Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, August 28, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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m ain trav el arteries. We consider th a t
th is much construction should be done
S outhw est W ashington — C entrali*-
by tho m ain governm ent. Then of Chehalis, G. R. Walker, Secretary,
course the com m unities and several A ugust 24-29.
less i t be a life and d eath m a tter, d o n ’t eounties could construct laterals, e tc .’’
Olympic P eninsula F a ir—P o rt Towne
speed. I t is a senseless, insane prae
V ancouver, B. C.—II. S. R olston, Sec­
ties which find* no excuse. I t shortens
re ta ry , Septem ber 3-12.
the life of th e tire s and su b jects the electric lig h tin g system s should re ­
V ancouver, W ash.—Geo. P . L arsen,
whole ear to a needless strain . I t often m em ber th a t in ta k in g long trip s it
shortens human life as well. The h ig h ­ would be advisable to carry se-eral S ecretary, S eptem ber 7-12.
est degree of efficien cy m ay be a t ­ e x tra electric lig h t bulbs n the tool send, Wash., A reh C. Tweedie, Seer»«
tary , Septem ber 10-12.
tain ed by d river and ear as well if sane k it.
methods nre employed. A stead y hand
In te rs ta te F air, Spokane, W ash.—«
Tn order to get best service out of R obert II. Cosgrove, M anager, Septem ­
guided by an in tellig en t brain are the
prime requisites. The farm er, aecus
ber 12 20.
tnmed to the care and operation of advisable to tu rn grease cups down
W alla W alla, W ash.—R obert H. Jo h n ­
m achines m akes a good driver. Who every tim e you tak e the ear out. If son, S ecretary, Septem ber 14-19.
shows mercy to his beast will show
W ashington S tate F air, N orth Y aki­
mercy to his c a r .’ ’ The careful, m erci­ sive w ear will result.
ma, W ash.—Septem ber 21-27.
ful horseman know s th e commercial
H elena, M ont.— A. J . B reitenstein,
value of judicious driv in g and governs
I V ERY vegetable garden is a medi- S ecretary, Septem ber 21-27.
him self accordingly w ith results sa tis­
i cino chest full of rem edies th a t
V ictoria, B. C.—Geo. S angster, M an­
facto ry to all concerned.
are recognized by physicians as ager, Septem ber 21-27.
Care of Tires.
of considerable value in the treatm en t
Nelson, B. C.— Geo. H orstead, M an­
As the g reatest single item o f ex ­ of various diseases. Onions, fo r ex­
pense is the tire, we will conclude this am ple, contain sulphur oil and are ager, Septem ber 24-26.
Oregon S ta te F a ir— Salem, Or., F ran k
article w ith a few “ D o n 'ts on T ire s .’’ recommended for insomnia and as an
If heeded the item of tire expense will aid to gastric digestion. They should M eredith, S ecretary, Septem ber 28-Oe-
be g reatly rdued.
have a prom inent place in the diet of tober 3.
D o n ’t speed.
New W estm inster, B. C.—D. E. Mae-
su fferers from rheum atism , for they
D o n ’t apply the b rak e suddenly u n ­ help to allay th e pains.
K enzie, S ecretary, Septem ber 28 Octo­
less absolutely necessary.
Use the
T urnips nnd parsnips both have ber 3.
th ro ttle more and the b rak es less in peculiar oily principles, w hich aro of
S alt Lake City, U tah — H orace 8. En­
controlling the car. This saves both value as an ap erien t and diuretic. I t sign, S ecretary, O ctober 5-12.
th e tires and the machine.
is also claim ed th a t they are good
D o n ’t allow grease and oils to come fo r coughs and hoarseness.
In contact w ith th e tires. T hey do
P o tato es contain solanin, w hich has
stroy the rubber. So does rust. P ain t, certain diu retic properties.
on th e contrary, preserves it.
The sulphur compound which it con
D o n 't allow the w eight of th e car to ta in s m akes cabbage excellent in cases
rest on deflated tires even when not of scurvy and scrofula.
in use.
Spinach has iron in organic form
D o n 't allow the side of the tire which and is used as a lax ativ e on account
shows more w ear th an the o th er to re ­ of its fin e digestible fiber.
Your fu tu re depends upon your
training. L et us train you fo r a suc­
main in th e same position. R everse the
C arrots are useful for correcting de-
cessful business career.
sides to insure even wear.
rangem enfk of the liver. They are
D o n ’t ever run on a fia t tire. I f a b ­ also excellent as a dressing for pain
O ver 2,000 students trained by us
solutely necessary and the distan ce is ful wounds and swelling.
are holding lucrative positions.
short, run oft the rim.
Tho tom ato exercises medicinal ef
D o n 't fail to transpose the rear and effe c ts which are not com pletely ex ­
fro n t tires when necessary, as th e front plained* bv the presence of alkaline
tires w ear less th an the rear ones.
salts. T here is a principle present
D o n 't be afra id to bu rst a tire hv which, when tak en in a concentrated
too much in flation. A tire, unless old sta te , produces salivation and a free
I. M W alker, President.
or injured, is seldom over-inflated. The stim ulation o f th e nver.
reverse is more often the case and does
W rite u i. No trouble to answer.
g reat injury.
S unflow er seed should be fed mixed
Don 't, allow stored tires to get damp.
with other grain (one p art of sun flow­
It b reak s down the fab ric and w eakens
er seed to 10 p a rts of other g rain ) for
the shoe.
the evening meal th ree tim es a week. I t
D o n 't allow b listers to form on the is considered one of the best fe ath er
tire. M ake prom pt repairs.
grow ing feeds and will assist th e birds
D o n 't allow your front wheels to slide in g ettin g through the moult. G rowing
in a sidewise direction involving g reat rye makes the best range. I f your birds
w ear on the tread s. See th a t th ey are are more than tw o m onths old and fully
feathered, the dew or rain will not hurt
High and stead y tem perature as well them except on cold, raw days.
as strong stead y lig h t nre ’estru etiv c
to rubber. Keep your auto when not in
An ordinary piece of m ince pie is said
use, in a place w here the tires are not
to be the equal in food value, to a piece of
thus tested.
beef, a alice of bread and a potato.
D o n 't overload vonr autom obile and
see th a t th e rim s are straig h t and true.
U se o f A u to W ith Least Expense
l i ’T‘ 0 what work shall I put my
autom obile in order to realise
the g re a te st possible b e n e fit!
W hat am ount of pleasure and p ro fit
«an I reasonably dem and from it, and
w h at is the least up keep ex | h * rise I can
ealru late on in its o p e ra tio n !”
The answ ers to the above questions
depend on a g reat many things— in the
ear as well as in its ow ner and opera
tor. The w earing qu ality and w orking
capacity of one ear may be so superior
to th at of an o th er car th a t any esti
m ate as to up keep is n ex t to im pos­
sible. The care and know ledge and
skill of one d riv er may be so much
g reater than th a t o f an o th er d riv er th at
no m atter how effic ie n t the machine
may be which he handles t will give
only a fair degree of satisfactio n . Then
th ere is the elem ent of luck which al
w ays plays a v ery sig n ifican t part in
o perating a car. A ccidents which can
not be avoided, even by exercising the
Kr' ■»test care, may occur, brin g iu g loss
financial and otherw ise. Ono farm er
may make th e purchase of a enr a
most pro fitab le investm ent. IIis neigh
bor may curse the day when “ the
blam ed th in g was b o u g h t.’ ’ The same
m ake and q u ality of car, the tim e of
purchase the same, the sam e care and
judgm ent exercised in its operation, but
not the same luck. T herefore it np
pears th a t care and skill and knowl
edge are facto rs which do not alw ays
count. Location plays an im portant
p art in the up keep o f a car. T here are
roads and roads, as every ear owner
has learned to his ev erlastin g chagrin
and loss. And some farm ers who built
th e ir homes long before the arriv a l of
th e modern “ road d e v il’ ’ are actually
so located th a t it .zould be a neck-
breaking fe a t to d riv e an auto up to
th e ir front door—a risk none would
und ertak e except on a high wager.
P roper Care of M achine N ecessary.
The best life p reserver for any ma
ebine is proper care and use. By get
tin g the most out o f an autom obile we,
of course, mean th a t in point of service
it has yielded a full retu rn for the
money invested in its purchase in the
form of pleasure, u tility and w hatever
has contributed to our benefit w ithout
su bjecting us to more than a v ert rea
sonable expense in its up keep. It is
Well, therefore, to spend a little time
each day, if possible, in exam ining the
machine*, m akes a good driver. Who
and make necessary adjustm ents so that
when needed the en tire car is in tip
to p running order. If the fa n n e r takes
th e proper in terest in the looks o f his
ear he will go on for years w ith an
o u tlay of but gasoline, lu b rican ts and
tire repairs. As the m achine gets elder
th e expense item will assume g reater
proportions. B earings will w ear out i nd
need replacing, piston rings, spark plugs
and such small item s must be replaced
b y new parts. It becomes necessary
th erefo re to give th e ear an occasional
overhauling in order to ascertain its
tru e condition as to pistons nnd bear
ings, etc., and to remove carbonized oil
from the wails o f th e cylinder.
Knowledge o f tho M achine N ecessary.
To know his m achine, its various ele­
m ents and th e ir respective nses, the
am onnt of work and strain to which
each can be put w ithout inju ry , is essen
tia l to the e ar owner. W hen troubles
arise it is necessary to know how and
w here to locate them in o rd er to mahe
th o quickest possible repairs and nd
jn stm en ts A know ledge o f th e p rin ­
ciple of carb u reto rs and ignition is of
g reat -value to one who would properly
and successfully run a gas engine. The
carb u reter troubles so freq u en tly met
w ith are m ainly due to ignorance, in
atte n tio n and carelessness ra th e r than
d efectiv e mechanism.
Keep Things Clean.
Tho collection o f d irt is destru ctiv e
to efficiency and economy as well
Caro of the fuel, cooling and ignition
system is of sig n ifican t value. Here,
as elsewhere, “ know ledge is p o w er,’’
and th e successful o p erato r has in
form ed him self along the lines in d i­
cated. He know s th e necessary condi­
tions of w orking and control, as well
as how to m eet th e many m ishaps and
disorders v h ic h in the course of time
everv anto ow ner will encounter.
Car* In Driving.
To go to town in the husy season for
repairs, provisions, etc., and get hack
“ in a j i f f y , " is all very well, but aa
W h a t A re Y ou
G o in g T o D o?
War and Business
ASHINGTON sta te understands the life are two v a stly d iffe re n t things—
value of good highw ays and is
s,«ending money by b u rk etsfu l to but they are alike in this— proper pre
brin g th e roads np to a high state of p aratio n is N ECESSARY to success iu
efficien cy , according to E. L. Cham either.
pion, no rth w est m anager for the F ire­
stone A uto T ire Company.
Mr. Campion has his headquarters in
S eattle, b u t declares his in terests are
ju st as wide and com prehensive as the
404 Commonwealth Building,
boundaries of th e northw est.
Portland, Oregon.
“ But th ere is no g ettin g aw ay from
it, W ashington is leading Oregon in
The moat m odem m ethods of instruction
I t Von Enroll Before September 1st.
good road construction ’ ' he said.
and tho best teachers obtainable, both in
“ W ork on th e P acific highw ay i* go­ ab ility and experience.
i |
ing ahead rap id ly and along other
E fficien cy— the w atchword in m odem bnsi
routes as welt. W ithin a short tim e the M SS— i* the w atchword in this school. Rapid
academ y
highw ay from A’ancouver, B. C,, to p r o e m s combined w ith thoroughness. In a
A berdeen will be fom pleted. and a large n n tsh .il— our courses are aa abort aa any
portion will be bard surfaced.
good courses can ba— and com pleting a r o a rs, A Select Non Sectarian Boarding and Day
“ The S eattle A utom obile Club has guarantees gettin g a position. W rits today School for Boys. Military Discipline, Small
joined th e A. A. A. and is now g ita t Io C. E. CARLTON, Principal.
Classes. Men Teachers. Careful superrlsioa
ing a proposition o f having th e state
secures results that are not attained else-
Send far catalog.
put all the au to tax money back into
821 Marshall Street, Portland. Oregon.
th e construction and m ain tcn .n ce of
the highwav*. .h e elnb w ants a tax on
the horsepow er basia. w ith the under
stan d in g th a t licensed auto* are not to
be taxed a second tim e as property, a
system now in vogue.
“ U nder th e law as proposed. K ing
F a ilu r e im p o s s ib le — c o u rs e s in d o rs e d b y le a d in g
te a c h e rs a n d c o n s e rv a to rie s M e th o d la e tm p le a n d
county for exam ple, would no‘ get the
e n t ir e ly n e w
M e tro n o m e f o r tim e k e e p in g s e n t
fre e
full b en efit o f all auto tax money, de
Send Now for FREE Booklet
«pile th e fa c t th a t th e county would
F a ll c.a s « e * n o w f o r m in g . S p e c ia l
pay more th a n an y oth er one. In stead
lo w t u i t i o n r a te s — in s t a llm e n t p a y ­
the fun Is would go for the construe
m e n ts i f d e s ire d
S ta ff o f s k ille d I n ­
s tr u c to r s g iv e each s tu d e n t p e rs o n a l
tion o f highw ays w herever they were
a tt e n tio n .
most needed w ithin the state.
“ The club, along w ith the A. A. A .
r ic a n S c h o o l o f M usic
is try in g hard to work a scheme w here
F ifth and Ankeny Sts., Portland, Or. •
by the federal governm ent will give t - I
to the state's *1 for eouatruetien ot
I L.L.