tTOMF AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION B Im p o rta n ce o f R o a d M a in ten a n ce IIKKE is no phase of th e road problem more im p o rtan t th an th a t o f m aintenance. The general im- jtreasioa th a t th ere aro certain types of roads th a t are p erm anent is erro n e­ ous. No perm an en t road has ever been co n stru cted or ever will be, accord ing to the road sp ecialists of the V. 8. D ep artm en t of A griculture. The only th in g s ab o u t a road th a t may be con­ sider) d perm an en t are tho grading, cul v e rts and bridges, (toads constructed by tho most sk illfu l highw ay en g m e-rs will soon be destroyed by the tra ffic , fro st, rain and wind, unless th ey are properly m aintained. B ut the li f e , of these roads may bo prolonged by sy s­ tem atic m aintenance. A |>oor road will nut only bo im proved by proper m ain ten an ce b u t may become b e tte r in tim e th a n a good road w ith o u t it. T sections have one been secured. This drag can also be used to ad v an tag e on a gravel road as well as on an e arth road. The principle involved in drag g in g is th a t clays and most heavy soils will pnddle when w et and set very hard when dry. The little atten tion th a t th e earth road needs m ust be given prom ptly and a t the proper tim e if the best resu lts are to be ob­ tained. Tn dragging roads only a small am ount of earth is moved, ju s t enough to fill the ru ts and depressions w ith a th in lay er of p lastic clay or earth which packs very h ard so th a t the next rain, instead of fin d in g Tuts, de­ pression.) and clods in w hich to col­ lect. runs off. leaving th e su rface bu t little affected. The drag should be lig h t and should be draw n over the road at an angle o f about 45 degrees. The d riv er should ride on th e drag and should not drive fa ste r th an a w alk. O ne round trip , each trip strad d lin g a wheel track , is usually su fficien t to fill th e ru ts and smooth the surface. I f reeessary the road should be dragged a fte r every bad spell of w eather, when the soil is in proper condition to pnddle well and still not adhere to the drag. If the road is v ery bad it m ay be dragged when very wet and again when it b e­ gins to d ry out. A few trip s over the road will give th e o p erato r an idea as to the best tim e to draw . D rag at all seasons, b u t do n o t Crag a d .v The firs t and last com m andm ent in e arth road m aintenance is to keep the su rface well drained. To insure good d rain ag e tho ditches should be k ept open, all ob stru ctio n s rem oved and a smooth erown m aintained. E xcept for very stony soil th e road machino or scrap er may bo used v ery effectiv ely for th is work. Tho m achine should be used once or tw ice a y ear and th e w ork should be done when tho soil is dam p so th a t it will pack and bake in to a h ard crust. Wide and shallow sido d itches ihould bo m ain tain ed with su ffic ie n t fall and cap acity to dispose of surfaco w ater. These d itches can in most places be constructed and re ­ road. p aired w ith a ro ad m achine. The slope or crown of an e arth road All vegetable m a tte r such as sods should be about one inch to th e foot. and weeds should be k ep t out o f th e If th e crown becomes too high it may road as th ey m ake a spongy surface be reduced by d rag g in g to w ard the which retain s m oisture. Clods aro also d itch in stead of from it. I f th e drag o b jectionable fo r th ey soon tu rn to cu ts too much, shorten th e hitch and dust or mud and for th a t reason roads change your position on the drag. I f it should never be w orked when d ry or is necessary to pro tect th e face of the hard. Boulders or loose stones arc d rag w ith n strip of iron, it should be equally objectionable if a smooth sur- placed flush w ith th e edge of th e drag faco is to be seeured. and n o t projecting. A c u ttin g edge A split log d rag or some sim ilar de should be avoided, as th e m ain object vice is very useful in m ain tain in g th e in d rag g in g Is to sm ear the dam p soil su rface a fte r su itab le ditch es and cross in to position. lenee— tra p rock, tough g ran ite, chert, tough lim estone, ordinary lime, tough sandstone. HE HARNESSES HIS AUTO. H o te l C l i f f o r d E xst M orrison and Sixth Streets. Modern in every detail. Best of Berne«. R ates by w eek from $3 up. by day 50 cen ts and up. See the C lifford before going elaw where. ED. F. B E E V E S, Proprietor. F R A N K T R E E S, a farm er of B rackenridge, Pa., m akes a good use o f his high power automo bile, when he is not out joy riding. He uses it to put hay into his mow. 100 ROOMS Form erly the hay w as raised by m eans o f a block anil tacklo and horsepower, 207J-209J Fourth Street. b u t it was hard work and th e horses Ono block from Court House. had to be rested o ft-n . Now he fastens E lectric L ights, Steam H eat, H ot and th e to uring e ar to the block and tackle Cold W ater. b y means o f a “ h a rn e s s" he has de­ R ates 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 per day. vised, and can stow the hay aw ay Cheap W eekly R ates. tw ice as fa s t as form erly. J B Rowland Hotel & Annex HOTEL ACKLY Corner Twelfth m l Stark Streets Portland, Oregon. R A T E S: »2.50 per w eek np. W ith pri­ vet« bath, $4.50 np. CLEAN O U T SID E ROOMS. MODERN BRICK B U IL D IN G . HOTEL SUTLER SEATTLE, WASH. U nder new m anagem ent — en tire change in all d epartm ents—-all rooms redecorated and refurnished. P a rtic u ­ lar atte n tio n is now paid to pr l‘w l fmeinent of detail, excellence of equipment and superiority of service is absolutely unexcelled. Large, light, airy sample rooms for commercial m en. Every convenience. Cen­ trally located. Rates very moderate. Dining r o o m service as heretofore. Auto busses m eet all trains. ROBERT J. ROBINSON Manager. J_ When In Seattle TRY THE FRYE GOOD ROADS TEAR BOOK. usual tone. As soon as th e autom obile U NDS av ailab le in all of the sta te s stops the alarm is set autom atically, fo r tho im provem ent o f roads d u r­ and if anybody jum ps into th e m achine ing the year 1914 a re shown in th e and trie s to steal it th e horn w ill set O fficial Good Roads Y ear Book issued up a fe a rfu l noise th e m om ent the by the American H ighw ay A ssociation, wheels begin to tu rn , and w ill n o t stop w hich is ready fo r d istrib u tio n . This u n til th e ear comes to a stan d still. is one of th e new featu res of th e book No th ie f would be d arin g enough to w hich will make it in valuable to every jum p into a c ar th a t would m ake itself sta te , county nnd m unicipal highw ay go conspicuous. Tho new in v en tio n is p roof ag ain st LOCATION IS RIGHT official. carelessness on th e p a rt of th e c h a u f­ The y ear book discloses for th e first Only 3 Blocks From Depots feur, because th e m om ent he gets out tim e th a t ap p ro p riatio n s by the sta te of th e car or stops it the alarm gets CARL S. STANLEY. M a n a g e r and Docks. leg islatu res for road im provem ent in into position and w ill give fo rth its th e various states are av ailab le to the G. K1RKE DRURY, Asst. M gr. noisy b la st unless th e com bination is THE RATES ARE RIGHT sum of $62,201,016. The y ear book lists readjusted. all of the p a ten ts relativ e to roads T his device will be a boon to ow ners $1.00 Per Day and Up. and bridges, all road expenditures in o f cars whose ch au ffeu rs are in the recen t years, all asso ciatio n s' w ork for h b it of going out jo y riding. A c h a u f­ Automobile and Motorcycle THE FRYE IS THE RIGHT road im provem ent, describes all th e d if ­ feu r on a jo y ride is liab le to ('-ink too Owners HOTEL FOR YOU. fe re n t methods o f road construction much and become v ery careless, but Punctures Repaired In One Minute and d iffe re n t road m aterials, giving w ith th e horn alarm on his m achine "IT L O O K S LIKE A HOTEL" W rite fo r P a rtic u la rs a d irecto ry of all road b ulletins, cir th ere can be nc chance fo r a th ie f to New and Inexpensive Device That’s What They A11 Say. enlars, and docum ents o f in te re st to slip aw ay w ith it. MANUFACTURERS SALES CO. persons w orking for b e tte r highw ays Box 966, Portland, Ore. and for all o fficials engaged in su p er­ ROAD DRAINAGE. v isin g work on roads. S ections of th e H E firs t and prim e essential of any y e a r book are devoted to work in good ro ad is d rain ag e— surface, sub- I d iffe re n t sta te s and th e progress of su rface and side drainage. When | road im provem ent. One o f the in terest in g featu res, for instance, is th e de­ finished, th e road m ust shed w ater. To scrip tio n o f dust preventives, w hile do th is the road m ust be crowned from one ch ap ter is devoted to convict labor I to i o f an inch to th e foot, depend­ ing on th e w earin g su rface, and must and an o th er to the fin an cial phase of have an im pervious or w aterp ro o f cov­ road im provem ent. A sum m ary of the ering. T here m ust be an unim peded ro ad law s in th e various sta te s is of p a rtic u la r in terest to m otorists, while slope from th e erow n to th e g u tte r or deecriptions o f specifications for high to th e side ditch. The g u tte rs or side SEASIDE CLATSOP BEACH OREGON w ays in th e various s ta te s will be of d itches have a t least 4-10 o f a foot fall per 100 fe et, and. if th ey are earth en In te re st to engineers. T here also is a ch a p te r devoted to im p o rtan t ev en ts ditches, th ey should have i fo o t per 100 feet, and free d rain ag e a t frequent in th e road m ovem ent in 1913. and in terv als into n atu ral ereeks, channels, tt an o th er section devoted to ro ad sys or, in the case of a city w ith a sew erage tom« in foreign countries. The year book is issued annually by the Ameri system , in to tho sewers. In order to d rain aw ay the sub sur can H ighw ay A ssociation as p a rt of its cam paign to g ive th e U n ited S ta te s face w ater and p rev en t it from soften an adequate system of im proved high ing th e foundations, it is well to lay tw o lines of tiles. w ays. P rice, $1, postpaid. The second essential, w hich is an essential o f any stru ctu re, is a good A NOVEL HORN. foundation, and th is is especially re N EW device fo r pro tectin g a u to ­ qnired for roads where th e loads are mobiles sg ain st robbers has been inven ted , and it prom ises to put co n cen trated on such sm all areas. r Open all year. r Hot f^alt Baths. Rea Foods are a spe­ Because m acadam roads are m ore ex a stop to th e activ itie s o f th e thieves cialty of the cuisine, and everything is strictly first-class. pensive th an gravel roads in firs t cost, w ho have been stealin g so many ears. The new con triv an ce has a pow erful they should be b u ilt very carefully. The born atta c h m e n t w ith a w eird aud ua m aterials in the order of th eir excel F t Cuisine Unexcelled IT’S NEW IT'S CLEAN IT CAN’T BURN a* Portland, O regon T HOTEL MOORE O v e rlo o k in g T h e O c ea n A 4 OTEL MOORE is situated directly on the Pa- * * eific Ocean shore, and is the only hotel thus located. Spacious Dining Rooms and Parlors, wide encircling Verandas and Colonaded Porches. Even bedroom windows all command Inspiring Views of the foaming surf and grand marine pictures. Rooms with or without Baths. *