Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, August 14, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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In the Home - Fashions - Household Hints -- Recipes
Household Hints
FTER an oily fish, lik e salmon, has
been served, the fish y odor which
often clings to tho silver can be
removed by rubbing them w ith a slice
of lemon.
A pinch of salt and soda added to
w ater in which tough m eat or vegetables
are boiled will make them more tender.
Celery is much im proved if soaked an
hour in ice cold w ater in which a lemon
has been squeezed.
F an s greased w ith b u tte r w ilt m ake
th e bottom cru st of pies so ft and flak y
and prevent them from being soggy.
If bread is w rapped in p a ra ffin paper
as soon as it is tak en from th e oven it
will keep fresh and m oist much longer.
S u et and lard are best k ep t in tin ves­
sels. S alt pork, however, should be k ep t
in glazed earthenw are.
When boiling tu rn ip s add a little
sugar to tho w ater; it im proves the
fla v o r of the vegetables and lessens the
odor in th e cooking.
I f kerosene is robbed into leath er
hardened by w ater it will soften it welL
The secret of an especially delicious
om elette served in a ce rta in home came
to light tho o th er day. Moro yolks
th an w hites aro used and a little rich
cream goes in when it is to be plain or
is to be seasoned w ith cheese.
To keep w hite silk gloves from tu rn ­
in g eolor, wash in cold w ater w ith Cas­
tile soap and add a little bluing to the
rin sin g w ater and d ry in the shade.
To make black ribbon s tif f enough to
sta n d alone, ta k e seme wax and rub all
o v er ono side o f the ribbon, then iron
it and it will hold in place an u p rig h t
ounce of g ra te d P arm esan cheese and
the yolk o f tw o hard boiled eggs. Add
somo fin ely m inced parsley, a pinch of
sugar, salt an d pepper to ta s te and bind
all w ith the yolk of one raw egg. Dip
th e onions in flour and fry . L ift out,
d rain well and serve w ith a piquante
sauce poured over.
• • •
M ince P ie.
T hree teacupfuls o f choped m eat, five
teacupfuls of h alf and h a lf sw eet and
sour apples chopped, a teacu p fu l and a
h a lf of molasses, tw o teacupfuls of
sugar, glass of an y sour jelly, ta b le ­
spoonful each o f sa lt and ground cloves,
scant h a lf teaspoonful of pepper. M oist­
en w ith the liquor in w hich the m eat
was boiled. B efore lay in g the top erust
sprinkle over b its of b u tte r, dust freely
w ith cinnam on and stre w th ick ly w ith
seeded raisins.
• • •
H E gown m ade a fte r
such a simple design
as th is one and of
th e fashionable ta f fe ta
m akes an exceedingly
useful addition to th e
w a r d r o b e . T here are
many occasions fo r which
it is available. I t is ex
ceedingly sm art y e t not
over elaborate so th a t it
can be worn a t alm ost
any hour of th e day.
T he new ta ffe ta s do not
crush readily and such a
costtum o can bo packed
Potato Cones.
aw ay in a suit case w ith ­
In stead o f heaping th e m ashed p o ta ­
out in jury, a real boon
to the woman who tr a v ­ toes in a dish^ b u tte r a sm all cup or
els and needs a suitable deep tin and lig h tly pack in the ¡iota-
costum e can be packed toes u n til molded, then carefully tu rn
d in n er and occasions of out on a greased pan. L ig h tly dab w ith
th e kind. In th e illus melted b u tte r and beaten egg yolk and
tra tio n , the silk is one of quickly brow n in a hot oven, or tu rn
th e
fashionable n u t out in a hot p la tte r and sprinkle w ith
brow n shades an d the fin ely chopped parsley m ixed w ith
trim m ing is flow ered chopped red beets.
silk show ing really b ril­
lia n t color, but, as a
n a tte r of course, the
The Old Apple Pudding.
color com bination can be
edge and inside of a tw o-quart
varied in definitely. Blue
’ aud green a re alw ays pan. F ill it tw o-thirds fu ll of ta r t ap­
serviceable colors and ples, cut in pieces. A dd one-half cup of
can be trim m ed efective w ater and cover w ith a cru st made o f
ly w ith a fancy m aterial, one p in t of flour, two teaspoons of b a k ­
o r an en tirely d iffe re n t ing pow der and one-half teaspoon of
e ffe c t could be obtained salt, w et w ith a scant enp of m ilk, ju s t
by the use of d iffe re n t s t if f enough to roll out. Cover closely
m aterials. Poplins are and cook on the top of stove 30 m inutes.
much worn and light W hen done p u t a large p la te on top of
w eight poplin would be the pan, tu rn upside down w ith crust
p re tty made in th is w ay on bottom and apples on top. Serve w ith
or one of th e heavier lemon sauce.
cotton crepes w o u l d
m ake up e ffectiv ely or
th e linen th a t is a sta n d ­
by no m a tte r how many
novelties may bo in tro ­
Iced Chocolate.
duced, or, again, cotton
ing sy ru p : P our one-
or linen ra tin e would
h a lf p in t of boiling w ater over
m ake a handsom e gown
th ree tablespoonfuls o f cocoa, s tir ­
and th e new ratin es
show b eau tifu l plain col­ rin g u n til dissolved. A dd one p in t of
ors and also plaids and g ran u lated su g ar and boil fo r three m in­
strip es th a t are exceed­ utes. T hen cool, add one tablespoonful
ingly sm art. Checked r a ­ of v anilla, and bottle. P o u r tw o ta b le ­
tin e in shad
of yellow spoonfuls of th is syrup in to a tum bler
and b r o w n w ould be w ith some cracked ice, s tir in three
p re tty w ith plain yellow tablespoonfuls of w hipped cream , a dash
or plain brown fo r tho of milk and drop in a spoonful of v an illa
ice cream .
trim m ing portions.
• • e
F o r th e medium size,
C offee a L a M arion C raw ford,
th e gown will require
M ake a strong infusion o f good cof­
6 | y a rd s o f m aterial 27,
4 j y ard s 36,
y ard s 44 fee. Do n o t allow i t to stan d on the
8163 8em Gown. 34 to 42 bust.
inches wide, w ith } of a grounds or it will be b itte r. Add su g ar
D esign by M ay M anton.
y a rd 27 inches w ide for and chill. P u t one tablespoonful of
chocolate syrup in a tum bler, s tir in th e
th e vest, collar and cu ffs, ) y a rd 21 for th e b an d s
T he M ay M anton p attern of th e gorwn 8t63 is c u t in sizes from 34 to 42 coffee and fold in a spoonful o f w hipped
inches bust m easure. Ask yo u r m erchant fo r th e p attern s.
• • •
T here is n othing more soothing in a
easo of nervous restlessness th an a hot
salt bath ju s t before retiring.
Rice possesses more n u trim en t th an
w heat, oats or barley. I t will sustain
life longer th an any o th er starch-pro-
d u rin g plant.
When a knife handle comes o ff fill
th o hole w ith powdered resin, h eat the
k n ife stalk red hot, an d th ru st in, then
allow to cool.
It is said th a t a lump of gum cam ­
phor placed in the silver d raw er will pre­
v en t the pieces from tarnishing.
I f candles are k ept fo r some six weeks
or tw o months before use, they will give
a b e tte r light and burn more slowly than
i f used when q iute new.
A lump o f sugar dropped into a tp *
p o t not con stan tly in uso prev en ts any
Dishes which have become brown and
b u rn t from b aking in th e oven m ay be
easily cleaned a fte r th ey have stood
aw hile in borax w ater.
P o lish w indow s w ith p a p e r instead
o f cloth to avoid lin t and streaks.
To o b literate a scratch on polished
fu rn itu re rub vigorously w ith linseed oil.
A piece of gum cam phor placed in the
box where silver is kept will prev en t
i t becoming tarnished.
To rem ove ru sty screws or nails from
w o o l try lettin g kerosene soak into the
wood around them.
H E follow ing recipe for alm ond cake
is a good one. I t m akes a very nice
To freshen ru sty black lace soak it
cake fo r th e b ask et. T ake one cup
w ith vinegar and w ater, two table-
spoonfuls of v in eg ar to a p in t of w ater. of b u tte r, one cup and a h a lf o f sugar,
R inse aud iron while dam p betw een th ree eggs, h alf a cup of m ilk, tw o te a ­
spoonful» o f b ak in g pow der, ab o u t two
Cut out th e heavy dessert«. F ru it with cups of flo u r; flav o r w ith a little a l­
eream , sim ple puddings, cu stard s and mond e x tra c t; blanch one pound o f al
one crust b erry pics are w hat even monds; lay aside enough to cover the
top of the cak e when th ey are c u t in
h ard w orking men w ant these d a y s
halves; chop th e rest and p u t in to the
I f you have milk to spare, a little ad d ­ cake. A fte r th o cake is in the tin , lav
ed to the w ater in which p otatoes are th e split ones over th e top of th e cake;
boiled will m ake them w h iter and b e t­ they will rise and brown as tho cake
te r flavored, especially old onea.
bakes. This is delicious; try it.
Even if you do not w ant the flow ers
till afternoon or evening, cut them earlv
Raised Rosin Cake,
in the m orning (b efo re b reak fast, i'f n i , , o1ve h a lf , square e f com
possible) fo r both th en sake and yours.
t in on# ,
T hey are never so fresh and do not last m„ k RnJ
n early so long If le ft aw h.le in th e hot lp,
,, ght
, o g fth p r
ounces each of b u tte r and sugar, yelks
To prev en t a 'rc sh lv baked cake from of f our
iu p 0( »toned raisins,
stick in g to th e p late on which it i* some fin e cut citron, and g rated peel of
placed, sp rinkle w ith su g ar and it can I , lemon; stir now in to th e dough, best
be removed w ithout a p article adhering ng it v,,rv i ,ght (it is
URe , hp
to the plate.
h an d ), let it rise again in a round cake
Do not cover the pan in which fish pan and bake ia an even b u t m oderate
te cooking. It will m ake th e flesh » ft- - 'vca.
Hot Weather Drinks
S traw b erry or Red Cake.
W hites of fiv e eggs; b u tte r, oae
cup; sugar, one cup; red sugar sand, one
cup; or if w anted very dark, tw o cups
ol "ed sugar, leaving out th e w hite;
sw eet m ilk, ono cup; corn starch , ono
cup; flour, tw o cups; b aking powder,
th ree teaspoonfuls; th en m ake a w hile
cake and bake sam e as m arble cake, or,
i f desired, bake in lay ers and p u t to ­
g eth er w ith frosting.
• • •
F a rm e r's F ru it Cake.
Soak th ree cups of dried apples over
n ig h t in w arm w ater. Chop slig h tly in
th e m orning, and sim m er tw o hours in
tw o cups of molasses. Add tw o well-
beaten eggs, one cup of sugar, one cup
of b u tte r, one dessert spoonful j f soda,
flour enough to make ra th e r a s tif f b a t­
ter. FI av er w ith nutm eg and cinnam on
to the taste. B ake in a quick oven.
• • •
Stuffed Onions.
Choose six medium sized onions as
much of a size as possible, peel and re ­
move th e centers w ith a cu tter, blanch
them in boiling w ater, drain and s tu ff
them w ith th e follow ing m ixture: T ake
a slice of bread, cut o ff the c ru st and
dip th e crum bs in m ilk, squeeze out the
ilk and mix th e bread w i t h oae
Midsummer Dream.
Crush ripe icschcs and very so ft
pears to a pulp. To tw o cupfuls o f this
add one h alf cupful of pineapple juice,
and th e same of plum jniee. Sw eeten
and add ice w ater. L ay a sm all bunch
of plum s w ith th e ir foliage on the plate.
• • •
-dazza Party Punch.
The juice o f one pineapple, six lem ­
ons, th ree oranges, six larg e crushed
peaches, one p in t of preserved s tra w ­
berries, the sam e of preserved cherries,
one b o ttle of g rape juiee. Sw eeten and
add one cupful o f chopped ice, OBe g al­
lon of w ater and a cupful of crushed
m int leaves.
s e e
Jam Punch.
P u t a tablespoonful of straw b erry jam
in a glass, add the juice o f h a lf a lemon
and s tir u n til dissolved. Add s b i d s
sugar and fill the tum bler w ith crushed
ice and w ater.
• • •
Grape Nectar.
M ix th e juice of two lemons, oae or­
ange, one p in t o f grape juice, one cup­
ful of sugar and one p in t and a h alf
of w ater. S erve w i t h a sm all flo a t of
w hipped cream bearing a b it of orange
on the surface.