S TIOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION Marvels of Everyday Science Competent Scientists Apply Their Skill to Problems of Agriculture' Housekeeping, Schools, Business and Governmental Activities. HAT are th e dim ensions of the in for g ath ers; low er edges hemmed to m agnet b y a block of ice. The ice was sm allest object w hich eould be make it easy to p u t shoes on the lower seem ingly not a ffected by th e currents perceived by th e hum an eye p a rt and tow els or o th er small pos­ passing through it from the m agnet, yet ftu d y in g th e moon through a tele- sessions on th e shelf. Each box was th e “ h a rn e sse d ” e lec tricity set the WO convictions in W ashington fov scope! Laym en ask th e astronom er this nailed to the floor so it would not be w ater to boiling w ith in an incredibly b u rn in g slash w ith o u t perm it sh o rt tim e. u nsteady or u p set; th e to p served as question freq u en tly , an d it is not so from a fire w arden, dam age easily answ ered as m ight be supposed. w ashstand. am ounting to perhaps $5,000 to log. T hey ask, “ How n ear do th e most Revolving Ladders for Use in Picking and logging equipm ent in the same pow erful telescopes b rin g us to the Boiling Egg on Ice. sta te through fires in slashings, b u t Oranges. m oon! Would we be able to see human no loss of green tim ber, is the P a ­ This shows how an in terestin g ex p eri­ O rd in ary ladders when used fo r p ick ­ cific northw est record for Ju n e, the beings if they were w alking around m ent w as perform ed by Emil Bache- th e re !” The scien tific question is, let, in v en to r of a tra in w ithout wheels ing fr u it from a tre e o ften dam age the firs t m onth of the 1914 fo rest fire sea­ “ W hat is the size of th e sm allest object which goes 300 miles an hour. Eaclie- tree, and to overcome th is a new form son, according to b u lletin s received th a t we could d istinguish on th e surface le t's “ fly in g t r a i n ” is forced to move of ladder has been adopted by some from several states by th e W estern orange grow ers of C alifornia. A cen­ F o n tftry and C onservation A ssociation. of tho iiio o n l1 ’ by a series of electrical m agnets. The tra l sh a ft is lashed to the tru n k of the A rago sta te s in his “ P o p u lar A stro n ­ All protective agencies were placod tree, w hile horizontal arm s a re fitte d on the a le rt a t the close of Ju n e by o m y ” th a t as the moon is 238,850 miles aw ay, a telescope m ag n ify in g it ten the prospect of a drying in terio r wind, tim es ought to b ring it w ith 23,885 b u t the new forecast service especial miles, a m agnification o f 100 tim es ly fo r fo rest fire conditions w hich i . w ith in 2,388 miles, and a m ag n ifica­ supplied by th e U. 8. W eather B ureau tio n of 1,000 tim es to w ith in 238 miles soon reassured them th a t the th re a te n ­ of the earth , so fa r as vision is con­ ing high w iud pressure in W estern Can­ cerned. ada had split into two areas and tha W hat could wo sec on th e moon a t a danger was for a tim e averted. N ever- distan ce of 238 m iles! H ardly an y th in g theless all patrol forces are being rap­ in detail, fo r all would be beyond the idly recruited for tho season and about pow er of sight. And besides where is 2,000 men will be on duty in a few daya tho astronom er who can hope to ob in Oregon, W ashington, Idaho and Mon­ ta in a m ag nification of 1,000 tim es! tana. A bout 500 patrolm en are em­ Tho conclusion must bo th a t we can ployed in these sta te s by the tim b er hope to distinguish upon tho surface o w n ers’ J rotective associations, n ear­ of tho moou only v ery large objects, ly 200 by tho states and the G overn­ such as m ountains or huge craters. m ent jo in tly outside the N ational For­ A ccording to A ra g o ’s reasoning, if ests, and th e oth ers-b y the F orest Ser­ we could securo a m ag n ificatio n of vice w ithin the N ational Forests. The 2,000 tim es it would be as if we were B ritish Colum bia G overnm ent also has looking a t some o bject on e arth re ­ 225 men on duty. a t tho top and bottom so th a t they may moved to a distance o f 119 miles. Ju ly hazard to be guarded ag ain st, H ut th is reasoning is all w rong when in v e n to r’s g re a t secret is in th e way bo sw ung ab o u t in all directions. other than from eamp fires, is reported Notch»« c u t- in th e tops of tho arm s applied to a s ta r high above the horizon, he controls tho electrical current«. to lie chiefly in »lash burning to clear n e a r tho zenith of th e heavens. In While lie has refused to explain this, provide support for the rungs of the land and rig h ts of way and in leaving th is caso cu r eyesight has to pass he has furnished illu stratio n s o f how ladder a t v ary in g distances from the fires thus started to sm oulder in log. through layers o f air equal only to th at th e principle works. F or instance, he tree. W ith th is device, every p a rt of and stum ps to break out la te r when betw een us and an o b ject five miles boiled an egg in w ater in an alum inum the tree may* be picked w ith o u t d istu rb ­ the inevitable hot and w indy w eather aw ay on earth . The problem m ust th ere­ k e ttle which was separated from the ing a brunch. arrives. F orest officers anuounec th a t fore” bo A a e k e d from another, more sta te laws regarding b u rning w ithout scien tifie side, before th e question cau perm it and precaution will be enforced be properly answered. rigidly and also w arn sum m er cam ping On account of th o lim itatio n s of p arties to be extrem ely careful w ith Kind of Feed Mere Im portant Than the Kind of Breed, Experi­ vision of tho hum an eye, even when cam p fires. ments Show aided b y th e most pow erful telescope, tho figures given b efo re m ust be co r­ M ineral oil has been discovered In Som a»- T h at th e rich yellow color .emanded in the color o f tho m ilk f a t in each land, and the B ritish gacarnm ent la in v esti­ rected. I f we g et an en largem ent of 90 breed. tim es the am ateu r can see o bjects 1,800. by th e public in dairy products is p ri­ gating tho exten t of the discovery. In cows o f tho J e rse y anil Guernsey fe e t in diam eter. If our cyo ei aid use m arily due to the ch aracter of the co w ’s breeds th e body f a t is freq u en tly of a telescope m ag n ify in g 1,000 tim es th e object seen on the moon m ig h t be feed is dem onstrated b y recen t ex p eri­ such a deep yellow colcr th a t some only 160 fe e t in d iam eter and 2,000 m ents carried on by th e U. 8. D e p a rt­ b utchers and consum ers look w ith dis $1 Complete Shaving Outfit $1 tim es only 81 feet in diam eter. Hut m ent of A griculture in cooperation with fav o r upon b eef from these breeds. For th e M issouri S ta te E xperim ent S tatio n . th is prejudice th ere is absolutely no jus 10 Articles 10 th is is only theo retical. For some y eais dairy ex p erts have been fifica tio n . The yellowness of the fat P ractically th e case is q u ite d iffe re n t, studying this question. T heir conclus­ springs from th e same causes as the fo r the pow er of th e eye is now th e To ad v ertise our U niversal Shaving m ain consideration. The eye may be ion is th a t, altho gh to some e x te n t a yellow ness of the milk and th ere is no O u tfit and U niversal Products we will breed ih a ra e te ristie , tho in ten sity of reason fo r o bjecting in one case to the fo r a lim it e d tim e only, send th is well train ed even for astronom ical ob serv a­ this yellow color .nay, w ithin certain Very th in g th a t is prized in th e other. worth $3.00 Shaving O u tfit for $1.00. tion so th a t it secs more th an th e nn We sell our products to the consumer lim its, be increased c dim inished a t tra in e d eye. B u t th en we are face to direct, and, therefore, you save all face w ith an o th er d iffic u lty , th a t of will by changing th e a n im al's rations. COMING EVENTS. a g e n ts' p rofits, which, ns you know arfl Chemical tests show th a t th e yellow th e atm osphere. The w ider tho opening T illikum P o tlatch , S eattle, Wash., J u ly very large. pigm ent in inilk consists o f several well of the telescois» th e g re a te r are our l ‘ Hollow Ground Razor, 16 18. 1 5-inch Lather Brush. d iffic u ltie s w ith the atm osphere. The known pigm ents found, in green plants. Society of M ontana Pioneers, Boze 1 Razor Strop, Canvas Back. im age becomes so trem b lin g and in O f the« the principal one is caro tin , m an, Aug. 6-8. 1 Nickel Easel Back Mirror. d istin c t when looked a t through th e so called because it co n stitu tes a large E v e re tt C hautauqua, E v erett, Wash., 1 33 inch Barber Towel. la rg e r telescopes th a t wo see hardly p a rt o f th e coloring m a tte r of carrots. S eptem ber 12-20. 1 Bar Shaving Soap. Tho o th er yellow pigm ents in th e milk F ro n tie r D ays, W alla W alla., Wash., 1 Box Talcum Powder. anyth in g . T h eoretically we should have to se are known as xanthophylls. These are Septem ber 1719. 1 Decorated China Mug. 1 Aluminum Barber Comb. euro an enlargem ent o f 8,600 tim es o found in a num ber o f p lan ts including W ashington S tate F air, N orth Y akim a, 1 B ristle H a ir Brush. see an object 54 fe e t in diam eter, and grass, b u t are especially ab u n d an t in S eptem ber 21-27. Each o u tfit packed in n eat box $1.00. i f wc w anted to see som eth,ng a yard yellow autum n leaves. Round-up, P endleton, Ore., Sept. 24 26. < oin or Money Order, postage 10c ex tra, in diam eter th e enlargem ent would These pigm ents pass d irectly from Oregon S ta te F air, Salem , S eptem ber UNIVERSAL PRODUCTS CO. h av e to be 54,000 tim es. Even ,f we the feed into th e milk. This explains 28-October 3. Dayton, Ohio. ever get a telescope o f th is power the the well known fact th a t fresh "reen N ational Apple Show, Spokane, Wash., hum an eye will not be able to see grass and carro ts increase th e yellow N ovem ber 16 21. FOB YOUR DEN 8 throu g h it, even though we place the n es. of b u tter, th e only stan d ard by N orthw est L ive Stock Show, L ew iston, 6 Beautiful College Pennants telescope upon the hig h est m ountain so which th e average person judges its Idaho, N ovem ber 30 December B. ns to escape th e th ick est layers of the richness. On th e oth er hand, a large P acific in te rn a tio n a l L ive Stock E x ­ proportion of these pigm ents is de position, N o rth P o rtland, Orc., Decern Yalo and Harvard, Each 9 in. x 24 la. atm osphere. The g re a te st astronom ers, like » ir posited in the body fa t and elsewhere ber 7-12. Princeton, Cornell, Michigan •William llersch el, have made th e ir most in the cow. When the ratio n is changed Each ” in. x 21 in. valuab le discoveries by com paratively to one contain in g few er ix ro tin and W. r, Adams, o f Farm ington, M e , h»s All best quality fell with felt head­ low pow er telescopes. The eye o f man, xanthophvll co n stitu en ts, th is hoard.« 1 several r u sset app les which w ere grown in unless some new laws of o p t.es are d.s store is gradually draw n upon and in the summer of 1912 and have been in h it ing, stream ers, letter« and mascot ex­ cellar through tw o w inters. The app les are ecuted in pro or colors. This splendid covered, will never be ablo to see any c o n s e q u e n t th e yellowness of th e milk perfect in every w ay, not even w ithered, assortm ent sent postpaid for 50 cents em ail object on tho moon, no m atter does n o t <1 minish so rap id ly as i t other a — 1 * and 5 stam ps to pay postage, bend now; The m usic originating in thia country la how pow erful our telescopes are made. wise would. T his yellowness increases, not popular abroad. HOWARD SPECIALTY CO. however, the in s ta n t th e necessary p lan t W e may see m ountains and craters Dayton, Ohio. pigm ents are restored to th e ration. th a t is ab o u t all. Green grass is p robably richer in cartin th an any other d airy feed. Cow« Shoe-Box Closets. G O IN G E A S T or F or the liv in g room th e housew ife fed on it will th erefo re produce the C O M IN G W E S T boug h t a wooden box fo r 10 cents at highest colored b u tte r. Green corn, in which xanthophylls co n stitu te the chief th e shoe store. She had tw o sh elv e, put H r can Save you Money in and covered it w ith an old single pigm ent, will also produce a highly eol I have on band some of the b e st V iolin s length o f Jap an ese c u rtain m aterial. ored product. On th e o th er hand, a lh.it can be bought for the prices charged. Reduced relee on H oea-hold Ooode. r ía s e * Stood on end it served th e purpoa. of a ratio n o f bleached clover hav and yel I f in terested , W iita for prices, and send thia Aotom nbilee els. Through consolidated sera low corn is p ractically devoid of y ello * lo se r tsg prompt dsllvsry and -arafei ad. cupboard adm irably. pigm ents and th e milk from cows fed uaodliuf. F o r th e tw o bed rooms tw o more shoe I Handle AU Musical Instruments and boxes w ere bought, b u t only one shelf upon it will grad u ally lose its eolor. Matea and mfonmatlo® m l abad ®o Sheet Music. I t is, of course, in d isp u tab ly tru e th a t w as p u t iu these The tops were cov­ the breed doe. influence th e eolor of Pacific Coast Forwarding Company ered w ith w hite oilcloth and th e sides the milk fa t; b u t v ary th e ratio n and « b i WeAcma ta .ld m « FortUmd. and fro n ts w ith tilk o lin e. The la tte r 111 Twelfth Street, Portland, Oregon. w as cut in th ree len g th s, tops turned there w ill V« » corresponding v e n a tio n W Forest Fires T M ak in g M ilk a n d B u tter Y e llo w Everything a Man Needs N . H od son 1