TTOMTC AND PARAT MAGAZINE SECTION In ven tion s a n d A p p lia n ces 9 H ea lth an d S an itation PORTIERES MADE OF CORN KERNEJÄ could m anage a heavier load i f it were SHOULD EAT MORE FRUIT. method is eloeer to th a t which n atu re imposed. D om estication does not ehange ( k J UM EROUS studies made of nutri- intended. I t exercises not only the E S IR IN G to have a p ortiere a little th e g a it of th e tu rtles, however. They ■ « tiv e values by th e office of ex­ muscles of the legs and feet, b u t also d iffe re n t from the usual kind, I move a t th e ir own accustomed rate, perim en t statio n s have shown th a t those of the tru n k and abdom en, th ere­ experim ented w ith kernels of corn whieh is not exceedingly fast. dried fru its may be term ed an eco­ by preventing corpulence. and found them to be fa r superior to Deep b reath in g is an im p o rtan t aid nomical article of d iet. F ru it products th e beads or p aper tubes used in m aking IT STILL MAKES FLOUR. in general contain little protein, but as to w alking. W hen you b reath e deeply th e Jap an ese kind. O rdinary field corn N OLD DUTCH mill w hich was sources o f energy, d erived alm ost en you throw the whole body in to an erect w as selected an d shelled and th e k e r­ made w ith only an ax and a k n ife tirely from th eir sugar, dried fru its are and n atu ral a ttitu d e which controls tha nels w ere placed in w pan and enough in 1870 still stands on the o u tsk irts decidedly cheaper th an m eats and com­ muscles of th e limbs and m akes you boiling w ater w as poured in to cover of M innesota L ake, Minn., and grinds pare fav o rab ly w ith d airy products. w alk as n atu re intended. them . T his softened th e corn and p re­ flonr and feed fo r farm ers in the so u th ­ They are, however, raoro expensive than U n fo rtu n ately for women, present-day ven ted worms from eatin g into the ern p a rt o f th e state. cereals and starch y vegetables, such as fashions in te rfe re not only w ith proper Kernels. The corn was allowed to soak The mill w as constructed by G ottlieb dried beans and potatoes. walking, b at w ith uuy kind of bene­ fo r 24 hours. Too much a t a tim e Shostag. who moved from H olland to F ru it N ot a L uxury— U nder no c ir­ ficial w alking. Fashion has done much should not be prepared, as it will be M innesota in the “ s ix tie s ." O f course cum stances should fresh and dried fru its to injure women, and the g reatest of come sour. it is like th e old mills of H olland in be th o u g h t a luxury, since they supply those offences is th a t sw athing of body The kernels are stru n g on No. 8 c o t­ th a t it depends on the wind instead of the needed n u tritiv e, m aterial as an in ­ and cram ping of feet which keep ton th read , as it comes double from the the w ater for power. W ith the exeep- teg ral p a rt of th e d iet, besides adding women froru enjoying a health giving needle, and about 1 foot longer th an to th e attra c tiv e n e ss of the daily fare. walk. th e opening where th e p o rtiere is to be Remember, it is well to w alk and b e t­ I f th ey are to be eate n raw , brands used. The e x tra 1 foot will tak e eare made and m arketed in a cleanly way te r to w alk right. of the shrinkage. Use only sound k e r­ should be obtained. nels and th read them on in one w ay; BOOKS AND BUGS. The am ount o f dried fr u it produced th a t is, each kernel in th e same posi­ N E E V ID E N C E of the a b su rd ity of in th e U nited S tates increased 575 per tio n as th e previous one, using care not the germ superstition may be found cent betw een 1899 and 1909. C alifornia to push them on too hard to cause them in tho reading of public lib ra ry produces more th an four fifth s of the to split. y early o utput. A ccording to a very books and second hand volumes. The The corn w ill shrink some in drying, rough estim ate, each person in this pages of these books are paw ed over and each strin g should, th erefo re, be co u n try consumes on an average five for generations by all sorts and condi­ looked over and th e kernels pushed to ­ tions of men nnd women, clean and un­ or six pounds o f dried fr u it a year. gether. M ake a loop a t one end o f each Increased P roduct—The value of the clean. In th e ease of old books, gome s trin g to f i t th e pole, and be sure th a t product rose from betw een four and of these tomcB d ate from before th e all strin g s are o f th e sam e length. They five m illions to over 21,000,000 in ten tim e of the G reat P lague of London. a re then ready for varnishing, which is years. The av erag e wholesalo price, Many lib ra ry books have assuredly done by d ipping a few a t a tim e in however, has not advanced w ith the in been read by persons su fferin g from ro- v arn ish w an n ed a little . They are then, creased dem and; on th e co n trary , it has called infectious diseases. H ands have hung on a stick or old pole to d rain dropped from about 5J cents to about come into in tim ate contact w ith them and dry. Allow them to d ry thoroughly, and hands have often been carried to cents per pound. b u t not rapidly. W hen dry, th ey are D ried fru its are especially useful tho face. hung in place on the pole. T he ends of Surely, if disease germs are only one- when th e supply of fresh fru its is lim it th e th read s can be trim m ed even w ith ed or w here storage space for fresh thousandth p a rt as deadly as the b ac­ shears, as the kernels w ill not slip off. fru its is lacking. Besides being used teriologists would have us believe, the The kernels may be dyed any color alone, th e y may bo m ixed into cakes, reading of public lib rary books should desired and designs w orked in w ith d if puddings, confectionery and other im m ediately bo forbidden, os a m enace ferw nt colors o f corn, although th is is dishes. They a ffo rd n u tritio u s and to the public health. Or, a fte r each n o t so p re tty as tlio plain color. The tion o f th e m illstones the whole stru c ­ economical w ay of securing a variety reading, the book should be thoroughly len g th of th e strin g s may be varied to ture, including th e m achinery, is of of diet, which is o ften overlooked by fum igated and disinfected— not m erely su it th e taste. One very nice m ethod is wood. All th e cog wheels are cut from th e housewife. th e cover, b u t each separate page. Thia to m ake th e strin g s q u ite short a t the n ativ o h ard maple. would give em ploym ent to a large num­ « en ter o f th e c u rtain and grad u ally in ber of needy political doctors. The tow er is fo rty five feet high. At FILTH IN DUST. ereasing in len g th tow ard th e sides.— the ground it has a diam eter of fo rty UST as it sh ifts ab o ut the streets in E a rl Z ander, in P o p u lar Mechanics. The fa c t th a t more than one th ird of feet and at th e top o f tw en ty -fiv e feet. 1 its m illions of particles does not have a very harm ful appearance. each in d iv id u a l’s life tim e is spent in TACKS IN THE HANDLE. ARMY WIRELESS OUTFIT CARRIED Vet when you go to looking into the the bedroom is su fficien t reason for BY MULES. n atu re o f it th is same dust tak es on a building these rooms in the most pleas­ H A M M ER and ta c k s are alw ays an t, airy and lightest p a rts of th s useful about a house if both ean C O M PLETE w ireless o u tfit th a t fa r d iffe re n t aspect. W hat m akes up d n stf A little of dw elling house. be found a t the same tim e, bu t ean be packed on the backs of q u ite o ften if th e ham m er is in place tw o mules and set up quickly in ev ery th in g is one answer, and one th a t M any poisons and im purities com< th e tack s a re missing, and when th e any position required in m ilitary move comes p re tty n ear to the tru th , espe­ ta c k s are to be found th e ham m er has m ents has been developed by the Signal cially th a t d ost found about tho streets disguised, especially ptom aine poison­ been m isplaced. A tack ham m er has re ­ Corps o f th e U nited S ta te s Army and of a city . In its p articles w i^ be found ing, from ta in te d m eat and fish. s u b je c te d ,^ p ractical tests. The tra n s fin ely powdered horse manure, consid Tho back yard is probably more im­ m ittin g and receiving in stru m en ts are erable dried sputum and in lesser quan carried in a case the size and shape of title s tho dried and powdered offal of po rtan t from tho disease point of view than the fro n t yard. an ord in ary suitcase, while th e poles dogs and o th er domestic anim als. D ust in rooms is often quite as for for carry in g th e an ten n a e are made in Poor health is a fe tte r w hieh holds a short sections th a t fit to g eth er like the bidding, co n tain in g specks of abraded sections of a fishing rod. The electric skin, mold spores, p articles of clothing person to the trouble n esrest a t hand. current is supplied b y a sm all genera and fu rn itu re and foods. O ften all tho Look a t th e bottom of tbe b o ttle for to{ w hich is set up in th e field and run evils o f stre e t dust are added to this by hand. W ith th is g en erato r supplying m ixture. I f th ere is sickness, especially d irt instead of a t th e top fo r cream. a c u rren t of 500 w atts, th e o u tfit is of a contagious or infectious nature, the capable of tra n sm ittin g m essages in m icro-organism s of the disease will ap Tbe individual in good h ealth is the good w eath er for a distance of about p ear in the air unless due care is taken. com ptroller of his own fate. In an in vestigation of stre e t dust one 40 miles, while it ean receive messages sent from a much g reater distance th an in v estig ato r recently p ut out culture Good food is the basis o f life and p lates in various parts of New York this. health. C ity. These plates, each 3} inches in I NOVEL MOTORCYCLE SEATS SIDE diam eter, were exposed fo r a period of five m inutes. In C entral P ark, near the BY SIDE. N O RD ER th at tw o persons m ay ride stre e t, 499 b acterhi were collected. upon a motorcycle, both facin g th e U nion S quare 214. in a large dry goods same direction and side by side store only 199 were found, while on a stre e t whieh was being sw ept tho total cently been in v en ted which is alw ays upon the fram e, a novel con triv an ce haR to be found w ith th e taeks. J u s t under been m an ufactured by a N ew York reached 5,810. W hile these b acte ria in the a ir are the head of th e tool th ere is secured to concern, in which a seat is b u ilt a rc h ­ not necessarily harm ful, yet heavy s c shape, w ith spring cushions about 5 the handle a circu lar m agazine arran g e m ent fo r bolding taeks. This has a slid ­ inches thick. The seat has th ree points cum ulations of them on fru its or foods ing door by w hich the co n ten ts m ay be o f support on th e fram e o f th e motor a re liab le to prove a serious menaee to GLASSES BY MAIL •xpoeed, and when it is desired to elose eyele, one a t the seat poet and tw o op­ ,calth, and it is here th a t the danger ------------------e s o o ---------------- - it there is an au tom atic catch whieh posite rearw ard bearings, one on eith er is to be found. Thus the necessity of sido o f th e fram e. The cushions do not g u ard in g foods from dust and street bolds it in place. Th* tame kind yon p a , other« four and p ro ject above th e plane o f the seat filth . fir« dollar« for By our new method wa can post fasten in g . make you the beet pair of roading glaatefl BNAPPNO TURTLES MAKE NOVEL 70« hare had. THE ART OF WALKING. F or re s ta u ra n t purposes a eoffee h e a t­ TEAM, He®4 ua your addreea and we will feed H E O N E exercise th a t is th e most er has been invented whieh in jects a ben eficial and the easiest to take yoo ear complete outfit for testing tho eyed n iL E NOVEL means of transpor- je t of steam into a cup of cold coffee and meaau ring the face. They are eimple, a is w alking; b u t th e trouble is there child ean nee them . Our glass«« are of tatios '.re seen employed in ju s t b efo re it is served, to save im ­ d iffe re n t p a rts of the world, prob p airin g its arom a by keeping it a t a are n o t a g reat m any people who know g»-'»d Quality, gold filled, warranted for ten year«. After you hare u««d them for thirty how to w alk. ably nothin g more uncommon is to be high tem p eratu re fo r hours. If they are not aatiafaetory your money A ccording to a French scientist, we day«, found th a n harnessed m arine reptiles. will be refunded. Write for outfit today. To p ro tect the bulb o f an autom obile ought to im itate tho g ait of the average A W isconsin boy has the distin ctio n of R O G E R S O P T IC A L S C H O O L being the possessor o f a team o f eight horn an in v en to r has p aten ted a metal farm er, n e tak es a Ion" stride, leans 1 3 4 KlHingmorth Arenue, Portland, Oregon. fo rw ard , keeps th e knees b e n t and ■napping tu rtle s whieh ho hitches to a cover, th e bulb being operated by a ■mall wagon and drives around a t his plunger, w hich can be rem oved when a slides, ra th e r th an strik es his foot on pleasure. A lthough these are more a n ­ car has been le ft stan d in g on a street. th e ground, so th a t he leans his w eight upon th e whole sole o f his foot rath e r n u al, i f not sp ectacular, th an actu ally PHILIP NEU * SONS, Props. The point of a soldering iron invent­ th an on th e heel only. useful as b easts of burden, th ey n ev er­ Established 1885. The city man and woman, on the eon theless are capable of p erform ing the ed by an Iowan ean be turned to any u n n atu ral fu n ctio n dem anded o f them . angle or folded inside the handle for trary, usually take short steps, while We Carry the Best and Largest Stock of M onum enta They experience ao d iffic u lty in pulling convenience in carrying, and is hollow the heal smartly taps the pavement be fere the reat of the foot. The larme» s 2*4 aoi 1 earth Street, Pertlaad, Oa«t the boy and has wagon an d probably te serve ns a solder melting pot. D A A O D A k A I 4 W T Portland Marble Works <