Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, August 07, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Oregon Agricultural College is the Friend of the Farmer
Page of Nows Notes and Interesting Articles Specially W ritten by College Experts For This Newspaper.
View o f Oregon A gricultural Co'iove
Corvallis, Oregon, th e Sole Aim of W hich is to Aid A griculturists.
a b e tte r pedigree than any other known county on the other. I t goes fa r to as­ h o rticu ltu ral expert in th e Hood R iver
flock of pullets. Their sires were half sure closo co-operation in carry in g on d istric t during the summer to inspect
the orchards and observe methods of
IAT lim ing acid soils will g reatly brothers to the world champion hen th a t the work.
The newly appointed pathologist is a handling fru it. The purpose of the v isit
nerease th e num ber of soil b acte ria laid 303 eggs in one year. T heir moth
th a t they eo atain has been d efi­ ers are h alf sisters to th e earlier cham ­ g rad u ate of the U tah U n iv ersity and is announced by the U niversity of Wis­
took his d o c to r’s degree in p lant p a th ­ consin Press B ulletin as follow s:
n itely shown in a series of experim ents pion th a t laid 291 eggs in a year.
‘ ‘ To learn w hat orchard m ethods are
A nother ancestor of these pullets ology a t the U niversity of Wisconsin
reported in E xperim ent S tatio n bulls
tin No. lift, ju s t issued by th e A g ri­ made a record of 257, an o th er of 21k and last Ju n e. H e is a native of Idaho and followed by w estern o rchardists which
cu ltu ral College. The experim ents were auotlier o f 204 eggs per year. T heir has had extended experience in orchard m ight be adapted by W isconsin fru it
men, R. F. H ow ard, ag ricu ltu ral experi­
conducted by T. I). Beckwith, b acte rio l­ grandm others and g re a tg ra n d m o th e rs work under w estern conditions.
m ent station, U niversity of W isconsin,
ogist, and show tho e ffect o f lime on each laid more th an 200 eggs per year.
will th is sum m er visit m any of the fru it
■ix widely d iffe re n t types of Oregon T heir fathers, g ran d fath ers and g re a t­
farm s in the Hood R iver Valley (O re­
g ran d fath ers were from hens th a t were
U RAL teachers can best shape gon). M any of the young men a tte n d ­
In general it was found th a t in acid more th an 200 egg layers. I f blood tells,
th e ir work a fte r m aking a pre­ ing the college of ag ricu ltu re arc in te r­
soils w ith a high co n ten t of h rm n s and these you g hens ought to fill th e egg
lim inary survey of the school and ested in orcharding and desire inform a­
o th er organic, m atter tho num ber of basket.
school co n d itio n s,” said !.. P. Ilarrin g
‘ ‘ They should average 400 eggs each ton, s ta te organizer of g ir ls ’ and b o y s’ tion on the w estern plan of handling
b acte ria was g reatly increased by lim ­
in g a t tho rate of tw o tons o f lime per in tbo next two years, ’ said Professor in d u strial clubs in Oregon, addressing and m ark etin g of f r u it.”
aero foot. In soils carry in g an excess of Dryden, whose breeding methods pro the sum mer school students a t tho A g­
limo and deficiency of organic m atter dueed th e w o rld ’s best layers, ‘ ‘ They ricu ltu ral College.
Buildings, repairs
H E FO URTH edition of P rofessor
tho num ber of b acteria was decreased were hatched a little early for securing and equipm ents aro inventoried in these
Jam es D ry d e n ’s b u lletin, Feeding
by liming. Soils th a t were n eu tral were high egg records, about the middle of surveys, and fu rth e r needs noted. B ut
for Eggs, has ju s t been issued by tho
not a ffected by liming.
Search, but with good care on a two- more im p o rtan t than nil these, the
I t was also found th a t th e am ount of y ear b asis they will no doubt average product of the school—the num ber and E xtension division and may be had
p lan t food prepared by the action of 400 eggs each. ’ ’
ch aracter of its pupils and kind of upon request. Each of th e th ree fo r­
The flock will be k ep t in a sep arate work accom plished by them —should be mer editions was exhausted, show ing
tho b acteria increased w ith the increase
in th e number of the bacteria. This, yaril and th eir individual records will noted and listed for fu tu re reference. the sustained demand fo r reliable d a ta
of course, is th e im p o rtan t point, since bo secured by tra p nesting. They will W ith a d istin ctiv e knowledge of w hat on th e subject of feeding p o ultry to se­
th e am ount of av ailab le nitrogenous be m anaged by C. M. Wilcox, an O. A. the school has done and w hat it has cure a good egg supply. The m aterial
p lan t food in th e soils is the m ain fac C, g rad u ate of th is y e a r ’s class, who is failed to oo, and of w hat it can and of th is bulletin was secured by the ao-
m anager of the poultry work a t the sKould be mado to do, the com petent th o r in experim ents covering m any
tor in the soil fe rtility problem.
L im ing the acid soils has been shown asylum.
teneher is able to shape his work to the y ears and has been revised to dato.
by itae D epartm ent of C hem istry to
needs o f the d istrict. The teacher should From the tab le on composition of food«
the poultrym an can readily determ ine
sw eeten them and release u navailable
then adopt a d efin ite and continuous
p lan t food. I t has been shown by the
policy whose aim should bo the best which food stu ffs can be bought most
Agronomy D epartm ent th a t lim ing the
school possible and the best education p ro fitab ly in th e d iffe re n t sections of
O ISO N ED bran mash is th e most
com pacted soils flocculates th e finer
possible for its girls and boys. In d i­ tl 3 sta te . F eeding is regarded by ITo-
sa tisfa c to ry rem edy under C entral
portions, m akes th e soil g ran u lar and
cations o f the success w ith w hich this fes8or D ryden as one o f th e four prin­
O regon conditions, fo r grasshop­
poruus, and renders cu ltiv atio n easier.
is done arc the asking of questions and cipal factors in filling the egg basket.
And now comes tho D epartm ent of pers, according to Professor H. P. W il­ advice by the pupils, th e ir h earty co­
Bacteriology showing th a t lim ing these son, who has ju s t retu rn ed from a suc­ operation in school work and other re ­
acid soils increases tho num ber o f bac. cessful cam paign ag ain st grasshoppers lated w ork, and th e in terest of parents
C IE N T IF IC farm ing m ethods appeal
teria, thus releasing the nitrogen con in K lam ath county. I ts m aterials are and school boards.
to Hon. Tom Lawson, th e noted
te n t of the soils and m aking th e supply cheap, easily p u t together, easily ap­
M economist and jo u rn alist.
plied and th e poison is quite effectiv e.
im m ediately available fo r p lant food.
In tho m eantim e, tho E xtension The only exceptions to th e success of
n ates hunt ta ll tim ber, is v isitin g a t
w orkers have secured a b ountiful sup­
th e farm of his son-in-law, H enry Me­
H E educational p o ultry ex h ib it of al), of Crook county, Oregon. On thin
ply o f limo, which will l»e delivered at are in th e m oulting stage and refuse to
tho U nited S tates G overnm ent at farm a specialty is made of high clans
any stution in the W iJlam ctto Valley e a t much of anything.
As m ost snceessfully used in th e re ­
th e
P anam a P acific
Exposition pure bred ca ttle and swine. H olstcinn
a t <3 per ton.
cent ru id , tho mash was prepared as will bo furnished b y th e P o u ltry De­
and Jerseys and many breeds of sw ine,
follows: B ran, 50 xiunds; paria green p artm en t of tho Oregon A gricultural
are carried as p a rt of th e farm stock.
« M A L I . LAWNS FOR FARMS AND or w hite arsenic, 2 pounds; salt, 1 College. ‘ ‘ The strik in g resu lts obtained
The ow ner is co operating w ith the Ag­
pound; syrup, 1 q u a rt; lemon ex tract, 1 a t your statio n in d icates yo«r ab ility
ricu ltu ral College in m any lines, and
M ALL law ns w ith b u t few annuals ounce; w ater to m ake a thoroughly to pu t on an excellent e x h ib it,” w rites finds th a t the scientific m ethods pay
is the recom m endation fo r farm s soaked M ixture.
Dr. A. C. True, who is directing the Gov­ best. B acterial cultures fo r the legumes
The m ix tu re is best applied by b ro ad ­ e rn m e n t’s ag ricu ltu ral display a t th e
made by Professor W. 8. Brown,
has been found to be especially p ro fit­
extension h o rticu ltu rist a t tbo Oregon easting, w alk in g in the cen ter o f a 20 Exposition. The in v itatio n to provide able.
A gricultural College, in addressing the
and arrange the m aterial fo r th is ex­
Monmouth grange recently. H is subject rig h t and to th e left. T his should be hib it has been accepted by P rofessor
IM E, so mnch needed in many see-
was farm buildings and grounds, and done e arly in th e m orning, since the D ryden, b u t d efin ite plans fo r the dis
, tions of tbc W illam ette V alley to
tlia recom m endation is a p a rt o f the bran re ta in s th e m oisture longer then play have not y e t been decided upon.
sw eeten sour soils, is the object o f
general plan of sim plicity and ta s te ad ­ and th e young hoppers on beginning to
In outlining th e general ch aracter of
feed e a t the poisoned b a it greedily. the ex h ib it D irector True suggested th a t special search by two county agricul­
tu rists, Floyd W. R ader, o f L ane
‘‘ Ono reason for few annuals is the A fter th e b ran loses its m oisture and it should include research, teaching and
county, and L u th er J. th a p in , o f Ma­
faet th a t farm ers often have no time to a fte r th e young insects have eaten well extension features of poultry husbandry.
rion. A suitable source of lime is be­
b o th er w ith them in the spring, when of the p lan t food, the b ran has less a t­ This plan will be followed by the local
to be found in quarries near Med­
poultry departm ent in selecting and a r ­
they m ust havo atten tio n if th ey are
ford o f good q u ality and large ex ten t.
m ads a ttr a c tiv e ,” said lie. ‘ ‘ B ut they eral hours for the poison to complete its ran g in g the display, although the lim it­
G rinding is necessary t i m ake it fit to
do not f i t in so well w ith the general work, b u t w ithin a ay or two a fte r it ed space available m akes necessary a
apply to the field, and the tw o
plan as do th e perennials aud shrub has been eaten tho grasshoppers are close conceutration of ex h ib it m ate­
ists hope to lear • the exact details o f
bery, which soon come to have a d e fi­
operation and cost of product, and to a r ­
n ite and ch aracteristic effect in giving kill th e young hopper when hungry.
range fo r the in stallatio n of necessary
each farm . >mo its d istin ctiv e features.
m achinery Its g re a t "alu e to th e farm
“ Clipped law ns should be sm all since NEW PLANT PATHOLOGIST FOR
RAINAGE resu lts have proved to be has been woi ’od out by P rofessor II. D.
sm all law ns require less time fo r th eir
very satisfacto ry on the Oregon Scudder, agronom ist at th e A gricultural
•a re and are alm ost sure to be b e tte r
A gricultural College campus. N ot College.
S P E C IA L IS T in p la n t pathology,
------------------ -
cared for th an th e large ones. Also,
_i Dr. M. P. H enderson, U n iv ersity of ¡only w ere th e drained areas en tirely
they release more land for oth er pur
W isconsin, has been appointed by free from surfaeee w ater during the w et
Arsenical sprays are beneficial in tho
poses, and if it is thought best to have ' the O regon A gricultural College as season, b u t they a re less affected by
a larg er tra c t uf meadow land it should path o lo g ist and assistan t county a d ­ the r“vere drought of the present sum ­ control of grasshoppers on trees, fr u it
bo located outside of th e y ard fences viser o f Jackson county, w ith hendquar mer. By low ering the w ater table in bushes and shrubby p lan ts, according
w here it may be mowed by horse power ters a t M edford. U nder tho provisions the w et sensor drainage perm itted b e t­ to A. L. L ovett, a ssistan t entom ologist
a t the Oregon A gricultural College. A
aa o ften as necessary, ’ ’
of the county farm adviser law Jackson te r aeration and 'ess com paction, so spray made of one and one h a lf to five
county m ain tain s a county adviser co­
pounds of lead arsenate in f if ty gallons
TEN O O. A. C. PULLETS SENT TO o p erativ ely w ith th e E xtension division perform ed during th e summer. A wide of w ater may be used, depending upon
of tho college. T his office is filled bv use of tilin g d rain in g system s is th u s th e n a tu re of the foliage to be sprayed.
i dicated fo r farm law ns and stock The solution should be as strong as can
FLOCK i f 100 pullets of th e m ist P rofessor F. C. Reim er, superintendent
■ ■-
be used w ithout in ju ry to the p lan t,
fam ous lay in g stra in in th e world of th e Southern Oregon E xperim ent grounds.
NORTH since it acts ra th e r slowly a t time«. The
has been sen t >y th e A gricultural
The new arrangem ent was secured I
hopper dozer and the poison bran mash
CoHego 1 ‘oultry D epartm ent to the
REGON m ethods of orchard p ra c ­ are stan d ard tre a tm e n ts w hen suited to
S ta te Insane Asylum, to be used partly through eo operation betw een the Ex
tice have a ttra c te d the atten tio n conditions. The ideal tim e fo r fig h t­
fo r dem onstration urpeses. These pul périm ent S tatio n , the branch S tatio n
of mid w est fru it grow ers, and ing th is pest is early spring and in the
lets have been bred fretn m any gen and the E xtension division on th e one
•ra tio n s of e x tra good layers and have | hand and the county court of Jackaou I the U n iv ersity of W isconsin will have a fail.