HOME AND FA R M M AGAZINE SEC TIO N 50 A W e e k ly P a g e o f P o u ltry H in ts to Y o u Here Is a Department Full of Bright Ideas for Readers of the Home and Farm Magazine Section. ♦> *• When fact» bump up a g ain st « theories, th e tru th will usually ♦ nut. O ur ag ricu ltu ral colleges are co n stan tly bum ping theories hard w ith 'experience — won ♦ facts. In th is connection an <*• expert a t Oregon A g ricu ltu ral €> college here discusses anim al vs. ♦ veg etab le pro tein for poultry. <8> ♦ <§> «$• <£ «- Record Sheets For Eggs Needed to Know Results Trap Nests Also Required by Poultry Raiser Who Wants to Be Able to Set Off One Hen Against Another— 0. A. C. Specimen Sheet Shown Here. House Na 9 H atch « o P sn No, D atx A p y il 29. 1912. F owl No. C .Ç 2 1 > V awmtv ■ | 1 i » 8 s ft f ( » ta u IX 13 44 ts 1« rr u » 20 21 32 23 >4 li 28 29 20 31 TOTAL« illK R E are a g reat m any perplexing ervT. problem s in p o u ltry feeding. OC.T, They are made more perplexing ! J ! / z / / ^ 7 7 z / z / Z Z Zl wov. to the av erag e poultry raiser by the ex ­ -------Ï— / z L . z / z z / 7 r-^ -7 z / z p lo itin g of various and sundry feeds, z / z z z / / z / Z z o rc . / / Z z «he m erits of which are based wholly , Z I / / ! / z z z z Z / / / z A 3 JAN. / t • t theo retical assum ptions. We have z Z z z J ! Z z z z Z 1 I z z z z z / ! / z z FEB. b» ©ther foods of vegetable origin have at ©ne tim e or an o th er been ad v ertised to ■ g»HE PO ULTRY raiser who w an ts to b er can be determ ined. As th e hen is it will bo rem em bered, m ade tho record ta k e the place of anim al food. know accu rately w h at hiy hens released from the tra p nest she is of lay in g 303 eggs in one year. I t is well known th at fo r heavy egg ] aro doing requires tr a p n ests and cred ited w ith her egg. p roduction or for the grow th of chicks, A t C orvallis, a w eekly record sheet th ere m ust be a considerable p ro p o r­ a record. T he illu stratio n above shows the daily is m aintained a t th e p o u ltry house. The best type o f record is en tered up tio n of protein in the foods; th a t is, record of hen C. 521 a t Oregon A gricul­ These sheets are en tered up on ann u al th e o rdinary grain foods such as w heat every day im m ediately th e band on the tu ra l College, Corvallis, Oregon. C. 521, records such as the one above. lie n ’s leg is exam ined, so th a t her pum- and corn do not contain enough of the T 2Z pro tein elem ents. It is also known th at m eat foods such as comm ercial beef Scrap, cut hones or any kind of m eat foods w ith a large proportion of the lean m eat, aro very rich in protein. Comm ercial b eef scrap contains about fcO per cen t protein. T hat is, about half th e weight in th e beef w rn p is protein, w hile w heat mid enrn contain some 10 to 12 |>er cent protein. In accu rate Claims Made. I t was firs t a question w hether a S u fficien t am ount of protein in the r a tio n , irresp ectiv e o f its source, was not all th a t was necessary, or w hether ouch foods as beans, pens, linseed meal, g lu ten meal or cotton seed meal, th a t a re rieli in protein, would not give as good results as the p rotein found in the m eat foods. M any to th is day claim th a t th is is all th a t is necessary in face o f th e fa c t th a t it has been thorough Jy d em o n strated by experim ent th a t anim al foods must he fed to poultry in o rd er to get good results w hether in egi; yield or meat production. A mini b er of experim ent statio n s during the la s t ten or tw elve year* have conduct ed carefu l experim ent* on tlii* point and tho resu lts have in v ariab ly shown th a t v egetable proteins will not tak e th e place of ntiimal protein*. The latest experim ent on th is point Was made at the New Jersey S tatio n , th e results o f winch have ju s t been published. In th is experim ent it was found th a t anim al food w as necessary n o t only fo r the grow ing chick and for th e broiler b u t fur the lay in g fowl. A pou ltry food. lie n e-ta, w hich has been ex tenaively ad v ertised during the last few y ears as a com plete ratio n for fow ls, b u t w hieh contains no anim al food, was mad* the su b ject o f a com perison in New Jersey experim ents, w ith a reeuIt wholly un fav o rab le to the claim* made fo r thia food. Theory va. Fact. N ot only wa* it claimed for thia food fb .it no anim al food wa* required and «hat it con tain ed enough protein from e th e r source«, which was nil th a t was required, hut th e elaim w as alse made «bat the phonphorus or hone m aking m aterial was a* efficien t when o btain ed from in organic or m ineral sou-ce*. such a* phosphate rock, a* th e same co n stitu en ts obtained from anim al sources, such a* ground bone The ex p c rin ic n u showed very clearly th a t 9* phosphoric acid from an organ »ource (anim al hone) is much mi re ef fteiw al th an phosphoric a n d from an ta o rfa u ie source y -h v ^ u a w ru sh or lie n « t a , ^ P o u ltry Fright and Worry Affect Laying I W a n t A P osition and Veal * W a n te d Also Dressed Meat, Butter Eggs and Fruit. Potatoes and Onions in Quantity. Cash Returns Daily— Rank R e fe r e n « B eing read y when th e oppor­ BURNETT A SON tu n ity comes is w hat counts for 148 Front B tr« t Portland. Oregon. T MAY B E news to m any farm ers, or success. T here is a big dem and fo r B E H N K E W A L K E R train ed even poultrym en, to know th a t hens bookkeepers, stenographers and “ hold u p ’ ’ th e ir eggs just th e same telegraphers. as a Je rse y cow will hold up h er milk when she g ets a b it stubborn or ex ­ E ig h t hundred and fo rty one c ited ; b u t it is so. J u s t let a farm er d iffe re n t firm s called on us for help since A ugust 1st. T here is chase th e hens from th e cornfield or garden, set th e dog on them , or throw • no quicker, surer w ay to secure let him play in overalls rem unerative em ploym ent and clods and yell a t them , and w atch the with never a care in the fu tu re success th an to »ecure our result. W here tho evening g ath erin g world and you will make • dinlom a. him a healthy, happy boy. showed a doxen or fifte e n eggs, not Be sure to buy him more th an seven or possibly six will lie found, and th e poor hen is accused of Tw o -H o rae B rand “ stealin g her nest o u t’ ’ somewhere. It O v e ra lls tak es th ree days o f care to get th e eggs B U SIN E SS COLLEGE record back to normal. T he kind that is made I. M. W alker, Pres. P o rtlan d , Ore. Do not allow visito rs to e n ter th e lay for comfort and long wear. ing house nor th e ir children to prowl V 7 FR EE about th e nests. I f stran g e dogs are b en t upon in v estig atin g th e henvard CLEANERS th e ir hide is w orth som ething, b u t give V A C U U M H and Pow er & E lectric. th e hens q uiet peace at all costs. O ften X From $4.00 up— A gents W anted. successive or severe frig h t will resnlt in W. L. B E N T L E Y it CO. dead germs, and th en th e egg is u tterly Mode fly 14th and W ashington S treets. useless fo r setting. P ortland, Oregon. O uly Vacuum Cleaner 8 to re in Oregon. N ecessity of Spraying. AG ENTS W ANTED In th e S ta te o f Iow a, durin g th is In Every Town to Handle la st sum mer, orchard sp ray in g demon stratio n * were carried on in fiv e d if RRNT a Typewriter from the manufacturer*. At Large Profits An Article of Great Merit fe re u t counties. The num ber o f sprays • 5 for three month*, Remington No. 6 or and a Reputable Business. No. 7; Smith Premier, No 2 or No. 4; visible varied from one to fo u r times. As a W R IT E FOR PARTICULARS. Remington, Monarch. Smith Premier, S3 por rule very good result* were obtained H W LA m GE h SON month delivered anywhere. Rebuilt machines Portland, Oregon. Box 1671. from th ree spray*. The m eetings held aold on easy payment« a t p icking tim e dem onstrated to the REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY farm er* p resen t th e necessity of sp ray ­ 86 B r o a d w a y , P o r tla n d , O re. ing. O ur price* ab o u t h a lf o th er dealer*. We pay highest price fo r second-hand regia- P o e t ship b v e pou ltry in nndersir.ed ter*. W e do expert re p airin g and g u a r­ F R E E EGG CASES. «•rate* I t is cruel, poor business policy antee o u t w ork. W ill exchange to «nit and unlaw ful. F H Schmata A Co., paid up capital t i n , our requirem ent*. 8U N D W A L L CO.. 80S w o . established 1900 want 500 more farm *ra as regular ahi p p m of freah r g g i ea c h 2nd avenue, S eattle. Phone M ain 1180. week and will «end free on rekuoat, hy men A* to w hy the anim al food or the tinning thia paper, an egg nata. Highest W , wtn sell you ■»erket prieo jpnamnteed Write today. Tags, m ineral m aterial from anim al source* prices free Teal, ho .«It in May and June, at a Fp-rial Price of •heir suceeas by using anim al foods will 8 NGLE COMB W KITE LFCHORN8 »1« >0 per lo o . • nt be infbu need by claim s suck as Real mortgags lifter* A postal »41 bring oar talesman ta jmsr ma.i Non. (have bees put out fo r th e articles men X, Vattabarg. WaafctagMB I ie d . and charged ih a u raU oaa to (th e ir f .u a a c a i look, __________________________________________________________ ______ _____________ j I Make Your Boy Happy i 4 "¿T T Y P E W R IT E R S Lange’s Mineral Wonder Cash Register Bargains BABY C H IC K S — — • I. D. CASEY &. S O N S loate ---- >