Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, September 04, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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position, the tendency to be an y b o d y ’s wife. The tu rk ey erop is g ettin g smaH-
dog fo r th e sake of a p ettin g , the lia­ er every year.
b ility to run aw ay and v isit to t days
The m aintenance o f productiveness
a t a tim e. I f k ep t on a chain and trol and vigor are the essentials in p oultry
By Howard 0. Kegley.
ley w ire th ey m ake fin e w atchdogs, and keeping, and when both can be realized
owing to th e ir quiek, nervous snapping the w ork will pay.
f PO U LTRY R A ISER S In general b u t th ey b rin g th e biggest retu rn s a th ie f will th in k tw ice before tackling
A lthough there may not be any vis­
understood the value of sunflow er when cu ltiv ated , of course. I f a single o aa,”
ible lice or m ites in your poultry house,
seed th ere would undoubtedly be row along the garden fence is desired
it is a good th in g to w hitew ash it tw o
few er losses du rin g the m oulting sea fo r a sm all flock of fowis, th e seeds
or three tunes a year.
Son, and more garden fence rows be may be drilled two and one-half inches
Tho young ehicks should have fresh
decked w ith heavy-headed sunflow er deep and th e p lan ts th in n ed la te r until
milk only, as sour milk is suitablo only
th ey stan d a foot a p art. Occasional
C onsider the fa c t th a t m oisting is hoeing or stirrin g of the soil around
Lim e is b est supplied by giving the for tho adults, being injurious to all
kinds of young anim als.
m ade easy by th e use of sunflow er seed, the stalk s is su fficien t.
fowls access to crushed oyster shells.
and ihan estim ate the num ber of run­
To protect roosting poultry from a t ­
I f a big p atch is to bo p lan ted the
F ilth y m ilk w ill usually induco the
ning fe e t along garden or field fences, seeds should be placed fo u r inches bowel disease among th e young chicks. tack by verm in there has been invented
w hich are absolutely barren each year, deep, to give th e roots a firm hold, in
a tra p which, when fastened to a pearch,
A com bination of high roosts and
and you quickly arriv e a t th e ex ten t hills 18 inehes ap art, and rows three
catches and poisons inseets.
of th e loss th a t maDy tillers of th e soil foot wide. C u ltiv atio n such as com
W hen chickens arc k ep t in the yard
are su fferin g w heth er they are keeping requires m ay be applied suecessfuly.
p o u ltry or not.
The erop w ill m ature in 90 days or thro u g h o u t the year, green food is nec­
OT in freq u en tly do poultry keepers
I t is not a good idea to cut sunflow er less and w ill grow w ithout abundant essary.
complain b itte rly of tho failure of
heads and throw them in to the poultry m oisture. Indeed, a fin e sunflow er crop
W hen the fow ls pick them selves f r e ­
th eir fowls to show profit, when
yard s fo r the fow ls to em pty a t will, can often be found in a drouth dried quently, you m ay be sure th a t they are
tho whole fa u lt lies in defective hous­
fo r in th a t w ay th e birds all too often d istrict. In th e Southw est the sun infested w ith lice.
g et an over supply of oil, and th e lay ­ flow er is a real w onder if irrig ated
T here is little d an g er of draught in ing. Poultry lead an en tirely a rtific ia l
in g period is a p t to be correspondingly once in a while. The Russian type th e p o u ltry house if th ere is only one life when th ey live penned in a run,
or even when a t lib e rty and provided
sh o rter as a consequence.
seems to be u n iv ersally th e fav o rite opening in th e building.
w ith a sleeping house— th a t is to say,
Sunflow er seed should never be fed v ariety .
N ever fo rg et th a t p o u ltry requires
T ak in g in to consideration th a t th ere g rit and lim e for d ig estin g food and they have th eir food provided them
to your chicks. N othing o f the sort is
and do not sleep in the trees as th e ir
needed (luring tho baby moult, and if it is alw ays a read y m ark et for sunflow form ing egg shells.
n atu ral in stin ct would teach them. It
be given the heavy oil in it may cause er seed a t fiv e cents p er pound to tho
S c a tte r d ry g rain am ong the litte r on is simply the difference betw een sleep­
rheum atism .
w holesaler, and basing an estim ate upon
th e floor of th e p oultry houses so th a t ing in a house and sleeping in trees
In case any young birds su ffe r w ith the it raised itse lf sunflow er crop re­
the hens will be forced to exercise.
that, upsets them. When they do th e
Theumatism from such a cause, confine su lts o btained b y a i/os Angeles county
I t is unw ise to spend money for b e t­ la tte r they may not lay well, but th ey
them in a coop b y them selves and feed man, th ere is reason fo r believing th a t
them exclusively on chopped w hite sunflow er farm ing, if properly done, te r chickens and then give them such keep th eir health. More th an half tho
diseases from which fow ls su ffer ure
should net th e farm er a t least $900 per poor care th a t they cannot do well.
elover (g reen ) until they recover.
I f a male is not popular w ith the paused prim arily by th is defective
W. T. Beane, a man who has made a acre.
The man in question planted a n ick ­ fem ales in his pen he should be re housing.
rem ark ab le success of the pou ltry busi­
w orth of sunflow er seeds in the moved and an o th er b ird substituted.
ness in th o Southw est, advises feeding
ground around th e outside o f his poul­
Once or tw ice a y e a r a wagon load
sunflow er seed in scrr.tch feed.
alw ays p refer bones th a t aro
“ In m y o p in io n ,’ ’ says Mr. Beane,
cut or broken into sm all pieces,
“ fiv e pounds of sunflow er seed to 150 th en irrig a te d and hoed twiee. W hen some stream fo r the fow ls to work J
w ith m eat eith er raw or cooked a d ­
pounds o f ord in ary scratch feed is the tho heads were ripe th ey wero cut o ff over.
and stored in boxes and b arrels until
proper proportion.
When given w ith care, one of the hering to them. The hens do not care
needed for feed. S tan d in g one foot best foods fo r young and grow ing fo r the comm ercial bone, unless such is
“ D uring tho m oulting period the ef
fe e t o f sunflow er seed can be height a p a rt, th e sta lk s each bore an av erage chickens, and th e lay in g hens, too, is free from the odor of am m onia and
decaying m atter. D ry bones, e ith er
sw eet milk.
ened by th e use o f flax seed jelly. Boil of one-half a pound of seed.
N ine rows of sunflow ers, th ree feet
broken or ground, will bo eaten, b u t
one pound of flax seed to a je lly and
m ix it w ith 50 pounds o f w hatev er sort wide and 80 rods long would make an hens will d rin k from four to eight not so readily as those th a t are fresh.
o f mash is custom ary. Twice a week acre. F ig u rin g it a little fin er there q u a rts o f w ater daily, depending upon Fresh bones are not easily ground in
would b e one row 12,000 feet long. I f
any kind of mill. T hey a re usually
is o ften enough to feed a flax seed
the conditions.
the hills wero one foot a p art th ere
steam ed in order to render them b rittle ,
ratio n , however.
Colds w ith pou ltry often lead to roup, or place in the oven and burn. O f
would be 12,000 hills in the acre and,
“ A handful o f sulphur in the mash
a t the ra te of one h alf a pound of seed and when once th e roup gets a good course, when subjected to heat, they
fo r 100 hens, fed on a d ry day, hastens
s ta rt you arc likely to have quite a lose more or less nitrogenous m atter,
th e moult, too, for the sulphur makes per hill, which is a conservative e s ti­ task to g et rid of it.
m ate, th e acre should produce 6,000
such as m eat or gelatine. W ith a bone
fe a th e rs grow rapidly. Do not feed
pounds o f sunflow er seed. A t p rev ail­
More tu rk e y s would mean more cu tter, all kinds of bones can be p re ­
sulphur on a dam p day, however, else
th e fow ls are a p t to catch cold. Sul ing prices, such a crop would be w orth spending money for m any a fa r m e r’s pared for the fowls.
phu r in th o mash once a week is s u ffi­ $300.
In Southern C alifornia, Texas or A ri­
“ A n o th er good th in g to give during zona, it would bo an easy m a tte r to
grow th ree crops of sunflow er each year
tho m oulting season, or in an y season,
upon an ord in ary piece of land, and
is a dash o f epsom salts. T w enty grains
some so rt o f a crop of pum pkins could
o f epsom sa lts to each hen, fed in the
be tak en from th e ground at th e same
mash every tw o weeks, stirs up the
hen and keeps her b rig h t and busy.
Also, in view of th e fuel value of
I t tak es th e av erag e breed o f ehiek the stalk s and th e fa c t th a t they used
ens about 100 days to pass through to be ex ten siv ely used for firew ood in
th e moult, b u t th e period can be n o tice­ m any p a rts o f K an sas and o th er states,
ably shortened and tho fowls brought th e stan d in g stalk s ought to cut quite
thro u g h in b e tte r shape if sunflow er a figure a t d efray in g fuel bills, espe
eced be used judiciously.
... 4K'**.
cially in p a rts o f th e S outhw est where
* it: >'*•>' ■'*»' ®
In th e open m ark et sunflow er seed stovewood is w orth ab o u t $14 a cord.
re ta ils fo r 10 cents per pound alm ost
I t is not indulging in guess work to
anyw here in th e W estern states, but estim ate th a t an acre o f ground could
nearly every poultrvm an could produc be made to produce $400 w orth of su n ­
s<_ » ♦ -,'i
his own supply o f it in ease he choses flow er seed annually, and a t th e same
to do so.
tim e grow enough “ p u n k ’’ and pump
S unflow er will spring up alm ost any kins to d efray th e expense of w orking
w here th a t th e seeds happen to fall th e land.
Sunflower Seed for Poultry
Poultry Hints
Mr. Rancher!
Mr. Merchant!
Mr. Cattleman!
Mr. Hopgrower!
Mr. Fruitgrower!
Milk for Poultry
IL K can n o t ta k e the place o f meat,
as it is n o t su fficien tly concen­
tra te d , hence th e hens could not
drink enough o f it to supply th eir
w ants. I f a gill of linseed meal is
added to a p in t o f milk, and th e milk
then used for m ixing gronnd grain , it
w ill largely assist in providing a com­
plete food. Milk shgnld be given in
vessels w hich w ill p revent filth from
g ettin g in to it, and vessels eleaned
W heat is a sta n d ard food for poul
try , and farm ers have enntented them
•elves th a t grain is su fficien t, b u t it
has been dem onstrated tlw t when fresh
milk has been given to chicks intended
to be sold as “ f r ie s ’’ the gain, when
milk is added to th e grain ratio n , is
nearly tw ice as much as when grain
alone is used. I f milk can be eonven
ien tly given to laying bens, larg er
p ro fits will be derived by thus u tilis­
in g the w aste products th an by feed
ing it to th e pigs, as skim-milk and
butterm ilk contain nearly all the ele
m ents o f food, the eggs are more easily
produced by hens fed upon such food |
th an when th ey are not otherw ise pro
vided, and every farm er should allow
th e hens a s h a r e 'o f th e skim milk and
b u tte r milk.
C tjlR
a farm w atchdog we like a
good A iredale te rrie r b e s t,’ ’
says Dr. P rince T. Woods of the
“ A m erican P o u ltry J o u r n a l.’ ’ “ In our
experience A iredales are ap t to prove
a ‘ one m an d o g ’ and know only one
m aster. In a w atchdog th a t is a m ighty
fin e tr a it. They have w onderful endur
anee and courage, are fin e k illers of
rats, skunks and o th er troublesom e
pests, and th ey can be ta u g h t to let the
pou ltry alone. The A iredale can be
tau g h t th e bounds o f y o u r farm and to
stay w ith in bounds, and be is not likely
to perm it stran g ers to handle or move
an y th in g on th e place. We have found
then*, g entle w ith children, very in te lli­
g en t and obedient, b u t supplied w ith
ab u n d an t w atchdog q u alities, and apt
to be a b it savage w ith trespassers,
though seldom noticing any one outside
of farm bounds.
“ The collie can be train ed to round
up the birds and make them selves g en ­
erally useful, b u t our ch ief objection
to them is th eir very affe c tio n a te dis
Do you protect the Amount of Dollars on your Bank
Checks against the CHECK RAISER'?
Do you know that American Rank records show losses
through bad check men of $500,000 in 1900, $5,000,000 190fi,
$15,000,000 in 1911 and the awful total of $23,000,000 in 1913T
WHO! will be cnlled on to stand this enormous yearly
loss! The Fanner! Yes, because most city business men now
use Cheek Protection. W hY do you, a t a yearly expense,
protect your farm buildings, crops and stock against loss by
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cash receipts of all your hard work, your Bank account.
RIGHT NOW buy this $10 00 New E ra Machine, it will
stamp in Red Indelible Ink the exact amount of your check
in Dollars, show it to your Banker, use it 30 days, then if
not satisfied your money will be returned without question.
Sign and Mail This Order.
411-12 13-14 15 P anam a Building,
P ortland, Oregon.
Ship me one R obert H. lngereoll New Era guaranteed Cheek P ro­
tecto r C. O. D. $10.00 by Parcels Post, prepaid.
— ———
n.i i. . . ________________________ Name.