Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, August 14, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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R EC EN T decision of th e U. S.
B ureau of Fisheries to s ta rt breed­
ing pearl mussels by artific ia l
m eans in the valley of th e Cum berland
R iver, opens up to the public a new and
very p ro fitab le indu-: ry. In v estig atio n s
conducted over a long period by the
scientific s ta ff of the bureau has dem on­
stra te d th a t fresh w ater pearls are pro­
duced by m any v arieties of mussels
through tho action of certain sm all p a ra ­
sitic worms, w hich bore through th e shell
and set up an irrita tio n on the flesh
of the mussel. In seif defense the m us­
sed secretes an excess of pearl form ing
m aterial and encysts the parasite, a
pearl resulting. Thousands of these
fresh w ater pearls have been carefully
cut open by governm ent investigators
and w ithin each one was found, when
exam ined under a pow erful microscope,
the nucleus eontaiuii...- ae of these little
worms. Mussels b re d rapidly, the eggs
being east in sm all j ackets, which a fte r
a few days break, and thousands of tiny
larv ae swim about, a ttach in g them selves
to tiie gills of fish, from which a fte r 70
days th ey cast loose ami sink to the
bottom of th e river, beginning there
th e ir life ns shellfish. I t is only neees
sary to obtain from the governm ent a
consignm ent of mussel eggs, d istrib u te
them in a stream well stocked w ith fish,
and a n atu ral mussel farm results. Then
a num ber of mussels infected w ith the
pearl form ing p arasite must be obtained,
p lan ted in the bed o f the stream , and
the farm begins to be productive.
T HAS been said there is no sw atter
th a t a clever fly cannot escape, but
the one shown here, the invention
of a K an sas man, is n new kind. It
MENTAL WORK DURING A FAST. a h ealthy condition there is the slig h t­
a T is a curious fa c t th a t the nervous est probability of acquiring any of the
I system is in certain w ays independ diseases th a t are so frequent in some
The responsibility
en t o f th e rest of th e body; and communities.
th a t instead being very fragile, our largely an individual one, and if every­
body exercised an in tellig en t super­
nerves are really highly resistant.
A t W esleyan U n iversity the experi­ vision of his hab its and bis su rround­
m ent was made of p u ttin g men into ings there would be p ractically no re a ­
eages and m easuring tho food, a ir and son for tho existence of boards of
w ater th a t th ey used, and the w aste health or any other such restrictiv a
products th a t th eir bodies threw off. measures.
It w as found th a t the slightest inuseu
lar exertion had a decided e ffect on the
OTATO juice as a rem edy for
relation betw een w hat th e body took
sprains, lumbago, gout, rheum a­
in and w hat it threw off, b u t th a t the
tism and bruises is recommended
addition of m ental to m uscular work
made no d ifference a t all. If a student by Dr. H eaton C. Howard of London.
took a w ritten exam ination in the eage, He cites numerous cases in bis own
he used the same energy th a t hi' would practice in which the pain has been re­
have used in going through the move­ lieved qnickly, sometimes by the firs t
m ents of w ritin g and doing no th in k in g application, anil the fluid th a t has exud­
ed into the jo in t or the m em branes has
w hatever.
R ecently a sim ilar evidence has been been absorbed w ithin a few days.
P otato juice is used as an ointm ent, a
obtained a t the C arnegie N utrition
to g eth er w ith a running stitch, using a L aboratory of Boston. A man of 40 un­ linim ent or a plaster. Tho raw potato«»
needle and cotton thrend. A plain run derw ent a fast of th irty -o n e days, d u r­ aro squeezed in a hydraulic press; the
ning stitc h is also made } of an inch ing w hich he took absolutely nothing starch and nitrogenous m atter arc re­
from one edge o f the larg er strip . The b u t w ater. A t 5 o ’clock in tho a fte r moved and the juice is boiled down un­
m aterial is gath ered along both threads. noon o f every day during th e fa st, as til it is made five tim es as strong a»
This ojieration m akes the m aterial shrink well as on the two days th a t preceded when fresh; glycerine is added to p re ­
in length. W rap it around the globe, it and th e day th a t follow ed it, the serve it.
(lulling th e thread s ta u t so th a t the ends man sub m itted to certain te sts of mus­
of the paper will ju s t meet. Tie the cular stren g th and of m ental power.
thread s and clip o ff the extending As m ight have been expected, he grew
ATURE tells when the Rtomach Is
ends. If tho p aper extends beyond the physically w eaker. Who would not have
ready to digest food. H er signal
end of th e globe, tri m it o ff w ith the expected him to show a falling o ff in
is hunger— real hunger, not mere
shears. R uffle the two edges of the m ental ab ility as w ell! Y et this man appetite. N ever eat when yon are not
narrow strip and the lower edge of could rep eat ten disconnected words, im really hungry. Miss a meal, or several
the larg er one. T his operation is simply m ediately a fte r th ey had been pro meals. Instead of eating, sip slowly a
stretch in g the edgo of tho crepe to nounced to him, more correctly a t the glass of cool w ater. In this way you
cause it to stan d out.
end o f th e fastin g period than a t its will get real strength and health,
beginning, and he could also recall the whereas, otherw ise you will become a
words a fte r longer in te rv a ls as the fa s t­ chronic invalid, or be seized w ith some
H E rifle grenade has been adopted in ing w ent on. H is pow er of atten tio n acute diseaso th a t under medical mal*
some countries as an integral p a rt was tested by req u iring him to cross out practice may readily carry you off.
o f th e soldier s equipm ent, and is all the A ’s in a p rin ted passage, and his
likelv to come into general use among speed increased du ring th e fast, while
the arm ies of th e world. I t is expected his accuracy rem ained as high as it had
th a t it will to a g reat ex ten t supplant been at th e beginning. W hen he was
the use of the bay o n et nnd do aw ay given a word and required to speak the
w ith th e necessity for close q u a rte r firs t word it suggested to him, the
fig h tin g , as it will provide a m eans for prom ptness of his response increased as
a tta c k in g trenches and covered positions the fa s t becam e m ore prolonged. In
and rendering them untenable w ith o u t short, he perform ed all the m ental tests
recourse to hand-to-hand com bat. The e ith er as well or b e tte r as the fa s t pro
grenades can be fired singly or in vol­ ceeded. The im provem ent was probably
leys and the e ffe c t of volley firin g w ith due to th e daily practice he got, but
such weapons would probably be as­ it is w onderful th a t the mind should
tounding. In hilly country especially, work during so long a period, as well
w here th e bringing into action o f field w ithout food as w ith it.
in fa c t, all the colors can be used, mak
ing a very pleasing variety.
The body of th e shade is made of a
piece of paper ab o u t 5J inches wide and
3 | fe e t long. The w idth will v ary w ith
the len g th of th e globe to be covered,
and it is best to have it full, as the edge
can be trim m ed even w ith the low er end
of th e globe afterw ard . A nother piece
of th e same color ¡ b cut 2 | inches wide
and of th e sam e length. This piece
m akes th e ruffle.
The sm aller piece is placed on the
larger cen trally , and both are stitched
pieces is extrem ely d ifficu lt, th e use of
the grenade will prove of incalculable
b en efit to the troops equipped w ith it.
r <»
w orks so fa s t th a t th e fly, w ith all its
eyes, cannot see the finish coming in
tim e to dodge. All th a t is necessary is
to w ait u n til th e fly comes along— then
slap and he is a dead one.
3 M A K E easier th e pleasure of eat
in g “ ro astin g e a rs ,’’ th e g reat
A m erican sum mer delicacy, a New
Y ork man has inven ted a b u tterin g
spoon. I t consists of a bowl w ith a long
handle, th e bow l shaped to f it th e curves
o f the av erag e cob of corn and having
H E electric service com pany at
S cranton, P a., recen tly a ttra c te d
and held a large crowd of people
in fro n t of its offices by d em o n strat
ing th e effectiv en ess o f a vacuum
cleaner on tho coal begrim ed hide of
a mine mule. The anim al, h aving p ro b ­
ably never experienced a sim ilar sen­
sation before, expressed its surprise
when tho vaenum cleaner was p u t in
operation by d elivering a far-sounding
“ h ee-haw .’’ The noise soon a ttra c te d
a crowd, which w atehed th e dem on­
stratio n and probably carried th e news
to more qu arters th an any o th er form
of ad v ertisin g m ight have done.
AND ad jacen t to a suburban car line,
n ear Reno, Nev., wa« fenced quickly
b y u tilizing one of th e electric
cars to stretch th e w ires, recently. The
poles were placed in jx is itio n , and the
fencing, in sections, was then fasten ed
to th e posts, th e car stre tc h in g it as
needed, and the fence w as com pleted
as fa s t as th e staples eouid be driven
in to th e posts. The jo b w as done in
record tim e, as th e ear carried th e ma
terial and men employed.
E R F E C T H EA L TH is the best pos­
sible im m unity from disease. M il­
lions o f germs are b reathed in with
every b re a th we take, b n t th eir injuri
ous e ffe c t is nullified so long a s the
h ealth is good. Many of the germ s so
tak en are necessary fo r health, others
would be disease breeders if they fell
upon th e proper soil. The h ab it of deep
b reath in g th a t tho blood may bo puri
fied w ith th e oxygen th u s obtained, a t
the same tim e keeping tho bowels open,
w ith such articles o f diet as contribute
to th e m an u factu re of good red blood,
will go a long way tow ards m aking a
person im mune from ordinary diseases.
W hen an epidem ic is around tho persons
firs t a ffected are those w ith debili
tated blood, otherw ise everybody would
go down together. So little is necessary
for tho production of good healthy blood
th a t th ere ia little excuse for any per
son h av in g an y th in g else, and w ith such
404 Comm onwealth B uilding,
P ortland, Oregon.
If Yon Enroll Before September 1st.
Hill Military Academy
A Select N oaSectarlen Boarding and Day
School for Boys. Military Discipline; Small
Classas; Msn Teacher«. Careful «upervUls»
tetares resalta that are not attained tlaa-
where Send for catalog.
WeTeach You To Play
A n y Instrument Easily— Quickly
• perforated lid. The bntter 1» placed
In the bowl, whieh ia run slowly along
ODERN clothes are expcnaive, on
the surface of the hot eorn and the but
hygienic, and sometimes suggest
ter melting, oozes through the perfora
iv». A hat an advance it would be |
tic as and ia epread avenly over the eorn. if we eouid get baek to the unehang I
ing, artietie eostume of the Greeks, 2000
years ago, or to that of some of the
Oriental races of today, instead of eon
HE appears nee of an eleetrie-light stantly adopting changing styles, one ,
globe can be very prettily improved more inartistic than the other. Men’»
by making a shade of erepe paper elothing does not ran to extremes in 1
of say deaired eolor for each one. Caa our ago, bnt man harden themselves | Klara McCurdy
ary eolorod crepe produce« a soft, mel «nth uneeesaary e io U ia g snore
le v effect. Fale blue, yellow, red and da w orn — i
M istake« are impoaeib»«— the yon ng
eat child can learn— Pnce« ara low.
Ijc t us pnt tho mv ®f musi*
Write today-
American School of M^sic
F ifth Floor I om moa wealth Bldg.
Portland < iregoa
A Perfect Time Beater Faratelaed Frue
rx u
............................. Directa»
V ■ M e t M r d y . .,,
F raa C a m a r ita ; Signor A T la m t l. M a aa Ba
f ana<«<