Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, June 19, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Automobiles and Good Roads
A Department Designed to Help Farmers With Progressive Road Ideas.
OOD BOAD8, sta te highw ays and
th e form ation of a state a u to ­
mobile association, such as forty-
fo u r other states in the U nion nogs«*
will be a prom inent fe a tu re of the m id­
summer l ’otluteh to bo held in S eattle
beginning Ju ly 15 and closing Ju ly 18.
M otorists from every p a rt of E astern
W ashington as well as th e w est side
will be guests of the A utom obile Club
of S eattle during th a t week and the
s ta te association will be organized.
The prim ary o bject of th o association
will be to in itia te legislation a ffectin g
th e in terests of farm ers as well as city-
folk ow ning machines and to prom ote
in tra sta te thoroughfares so th a t a c ­
cess to th e big m arkets will be easy.
of by the route now used through aw ay a t M onte Carlo. E v en tu ally he
Woman Runs G arage
Wyoming into C alifornia, is believed.
was buying apples by the tra in lo a d in­
M iss R uth S ark in , th e f ir s t woman
As soon as th e N orthw est highw ay re ­ stead of by the basket. H e w as th e to secure a license to operate a car in
ceives the proper advertisem en t in the firs t to buy on a large scale from the F itch b u rg , M ass., is now m anager of
E ast, inestim able retu rn s to sm all com Hood R iver co u n try — the most w onder­ the larg est garag e in th a t city , and is
m unities in E astern W ashington to be ful valley of apple trees in the world. also h a lf ow ner of th e business.
derived from tourists p len tifu lly sup­
‘ ‘ T here is n 't an y secret of success, ’ ’
plied w ith money, are expected.
S te in h a rd t says. “ You only have to
King Peter Is Auto Agent
For the en tertain m en t o f the dele­ know your apples— and then le t others
K in g P eter, of S ervia, is now an au­
g ates and visitors during the week, the know of them. D o n 't be d iffid en t. I t tom obile agent, h av in g ta k e n th e
P o tlatch au th o rities have arran g ed sev­ d o e sn 't pay. ’ ’
agency for a F rench car. The K ing
eral special featu res for th e carnival.
has also taken an in te re st in a h a ir­
M any O ther F eatu res.
dressing establishm ent.
On one n ig h t an illum inated au to ­
mobile p ageant w ith decorated cars
Wool Growers Collect $200,000.
will be shown through th e principal
O f the 1,250,000 pounds of wool in this
streets. F ast auto races th roughout the
sp rin g 's clip in th e d is tric t from N orth
carn iv al days are also scheduled.
Y akim a to the Colum bia riv er th ere are
'HO is th e slangiest m ortal aliv e!
C elebration Is F eatu re.
The carnival officials have prepared
less th a n 100,000 pounds in the hands of
‘ ‘ The baseball f a n ,” quickly an s­ tho growers. The to ta l sales of th e wool
One of the principal ev en ts in con­ m any other features. The Tilikum s of
wered N ick Cullop, K ansas City will aggregato $200,000 and th e produc­
nection w ith the g ath erin g o f the a u to ­
‘ ‘ Friends of S e a ttle ,” has the p ro­ F ederal pitcher.
ers of wool in m ost instances hav e th eir
mobilista will be the celebration of the gram directly in charge, w ith such
‘ ‘ The auto f a n ,” contradicted R. II. money.
com pletion o f the Snoqualm ie P ass organizations as tho S e a ttle Y acht W illiams.
highw ay, creatin g a low g rade passage Club, D ad s’ D ay com m ittee and others
Im m ediately Culloy and W illiam s
P rofessor A. W. T aylor, head o f the
through th e Cascades. H eretofore those assisting. A viation flig h ts day and were into a hot argum ent.
dep artm en t of economic science, deliv­
who have tried to t/ike th eir cars night, Lipton cup y ach t races, pageants,
‘ ‘ W hy, no real baseball fan can ex
through th e stato have been compelled in tern atio n al speedboat races, M ardi press him self except in sla n g ,” N ick ered th e Comm encement address a t the
Pullm an high school M ay 12, an d also
*o ship them by rail. T h a t this pass G ras carnival and general hilarious said. ‘ ‘ I know— ”
a t the Colfax high school, M ay 25.
will bring thousands o f co n tinental good tim es are all to come as p arts of
‘ ‘J u s t the sam e he had b e tte r look
m otorists through W ashington instead tho entertain m en t.
to his la u re ls,” W illiam s in terjected.
Zoological item in Fossil, Oregon, Journal:
‘ ‘J u s t lak e the real autom obile fan, "Pat
Collins brought in an immense porcu­
a few of whose expressions are:
pine hide yesterday, big enough tor a lap
robe, and turned it over to Road Supervisor
‘ ‘ M a g ” .o r m agneto.
‘ ‘Shoot the ju ic e ,” for speed up the John Van Horn, who gave Pat a contract
a year ago to get him a pelt ot this kind.
Herbert Corey Tells Romantic Story of “ Joe" Steinhardt, Who
c a r.”
John is sending the hide by parcel post
Buys Out Whole Hood River Crop.
‘ ‘Gosoline sn eezer” — motorcycle.
back to his nephew in Missouri.”
‘ ‘J u n k ” —expression fo r a car one
man in the trade. B ut it is freely a d ­ does not like.
‘ ‘G a s ” — fo r gasoline.
❖ m itted —by no one more freely than
“ Jig glo the c a rb u re to r,” to g et ‘ ‘ a
The k in g of apples is not a <?■ S tein h ard t— th a t he is one o f the most
farm er.
Yet farm ers in the <S> im p o rtan t men in it. Ho believes in freer flow of gas. ’ ’
‘ ‘ T urn it o v e r,” is p arlan ce fo r
N orthw est deal w ith him more <S> le ttin g people know about himself.
€> or less every year. H erb ert <?> ‘ ‘ H u m ility ,” he says, “ sfclls no ap ‘‘ crank th e m o to r.”
‘ ‘ K illing i t ” m eans sta ll a m otor,
Corey has w ritten a wonder- <•’ pies. ”
b u t th e car ‘ ‘ d ie s ” when the engine
4* fully in terestin g account of th is <s>
I t was not long before S tein h ard t stops.
German b o y ’s rido to faino on
‘ ‘ Nico b o a t” is a term fo r an up to-
♦ a red cheeked apple.
<$> had progresseil to th e d ig n ity of a
Before Ton Buy Investigate
push cart a fte r th a t successful essay d ate c a r ,” and—
in b ask et salesm anship. Each m orn­
* ................... • ¿
‘ ‘ T h a t’s enough,” Cullop gasped, ‘ ‘I Single and Two Speed Models, With Many
ing ho would push th a t cart six miles never knew th a t there were motor
Exclusive Features.
uptow n to tho housekeeping centers. bugs. ’ ’
Write for Catalogue and Details.
in Used Machines.
By and bv he beeamo frig h tfu lly a n ­
i t |( > E ” S T E IN H A R D T ’S opportun-
noyed by an Irish apple peddler named
Oregon Distributors.
ity locked like hard luck when Kelly. K elly owned as red a cart as
210 Broadway.
Portlan., Oregon.
Roads Are Improved
it came to him. F o r days he S tein h ard t. He bought as good apples.
had been g ettin g his meals by washing He could m ake as much noise. When
A t a m eeting o f tbo A uto Club, of
dishes in Bowery restau ran ts. A t night S tein h ard t sta rte d in a t one end of the C en tralia, B ash ., it w as voted to ta k e
he had been sleeping on p ark benches. street, and K elly advanced tow ard him full ad vantage o f M ay 22, Good Roads
Ravt» you ever stopped to think how yon
On© afternoon he w as hired by a pro from th e other, each baw ling bis war day, fo r im proving tho highw ays in this will carry your clothes and provisions on
machine, or how you will keep the
due© dealer to roll some doze« barrels cry, peaceful folk used to pull down vicinity. A com m ittee w as appointed your
perishable food cool on a hot day I If not—
of apples down cellar.
fo r each highw ay leading in to the city,
Write or See SM ITH—He Makes ths
tho windows.
whose d u ty it w as to solicit volunteers
“ I w o n ’t give you any m o n ey ,” said
Foes Finally Combine.
fo r road work on th a t day. Picks,
the dealer when th e work was done.
‘ ‘ You g o tta git o u ta h e re ,” said shovels and drags w ere used. The fife
“ Y o u 'll have to tak e y o u r pay in
Guaranieed to keep things cool.
Kelly to S te in h a rd t one day. ‘ ‘Keep and drum corps o f Company M a d v e r­
apples. * ’
And He Makes Anything Else ou Need for
o ff th is s tre e t.”
the Trip.
S tein h ard t was a raw G erm an boy
‘ ‘ W h o !” asked S tein h ard t. “ M e t” Prizes w ere o ffered fo r tho beet h alf
Smith Makes and Repairs Trunks,
at th a t tim e, 16 y ears old, barely able
Sample Cases and Grips.
If you speak to me again— if you even mile o f road m ain tain ed th is season by
to speak English intelligibly, w ithout a
look a t m e ” —
farm ers w ithin a ra d iu s o f 15 m iles of
useful frien d in tho city, and in rags
The p air began to h au n t each other. C entralia. Tho f ir s t prizo w ill bo $50,
and ta tte rs. The very la st th in g he
<90 Washington Street
vfanted was apples. 11© had been eating N eith er was happy u n til he knew second $25, th ird 15 and fourth $10.
Portland, Oregon.
ban an as he had picked up on tho fru it where th e o th er was. They paid more
decks, w ith an occasionaj over ripe a tte n tio n to out-yam m ering th e rival
th a n to selling apples. S tein h ard t saw
melon throw n out of the produce mar
kets. Ho had planned to spend th a t th a t could not go on. One day he went S I I .ENT
to K elly in an am icable mood.
an ticip ated q u arter on a steak. B ut
‘ ‘ We c a n 't scare each o th e r ,” said VIBRATIONLESS
th e dealer w as in earnest.
“ All r ig h t,” said S tein h ard t. “ Will he. ‘ ‘ L e t's co m b in e.”
you loan mo a basket I ”
B egins to Gamble.
A few m onths la te r the new firm
Sold to Housewives.
T h at was a most u n pretending w av becam e venturesom e. Tn open com peti­
fe r a fu tu re ‘ ‘ king of a p p le s” to sta rt tion they sold fo u r barrels of apples
On the
tow ard th e coronation ceremonies. B ut to an o u tfittin g steam ship.
th ere was no help for it. He hooked stren g th of th e ir firs t “ big d e a l” they
th a t filled b asket o f apples over his bonght a horse and wagon. The horse
elbow and atarted tow ard H arlem , w as merely a collection of d efects held
where tho housewives are. From tim e to g eth er by a tenacious will. * They
to tim e he cried hie ware«, lie was too p ain ted th e wagon them selves, a t night,
hu n g ry and weak to eat them —or his as red as red conld be found on the
career m ight have vanished before it color board. S tein h ard t drove the new
began. T h at nig h t ho slept again in o u tfit to th e dock him self w ith the
the park. Ho had sold ail his apples four b arrels of apples.
and ho saw possibilities ahead. N ext
‘ ‘ E very new and then I ’d get o ff the
m orning he w as a t the apple d e a le r’s seat and p reten d to be fix in g some­
doer as scon as the uw ner—to buy more th in g about th e h arn ess,” said he.
‘ ‘B ut th e harness was all rig h t, I just
” 1 b eliev e,” said S te in h a rd t on one w anted to see my own name painted
la te r occasion, ‘ ‘ th a t I know as much on th e side o f my own w agon.”
• f th e buying and selling end o f the
Tho rest o f th e story is sim ply one
apple business ns any man alive. For o f grow th. S tein h ard t
alw ays
th re e successive y ears I bought th e en specialized in apples. He found d if fi­
That Needs Neither Garage Nor Chauffeur.
tire crop of th e Hood River country in cu lty in selling American apples on
The firvt n e t rvycle wee conttrnctrd with . a.ngle ryHndrr. Thia wot a big taw
Oregon. 1 have given apples to kings— the o th er side of the w ater. Possible
1 very M tn b c fcr , f. r the ..• y T r-...rgcr «©wire. Bat it
f e r pub licity purposes. 1 w atch fo r a buyers did not know w hat apples are. prov.mcn! over
not until S cylinder a M M M earn. M $ that fro«» eou
! ccamo popuiar. Only
n rw apple d istrict a s anxiously as a So th a t he beg aa to educate Europe tboao who havt fairly burned up their n o th in » . trying t . climb a hii! or pull through
p lacer m iner does fo r news of a new on American apples. He has sen t pack »and know lha » a la . of »urplat power when touring At tfc- t.r.gla wo* an improveme-,1
c a m p .”
ages o f red skinned beauties from O re­ over the bicycle and the twin an advance over the tingle to 5« the 4 CYLINDER R H P
Hum ility CsMD't Pay.
gon to pi nees about to be crowned HFNHF.RSOS a b g aJvar.Uga evar tho ta i» Write for ilhiatrated catalogue or call for
Not every apple dealer w ill admit kings. He has corresponded earnestly a Free Demonstration.
that btciuhardt is the most important w ith titled pcopis aud given apples
Pcrtlaad. Oregon.
Autoist Beats Base­
ball Fan
“King of Apples”Once Poor German Boy in City
Automobile Trips!
E D W . L. S M I T H
in g o f
M o to rc yc les
The Henderson
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