HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION is not tho record of production for land. Demands Net W eight of Apples Count of Apples in Box Mot Sufficient, Is Ruling.—Fruit Men Fear It Will Work Hardship. HE D ep artm en t of A griculture hands down an opinion th a t the num erical coim t of apples or pears in boxes is in su fficien t to insure knowl edge of the contents. U nder the F ederal Food and D rugs A cts as am ended M arch 3, 1913, and w ith regulations of Food Inspector De­ cision 154, the co n ten ts of a fru it box m ust be given in q u a n tity on outside o f box. In section 8, p arag rap h 3, u n ­ der “ F o o d ” as am ended by act of M arch 3, 1813, clause A reads, “ Ex eept as otherw ise provided by the regn lation, the q u a n tity of contents in all eases of food, if term s of w eight, m eas­ ure of numerical count, on th e outside of the covering of co n tain er usually d e­ livered to consum er.” A nd in (B ) “ The q u an tity o f th e contents so m arked shall be the am ount of food in th e p ac k a g e .” And in (C ) “ The quan tity of co n ten ts shall be so stated in term s of w eight or measure unless the package be m arked w ith numerical count giving accu rate inform ation as to th e q u a n tity of th e food in th e pack a g e .” Clause (H ) sta te s th a t the quan ti ty must be giver! in a minimum of w eight, measure or count, fo r example, “ minimum w eight 160 o x .” “ The statem en t m ust approxim ate th e actual q u an tity and th ere shall be no toler anee below the stated m inim um .” When th e provision w as rendered it was believed by the grow er and expert shippers and by the dealers them selves the counting num erically would be s u f­ ficien t to achieve the protection at which th is bill was aim ed, and at the same tim e not place a serious obstacle in the w ay of grow er and shipper. T Out of a Clear Sky. * p ractical fru it man in every respect, has already started th e ball rolling to fin d th e ex act sta tu s of the situation, and if possible a rem edy for the hard ship, which he says will undoubtedly be w orked by a m easure so radical. “ The fru it grow ing in terests of tile country a re wholly u nprepared to com ply w ith such co n d itio n s,” said Mr. Bateham . “ The requirem ent, an­ nounced as it now is, ju st as the crop is ready to move, will cause a trem en dous h ardship on fru it grow ers and in ­ ev itab ly resu lt in wide co n fu sio n .” To Try to Change. Mr. B atem an proposes to reach the secretary o f the D epartm ent o f Agri cu ltu re and endeavor to induce him to act in accordance w ith tho reasonable expectatio n s of th e fr u it interests. A g reat many fru it men passed opinion on th is m easure and assumed th a t its inten tio n s were p erfectly plain, eonsid ering it settled th a t the num erical count would be su fficien t. The same view was en tertain ed by all the inter ests w orking for th e stan d ard apple box bill, also, or undoubtedly they would have taken it in to consideration. Mr. Bateham is o f the opinion th at a relief would be experienced if the position were m odified to the ex ten t of allow ing th e num erical count in apple boxes not sm aller th an the standard Raker, or 104x114x18 inches inside m easurem ents. But as it seems to stand at th is tim e, som ething must sta rt or som ething else will stop. “ The atti tild e , as tak en by the G overnm ent on th is su b ject, is wholly unw arranted, ” said .Mr. B ateham . “ In all my experi ence as grow er and shipper I have never heard a buyer complain of being deceived as to q u a n tity .” S upplem enting tho above the E x ­ change has received advice from a Rogue R iv er affilia tio n th a t if abso­ lu tely necessary th ey would mark boxes “ 42 lb s .” However, Conrad Rose of W enatchee contends th a t 4(1 lbs. is more in line and th a t: “ B uyers and deal era u n derstand th a t th is m arking will be done to comply w ith the law, anil all fru it is bought and sold by them on its m erits, and th ey know, perhaps b e tte r th an anyone else, ju s t w hat the package c o n ta in s.” The N orthw estern F ru it Exchange have agreed with Mr. Rose on the adop­ tio n of th e 4(1 lb. stan d ard and have notified all th eir a ffilia te d exchanges to use same if no relief is forthcom ­ O ut of a clear sky comes th e an Bouncement from one of the actin g reeretaries of the D epartm ent of A g ri­ culture, as evidence of th e in terp re ta tio n of th a t dep artm en t o f th e pro v i­ sion in respect to fru it, th a t “ A sta te mi nt o f the number of rp p les or pears contained in a box is not a satisfae lo ry compliance of th e Federal Food and D rugs A ct as am ended by the act of M arch 3, 1913, or w ith the regu lation 29 as am ended by Food In sp ec­ to r Decisions 154, inasm uch as it does not give accu rate inform ation as to the q u a n tity of food in the package. T hat there is nothing in such a statem en t to indicate w hether th e apples are small or large, and nothing th a t indicates the capacity o f th e box. A. F. Bateham , vice p resident o f the N orthw estern F ru it Exchange, and a ing. C om paratively few varieties of soy beans are now- on the m arket. O f those for both hay and seed production, the Wilson and P eking are recommended fo r the full season; for a shorter season, — 0Y BEA N S are well ad ap ted to the th e Ito San and Ebony are well suited. soil and clim ate conditions of a F or green m anuring or sowing in corn at large section of th e U nited S tates, tho last cu ltiv atio n , th e Mammoth Yel the crop being an im p o rtan t one in low is valuable. m any p a rts of the country. Soil fo r soy beans should receive as Well cured soy bean hay is equal to thorough preparation as land for corn. a lfa lfa hay in p a la ta b ility and feeding Soy beans do well on a sod. A m ixture value. For a b rie f period soy beans of 400 pounds of acid phosphate and 100 m ake an excellent p asture, especially pounds of m uriate o f potash applied nt desirable fo r hogs. Soy beans may be th e ra te o f 250 to '.00 pounds per acre used satisfacto rialy fo r soiling and en is recommended. •il age. The seeds o f soy beans contain as much protein as linseed meal, and al m ost as mueh as cottonseed meal. Feed in ig trials indicate th a t soy bean grain NY C H ILD can have a thousand in a large measure may tak e the place dollars saved up by th e d ay he is of coneentrated feed s for all classes of tw enty-one if his p aren ts o r others Mock. Soy beans yield from 20 to 30 b u sh ­ will loan him a piece of land fifty feet els of seed per acre, and from 2 to 4 square and i f his school and com m unity ean furnish him th e rig h t kind o f in tons of bay. The growing of soy beans improves Struetm n. gnidanee and encouragem ent the soil by increasing its store of ni­ in m aking th e most of th e land. Soy Beans S Childrens’ Savings A trogen and by correcting its physical condition. Where red clover fhils, or is not adapted, soy beans may be substi­ tuted The erimson elover erop may be followed the same season by soy beans, thus producing two forage crops ia one year on th e same land. On account of their rapid growth, soy beans are admirably adapted for a eateh erop after wheat, early potatoes or other early maturing erops. 8ov beans have a wider nse than cow peas, are a richer feed, are more easily eured for hay or harvested for seed. Soy bean. have yielded decidedly more seed tbaa cow peas. Soy bean varieties range ia ma ta rty from 70 to 140 days. Thia is the declaration of Dr. Hodgi^ professor of Social Biology in the Uni­ versity of Oregon, who was one •? ISe first men in the United States to work out the school garden system. This be did in Worcester, Mas»., where he was the head of a department ia Clark University. All this nature work Dr. Hodge be­ lieve« should form a portion of the child's edueatio%anyway, and the profit of >50 or so a year to be put out at in­ teract, would be pure gain. “ I have a little girl ia Cleveland,” sayi Dr. Hodge, "who made >250. 83 ont ef a back yard garden patch last year. I am not at all certain that thia H er plot was only 50 by 52 f e e t O f course, sho hud th e b est land, the best of direction, and the best m arkets. ‘Oh, 1 enjoy it so m u ch ,’ she told me when I protested th a t she m ight be w orking too hard w ith all her school w ork besides. ‘ I d o n 't make hard work out o f cither my school work or my garden. ’ "G e n e ra l p ro fits from a garden, of course, can not ru n an y th in g like this, though sometimes w onderful p ro fits can be made by the discovery of some little special crop to meet a special demand in a location of normal scarcity. A boy or girl m ight, for instance, p re tty near ly control a supply o f some such thing as m int, or w ater cress, in a d istrict where th ey were not common. Seeds and high bred poultry lire o th er possi­ bilities fo r a small plot of land. " T h is little g irl in C leveland was able to g et q u ality prices. Khe «bowed me one straw b erry 5J inches in eirciim fereuce, w eighing th ree ounces, almost big enough to slice up like a tom ato. I am not sure th a t children a re par ticu larly adapted to q u ality produc­ tion, b u t 1 think th a t the best eduea tional results nre obtained by m aking th e e ffo rt in th a t d ire c tio n ." 13 Added b u tte r color does not have any effect upon th e mottles. Work th e b u tte r only enough to din- trib u te th e sa lt evenly. Do not touch tho b u tte r w ith the hands. Use wooden paddles. Keep ehuru an d b u tte r utensils per­ fectly clean, using hot w ater w ith some good w ashing powder. POTATOES IN POTS. To secure an early supply of new po­ tatoes next season plant th e tubers of nay good early v ariety in pota and sta rt them in the house. Four or five inch pots can be used, filled only about two thirds full of soil, leaving room fo r a top dressing of soil to be supplied as the plants grow, a fte r th e m anner o f hilling up potatoes when grow n in the garden. O ne p o tato is su fficien t for each pot. Time the p lan tin g so the p lan ts will he well sta rte d in th e pots when they are to be tra n sp la n te d in the garden a t the time th e tu b ers aro usually planted outdoors. I f there is a well v en tilated , cool light place, such as a cold fram e or cool greenhouse, in which to grow them potatoes can bo raised in pots and full sited tu b ers developed very mueh ear* lier than the firs t crop from the gar* den. Ten inch pots will be su fficien tly large. R ub o ff all the eyes except tliq H f| ' 1N3.25. l>a- •rriptiv« circular Un request. C O L U M B IA D A IR Y s e e r us •UPPLY ». o m m w COMPANY