16 Stories With a Smile OME em ployers in New York City —liko some em ployers in other cities— are not as polite to th eir office force as they si nul l bo, oven though some o f th e i’ forces may be o f th e fem inine gender. Much o f it, however, is more th e rm u lt o f care less speech th an bad tem per, and in such cases it may be cured. One such 6iaployer in C ourtlaudt stre e t ias been cured. At least ho says he has. I t happened thus: lie had tak en in a new stenographer, a very quiet, steady young woman of about 25, and very efficien t. B ut ho ncvLr thought of th at. As soon is he got used to her he fell into his h ab it o f blurt- ing out an y th in g th a t come to his m 'nd when ho was not pleased, and one day she asked him a question he th o u g h t she should know “ Oh, s a y ,” he snapped a t her, “ any dam n fool ought to know th a t! ” It is not an origin'll expression by any means, and the girl had prob ably heard it many tim es, though I iss bly not in sucn a personal man i:er, b u t she was equal to it. She looked him cquaro in the eyo, un a raid , and still the lady. “ Yec, ” she replied pleasantly e .i'u g h - “ you seem to know it, but, you see, I'm not i dam n fo o l.” I t gave a .tew tu rn to the expres­ sion which had not occurred to him before, and lie was staggerm l but he knew sho had him and lie was gentle i.ian enough to apologize. Now he is iiucli more par icular in his office language and says ho is /la d she called him dov.u as she did. S HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION l i f teen seconds Jo n es and th e red faced p< rson took a 10-Lorsepowcr dis liko fo r each other. Then the w retch ed tones made his firs t serious mis take. He c f th e ruddy complexion banged the tablo. “ W hy on e arth d id n ’t you follow my b a d ! ” be shouted. “ I f th ere : t one man in th is world today whose odious exam ple I would not fonow in any circum stances you are the m a n !” reto rte d Jones, With dignity. A fter th a t th e jolly pastim e pro- ceeded. Then Jones pu t his foot in it again, and again th e rubicund one ’ ashed th t t ble. “ C o uldn’t you see me calling fo r a "1 ade or c lu b » ” be boomed. “ H a v e n ’t J’ou a ^dack su it, man » “ Yes, I h a v e ,” said Jones, rising from th e tab le, “ and I ’m jolly well hanging on to it to* your f u n e r a l!” I velops th e m athem atical powers. To jo u r son figures and num bers, order and system will be a conglom era’e mass of n o th in g n ess.” “ Then he c a n 't work in my of fic e ,” said the fa th e r sadly, “ but he ough to be g re a t a t m aking up the summer tra in schedules for suburban railroads. disappear in a cloud of dust. T hey sudd rnly cam e across the tr a il and held th eir noses. “ Thim m otors m ost cost a heap of m oney,” said Jo e ; “ the rich is fa irly burning m oney.” “ Ay, in deed,’ ’ sn iffed M ike, “ and by the smell of it it must be th a t ta in te d money we hear so much ta lk about ” A Crushing Reply. When Mr. C rockett offered his first He Insisted. book to a certain firm of publish­ T here was a young lady of Siam , ers, they returned it w ith a curt note inform ing him th a t there was “ no Who said to her fond lover, K iam , “ I refuse to be kissed, m arket for this sort of w o rk .” In B ut if you insist. the corner of the note was the index H eaven know s you are stronger th an m ark “ No. 3S6C.” I a m .” Some tim e later, when Mr. C rockett had become fam ous, this same firm w rote asking him to allow them to publish his next book. Mr. C rockett, who had carefully preserved th eir form er rude le tte r, politely replied by One Means of Support. asking them to refer to th e ir own le t­ Miss Campoell, th e Sunday school te r book under the sign “ No. SM C .” teacher, discovered, to her horror, th a t T h at closed th e correspondence! some o f the sm all m em bers of her class had tak en as lite ra l tru th s the M ight W ed a Bachelor. tales of ancien t god and goddesses A little girl of six sa t looking Big Values which ’ they had read in a c h ild 's th o u g h tfu lly nut of the window of in Used Cars mythology a t school. her home the other day. H er m other She eterinined, if possible, to do­ asked the cause of her seriousness. • 'A u sed car bou card table. Before they had been playing Phone Main 17»« LIFE HEALTH ACCIDENT HOM ESTEAD CO. C lip th is Coupon and m a ll to th e Boa O f f i c e fo r fu ll In fo r m a tis a .— M e e b lls a tlo n In c u rre d . N am e: • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • a rt " O r t e P o l i c y p O M ^IÏtO N V O N T R A C T 3"1 ^ A *e n e arest b ir t h < a p ......................... Amt. In s u ra n c e B u s t eoted NSURANCE CO. HOME OFFICE—SEATTLE, Ü. 8. A. t