked
w are, tin w are and th e hands.
( followed th a t ignoranco of tho fu n d a w h eat should be well picked over, the cooking is over may not l>c so in­
To p rev en t tho stains th a t often re ­ m ental home processes should be con­
w ashed and soaked. To m ake them teresting, b u t it is necessary to good
su lt from muddy sk irts d ilu te sour milk
The sink should ba
siderably less in evidence when the really good and thoroughly digestible i housekeeping.
w ith w ater and soak th e sk irt in it
thousands o f members thronghont the the prepared b re a k fa st foods ne&d much made very clean and tho dispan, tow els
overnight, then wash in tho usual way.
stato have finished th eir project. The longer cooking th a n the tim e sta te d ou ! and dish cloths washed well am i hung
Tho s k irt will wash easier and look
1 in th eir places. As soon as you hav«
l instructions n o t only give th e methods tho package.
w hiter.
finished your work, while ev ery th in g is
I of cooking b u t explain fully how to
fresh in your mind, you should get
I f you have beans to ean snap them ¡p rep are fo r th e w ork and how to “ rid
as fo r fresh eatin g , and to tw o quarts n p ” a fte r tho cooking operations have cereals should be m oistened w ith cold your notebook and record all im port
w ater before being added slowly to ta n t points including th e follow ing:
of rain w ater use three tablespoonsful been completed.
boiling w ater. Allow ono teaspoon of
A short account of ju s t how yo«
o f good vinegar. Boil th e beans till a l­
B efore beginning tho cooking be sure salt to every q u a rt of w ater. Cereals pri pared ench dish, the time it took yoa
m ost tender, and seal in glass jars.
to have ev ery th in g in readiness. There a re best cooked in a double boiler. Such and the success you had in results. If
To B ark en the Stove— To darken th e
must bo p len ty of fuel on hand fo r the a boiler can be easily im provised by you are puzzled over any p a rt of the
top of a eook stove form a pieco of
fire, and th e ntensils well cleaned p u ttin g a sm all pan in a la rg e r one work it would bp very proper for you
clean old cotton cloth in to a pad, w et,
should bo w ith in easy reach or placed th a t is p a rtly filled w ith w ater, in such to ask some older person or your d u b
squeeze and apply any yellow laundry
on the table. I t is a good plan to have a w ay th a t the bottom of tho sm aller leader about it.
soap and rub tho top u n til the pad
a pan or p late ju s t to hold spoons, does n o t rest on tho larger. Cereals
L a te r in the season there are to be
becomes too hot. th en dip th e soap in to
knives, egg beater and o th er such and o th er starch y foods should be cook­ contests in baking and canning for
w ater, ru b the cloth and th e stove, and
th in g s necessary to th e work. I t will ed a long time. Tho starch is protect which prizes th a t are worth w orking
continue the process. I f a stove is
not only resu lt in having them handy I cd b y several ou ter coverings of the
Soaped tw ice a day or even once, ju s t to uso b u t will avoid soiling the table. ' grain. These coverings m ust tie suffi for are to be offered and only those
whose records show th a t they have dona
a fte r dinner, it will bo k ep t in a pre­
Bo suio to have tho hands washed i cien t in cooking so th a t the starch may all the first work will b e q ualified to
sentab le condition during tho a fte r­
clean and tho dress protected w ith an i swell and bu rst from tho grains. Con- enter.
noon. Tho soapy odor may be overcome
You are sure to reap much joy and
b y placing a pinch of ground coffee on
p ro fit long before tin’ time for th e real
th o stove top. There is an old saying
contest arrives, and in the work itse lf
th a t a new stove rubbed daily w ith a
von should find real success and plivtw-
soaped cloth will never need blacken­
uro th n t enthusiasm and honest toil
ing on th e top.
m ust bring.
S alt fish are quickest and b est fresh ­
LMOST cverv possi­
ened by soaking in sour milk.
ble k in d of l a c e
P illo w case tu b in g m akes practical
flouncing is fash-
p e ttic o a ts for sm all children.
| ionable th is season and,
Tomato Cakes.
Je lly roll rolls easier i f turned out , sinco the long stra ig h t
N E CUP canned or cooked tom ar
on a hot cloth. Roll np and pin th e I t u n i c s are g reatly in
' toes, two eggs, one dozen -u>da
cloth firm ly around n n ti cool.
| vogue, laco is used to
crackers rolled fine. Season t b s
A wholesome salad is made of cooked g reat advantage. This
tom atoes and mash w ith h alf the crack­
or well soaked ta b le prunes, th e seeds young g ir l's costume, for
ers, add the eggs and heat smooth, add
rem oved and stu ffed w ith nnts. Serve exam ple, is m a d e of
the rest of the crackers and form into
w hite ta f f e ta and w hite
on a lettu ce le a f w ith salad dressing.
sm all cakes. Drop on a hot b u ttered
To remove p a in t from th e window
griddle aud fry a nice brown.
panes, dissolve soda in hot w ater, wash
* « •
th o glass w ith it, and in h a lf an hour av ailab le fo r v a r i o u s
afternoon functions. I f
ru b the p a in t o ff w ith a d ry cloth.
C ut well chilled cantaloupes in halve«
preferred, t h e sleeves
When stitch in g seam s on th o machine ean bo
lengthw ise, tako out the seeds and re­
ade sh o rter
in a silk garm ent, use eith er fine c o t­ and th e flarin g collar
move tho pulp in nice even poena,
ton or one th read cotton and th e other om itted, giv in g ju s t the
sprinkle lightly w ith salt and paprika,
Bilk. By so doing yon will obviate any round neck finish, b u t
and add an equal q u an tity of crisp le t­
puckerin g of th e seams, and if you th e long sleeves m ake a
tu ce cut in strips. G arnish w ith boiled
ahonld have occasion to rip them , yon som ewhat important, fea­
salad dressing made w ithout oil or mus­
trill have less trouble.
tard . P lace shells of cantaloupes ou
tu re of la te st fashions.
salad plates, garnieh w ith large leave«
W hen placing a patch pocket on a The frock is a very sim ­
of lettuce and fill with the salad. Serve
eo at of woolen or silk m aterial, slip a ple one in spite o f its
a t once while cool and crisp.
narrow piece of feath erb o n e through extrem e sm artness and
tho top hem an d eatch it fa s t to each consists of a two piece
How to Cook Beets.
» d o w hen you stitch th e pocket in sk irt w ith a tunic a r ­
Fill a pail as large as will hold as
p.ace. T his will p rev en t the pocket sag ranged over it and a
m any as you w ant to cook. D o n 't eut
ging a t tho side.
blouse th a t is full b e­
, as th a t m akes them bleed. Cov­
A lw ays use v ery fine cotton when
er w ith cold w ater, cover up tig h t, put
stitc h in g ehiffon, crepe do ehine, silk, sm aller view, it is shown
in hot oven and let bake. T his tu s a
m uslin n et, mousseline, or any of the m a d e of striped and
of the y e a r I put them in early so a«
fin e r m aterials. P lace a piece of clean plain wool m aterial and
to have them done for dinner.
paper under th e goods and stitch it the result is a simple
. . .
w ith th e m aterial, then te a r aw ay th e dress th a t could be used
p ap er a fte r the work is done. In th is fo r school or college or
ever e a t cooked
w ay you will avoid h av in g th e w ork ,
rad ish e st Clara E. Bush in M issouri
W hen one model can be
puckered or draw n.
R u ra list says th a t they are b e tte r th a n
Cold b re a k fa st cereal molded in small made to serve for two
young turnips. H er recipe is to slice
eops and served w ith dates or fru its is
th in ly and boil fo r an honr in fr-«B
ap petizin g for supper, provided it ean , purposes and effect two
w ater and drain. Cover w ith hot wat«»
be served w ith rich eream. Good gems
salted to taste and cook u n til te n d e r
arc made by ta k in g equal q u an tities of
M ash and season w ith b u tte r and
flour and b re a k fa st food, adding one av ailab le one.
For th e 16 y ear size,
teaspoon fui of b ak in g pow der to a eup
of the n u rtu re , and then adding s u ffi­
g o w ns
cient milk to m ake a b a tte r which will y ards of m aterial 27, 4
drop from the spoon. Mix thoroughly y ard s 36, Z i yards 44
and bake in h o t b u ttered gem pans. inehes wide, w ith 2 |
H aving the pans very hot is one of the
inches wide, 21 yard*
«eerets of success w ith these gems.
laee 6 inches wide fo r
T h is handsome
To remove a rusty screw which fails b erth a, 11 y ards foe
to yield to the screwdriver, apply a sleeve frills; or, 21 y ards
suggestion for a
heavy skewer, or other piece of metal, o f striped m aterial 36,
Household Hints
B efo re a n d A fte r C ooking
FasKson T a lk s B y M a y M an ton
Christm asGift com­
heated red hot, and when the screw 21 yards 44 inches wide
itself is hot, the trouble will be ov;r- and 2} y ards 44 inches
wide to make as shown
On wash day, if h aving to rinse ia in th e sm all view.
hard w ater, b efo re adding th e bluing
The M ay M anton p at
to the w ater, add a eup o f sw eet milk tern S361 is e u t tat si»«#
and the elotbes will not be s t r o k 'd for 16 and 18 years. It
w ill bo «sailed to any
but white.
To rem ove th e odor o f fish from address by th e F ash.on
silver knives or fo rk s or from dishes, D e p a r t m e n t o f th is
le t them stan d fo r a little whilo in paper, on receipt of 10
•old w ater before w ashing them.
only 99c
w ith
to embroider.
Designed by M ay M snt.,».
w ith Lon< Tumc for Misses sad Small
Women, 1« and 18 Tears.
312 Alder St., Portland, Ore.