Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, June 12, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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Marvels of Everyday Science
Competent Scientists Apply Their Skill to Problems of Agriculture, Houskeeping, Schools, Business and Governmental Activities.
N enorm ous biplane made by the
usual supplies, w ith
R ussian builder, B ikorssky, has m ach in e w ith whicu
A J succeeded
in m aking a flig h t of 18
m in u te s’ d uration .vi.ii Hi passengers
on board, the w eight r the •passengers
and erew carried in th is rem arkable
flig h t bein-, 2.040 pounds. E ven more
sensatio n al was a cro ssco u n try flig h t
m ade by the same m achine when it had
th e pilot rn d eig h t passengers on board
and m ain tain ed an av erage height of
3,000 ft. fo r a period of 2 hr. 0 min.
T his establishes a record both for d u r­
ation and a ltitu c e for an aeroplane car
ly in g nine persons. T i g m achine is of
p ecu liar construction and i sim ilar to
th e f ir s t one of its type. The span
o f th e upper plane is 114 feet,
w hilo
th e
fo re-an d -aft length
th e aeroplane is 02 feet. The wings
a re spaced 9 feet a p a rt and have
a to ta l supporting su rface of 1,820 sq.
ft. The w eight o f th e aeroplane when
em pty is 8,250 lb. I t is fitte d w ith
fo u r m otors of 100 hp. each, and p ro­
vision is made for in stallin g a fifth mo
to r if desired.
. . .
Vacuum Cleaner N czzl, Has Brush In­
Ther has been recently paten ted a
nozzle, for use w ith va.uum cleaners,
which has i revolving orush so a rra n g ­
ed ju s t w ithin it th a t as th e nozzle is
sw ept back and fo rth over th e floor,
of special in terest.
* *
a motion picture
to record events
Health and Sanitation
Motor-Driven Train for Roadless
The principal fe atu re of this motor-
driven tra in in hauliug heavy loads
across e rta in sections of A ustralia
th a t have no su b stan tial roads, consists
in th e fro n t and rear rail laying wheels
which enable the vehicle to trav erse
long stretch e s of deep sand and soft
soil w ithout becoming stalled.
wheels o f the engine, as may bo seen,
are provided w ith a se-ies of planks
which are au to m atically laid down and
tak en up when the vehicle is ii motion.
The train was constructed to c a rrv a
load o f th irty -fiv e tons and weighs
sixty eig h t tons complete, of which the
engine accounts for tw en ty five tons.
A firm believer in the influence of
suggestion, an electric lig h t m an in
Ohio, tu rn ed on his own porch lam p
every n ig h t during th e mouth of Do
ccmber. He gave no reason to h
neighbors for so doing, nor did he men
tion to them the fa c t th a t lie was oper
atin g th is lam p continuously. H ow ever
by the te n th o f the m onth ten neighbors
on both sides of th e stre e t were oper
a tin g th e ir porch lam ps every niglit
The fa c t th a t th is w as n o t a coinci
dence w as established when on Ja n u a ry
1 th e electric lig h t man discontinued the
operation o f his porch lam p and was
followed in his example by all of his
• • •
New Holder for Fly Paper.
A novel contrivance fo r holding
stick y fly paper securely, and keeping
it in such a position th a t tablecloths,
the brush assists in raisin g the d ust centerpieces and polished surfaces do
particles, lin t, th read ..nd other rem ov­ not come in con tact w ith th e p aper has
able d irt, and the action o f th e cleaner reeently been patented. I t consists of
a hollow box shaped a f f a ir of th in
is more efficien t.
Chinese Method of Preserving Eggs. m etal, the outer ends of which extend
C overing eggs w ith a th in lay er of
sea salt and vegetable ashes, made into
a paste w ith w ater, the Chinese succeed
in so preserving them th a t th ey do not
spoil quickly, and may be shipped long
distances. The paste is p u t on about a
q u a rte r of an inch th ick , and the eggs
are then piled up and allowed to dry.
W hen required fo r use, they are placed
in w ater, and the paste dissolves readily.
I t is found th a t tb« sa lt p en etrates the
shell and inner m em brane, giv in g a de
cidedly saline ta ste to th e egg, hence
th ey are used fo r purposes where the
salty ta ste is not objectionable.
• • •
■ I’ IS u n fo rtu n ate indeed th a t Toledo,
( Ohio, lias su ffered from a smallpox
epidem ic. M any more o f our cities
are liable to m eet w ith dire results in
th is reg ard if vaccination is not more
ex ten siv ely done. An epidem ic of any
contagious disease once sta rte d is much
more d iffic u lt to control th a n to es
tab lish th e prevention.
W hy did the F rench fa il to construct
th e P an am a 1'a n a if B ecause they en
deavored to tr e a t disease a fte r it oc
curred. ra th e r th a n a tte m p tin g to pre
v en t it. I t is much more d iffic u lt to
tre a t any p rev en tab le disease than to
ad m in ister th e prophylactic an d fa r
more expensive. Toledo num bered 139
eases in Deeember. P o rtlan d had five,
b u t th e la tte r c ity did not escape be­
cause v accination is so thoroughly done
— in fa c t la x ity in th is res|>ect is con
sta n tly increasing. In M ontreal, d u r­
ing nine m onths in 1885, 3,1G3 persons
succum bed to sm allpox.
Saginaw , M ichigan, a few y ears ago,
was q u aran tin ed as a whole a g ain st the
surrounding country. W hat a terrible
calam ity to any city from a business
stan d p o in t, if no th ing else.
T here is no recognized sta n d a rd text
book on th e science of m edicine th at
condemns \a c c in a tio u as a preventive
ugain st sm allpox. T here is no school of
science medicine in the world th a t does
not advise it.
individual cleanliness th a t is yearly
robbing the gri.veyards o ' the country
of a trem endous harvest. T ako no heed
of such a carper.
• # *
VOID, as fa r as possible, handling
flies w ith the bare hands. B ut if
you do toucn them , wash th e hands
thoroughly and avoid possible danger.
• * .
ATHING, as well as other good prac­
B tices of our daily life, is largely
a m a tte r of h abit an«’ convenience.
B athing is an agreeable th in g provided
it is convenient a id com fortable, and
the necessity is g re a t of having a b a th ­
room th a t is cheerful and warm so th a t
th e h abit : ay become a fixed one w ith
th e children as well as th e ir elders.
The Modern S a n ita ria n em phasizes this
point in the follow ing succinct a rg u ­
m ent:
" I t is all very well to ta k e a m orn­
ing tubbing when .w e can slip from a
snug bed into a bright warm, in v itin g
b a th room when tho m orning dip is a
luxury, b u t how m any of us v ould in­
sist on such scrupulous cleanliness if,
like our less fo rtu n a te dw ellers of the
slums, we had to carry our w ater from
a d ista n t h y drant, bathe w ithout p riv ­
acy in a cold room and then carry the
w ater to a d ista n t receptacle to 'b e em p­
tied. N ot many, we ,-uture. Which
goes to show th a t bath in g , like most
rsonal he bits, ia g reatly r m a tte r of
’nvironm ent and c o a
“ J f the slum dw ellers w ere suddenly
enriched and changed to the dw ellings
o f the w ealthy, while '.he w ealthy peo­
ple were im poverished and tran sferred
to th e slums, condition, would soon be­
come entirely reversed; the form er slum
dw ellers would become esthetics, de­
voted to the daily m o-ring bath, whilo
esthetics would slip back io tho level of
the g reat u n w ash ed .”
H E R E is, o f course, the person who
will contend th a t th e fly is n ’t half
so dangerous as advanced sa n ita ry
science contends. But sueh a person is
a ra ra avis these enlightened days and
his ideas fly in the face of proved facts.
No doubt th e same individual would
see no rr in a contam inated source
of w ater supply and would mal e light
of the whole scheme of com m unity and
Dangers of Fire Season Explained
Western Forestry and Conservation Association Reports Pro­
gress in Preventive Work.
Automatic Hone Sharpens Scissors.
A hone w ith r.n au tom atic gnide th a t
holds th e blade o f a p a ir or shears in
th e rig h t position by m eans of a clam p­
in g and pressure spring, has been plac
ed on th e m ark et and appears to be
simple in operation and sure ir results.
The base, upon w hich th e carriage
Slides, is so arran g ed th a t th e car
riage can move only so far. A clam p
ed guide bolds the blade of the shear
a t the rig -1 angle upon th e su rface of
the hone. Once fixed in position, the
outw ard, form ing guards which keep
th e bony o f the device aw ay from th e
surface of its support, w hile a full
sized sheet of sticky fly p ap er is fold
ed about the center and k ep t in place
by pro jectin g prongs th ru s t through
th e edges o f the paper.
. . .
Newspaper Made for Use as Wrapping
NDICATION® of a «langerons forest of the com m unity was less realized. Be­
fire season, unless Ju n e brings sides the danger to tho life and prop­
h eavy rain s, are reported b y S tate, e rty o f settlers, every loss of tim ber re­
F ederal and p riv a te lo rest force« to the duces th e retu rn from forest industry,
W estern F o restry and C onservation As­ which is the g re a te st source of com­
sociation, w hich serves as a clearing m unity revenue in the N orthw estern
house for all fo rest protective agencies sta te s anal « or trib u te s to every other in­
in th e P crfic N orthw est. The early dustry. S ettlers are beginning to recog­
season, w ith little snow in the hills and nize it as the g re a te st support of a
inflam m able veg etation well advanced, m ark et for farm products.
s considered to cause increased hazard
M ethod and expenditure ’or patrol
if hot, d ry w eath er is prolonged.
and fire fig h tin g have been carried fu r­
F o r th e next fpw weeks, before care th e r in the P acific N orthw est th ai an y ­
less cam pers and hunters become most w here els in A m erica. Tho chain of
numerous, slashings
uncleared allied tim-ier o w n ers' associations ex ­
rig h ts of w ay arc the g reatest source tending from M ontana to C alifornia
of danger. S ettlers, loggers and road p ro tect nearly 25,000,000 acres, em ploy­
rews are urgeil to clean these up as ing several hundred patrolm en, besides
long as it rem ains safe to do so, but em ergency help, and spending large
rem inded to tak e e v e r- precaution and sum s fo r telephone an«l tra il construc­
th a t from .u n o 1 to Septem ber 1 burn tion. These system s dovetail under co­
it.g withou'. p erm it from a fire w arden o p erativ e rg reem en ts into those of the
is punishable by law, besides carry in g s ta te s and the governm ent, m aking a
lia b ility for heavy dam age if destruc trip le alliance which covers the en tire
tion results. Both p riv ate and official field. P rep aratio n for morn effect vs
agencies rep o rt, however, th a t public p atro l th an ever before is being m ads
sen tim en t in these m a’ters has greatly th is y e a r and th e public is urged to
im proved, th ere being much ¡ess care reciprocate by exercising unusual care
lessness th an in form er years when the w ith slashings, cam p fires, inatcues and
in ju ry from fo reat fires to all members tobacco in the woods.
Two days each week a d aily p aper
published a t E bersw alde, a P russian
town n ear B erlin, is p rin ted on only
RS. P A N K H U R S T , as th e M ajestic
I F R I 'N ’ TIM AN staving a: a Txindon
one side of th e sheet, and on these days
•hear is moved back and fo th until th e paper la made tw ice as large as
sailed from New York, talked to a
V itel, when presented w ill his bill,
properly sharpened, as the sp rin g give usual so th a t th e public loses nothing paid it w ith o u t form al protest, b u t was rep o rter abont the com parative deceit-
th e requisite pressure and hold the in th e w ay o f reading m atter. The ob in d ig n an t a t its am ount. “ I wish to fulness of men and women.
blade rig id ly while honing.
“ W om en,” said th e reporter, “ are
je e t of th is curious arran g em en t is to see ze p ro p rie ta ire ,” he said to the
• • •
make tth e p aper useful as well as in ­ clerk. In a m inute the p ro p rieto r a p ­ the more d e c e itfu l.”
“ N o,” said Mrs. Pankhurst, ° m^a
Motorcycle Saves Explorers.
stru ctiv e, as it can then be used fo r peared.
• re the worse. Look a t the w ay they
W hen th e rear axle of th e ir automo w rapping op provisions w ith o u t any
The F renchm an was all
smiles, deceive th eir wives. ’*
bile was dam aged, a p a rty of English touch of p rin te rs ’ ink.
“ A h ,” he said, “ I m ust em brace y o u .”
M rs. P ao k b u ret sm iled and tossed her
men who arc axploring the dark eon
" B u t w hy should you em brace m e ! ” head.
tiu e n t from th e Cape to Cairo were
a-ked the astonished hotel keeper, “ I
, r Oh, n o ,M ihe said. <,IIow could th e
saved from disaster through th e posses­
do n o t u n d e rs ta n d .”
average man e^er get a w ife if he didn t
sion of a m otorcycle. One o f the p arty
deceive h erfM
“ Look a t zee b illl “
m ounting th e • ‘ single tr a c k e r,” started Our pricesN bout h alf other dealers. We
bask w ard over th e jungle p ath s for an pay highest priee for second hand regis
" Y e s , vour receipted bill. W hat of
A C alifo rn ia firm Is selling ru ra l ypiua
•u tp o s t of civ ilization, w here repairs tors. We do expert rep airin g and guar i t » ”
rk a rro s l at >24 a ten, aa a ra .n x t >20 a Ion
sonld be obtained, ev en tu ally retu rn in g ante« our w ork. Will exchange to suit
“ W hat o f e e tf Sim ply sees, saire. I t fo r oak ebarenat flin re m< r t of the C ali-
in trium ph w ith the necessary parts. our requirem ents. HUNDW ALL CO., fc'?5 m eans s a t I shall aev aire, no, nevaire, form a grown cwraljrpts do not make
lumber, uses for other producía a i
The p a rty is equipped, in addition to 2nd avenue, S eattle. Phone M ain 1180.
you again. ”
are being sought.
Cash Register Bargains