Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, May 29, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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George Barr
C opyright, 19 X J,
B y Geo. B a n
A Fool and His Money
* ♦ < > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a t the low er end where wo had stacked
“ Well, you w ait and see,
said I, howdy-dos to the sun.
S tran g ely
♦ a q u a n tity of ra re old fu rn itu re in or­ grim ly.
enough, w ith the firs t peep of d .y
der to make room fo r th e workmen.
H is face beamed once more. “ Ach, I through the decrepit window sh u tte rs I
“ H err S ch m ick ,” said I, ab ru p tly fo rg o t to say th a t there are padlocks fell into a sound sleep. B ritto n got
In th e opening in stallm ents of
h altin g m y p a rty in the cen te r o f the on th e o th er side of th e door, ju s t as nothing but g ru n ts from me until h alf­
♦ “ A Fool and H is M oney,” <ê»
hall, “ w hat has become of th e rugs th a t on th is side. I t will be of no use to past nine. A t th a t hour he came into
Geo. B arr M cC utcheon’s ch arm ­
were here last week, and w here is th a t destroy these. The door still could not my room and delivered news th a t
♦ ing novel, serial rig h ts fo r which
piie of fu rn itu re we had back y o n d e r» ’ ’ be forced. M ein G otti How th a n k fu l aroused me more e ffectu ally th a n all
have been specially obtain ed for -
the alarm clocks or alarm cocks in the
Rudolph allowed the lan tern to swlDg I am to have rem em bered it in tim e. ”
the Home and F arm M agazine
behind his huge legs, in ten tio n ally 1
“ C onfound you, Schmick, I believe world eould have done.
Section, wo learn of John Bel­
believe, and I w as compelled to relieve you actu a lly w ant to keep me out of
“ G et up, sir, i f you p lease,” he re­
<$> lam y S m art, the young man who
him o f it in order th a t we m ight e x tra c t th a t p a rt o f th e c a stle ,” I exploded.
peated tho th ird time. “ The p a rty of
e> is tellin g tho story. He has just
The four of them p rotested m anfully, A m ericans is below, sir, rum m aging
<t> w ritten his firs t novel, and a t <«> ourselves from his shadow. 1 have never
seen such a eolossai shadow as th e one even GreteL
about the place. They have ordered th e
th e same tim e has fallen heir to
he cast.
“ I have a plan, s i r ,” said B ritton. w orkmen to stop work, sir, com plaining
«> an immeuse fo rtu n e left him by
Old Conrad was not slow in an sw er­ “ W hy not place a tall ladder in the of the beastly noise th ey m ake, and the
<r his uncle. He is 35 y ears o f age.* ❖
co u rty ard and craw l in through one of dust and all th a t, sir. They have al­
A fter a visit to London, S m art
th e w indow s»”
ready selected h alf a dozen pieces and
tak es a trip on the R iver D an­
“ The gentlem an called day before
“ Splendid! T h a t's w hat w e 'll d o !” they have brought enough porters and
<í> ube. A fter fin d in g an old world
y esterd ay , mein herr, and took much
❖ town, he discovers an ancien t
away. They will re tu rn tom orrow fo r I cried enthusiastically. “ A nd now l e t ’s carriers over in the b o ats to tak e the
go to bed! We will b re a k fa st a t eight, s tu ff aw ay in— ”
K> castle, which he purchases from
the rem ain d er.”
Mrs. Schmick. The early bird catches
<S> its owner, the Count. W ith his
“ W here is P oopendvke»” I cried,
“ G entlem en»” I gasped.
“ Rc- th e worm, you k n o w .”
«> secretary, P oopeadyke, he tak es
leaping out of bed. “ I d o n ’t w ant to
m ain d er» ”
“ Will you see the A m erican ladies
«> possession of the immense stru c ­
“ The gentlem en to whom th e H err and gentlem en who are coining tom or­ be shaved, B ritto n , and d o n ’t bother
«> tu re, which is supposed to be
about th e t u b .” He had filled my
C ount sold th e rugs and chairs and row to pick out tho— ”
4> ten an ted only by the c a retak er
tw en tieth cen tu ry portable tub. recently
chests and— ”
Yes, I 'll see them , ’ ’ said I, com­
♦ and his fam ily, the Sehw icks. To
“ W hat!. ’ I roared. Even Poopen- pressing my lips. “ D o n ’t let me over­ acquired, and was nervously creatin g a
<> S m a r t’s am aaem ent, the firs t
lath er in my shaving mug.
dyko jum ped at th is sudden ex h ib itio n sleep, B ritto n .”
♦ night, he hears the cry of a baby.
“ You look very rough, s ir .”
of w rath. ‘ ‘Do you mean to tell me
“ I s h a n ’t, s i r ,” said he.
Looking out a t a balcony one
“ So much the b e tte r .”
th a t these th in g s have been sold and
«> night S m art sees the w hite figure
“ Mr. Poopendvke is in despair sir. TTo
arried aw ay w ith o u t my know ledge or w ith th e possible proxim ity of an unde­
o f a woman silhouetted. He im ­
consent» I ’ll have the law
tried to explain th a t nothing is for
sirab le fam ine neighbour, m ysterious
m ediately begins a hunt for
H err Poopendvke iutervened. “ They and elusive though she may prove to sale, b u t th e gentlem en say they are
«> Schmick, th e caretak er, to solve
had bills o f sale and orders fo r rem oval be, and the additional dread of dogs onto his game. They go rig h t on y a n k ­
tho m ystery o f who the woman
o f property d ated several w eeks p rio r and babies, to say nothing of the amaz ing things about and p u ttin g th eir own
«> may be. W ith the Schrnicks he
to v o iir p u r c h a s e , M r. Sm art. We had- ing delinquencies to be laid to th e late priees on them and reserving them .
«> endeavor s to break down a
to let tho articles go. You surely re ow ner of the place, and the prospect of They are p erfectly delighted, sir, to
♦ heavily barred door into th a t sec
mem ber my speaking to you about i t . ” a v isit from coarse and unfeeling b ar have found so m any old things th ey
♦ tion of the castle, b u t fails. The
" I d o n 't rem em ber a n y th in g ,” I b ain h u n ters on th e morrow, it is really really w a n t fo r th e ir new houses.”
♦ sto ry continues:
snapped, which w as th e tru th . “ Why— not surprising th a t I tossed about in my
“ I 'l l — I ’ll put a stop to all th is ,” I
why, I bought ev ery th in g th a t th e cas baronial bed, counting sheep backw ards g rated seeing red fo r an in stan t.
♦ »> $ <J>
(To be Continued N ext W eek.)
tie contained. T his is robbery! W liat and forw ards over hedges and fences
(C ontinued From L ast W’eek.)
th e dickens do you mean by— ”
until the vociferous cocks in the stable
Chin* import* wood pu lp
H E Scbuiicks fairly glowed w ith Joy!
Old Conrad held up his hands as if y a rd began to send up th e ir clarion
B ritain, Sw eden, Norway and Germany.
A fterw ard s Max inform ed me th a t expecting to p acify me. I sp u ttered out
th e door was nearly six inches thick the rest of the sentence, w hich really
and often had w ithstood the assau lts of am ounted to nothing.
“ The C ount has been selling o ff the
huge b atterin g rams, back in th e dim past
when occasion induced the prim al baron lovely old. pieces fo r the past six months,
to seek safety in the east wing, which, sir. Ach, w hat a sin! They have come
»r«» all you need to build one of our attract*
ivoly do signed cottages or bungalow s. Not
a f te r all. appears to have been th e real, here day a fte r day, these fu rn itu re buy-
portable. A bsolutely permanent. Save our-
■imon pure fortress. The west w ing was ers, to ta k e aw ay th e most priceless of
pentor expen««, lo s t of m aterial ia cutting,
m erely a settin g for festal am enities and our treasures, to sell them to th e poor
•n d many other saving«. You get the benefit.
We cut every piece to fit, and fum iah
w as by no means feudal in its aspect or rich a t tw en ty prices. I could weep
I have w ept,
doors, windows, hardware, paint, nails, all
•p p e a l. Here, as 1 caine to know, the over th e sacrifices.
lum ber, and lath and plaster or w ali board.
Eh, R udolph!
«»Id barons received th eir frien d s and h a v e n 't I, G retel»
A numbered diagram tolls you how to put it
F IV E BOOMS, » 3 3 7 0 0
fe asted them and made m erry w ith the B uckets of tears have I shed, mein berr.
together, w ith out further expense.
flagon and the horn of p len ty ; here the
Ready Built House Company
room s and any design you n<
hum ble tith e payer came to se ttle his 1 im plored him to deny these rascally
Send tor catalog.
»# 0 Broadw ay.
Portland, Oregon.
flues w ith gold and silver instead of w ith
“ B ut listen to m e ,” I broke in. “ Do
blood; h ire the little barons and barn
Besses romped and rioted w ith childish you mean to say ih a t articles have been
glee, and here th e barons grew fa t and taken aw ay from th e castle since 1 came
g t » and soggy w ith laziness and pros in to poBaemiMi ! *’
‘ .Many o f them , air. A lw ays w ith
I'e rity , auu here they died in stupid
«|uies nice. On the other side o f th at proper credentials, believe me. Ach
grim , staunch old door they simply went w hat a sp e n d th rift he is! And his poor
he the other e
, me in i ,,-ry part cular. w ife! Ach, G ott, how she must su ffe r
T h ere they killed th eir captives, butch N early all of the grand painting*, th<
ta p estries th a t came from France and
With the daggers of tr a ito r s in th e ir Italy hundreds of y ears ago, th e won­
derful old b edsteads and tab les th a t
Shivering backs.
As we trudged hack to the low er halis, were here when th e castle was new —all
•1- H ated but none the I«--« impressed bv gone! And for m ere songs, mein herr,
• u r failure to d e v a s t a t e our stronghold, — th e cheapest o f songs! I —I — ”
‘‘ P lease d o n 't weep now, H err
1 » a s struck by tho aw ful barrenness of
Schmick, ” I m ade haste to exclaim,
• t i e r in s th e s h o c k in g realisatio n , t h e seeing lachrym ose sym ptom s in his b lear
‘ ‘ .......t e n t s
of t h e ( a s t i r ,
x,.t f o r t ti old eyes. Then I becam e firm once more.
ra th e r vaguely in the bill of ,¡,1,.. were This k n av ery m ust cease, or I ’d know
n o t w hat 1 had been led to consider the reason why. “ The next man who
thorn. It bad not occurred to me a t the comes here to c a rt aw ay so much as a
tim e of th e tran aactio a to insist upon single piece is to be kicked out. Do von
* n inventory, and I had beea too busy un d erstan d » These th in g s belong to me
Binco the beginning of my tenancy to Kick him into th e riv e r Or, b e tte r still,
ta k e more than a passing account of my n o tify me and I ’ll do it. Why. if thw
belongings. In excusing myself for this goes on w e ’ll soon b« deprived of a n y ­
ra th e r careless oversight, I ran only say th in g to sit on or sleep in or eat from ! during d aylight hours the castle Ixvek tb e doors, Conrad, and d o n 't a d ­
Was So Completely stu ffed with work m it any one w ithout first consulting me.
m e n and th eir queer utensils th a t
1 By Jove, I ’d like to w ring th a t ra s c a l's
couldn t ibi much in th e way of e lia in a n w k . A C ount! Vmph!
turn, and by nig h t it ws.« so horribly
Ach. he is of th e noblest fam ily in
black and lonesome about the place and all the la n d ," sighed old G retel. “ His
tho h a ll, were so littered with tools g ra n d fa th e r was a fin e m a n .’» I con
Bnd mope
tim b er th a t n it 7 w k as ex tr ir e ~~
. and
-- ..........
d to —
mv T i c 6. «nil
and til'd}*
trviuely h aiard u u s to gn prowling »bout.
»•■<! som ewhat loudly returned
•*.» 1 | r. !, • : . j v«, r«’P. m
— in - mv u w i ’ * * th e topic •*-
— —
we were d rift
q u arters, which were quite com fortable
Bild cosy
,p „ o o f the «Balance be | “ Ah fo r those beastly padlocks.
t w t w s J « it,ta >1 c o a v t'o iv iii
»hall have them filed o ff to m o rro w
S till 1 w»8 vaguely certain th a t many give you w arning, l o n r a l . if th e hevs
a rtic le s 1 had men »bout the halls on are not forthcom ing before noon tom or­
Biy fir t and second visita were no row, 1 11 file 'em o ff, so help m e.”
lo n g er in evidence.
Two or th ree
’ They are yotire ta deetTey, meifl
an tiq u e ruga, for insta-iee. were m m
Importer» and Routers of Coif««
*"« tfOCT
maia hall, .« d
w-!< herr, God know «.’ ’ said he dism ally.
“ It ia a p ity to destroy fine old pad-
Seattle, W ish
• ia a M ta b ie »ue4»t«va ed empuw
|to c
Gold Shield
That we ask you to give Gold Shield a
trial, feeling that you will then insist
on Gold Shield when
buying coffee.
& CO., Inc.