' 11 RO V E AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION Marvels of Everyday Science Competent Scientists Apply Their Skill to Problems of Agriculture, Houskeeping, Schools, Business and Governmental Activities. E E H A M L E T O F CLAYTON, popu­ latio n 220, is p erh ap s th e sm all­ est com m unity in W isconsin, h a v ­ in g an independent cen tral sta tio n p lan t g e n eratin g its own electricity . The elec­ tric com pany has an o p eratin g force of one man, and its g en eratin g equipm ent consists of a 12-hp. gas engine b elted to a 5-kw. direct-cu rren t dynam o. The s tre e t lig h tin g load consists of eight incandescent lam ps, and comm ercial lig h tin g is given from dusk u n til 11 p. m. The R ailro ad Commission o f W is­ consin reports 140 v illages in W isconsin w ith less th a n 1,010 population, having electric service u tilities. O f these forty- one aro o f less th an 500 population. The to ta l num ber of electric service u tilitie s in th e s ta te is 293. T here are seventeen gas or oil engine p lan ts and eig h ty two p lan ts operated eith e r wholly or in p a rt by w ater power. No less th a n seventy-eight cities and villages are supplied from m unicipal plants. • • • F P an and Rack for Drying Dishes. A new device fo r d ry in g dishes con­ sists sim ply o f a pan, 20 inches square, fitte d w ith a rem ovable w ire rack to hold th e dishes on edge while draining, ed on to the buttons sewed under tho and to keep out o f th e drip p in g rinse BY A PHYSICIAN. w ater. A fte r th e dishes are washed HOSE who have little tim e for ex­ collar of the coat. When the collar is they are set on edge in th e rack, scald ercise and are compelled to live turned up and the hood draw n over the ing w ater is poured over them and they ch iefly w ithin doors m ust e n ­ head the little one is as cozy ns pos­ are allow ed to d ry, th e idea being to deavor to o b ta in —or should have ob­ sible and tak es no harm from the rain. The hood can be quickly dried a fte r­ tain ed for them as fa r as possible by em ployers—by way o f com pensation, a ward. 1 find it a fa r b e tte r plan than reg u lar supply of fresh a ir w ithout providing um brellas, w hich are alw ays draughts, an atm osphere as free from g e ttin g damaged. • • • duü» aud o th er im purities as can be >O P IE C E of advice the physician obtained, w ith a good supply of light can give will bear more frequent and soma artific ia l w uruitli when need­ repetition than the pithy sentence, ed. These necessities g ranted, cereal “ B reathe d eep ly .’’. I t is a perfectly foods, such as well m ade bread in va­ simple rule of health, y et it is co n stan t­ rie ty and vegetable produce, including ly broken. • • • fru its, snould form a fa ir portion of the P R IN K L E chloride of lime, crude oil diet consumed, w ith th a addition of eggs elim inate th e use of th e towel for d ry ­ or kerosene over contents of vault» and milk if no m eat is tak en , except ing. B y th is m ethod th e dishes are both pin t when occasion induced the prim al in th e form of soup, and little other cleaned au 1 sterilized. T here aro tw o w ays to learn to New System 4 Calls Express Wagon anim al food th a n fish, fowl and g»me. • • • breathe. If our powers of self disci­ Promptly. On such a d ietary , and w ith o u t alco Electric Service. E ach te n a n t in a new office building holic stim u lan ts, thousands of such pline are poor, as is the case w ith most The cost o f lig h tin g at th e present insufficient breathers, it is a good plan in New York is provided w ith a num tim e averages only from 1 to 2 per cent w orkers may enjoy, w ith very little ex to join a gymnasium or culistlienic class b er of sm all m etal disks or checks, each ercise, fa r b e tte r h ealth and more of th e cost of liv in g and iz one of the stren g th th an a t p re se n t they e x p e ri­ and learn to use the luttgs as a baby sm allest item s on the list of reg u lar ex ence on ini at and heavy puddings, beer, learns to use its feet and hands. B ut pM.se». I f it is really advisable for a rem em ber th a t lessous in breath in g will cheese. sta te to go into b asinet» in order to re b a k e r's b read and « » • do no good if the scholar thinks lie is duce th e cost of liv in g there are other R E O S O T E is an e x c e lle n t m ean s of absolved from his task except when he lines ia w hich even a sm all saving, if com bating chronic constipation ' ¡8 in the class. accom plished, would am ount to more A simple method for those who have th a n th e e n tire cost o f lighting. For w ithout exercising anv pu rg ativ e ac­ not tim e or opportunity to a tten d a tio n properly go called. Tho creo­ instance, food am ounts to 35 to 45 per sote should net be prescribed ia pills, gymnasium is to tu rn life 's daily rou- cent o f th e cost of living, and a 5 per tino into a continuous discipline in cent reduction in th is item would be capsules, or alcoholic c.elutioafl, b u t pure breathing, i f the poor breath er tak es and in drops. The effectiv e dose is tho sam e as th e fu rn ish in g of lig h t for about seven or eight drops taken tw ice the trouble to w atch him self carefully nothing. Besides this, the price of food daily, im m ediately e ffe r b reak fast and he will find th a t when ho is engaged is stead ily going up while th e price a fte r dinner, in a glass of m :lk, beer, upon anv w ork th a t calls for close a t­ o f electric lig h t is stead ily going down, ten tio n he does not even breathe as and th a t w ith o u t a r y f e a t expense to win« ami w ater, or pur? w ater. To begin w ith, one dr ip of < reosote deeply as usual; he alm ost invariably th e state. is adm inistered, and th a t am ount in ­ holds his breath. Thus the blood cur­ • « » creased by one drop daily until the de re n t is v itiated when it ought to be W orld'» L arg est F iit» r P la n t. cleansed, nnd the w orker exhausts him ­ The w o rld 's larg est m echanical filtra ’sired e ffe c t is obtained. In th is way self, not so much by his labors as by the »ccessary dose is d eterin ired for tion p la n t is u n d er construction at 8 t. his neglee*t. Louis to p u rify th e c i t y ’» w ater supply each case individually. T his tren-m ent Draw in deep d ra fts of a ir every tim e from th e M ississippi River. The d e­ has to be continued fo r soma tim s— you tak e a breuth, and every little while some m onths, in fa c t— nnd not only sign provides fo r fo rty filte r u n its each stop o\ « .. thing else and fill your lungs one o f which will be capable of filte rin g overcom es the chronic constipation, but a few tim es w ith brent-hn tkfit te s t th eir 4,500,00C gal! m s daily. Each fille r box a t the game tim e restores tho ap p etite capacity. You will be surprised to see e system. m easures 59x28 feet in pla» and con­ and braces up th • • • th e im provem ent th a t it will m ake in U n its U sed in N ovel C all System ta in s a 30-ineh depth of fine «and and fo r Expressm en. HOUGH tm o k in g cigarette» is really your general condition. a 12-inch depth of gravel. B efore en ­ • • • harm ful fo r beys, th ey smoke not b earin g on th e one side his room num ­ te rin g th e filte rs the w ater w ill pass or garbage boxes. Keek garbage recep­ ber, and on th e reverse, th e nam e o f an through eedi n en tatio n b a s irs w te re a becai so th ey »re La-ucslly bad, b u t in tacles and open vau lts tig h tly covered, im itation t f th e ir elders. I t is the express com pany. W hen he desires to coag u latin g zhem ’eal will be added. p a re n ts ' d u ty to prove to the boy th a t d ark nud clean daily. • • • have an expressm an call a t his office S prinkle chloride o f lime or liquor sm ok'og m a,' p revent bis becoming as fo r a package, he deposits a check in a Bed Desk fo r an Invalid- cresolis compositus over m anure piles ath le te t r d th a t it w ill a ffe c t his chest An a d ju stab le desk or ta b le fo r an special chute in th e e lev a to r w all, a»d and other refuse. Keep m anure screened th e check drops down to th e f :r s t floor, invalid or convalescent can be made as expansion a a J m -sculi r developm ent. if possible. I t should be removed a t w hero an auth o rized em ploye of the shew n ia th e sketch. The arran g em en t See to it th a t he flisting i.«fces the real least once a week, and where it cannot, from th e cheap sport ar.J desire» to building opens th e box, records th e room should be boxed in air tig h t receptacle». im ita te the rig h t kind o f elder fellow. num ber and n o tifie s th e p ro p er express- • • • P onr kerosene into the drains. man he is to call a t th a t room. The Clean cuspidors every day. K eep a 5 Y C H IL D R E N n ever carry cm expressm an tak es w ith him th e check per cen t solution of carbolic acid in brellas, w rites a friend. Instead as evidence o f his au th o rity to receive them . D o n ’t allow d irt to accum ulate in each cne is provided w ith a rainproof tho package. hood, w inch when not needed is b u t­ corners, behind doors, back of rad ia­ • • • toned into an inside pocket of the o v er­ tors, under stoves, etc. Allow no deeuy- H ow P a r a Man Can See Distinctly. ing m a tte r of any so rt to accum ulate coat. Some in te re stin g experim ents have I f rain come» on th e hood is b u tto n on or near your premises. been made in th e G erm an arm y w ith th e object o f discovering a t w h at dis­ tan ce th e recognition of one soldier by an o th er is reliable. F or soldier« iw th good eyes it w as found th a t a person seen once b efo re could be rccognied at o f th e to p may be in th is or any o th er a distance o f 80 feet, w hile an a c q u a in t­ m ann'-r to su it the maker. The length ance could be recognized a t a distance of th e desk should bo th e same as the of 300 feet, and an in tim a te Irien d or w idth of the bed. Two v ertical sta n d ­ relativ e, a t a d istan ce of 500 feet. The ards m ade o f tw o pieces e f tub in g , one various p a rts of a man *s body can be telescoping in th e other, are used as distinguished and any decided m ove­ th e supports. Clam ps are attach ed to ment can be detected by an e x p ert rifle th e upper ends of th e larg er, or out man a t a d istan ce of 300 feet. At side tu b es fo r use in holding th e desk J,800 fe e t a man appears as a «pot on a t th e height set. A braes, also made the landscape and can n o t uuually be o f tw o teleseopir.g tubes, is ns«d a t each •een if he keeps »till or if his dress er.d to a d ju st th e re a r p a rt of th e derk M istake« are impossible— the young­ does not co n tra st w ith th e background. to a com fortable height fo r th e ite r. est child can learn— P rices are low. Sailors, hunter» and farm er» can usually Thum b c u ts are used to clam p th e d ish L et us put the joy of music in your •ee tw ice these distances, p ro b ab ly on to th e bed. home. Write today—now—to Wi • s o account of th e ir co n stan t tra in in g in m aking out th e catu r» of d is ta n t ob­ C o n e r T e l e g r a p h Pols». ject». R einforced concrete teleg rap h poles YIPb Floor Commonwealth Bldg. • • • Portland, Oregon. along th e P en n sy lv an ia R ailroad in th e B T A F r—F lo ia M f iirdy, d irecto r; F. E. MeGurdy, M gr.; r r a u rim- v icin ity of the New Jerse y en tran ce to Pcrrtener Hold» T onfio of Shoe. te n c h ; Signor A. V ieetll; Mona. Bazin. An inven tio n b y a C anadian is de th e H udson tu n n els proved d u rin g th e b lir ia r d of M arch 2 th eir su p erio rity signed to p rev en t th e tongue o f a s' from slipping down "n t of plan«. The over th e o rd in ary kin ! of wooden pole». co n trivance consists of a ball and socket Ho severe a load did th e ice coated w res F rom l u to 5 00 acre«, « tale h o < mueli to corr^wpofld w ith you in relation to fasten er, th e ball portion being or. the impose upon th e concrete poles th a t th e n n 4 » r e u ltira tio n a n d w h at improv« tongue and fittin g in to th e socket, wooden eroasarm« on some o f them w ere sot*at«, full 4*t