Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, May 29, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Feeding Field Peas
Proves Success
T h e O rchard on the Grain Farm
If You Don’t Care For It, Cut It Down—if Your Wife Will
Let You. It Needs Care, However.
H E ORCHARD on th e g rain farm is th e r e ’s only one th in g to do; and th a t
osually an o b ject w o rth y o f p ity is ta k e care of it.
I f it has been grow ing up in weeds,
and eom passion— a poor thin g . I t
» a s planted because th e farm er th o u g h t plow it up, sow it to clover, and th u s
It would not oe home w ithout an orch­ fertilize it. Scrape th e rough b a rk off
ard. The trees were not carefu lly se th e trees, w hitew ash them , prune them ,
looted In th e firs t place. Too m any and if you can, bead them out low, so
• f them were sum m er and fall apples. th a t the fru it can be g a th ered easily.
The farm er took pride in it while it L earn how to sp ray , and then spray
w as grow ing and looked protnis;ng; but every tree. We a re not tellin g you how
oven before it began to b ear he n eg lect­ to spray. I f you are in terested , you
will send to your ex perim ent statio n
ed i t
H e allowed th e borers to g et in th eir and get a spray in g calendar. I f you arc
Work, and a p ercen tag e of th e trees no* inti rested, you would uot do it if
died. H e allowed th e ra b b its to b ark we should tell you how.
Orchard Business Apart.
th e trees in th e w inter. He allowed the
We d o n ’t advise farm ers to go into
hogs to run in it and ru b a g ain st th e
trees. He failed to prune. H e did not comm ercial orcharding. T h a t ’s a sep­
■pray because he had not th e tim e. He a ra te business by itself. No farm , how
allow ed it to grow up in weeds, pos- over, is really a farm unless it has an
gibly in blue grass. Then, a fte r it had orchard. W hat you w ant is fru it enough
borne for th ree or fo u r years, and he for your fam ily, and in good y ears some
w as d issatisfied w ith the fru it, he be to give aw ay to th e people in the neigh
gan to w onder w hy he ever p lan ted an borhood, and perhaps in tow n, who do
orchard. He began to fig u re th a t if he not have an orchard. D o n ’t do any
bad never p lan ted it, bu t had grown h a lf way job. E ith er m ake the orchard
•orn on tho land, he would bo much a delight, an ornam ent to th e farm , n
fu rth e r ahead now w ith o u t expense. The joy to your w ife, aud a double jo y to
n e t result is th a t th e av erag e orchard your children, or else dig it up. A ny­
on the farm is unproductive, does not th in g is b e tte r th an a run down, neg
pay, and tho farm er w ishes he had lected orchard.
I t will cost you som ething to sp ray ;
n ev er p lan ted it; th a t even 50 bushels
o f eorn per acre would have been w orth ■but if the fnrtners in an y neighbor
tw o or th ree tim es as much as all the hood determ ine th a t th ey are going to
fr u it he ever got o ff th a t orchard. The have orchards, as they should fo r the
o rchard then becomes a p referred breed sake of th e farm ers, th e w ives an d the
children, and th e farm s them selves, it is
lug place for o rchard [»ests.
easy to arran g e fo r some man to spray
Cut It Down.
all the orchards in th e neighborhood, to
W hat should be done w ith an orch keep the trees pruned, aud give d irec­
• rd of th is k in d ! I f your w ife will let tions as to how to tak e care o f them.
you, you had probably b e tte r ru t down The orchard in th e corn belt tak es the
the trees, grub out th e stum ps, and place of the vine and fig tree in ancient
p la n t corn. We suspect she w o n 't allow Isreal; and the man who does not have
you to do it. It would not seem like one is not living up to his privileges
home w ithout an orchard. In th a t case, as an A m erican farm er.
Fruit Distribution Is
N DISCUSSING the business side of
fru it d istrib u tio n at th e recent
m eeting in Chicago of the Reeond
N afio n sl C onference on M ark etin g and
F arm C redits, C harles W. Holman of
th e U niversity of W isconsin and secre
ta ry of th e Conference, gave seven rea
«kins why m ark etin g associations fail:
1. A w rong ty p e o f organization.
2. The failu re to pay good salaries
and expect effic ie n t service.
2. A h alf hearted feeling am ong the
producers, wliieh led them to follow
false gods o f an tag o n istic in terests th at
Wore eom bim ng fur the purpose of dis
Uupting th e local orgam aztion.
4. F ailu re on th e p a rt of the local
associations to fe d erate w ith each other
to o btain strong selling power and to
develop stro n g purchasing power.
8, F ailure to provide fo r proper in
Bpuciional and au d itin g services.
6. F ailu re to g u aran tee th e product
and protect the g u aran tee by the cred it
• f the organization.
1, The spread o f ten an cy through
•am e tw en ty six states of th e Union.
Get Down to Facts.
I necessary for the w elfare of him self
and his fam ily and his com m unity—
a living price above the cost o f his
farm and soiling o p eratio n s.’ ’
The reasons for the failu re of mar
k etin g associations as given by Mr.
Holman arc not all th.-it may be dis
sovered, but fru it grow ers who have
w atched th e rise and fall of m arket
irig organizations will fin d am ong these
seven reasons, a t least one w hich has
co n trib u ted to th e dow nfall o f th eir
organization. And fu rth erm o re, these’
m ark etin g associations which are now
in existence aud are som ew hat u n cer­
ta in about th e success they will m ake,
need to consider th ese reasons for
failure, find th e leak in th e ir ran k s
and proceed to m ake the changes aud
ad ju stm en ts th a t will lead on to sue
H E C orvallis experim ent statio n ree |
ommends fo r gumosis of the cherry!
to clean o ff th e a ffected p arts, re ­
moving bark and the gum and an y de
caved m aterial, then d isin fect w ith a
solution o f 1 p a rt corrosive sub lim ate to
1000 p a rts of w ater. This will help to
heal, b u t the orig in al cause is perhaps
im perfect tran sfo rm atio n of eombiuin
into wood; lik ely to occur when the trees
grow too ran k and late in th e fall.
EN RY ROSEN BERG, who is farm
in g a 1700-acre w heat ranch a
few miles out of P endleton, O re­
gon, has fo r the last three y ears had
to u r acres p lan ted to C anadian field
He considers them very fine fo r hog
feed, because on account of the small
am ount o f work and trouble they place
him to com pared to the am ount of value
he fig u res they are to him.
B eginning about tho firs t of Ju n e he
tu rn s his hogs in on them aud from
th a t tim e on he bothers no fu rth e r in
regard to them.
They clean the patch up entirely, eat
ing ev erything, peas, pods, vines aud
as much of the root as they can root
L a st y e a r he ran from 35 to 50 pigs
on his patch and will probably p u t in
as m any or more th is y ear th an he
did last. He says there is no danger
of volunteer peas if one w ishes to dis- |
continue raising them at any tim e, for
th e pigs clean them up by fall so clean
th a t it is im possible to fin d a single
pea upon th e ground.
A re p o rt received by the D epartm ent
A g riculture o f experim ents made by
th e O ntario ag ricu ltu ral statio n showed
th a t salt added to b u tte r in a w et con
dition w as b e tte r d istrib u ted and more
in solution th an were the dry salt lots.
The av erage percentage of m oisture re ­
tain ed in th e finished b u tte r was p ra c ­
tically the same w ith both saltings.
T ests on the reten tio n o f salt in the
b u tte r by tho tw o m ethods do not agree.
B u tte r churned to about the size of
w heat granules contained more m oisture
and less salt th a n did sim ilar b u tte rs
churned to lum p size. G rittiness in b u t­
te r w as found to be due to an over
abundance of salt. I t was found th a t
a sa tu ra te d sa lt solution contained, on
an av erage, 29.25 per cent salt. Q uan­
titie s o f salt ranging from 4.29 to 5.77
pound* p er 10O pounds of b u tte r were
ndiled to churnings, w ith a resulting
reten tio n of salt of from 3.156 to 3.45
pounds, th e loss being accounted fo r in
th e churn w ater and on th e w orker. A
loss of m oisture and salt in b u tte r was
found in the process of p rin tin g and
packing, and a fte r one, tw o and three
m onths in cold storage th ere w as a
stead y decrease in m oisture co ntent, the
sa lt co n ten t rem aining fa irly uniform .
Space will not perm it us to tell
you much about th is line, b u t— I t
you a re in terested — W rite fo r free
C atalogue.
Full lino of D airy and C ream ery
not care
O ver 200 K ohlert C larinets
to be sold out regardless of
Free Trial Offer.
G raves M usic
151 F o u rth St.
P o rtla n d . - - Oregon
Everything for the Band.
E xclusive ag en ts fo r Conn
Band In stru m en ts. Send fo r
free catalogue, also second­
hand lists.
Some Experiments in Salting Butter.
U. S. and Foreign Patents
B arn F ix tu re Dept.
" S u c h causes are to be expected in
Tree Wash.
the present developm ent of th e farm er
126 Front St.
Portland, Ore. |
To th e E ditor.— Please give form ula
as a business man, fo r .e m ust re for m aking w hitew ash for peach trees.
Member th a t the evolution of farm
8. L R.
husi ness is a t lea t a g en eratio n he
D issolve as mocti common w ashing
Mad the evolution o f o th er form s of soda as yon can in aix gallons of w ater;
kasinesa. T here are m any fuudam en then dissolve one gallon o f ordinary
tai cause* for th is condition, which soap to th e above; slake some lime to a Send S ketch and D escription far Opinion
have been dw elt upon by oth er speak ra th e r thick p aste and add enough of
as to P a te n ta b ility .
•rv ai d by many w riter*.
this to m ake a thick w hitew ash. Scrape
“ I t i* custom ary to discuss the o ff th e loose b ark , if any, also remove 200 Victor Bldg., Washington, D. C.
fa r m e rs ’ c o o p e ra tiv e m ovem ent some
the soil from th e base o f tra n k , digging
w h at in the tam e w ay th a t people
out th e borer* if you see signs o f them ,
$2,500 A YEAR?
discuss th e single tax or th e co o p er
then apply th e w ash freely from the
I f se. and you hsvs f t
U to Invest In »
alive com m onwealth, as a m ovem eat of
larg er lim bs to the ground, then replace r~>d te c M m s le« tbst » i l l stand the
auiiful idealism.
V ery few people
th e soil a b o u t the tree.
tvrictost tave>:i(*ti>>a, » T its to me
vs as y et g o ttea dow a to the actual
JOHN SPRINGS, 812 Henry Bldg..
doll a rt and cent* point of view in die-
Two more E uropean cap itals, V ienna
312 Henry Bid«., Portland, Oregon.
aauwmg thia thing.
and B ueharest, have been connected by
OrganUation la Thing.
a d irect telephone line.
w hether it is th e non p ro fit m aking
A new eleelrie churn for honseh dd
•or; ratio n , or the jo in t stock com uee is operated by a m otor of only
pauy, or the p artn ersh ip agreem ent one th irtie th of a horsepower.
o r w h atev er f o r a of o rg a n ia stio a th at
th e fa n n e r s baaiueae i ay tak e, pro
Electro magnets operate a new sew
wided th a t in the run n in g ■ f th a t bu-
•ig machine without the use of internal
a*M he gets th e thing th a t ie now | » h alls aad gearing.
“Join the Band”
A storia By T h e Sea
A Powder a Woman may
trust, but not a Trust
H e n c e its reasonable
p r i c e a n d increasing
“ Crescent Baking Powder’ ’
Crescent M fg . Co.,
Seattle, W n.
25c Per lb.
Do you w an t to
Sell or Trade
your Farm?
O nr facilities fo r handling farm lands
are unexcelled in th is section. We are
exclusive farm dealers, and our long
and successful experience in the farm
line has fitte d us fo r g e ttin g quick re ­
sult«. I f you desire to sell or trad e y o u r
farm property, w rite us today, giv in g
full and accu rate description of ju s t
w hat you have to offer, w ith your b e st
price and term s. Also if you w ill tra d e ,
sta te ju s t w hat kind of p roperty yoa
w ant in exchange. We will do th e rest.
x x r a iM J tw
V Bj
O V ilO
122 North 6th St.. Portland, Oregon.
Let M e Repair
I can Certainly Please You.
I am an expert repairer of
all kinds of stnngej instru­
My price is one-half the cun-
tomary charge.
Gold Medal at the World'«
P air.
Write Me for Prices Today.
166| Fourth St., Portland, Oregon.
On Household Goods, Automobiles and
P ot Astoria, Warrenton. Plavel or
To and Prom All P oista
New A storia P roperty, call on or w rite
Astoria, Oregon.
207 By. Ex. Bid«. FsrUaad, Ora