Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, September 04, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Oregon Agricultural College is the Friend of the Farmer
Page of News Notes and Interesting Articles Specially W ritten by College Experts For This Newspaper.
PLANTING POOR SEEDS RAISES pay fo r guaranteed eggs, will be se ab o u t ?? inches deep every 20 or 30 ing the problem of m ark etin g eggs dw
cured as fa r as possible, and tra d e re­ fe e t a p a rt over th e e n tire lot. I f neces­ rect. " T h e m ark etin g problem w ill not
F T H E 1200 tests m ade on samples lations betw een the tw o classes will sary these tiles m ay be led to the be solved u n til there is a b e tte r u n d e r­
catch basin fo r em ptying.
standing and a burying of the hatched
of seed subm itted by citizens of bo established.
The catch basin should be m ade of betw een producer and consumer. N ot
The livestock d ep artm en t will have
Oregon to the co-operative seed
testin g laboratory of th e A gricultural several pens of fine sheep and lambs. stone, b rick or concrete deep enough th a t the producer m ust fo rg et his c u »
College, but tw en ty -five per cent were T hree hives of bees will be en tered in to catch the drainage and hold it u n til ning, nor the consum er his, for th ere
from farm ers. T h at is, there were 300 the premium classes by th e d ep artm en t it settles. The w ater may be draw n will alw ays be degenerate producers and
sam ples subm itted, b u t since several of entomology. P lan t diseases and erop o ff through a large tile or pipe into consum ers; but th e g re a t bulk of them
of them came in packages o f tw o or pests, with stan d ard control measures, tho most convenient outlet.
on either hand aro honest and w illing
The ad v an tag es secured by these to fulfill th eir contracts. U ncle Sam
more, considerably few er th an 300 will bo o f much in terest to farm ers
farm ers sent seed to be tested. The re and orchardists. S tudent m ade appli­ throe processes will goon repay all the proposes to a rb itra te th e ir d ifferen ces
m ainder of the sam ples sent camo from ances will bo displayed by th e d e p a rt­ costs of carry in g them out. The ad and bring them to g eth er to th e p ro fit
•eed houses, which in tu rn sold tested m ent of engineering, and a collection v an tag es o f a clean, sa n ita ry b a rn ­ o f both by opening tho m ails to them .
seed to th e farm ers. D oubtless a good of sewing dresm aking and handwork y ard over th e knee deep one are many A g reat m any differences have been
m any farm ers tested th eir own seed of young women of the dom estic art and g reat.
patched np through the mails, and w hy
before p lan tin g it, or got the tests classes will be exhibited by th e de
not the d ifferences th a t have k ept men
made from some other source so th at p artm en t o f home economics. Problem s THE INDICATIONS NOW POINT TO and women a p a rt for ages because they
probably more than 300 farm ers p lant of domestic science in th e ru ral schools
have not had an opportunity to re c o »
ed tested seed. B ut in view of the fact and of convenience in the care o f ch il­
HAT 142 le tte rs of inqury from cile th eir differences in regard to th s
th a t the governm ent pays the salary dren in the home are special features.
prospective students w ere received buying and the selling of the things ta
of a seed expert during th e en tire year,
by th e re g istra r on one day last e a tf ”
and the office and equipm ent are p ro­ GOPHERS DESTRUCTIVE OF SOME week is ta k e n as an indication th a t the
vided by the college to do this work,
higher sta n d ard of adm ission to the
a much larg er use of the seed testin g I f * * ARIOU8 orchard trees are at- A g ricultural College is in no wise go­
OOKING feed fo r swine has bee«
facilities m ight be made to advantage.
Jg taeked by gopherrs and serions ing to decrease the attendance. Indeed
largely abandoned, th in k s P ro ft
Any farm er who wishes to do so
losses are a ttrib u te d to th eir th is num ber o f inquiries is a reeord
G. R. Sampson, sw ine specialist a t
may prove th is fo r him self. L et him ra v a g e s ,” says J , W. S eudder in the for the college, and com ing as it does
go into his corn field, count o ff ten A gricultural College "O re g o n C o untry­ »0 early in the season, indicates th a t Oregon A gricultural College, since th®
hills each way, and th en count the m a n .’ ’ " A gopher as he tu n n els comes the a tten d an ce will be g reatly increased dig estib ility of most feeds is dim inished
by cooking. The p o tato seems to ba
hills actu ally present w ithin the square to a tre e root, a tta c k s and eats through d u rin g the coming school year.
an exception to th is rule. W hen cheap
thus formed. Then let him compare it, and if the root is p alatab le will con
Included in the le tte rs of inquirv
th e num ber of hills w ith the 100 hills tin u o eatin g until close to th e tree were 22 containing credentials for ad enough to be fed to pigs, potatoes w ill
th eo retically present, and he will see 'ru n k . From here the rodent follows mission. Such credentials are gener stan d the expense of cooking and pay
w hether or not he is losing a consider up th e rem ainder of th e ro o tin g system ally not received in largo num ber prior a p ro fit i f in stallin g equipm ent doe®
able portion of his crop and his p ro fits and in a very short tim e only the to S eptem ber first, a t w hieh tim e many- not make too large a proportion o f th s
by having planted gome in ferio r seed. loose trunk rem ains in th e ground. Some- school principals retu rn from th e ir v a ­ feed eost. A t the present tim e one
W ithin th e ten by ten space there ly killed, affo rd in g o p p o rtu n ity for cation and m ake ready to forw ard stu hardly seems ju s tifie d in in stallin g aa
should be about 300 stalk s. If 10 hills fungus or o th er diseases to secure a d e n ts ’ c e rtific a te s of eligibility. An expensive cooker for potatoes, sinee ox*
dinarily potatoes are more valuable fa»
are missing there will be about 270 foothold.
o th er indication of th e p u b lic ’s a p ­
stalk s w ithin the area. This is a f»0
" N u rs e r y trees are destroyed a t a proval o f th e higher sta n d ard of ad hum an th a n for pig feed. O ther crop»
per cont crop, and if he is g ettin g 45 trem endous ra te every w in ter. The mission is tho increased num ber of also usnally furnish more n u trie n ts at
bushels per acre he should be g e ttin g trees aro in row s and close to g eth er so tra n sfe rs from other colleges and u n i­ less eost per aere th an potatoes. 8trao®
ing is more desirable than boiling p o
50 bushels. This 6 bushels represents th a t a gopher in follow ing a row can versities.
tatocs, sineo th e purpose of cooking
a clear loss, since it costs as much to kill a g reat m any trees in a v ery short
W hile th e m ajo rity of th e credentials
grow the 45 bushel erop as to grow the tim e. U sually th e gopher w ill follow aro from d iffe re n t counties o f Oregon, is to decrease the w ater content an d
50 bushel crop.
one row fo r a few yards, destroying 12 o th er states and th ree foreign coun­ burst the starch cells. I f potatoes a ra
If th is same condition is applied to p ractically all th e trees, and then bur trie s are represented in the d a y ’s m ail. boiled th e w ater should be draw n o f t
an en tire field of corn and to other row to an o th er row and c a rry on its The states from w hich cred en tials are and the potatoes le ft over th e fire long
enough to give them a d ry and m ealy
crops on th e farm , it is seen th a t the killin g process,
sen t are as follow s: C alifornia, W ash­
loss is a serious and needless item of
" I n a tta c k in g nursery stock th e roots ington, Idaho, New M exico, Oklahom a, appearance when they sp lit open.
expense in the cost of production.
are not eaten all a t once. Tht gopher A rizona, Iow a, P en n sy lv an ia, M ontana,
cuts th e roots into sm all pieces and M innesota, Illinois and Ohio. The for
AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE WILL packs them in to its cheek pouches, car eign countries represented in the list
LOW SOLE, the tough, im pervinnj
rv in g them aw ay to be stored fo r fu ­ are Canada, In d ia and China.
layer ju s t beneath th e custom ary
A IRYIN G, field crops, livestock, tu re use.
plow depth, m ust be broken up
" S in c e th e roots are eu t under
poultry, insect pests, p lan t dis­
before d rainage ean be effected , say®
eases, bacteria, mechanic a rts and ground and g enerally d u rin g th e w inter
R. H. B. H U M PH R EY S, patholo­ Ir a A. W illiam s, ceram ist a t the O re­
home m aking products will be exhibited
gist in charge of in v estig atio n of gon A gricultural College in discussing
by th e A gricultural College a t th e m ant, it is h ard for the nurserym an
diseases fo r th e U nited drainage. The action of roots in seek«
S tate F a ir this year. I t is expected to notice th e dam age u n til spring. S ta te s D epartm ent of A griculture, spent ing to p en etrate th is lay er should b®
th a t a model W illam ette V alley farm Should a pointed stick be used and in ­ a couple days la st week v isitin g the aided by deep plow ing, suhsoiling an d
and farm stead will bo one of the most sertio n s m ade in the soil along the Oregon A gricultural College, No b e t­ use of clover, vetch and a lfa lfa , w ine#
a ttra c tiv e featu res of th e agronom y ex young tree rows the presence of tu n ­ te r work is being done in th e en tire have power to force th e ir w ay in to
hib it, while the display o f the seed te s t­ nels could read ily be told and m eans co u n try along tho lines of p la n t d is­ very refratco ry soils. The deep' plow ­
ing departm ent will bo highly in s tru c t­ of p rev en tin g fu rth er dam age con­ eases th a n the work th a t is carried on ing should be done when th e gTound
is dry, cith er in sum mer or w ith th®
" M u c h o f th e eroWn gall found on ly re under th e direction of the D e p a rt­ beginning of the firs t fall rains. I f tb®
The model farm will show the d iv is­
ion of the farm into fields, meadows, nursery stock or on orchard trees is at been observed by Dr. H enderson. This subsoil comes up in big lumps, so m u d
pastures and ere bards, and a system of trib u te d to th e work of gophers. When work is hardly equaled th is side of the the b etter for the purpose. T hey w ill
crop rotatio n th a t is both p ro fitab le th e root is girdled or in ju red by gopher Rocky M ountains, and i t should prove bring soil into productive tilth all th®
aud economical. The arrangem ent of lacerations th e conditions a re ideal for to be of tho utm ost value to producers sooner. The sole w as caused by re­
farm y ards and buildings will serve the crown gall fungus to secure a in Oregon. In the q u ality of its men. peated plow ings fo r m any years, dur«
the purposes of convenience and san i­ h o ld .’’
equipm ent and fa cilities fo r wOTk, the ing which tim e the horses puddled th®
d ep artm ent is well prepared to care stratu m w ith th e ir w alking up a n d
The dairy ex h ib it will include cows
for th e in terests of th e people whom it down the furrow s when th e ground
and calves of th e leading dairy breeds,
serves. A tten tio n w as also called to was soft, year a fte r year. I t require®
R A IN A G E for tho b arn y ard may
and two additio n al cows representing
th e fa c t th a t one of th e d e p a rtm e n t's much work to break up the stra tu m ,
be secured by p rev en tin g w ater men, Mr. G odfrey, had ju s t been a p ­ but the resulting added crop production
the p ro fitab le and th e unp ro fitab le
from hig h er ground an d from pointed to a position in D r. H um p h rey 's will soon repay the cost.
types. Records of production, cost of
feed and p ro fits from each cow w ill ac buildings flow ing upon it, an d by draw d iv i s i o n a fte r a com petitive exam ina
company th is group, show ing how it is ing o ff tho w ater th a t falls upon it, tion in w hich he won second place, I
th a t of tw o cows of th e same herd according to H, E, Curry iu th e O. A, am ong well qualified ap p lican ts from I
one is pro fitab le and the oth er unprofit C, Oregon Countrym an.
L. G R IF F IN , s ts te agent fo r girls*
every part of the country. " T h i s cer
Flooding from higher grounds may ta in ly speaks well fo r the ch aracter
a and b o y s’ industrial clubs a t th®
The poultry item s will be arranged be p revented by running a d itch or of th e work at O. A. G , ” said Df.
Oregon A gricultural College, ha®
to exem plify the methods of m arket a dyke along th e higher sides, m aking Humphreys.
returned from an extended v isit to N ew
ing eggs and poultry direct. D ifferen t the w ater go around th e yard. From
d o r k . Boston and other leading center®
ty p es of co n tain er and packers f-ar buildings the w ater should be conduct
of education in the U nited State®,
shipping by parcels post will be dis ed by eave-troughs and down spouts to
w here he has been m aking careful o b ­
played, and m ethods o f securing eggs tile or pijies leading to a catch basin,
Jt L IT T L E m ediation is needed in servation of the work of the elub« ia
of gisxl q u ality for these shipm ents bu ilt id a su itab le p art of th e lot.
r \ bringing the producer and con various projects. Corn clubs, p o u ltry
will be illustrated. Nam es of producers
S u rface d rain ag e provides fo r remov
sum er together, and U ncle Sam. d u b s, garden clubs and canning club®
who wish to co n tract gu aran teed eggs ing th o w ater from the su rface by the m ediator, is extending his good have the largest m em berships and ar®
for parcels post delivery, and of eon m aking the su rface slope d e fin ite ly to o ffic e s,” says P rofessor Jan ies Dryden, generally the no»st successful, accord­
turners who » ill agr.e to rvevivs aud lb® catch bast®, and by placing tiling o f th® A gricultural College, in discuss ing to these observations.