A Weekly Page ot Poultry Hints to I ou Here is a Departm ent Full of Bright Ideas For Readers of the Home and Farm Magazine Section. The object a t th is season is to re­ See th a t th e in cu b ato r Is running may be used in a box w ith a hole slig h t­ duce th e flocks to a p ro fitab le basis, aa stead ily a t th e desired tem p eratu re be ly sm aller th an an egg cut in the side it does not pay to w in ter useless bird». <•> The follow ing is th e fo u rth fore fillin g w ith eggs. Do not add fresh and last of a scries of articles $ of th e box and a t th e same level as the Sell them now. eggs to a tr a y co n tain ing eggs which lig h t. T hey m ay also bo te ste d by sun­ «y by H a rry M. Lamon, Senior The hens th a t m oult early will be the are undergoing incubation. lig h t, or d ay lig h t, using a sh u tte r or *' A nim al H usbandm an in P o u ltry T urn th e eggs tw ice daily a f te r the best w in ter layers, and th e ir feed cu rtain w ith a sm all hole in it for the In v estig atio n s, Animal H usban- second and until th e n in eteen th day. should be of th a t kind which makes lig h t to shine through. 4 dry D ivision of B ureau o f Ani- Cool the eggs once daily, according to good th e loss they sustaiu in losing A good home made egg tester, or mal In d u stry o f th e U nited tho w eather, from the seventh to the th eir feathers. ran d ier, can be made w ith a larg e shoe <> S ta te s D ep artm en t of A gricult- box, or any box th a t is large enough to n in eteen th day. Summer days are anxious days to ure, on th e n atu ral and a rti- T urn th e eggs before earing fo r the the a le rt poultry breeder. Now if at go over a lam p, by rem oving th e end and ficial in cu b atio n of h e n s’ eggs. cu ttin g a hole a little larg er th an the lamps. any tim e he m ust bo wide aw ake and « ..................? ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A tten d to th e m achine carefu lly a t size o f a q u a rte r in th e b ottom of tho on th e lookout daily to see th a t every- Moisture and Ventilation. box, so th a t when i t is set over a k ero ­ reg u lar hours. thing is provided for tho com fort aud M oisture and v en tilatio n aro closely K eep th e lam p and wick clean. sene lam p th e holo in th e bottom will re la te d fac to rs in incubation, the T est th e eggs ou th e sev en th and well being of his flock. be opposite th e blaze. A hole the size am ount of each depending upon the Should you feed cabbage stum ps, le t­ of a silver dollar should be cut in the fo u rteen th days. other. The form er is one of th e u ncer­ Do not open th e m achine a fte r the tuce or other vegetable m a tte r be sure top of th e box to allow th e heat to ta in facto rs, fo r as y et no v ery sa tis­ eig h teen th day u u til the chickens aro to remove w hat is left over before it fa c to ry rules have been evolved which escape. begans to decay, which happens quickly The eggs are tested w ith th e large hatched. w ill eover all conditions. Good hatches in the hot w eather. D ecayed vegetable end up, so th a t th e size of th e air cell a re secured both w ith and w ith o u t using m atter is no b e tte r fo r chickens than it may be seen as well as the condition of m oisture, under ap aren tly sim ilar condi­ is for men. th e embryo. Tho testin g should tak e tions, w hile each o perator generally place in a d ark room. The in fe rtile egg K eep an eye on th e chickens w ith the w orks out by experience th e best am ount when held b efo re th e small hole w ith the m atter of culling next m onth in m in i. o f m oisture to use under his conditions. i R EQ U EN T changes of li tt e r and laihp lig h ted inside tho box will look The m oisture and v en tilatio n should, n est dox m aterial are called for B irds th a t are g e ttin g old or show a p erfectly clear, th e sam e as a fresh w ith co rrect h eat, produce a normal these A ugust days. B urn the old lack o f v ita lity should be fa tte n e d up one, w hile a fe rtile egg w ill show a preparatory to being sold or furnishing chick a t th e end o f th e in cubation sm all d ark spot, know n as th e embryo, m aterial as soon as p o ssible. Lice mul a tem pting addition to a Sunday d in ­ period. Too much m oisture may p re­ tip lv a t an alarm in g ra te and d irt and w ith a mass of little blood veins ex ner. v e n t th e norm al evap o ratio n necessary ten d in g in all directions, if th e em bryo filth double th eir harm fulness u n d er the to allow enough space for th e chicken Tho best w ay to get a line on w hat is liv in g ; if dead, and th e egg has been influence o f sum m er heat. Now is the to tu rn in th e egg and b reak th e shell, tim e to begin to thin k of the m oulting your birds are w orth is to e n te r some in cu b ated fo r a t least 46 hours, the w hile too little m oisture may cause th e blood settles aw ay from th e embryo to season and preparo for it. S tu d y the of the best ones a t the local, county chicken to become dried an d stick to w ard th e edges of th e yolk, form ing su b ject carefully as it has an im portant and larg er poultry shows. I f they th e shell. M oisture is used extensively in some cases an irreg u lar circle of b earin g on w in ter egg production. Win are prize w inners your flock increases in h a tch in g in th e South, in high a lti­ g reatly in selling value and if they blood, know n as a blood ring. Eggs te r eggs are eggs of gold now adays. tu d es, and in places w here th e incubator v ary in th is respect, sonic show ing only F in e fe a th e rs count for a g re a t deal are not w inners you can see where is run in a d ry room. they are deficient. The education is a stre a k of blood. All in fe rtile eggs in w inning prizes a t p o ultry shows. M any m ethods are used to supply w orth the expenses of showing, e \e n should be rem oved at th e first test. Commence to g ath er d ry road dust if you do not win. m oisture in incubators, such as Bprink The eggs co n tain in g strong, liv in g era and p u t aw ay in b arrels in a dry place lin g the eggs w ith w arm w ater a t about bryos are d a rk and well filled up on 300 degrees F., or placing a pan o f wa T reat the Ducks Well. th e fo u rteen th day, and show a clear, fo r next w in te r's use. te r , a recep tacle co n tain in g m oist sand, D o n ’t crowd th e hens in w arm wen sharp, d istiu e t line o f dem arcation b e ­ A F ekin duck responds readily to or a w et sponge below the egg tray . A n­ tw een th e a ir cell and th e grow ing th er, for it m akes th em quarrelsom o good treatm en t. They appreciate plenty o th e r common m ethod of supplying mois­ em bryo, w hile »lead germ s show only and leads to fe a th e r pulling. of food and com fortable quarters, b u t tu re is to sp rin k le or soak th e floor of p a rtia l developm ent, and lack this clear, F lan now to provide com fortable they should not be fed or housed w ith th e in cu b ato r room or to place a pail q u arters fo r th e poultry during the chickens, nor, in ta c t, w ith any other o f w ater under th e lam p. T here is less d istin c t outline. w in ter when the price o f eggs is high fowls, for thoy are very tim id creatures Causes of Poor Hatches. d an g er o f g e ttin g too much m oisture and should be k ept as quiet as possible. The cause o f poor hatches is a much- est. in th e in cu b ato r by th is m ethod th an Those hens th a t moult early in the b y p u ttin g m oisture d irectly in to the discussed question, which depends on a Composition of Egg. egg cham ber. I f a jpoisture tra y or g re a t v a rie ty of circum stances. A poor season and get well feath ered out by More th an th ree fo u rth s of an egg sponge have been added to a non-m ois­ hatch is more a p t to be due to the eon O ctober or N ovem ber can be counted is w ater, so you ean see how necessary tu re m achine, th e y should gen erally be ditio n o f the eggs previous to hatch in g as w in ter layers. ta k e n out before th e chicks pip. The th a n to incubation, although im proper F resh, clean w ater is p articu larly it is th n t the fowls should be k ept sup­ question o f m oisture depends largely h andling of c ith e r fac to r will produce im p o rtan t durin g hot w eather and a plied w ith an abundance of w ater. I t on the place w here th e in cu b ato r is th e sam e results. W hen eggs fail to fresh supply should be given a t least should be pure, nnd be given to them .on... wav thev cannot get it foul. located. I f ru n in a room in a dwell hatch , see w h eth er th e breeding stock threo tim es a day. ing house, it is freq u en tly necessary to is k ep t under conditions which tend to add m oisture even to non m oisture ma produce strong, fertile germ s in th e eggs, chines, while such m achines run in an if th e eggs have been handled proper o rd in ary cellar in th e sam e building ly before incubation, and w hether the m ig h t not need e x tra m oisture. W hen a conditions were rig h t durin g incubation, larg e num ber o f m achines are operated as judged by th e tim e o f th e hatch. A d aily tem p eratu re record should be in one room e x tra m oisture is more necessary th a n if only a few a re k ep t k e p t o f each m achine. The o p erato r can to g eth er, w h iij more m oisture m ust be th u s compare th e tem p eratu re at which supplied in a v ery d ry th a n in a humid th e machines have been k ep t, which may prove of value in th e fu tu re work, eepe- clim ate. The a ir cell v aries in size w ith the cially if th e brooder records can be size of th e egg, w hile th e shape varies checked back ag ain st those o f the incu g re a tly in d iffe re n t eggs. M oisture on bato r. D isinfecting and Storing Incubators. th e glass door of the in cu b ato r during b atch in g tim e is th e best in d icatio n of A fte r the h atch in g season is over, co rrect m oisture conditions durin g in ­ clean and d isin fect the incubators, cubation . A good way to learn the em pty the lam ps, and carefu lly store the proper am ount o f ev aporation d arin g in ­ p a rts in the m achine. L am ps contain in g cu bation is to set one or tw o hens when oil w hich are le ft in th e ir proper place a ta rtin g th e in cu b ato r, and com pare the on th e incubator for some tim e a fte r the aize of th e a ir cell in th e eggs under h atch in g season is over w ill cause trou these tw o conditions when te s tin g on the ble when it is sta rte d again, as th e oil sev en th and fo u rteen th days. As the ten d s to work up into the hood. The in w er.ther beedmes w arm er more m oisture cu b ato r should be d isin fected once a is generally used th an earlier in the y ear, or o ften er if any disease is pres season. M any o p rato rs add m oisture e n t in the hens or chickens. Some opera only d u rin g th e la tte r p a rt of th e hatch, to rs p re fe r to disin fect th e ir inenba generally on th e six teen th , seventeenth to rs before or a fte r each hatch. A strong and e ig h teen tl days. solution of a reliable coal ta r disinfec T estin g Eggs. and mav be used to wash o u t the ma An egg. w heiher im pregnated or not, chine and to disin fect th e egg tra v s and bas a sm all grayish spot on the surface nu rsery draw er. If the b u rlap on the of the yolk km wn as th e “ germ inal bottom of th e incubator is very d irty s p o t.” As soon an a fe rtile egg is placed it may be cheaper to renew th an to under a hen, or in an in cu b ato r, de­ clean i t F or an incubator o f abont 3 velopm ent begins. All eggs should be cubic feet capacity one m ay pour one tested a t least tw ice du rin g th e period h a lf onnee of form alin, w hich contains of incubation, p referab ly on th e seventh 40 p er een t form aldehyde, on one h alf and fo u rteen th days, and th e in fertile ounce of p erm anganate of potash, in a eggs and dead germ s removed. W hite pan in th e incubator, which produces a eggs can be tested on the fo u rth or fifth very p en etratin g gas and th oroughly dis day, while the developm ent in eggs h a v ­ in fects the m achine. The door o f the in ing brow n shells often can not be seen cu b ato r should be closed ju s t as soon as b y th e use of an ord in ary egg te ste r th e liquid is poured in to th e pan, and u n til the seventh day. D ead.germ s soon le ft elosed for 12 hours or longer. In 45U MORRISON STREET decay and give o ff a bad "odor if a l­ cub ato rs should be well aired before they lowed to rem ain in an incubator. I n ­ are used a fte r d isin fectin g , especially PORTLAND j î : î OREGON fe rtile eggs m ake good feed fo r young when form aldehyde or any d isin fe c ta n t chickens, and a re o ften used in th e home w hich produces a gas has been used. fo r culin ary purposes. M ost incubator Summary. com panies fu rn ish te stin g ehim neys Fol'ow the manufacturer’» directions w ith th eir m achines w hich w ill f i t the in setting up and operating aa incubator | in cu b ato r lam ps. E lectric o r gaa lamps Poultry Hints F Cigarettes Kill Boys Argenite The Greatest Known Remedy Will Effectually CURE The Habit We appeal to every parent who has a boy addicted to cigarette smoking or the use of tobacco in any form, to try this wonderful remedy. It is harmless hut effective. For a limited time only we will mail you a full sized bottle of Argenite for 50 cents in express or money order. Don’t put it off. Don’t delay. Write to­ day. ARGENITE CO.