HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION 8 Automobiles and Good Roads A Departm ent Designed to Help Farm ers W ith Progressive Road Ideas. • • • } i ♦ the beat met hint is to <5? on one side by d riv in g in stre e t car • • 5’ F T hey are then fasten ed to;,ether w. tracks. <•> b races s i t in holes bored through the •t? Some fu rth e r valuable h in ts on thin, allow ing w ater and g rit to work fastened to th e fro n t h alf of ?> published last week are given be- into th e ta b ric which will soon cause I road a fte a shower, you will see a the chain log. The road d rag slio: Id move <•> low. They will be found to lit a casing ti be beyond repair. small puddles along the wneel ruts and som etim es larg er pools. T his wu forw ard so th a t it slan ts across the -•* iln'wn the cost of the fa rm e rs ’ I f in an em ergency you must use w ay th a t a sm ell u ro u n tl^ . *Srea. - ' <£> chains, be sure th ere is play enough te r stay s on the road su rface because road in such i> to allow the chains to slide around the it c a n i.it d rain aw ay into th e side o f e arth will lice past th e s 'lr o th face •!> tires so as to equally d istrib u te the diti l.es. I f yon look closely you will of the og tiw a rd th e cen ter of the ......................................... see said d itches which have grow n up road, thus form ing th e crow . The /¿V O ID greases, oils and aeids, they s tra ir . edges of the logs will s ooth out the W et R ubber S usceptible. w i t h hushes and weed:, in many cases, *A re solvents of rubber, cause rapid rutJ. and which are so fa r from the tr a v ­ A lthough rubber does not cut easily deterioration, make tire s suscepti­ Best Way to Drag. when d ry it 1 very susceptible to cuts eled p a it of th e road th a t th e rain w a­ ble to cuts and sim ilar injuries. te r does not d rain into them . T hat The -est w ay to d reg is Io begin at •Soapstones or talc Is ? lu b rican t of when w et. Don T ignore cuts. B y allow ing w ater {■art of th e roadw ay where th e wagons th e side ditch and go lip nue side c f rubbi r and plough of it should be used trav el s called the trav eled v ay. To tile road, and then down th e oilier. In when inserting a new tube to allow it and g rit to e n te r w ill eventually de­ prevent w ater from stan d in g on the the next trip the d rag should lie started to slide easily and avoid friction, and velop in to sand b listers or mud boils trav eled way, the road should he raised a little nearer th e ceii’cr, and the last the vulcanization of the inner tube and sep arate the tre a d from the c ar­ in the eetiteC and should slope gently trip over the road the drag may work to the casing, which is likely to happen cass. Small cuts may be repaired w ith repairs into broad, shallow ditches. It is then close to tn? cen ter itse’f. Small ridges when the casing is irverlieated from a Ileal a-Cut, but p erm anent ra id to l ave a crown. 1. it is ten feet o f e arth will be throw n in the horse long run er from stun lin g in the hot should be made on larg e cu ts by cul- from the «"liter of the road to the side tra c k s and sm eared by the round side sun, but not so much as to harden ‘. he canizing as soon as possible. A blow out is freq u en tly enused d itch, '.be su rface a t the side ditch, of or the log sm oothly over tlio road. road, ease or iroiu lumps. th e su rface at th e side ditch should be S m earing the earth by th e drug is ealle I The firs t auto accessory to buy is a eith er by a stone or o th er sharp object at least ten inches low« r than it is at ‘ p u d d lin g ,” and it tends to m ake the pressure gauge, I t should bo used ru p tu rin g tho fab ric o f a casing. th e cen ter w here th e horses trav el. The su rface o f the road smooth and w ater often. Bar F lat Tires. m ad then has a ten inch erown. tig h t a fte r the sun comes out. Tiro Stretching Tendency. D o n ’t ride home on a f la t tire. I t ’s The oud is alw ays dragged a fte r it The tain th at falls on a road proper D o n ’t forget a new tiro has a ten expensive. I f you have no spare case ly crowned will run quickly to th e side has ruined, and not when it is dry. ileuey to s.retch unde, air pressure. It and cannot make roadside repairs it is A good, stro n g p air of horses with tak es from ten to tw enty days fo r .a fa r b e tte r to rem ove th e tire and pro­ and not soak in to the su rface or form I'lie side ditches for surface a well b u ilt d rag can drag th ree or casing to a lt. in its full dim ensions, a c ­ ceed on the bare riin. E ven if the rim p o o ls. » ati-r should run parallel to th e right four in ik s of road in a day, an«’ it is cording to service. This neans th a t is ruined, you have consolation of o f way. a i d should he open nt every tho best way tr m aintain good roads. cure should be given to inflation during know ing a new rim is f a r cheaper th a n low point so th a t the w ater can run out In every country some farm er along the first tw o weeks. a new tire. o f them into neighboring brooks or each four miles o f road should own a Air costs nothing, use plenty o f it. W hen you trav el on a d eflated tire d rag and d rag th e road when it ram s, stream s. If the ditches iner ly e illect Use nothing but a ir to in fla te tires, both th e casing and th e tube are lite r­ the w ater from the re n t su rface and and he would alw ays fin d the road in gas. especially carbonic, injures tubes. ally chewed betw een th e eground anil it cannot run aw ay, Iirg o |iools v. ill be good condition when ho goes to m arket lie on the safe side nnd have vour the riin. form ed along th e roadside, which will tires more than large enough to carry Apply sensitive brakes slowly, y u ick g radually seal« inio the soil beneath ear and all extras. You will receive stops grind aw ay treaeds. Auto Liccnso Fee Opposed th e n a il nnd m il e it so soft th a t the g re a te r m iliage no easier riding q u a l­ When startin g , d o n ’t tr y to get to A storm of pro!» t has been hurled w h e e ls o f w u g o i s will cut through the ities in retu rn for the slight cost of full speed in a lew yards. Sudden a p ­ at C ity Coniinissimier .scw iuan, of New road i'urfuc? ami n u n destroy it. over size tires. plications of power wo ; ’t help to keep O rleans, who im p o ses to enforce a re ­ down tire expense. S u rface VZat.r Trouble. in su ffic ie n t In flatio n . cent ordinance ¡unking necessary a li­ Soinetim s w ater runs trim land A djust Brakes Properly. In su ffic ie n t in fla tie n nnd continual cet se fee from each p rson p irm itte d along the road into the road, and forms Seo th ta t your brakes are properly to opi rate a m otor car on the streets overloading destroys casings and tubes. a little st.earn down the whe«l track s Remem ber th a t over loaded tires are ad ju sted p ractically all of the te rrific of tho city'. The ordinance also p re <> in tile middle, where the horses vides I h a t'a p ictu re of the d riv er m u s t,? 3 P" n" ’r‘' <‘x»“ usive r ° run and bear the strain of stopping and s t a r t­ trav el. When drivew ays into lHrm be carried, ready for reference in cas ■ 5 per cent added to the w eight o f the ing. When your brake are im properly y ard s are built across III* said ditches it should be dem anded by any police car adds 15 per cen t !o the w ear on ad ju sted p ractically all o f the te r r if ir tin y : ii «jiiently form channels for wa strain o f stopping coniese on one wheel. man. T here is no objection to the tire.'. tie from te e farm yard .. m u in to the Be sure your fro n t wheels run par This will ruin the best o f casings. exam in atio n to determ ine the compe­ toad. 'lie p ip 's under drivew ays be As the strain of th e re a r wheels ten cy of all drivers, b u t the p icture and allel to each other. <• .ii-» tilled with leaves or rubbish and It is possible for wheel» out of align is g re a te r than th a t on the fro n t, it is fee featu res are being attack ed by the the w a t e r can no longer ran aw ay. I. m eat to ci m pletely grin d the tre a d o ff a good plan to sh ift your casings, for m otor organizations. th e drivew ays th a t s lip the ditch w ater a casing in the short space c f 50 miles. even though the rear tire s are alm ost w ire i built so th a t no pipes w ire neees A lw ays have your wheels tru ed up worn out they should ive considerable Bo Careful sary and the ditch could be le ft open, a fte r an accident, no m atter how alight, additional m ileage cn th e fr.int wheels. much tr ia b le from surface w ater would D o n 't s ta rt out in the m orning until it will pay you. As th e rig h t sids of a casing is a l­ be stopped. you are satisfied th a t your b a tte ry has ways more worn than the left, due to ltu sty H ints H ard. rubbing up against curbs, etc., it is To keep a read smooth and crowned been fu lly charged. R usty rims are hard on '.re s Keep also wise to change Hie tire s on the vour rims clean, wheels to the le ft and vice-versa. i Rusty rims should be sm oothed w ith right A lw ays carry some patches (e ith e r em ery paper and p ainted w th shellac, AUTO CONTROL Japr.n varnish or alum inum paint, also th e cem ented w ith th*? necessary v u l­ SILENT AUTO MAGNETO use g rap h ite to m ake rims operate eas canizing cement cr tho non cem ent POWERFUL type for m aking r. adsidc repairs, also VIBRATIONLESS AUTO TIRES ily. an inner and outer sleeve fo r em er­ Trends „re cut and prem aturely worn gence.!. T h e K in g o f M o t o r c y c l e s The Henderson A u to m o b ile T rip s! H a»» 700 »»cr «topped to th in k how too w i l l c a rry your r io t n r s and prov iaio n a on your m achine, or how v,... w ill k e e n lb» p e m h a b te food cool on a hot d ay » If n o t— Write or 3«« SM ITH—Ha Makes tbe , I AUTOMOBILE ICEBOX Gu A r a n g e d to keep th in g s eool. And 11« M akes A ny (k in g El»« ou N eed f©» th o T r ip Smith Makes and Repair« Trunk», Sample Caw» and Odpa. EDW . L. S M IT H 4®0 Washington Street. F o rt land. O regon. Chamber of fommerce Is Ayainst Prohibition THC AUTOMOBILE That Needs Neither Oarage Nor Cbaifeur. T h e firs t m o to rcy cle w as e e n s tm e te d w ith a «Ingle eyb l e r T h '« w as a b ig im f r o r e a t n t o v er th e bicycle an d very sat « factory fo r th e city m c*«cngcr service. B a t it w as n o t u n til c y lin d e r m a b in e s cam e e a t th a t crus« c o u n try rid in g becam e p o p u la r O nly th o se who h av e fa irly b u r - c d up th e ir m a c h in es try in g to clim b a hill Or pull th ro u g h Band know Ute v alu e o f s u rp lu s p o w er wb n to u rin g A t th e sin g le w as an im p ro v em en t e v e r th e b icy cle an d th e tw in a n a d v an c e e v e r the a trg le , sa is the 4 C Y L IN D E R 9 II. F U K N D KRSO N a b ig a d v a n ta g e e v e r th e tw in W rite fo r ilu s u r a U d cataZegne or call let a F re e D tu • » ira t a. Adi Sta.h i u t K G E O .G R Y S fc-R Fwiuuid, Ora