2 HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION Oregon Agricultural College is the Friend of the Farmer A Page of Bulletins and News Notes Concerning the Staff at Corvallis. A GOOD POULTRY RATION. and apple leaf hopper. P rofessor S afro been used to good advantage in many Judge John F. H all and addresses were i P E R F E C T ration for lay in g hens will carry on th is work du rin g the sum p a rts o f C alifornia for several years, made by P rofessor G. E. S kelton, of co n tain s th e required fo« I elem ents mer and rem ain in charge q / the local and no doubt the benefit of the ex­ the highway engineering d epartm ent a t d ep artm en t un til next fall. perience gained in conducting it could the Oregon A gricultural College. The in approxim ately the right pproportion, be had by w riting to any of the libra dates for the good roads m eetings in and in th e form s most economical in the locality w here the feeding is done. Pro- S T U J x IN G PE A C H TW IG M IN ER . tia n s in charge. Also much useful belli1 Coos county wi re: M yrtle Point, May may be had by w riting to Miss Marvin 11- Coquille, May ’ 2; Bandon, M ay 13; f» s<»r J a me» t>ryden, head of the poul­ X PER 1M EN’TA L w o rl is b*»ing done of Salem, who is in charge of the state try d ep artm en t, Oregon A gricultural Col­ M arshfield, May 16. in th e H erm iston d is tric t by the lib rary . ’ ’ I’rofesesor Skelton has recently re ­ lege, has prepared a list of fiv e more or A gricultural College entom ological turned from a good roads to u r of tho less ex act ration» for one laying In .1 fo r one year. The follow ing is ratio n d ep artm en t w ith the peach tw ig miner. PR O F IT A B L E POTATO CROP. niiddT«* and oasiern parts of the U nited No. 4, eousid(*red to be one o i the best P rofessor Wilson, entom ologist o f th e A K M E iis in •!it'fi-ii.-rit p a rts of S tates which w is mu le prim arily to in ­ culh re, spent last week in th a t te r r i­ fo r most places in Oregon: Oregon who are m aking a spe­ vestigate the most approved m ethods of tory looking a fte r the work. cialty of potato growing, get a l­ highw ay construction in other states. He M aterial No. of Founde < ’«Rt • • • m ost uniform ly ,uofitablo results, n et­ comes prepared to c o n 'tit w ith farm er» W heat ..... 30 .45 tin g lrom $40 to $50 per a c re ,” says and officers of the Oregou counties in SUMMER SCHOOL COURSE. O ats ........._... ....... Ill .15 B r a n .................. ....... 10 NN't >('N«'EM ENTS o f th e sum mer P rofessor Scudder in his A gricultural regard to the construe ion of highway» .121 r 10 school at th e Oregon A g ricu ltu ral College B ulletin on growing potatoes. throughout tit* state. P rofessor S kel­ I t is for this reason th a t in all diverse ton ad v o catis prim arily the use of local B eef scrap ... ...... ? .20 College have been made bv P ro fes­ ...... 5 <’orn meal . .10 sor E. I). Ki ~sh r. .lim e 15 and Ju ly 24 fled farm in g in this statu the potato mat« rial for he construction of Ori gin» Linseed meal ....... 5 .124 are named as th e d ates of la-ginning m ight p ro fitab ly bo given more a tte n ­ highways. During his work in » ’oos county P ro f­ ..... 5 M uldli ngs .074 and ending th e sum m er sessions. Special tion. The use of a little extra care in Shell ....... 3 .03 railw ay rates c f one and a th ird fares grow ing potatoes added to the natural essor Skelton di - res to meet road su­ Charcoal .. .. ...... 2 .05 have been g ran ted by all railroads op­ ad v an tag es of soil and clim ate would ill pervisors nod w ith them tak e up the G reen food .05 e ra tin g m O regon, good betw een the sure steady liiaximum yields aud profit. problem of highw ay construction and » » » d ates f Ju n e 5 and Ju ly 2S. The tw o The m arket lo r Oregon potatoes is us m aintenance. Total ...................... 1.4HJ college dorm itories, Waldo for women unity excellent. GUMMCSI3 CANKERS. ‘ ‘ P o tato es sro un intensive crop— <<"»” HE cherry i . mnios s lig h t is now W hile th e cost of the above ratio n will and C authorn to r men, will lie opened th a t is, they will give an increasingly I o n ,” says P rofessor II. P . Bars», vary in d iffe re n t seasons and at d iffe r to th stu d en ts and wil^ accom m odate ■ re ti-au 2 ) stu d en ts w ith hoard and higher yield per acre with every bit of the Oregon A gricultural Col­ en t places, it is thought to be very close of e x tra care adddeil. At this time lege di'pnrtm eet of p la n t pathology, to th e average cost. Most of th e m ate lodging. The use of the rooms w ith much of the crop is grown by the gen ‘‘ and many new infections can be pre­ rial, such as w heat, oats and corn, can beds, m attresses. tab les ami ehairs, will eral farm er, for whom the potato crop vented bv <■ ‘ •-..' o ';t th e t Id cankers. be produced inor? cheaply on the farm , be free to those who make th e ir homes and is m arketed more economically when 1 1 ” '»• halIs- Two e charged o ften gives an excellent cash return The canker dis : - - th at causes most of w ith very tittle care. R ather than giv the gummosis west of the Cascades, is converted into poultry produets. O ther lor light. In at and use of laundry. Table ing th e p otato crop the additional care due to an organism th a t lives over w in­ hoard will be $3.50 per week a t Waldo. m aterial such as green food, charcoal, “ The college realizes its responsibility required to get the best results in un ter in th«' edges i f the old cankers, i s- g rit anil shell or th eir su b stitu tes, can fwvorabln seasons, the farm er depends pecially in the larger ones th a t were be furnislied from n atural sources with in fittin g the teachers for teach in g ele­ upon o th er crops lo r his cash income. m en tary ag ricu ltu re, m anual train in g , fu n n e l the previ- a Mason. From these bu t little cost. O ften milk ami oth er ‘ ‘ The p o tato jieriiiits the farm ing of hold over cank rs the disease begins to farm products cun be su b stitu ted fo r dom estic science an d a rt, anil o th er high priced lands close to shipping points spread in late w inter, enlarging the old some of the m aterials th a t otherw ise b r a n lies of in d u strial learn in g in the and is of g reat value in a well-planned, injuries and in fectin g many trees grow ­ would have to he bought. By a careful schools of O reg o n ,” declares th e a n ­ in ten siv e crop rotation system, helpiug ing n«ar b y .” nouncem ent. Experienced teachers who study of the given rations the poultry to m aintain fe rtility because of the ex­ These old cankers should be cleaned men will be aide to supply the necessary devote th e ir whole tim e to tra in in g for cellent condition of tilth and the de­ up at once anil new infections should food elem ents by su b stitu tin g a more these d u te's will be able to secure s u f­ stru ctio n of weeds th a t its cultivation be w atch e d for and treated upon th eir econom ical m aterial. O i course the fic ie n t tra in in g to introduce some in th eir brings about. T his im provem ent is first appearance. W ith a draw knife am ounts should vary slightly w ith the brunch i f in d u strial work neeiU'd in many parts of Oregon where nr sim ilar tool cut av ay all bark th a t differen ce in egg production and in size schools. D efinite courses will be pro­ vided, lesson plugs w orked out, and d e­ poor farm in g m ethods have loft the land is affected , being careful to remove all of fowls. fould w ith weeds and in poor tilth , so discolored tiseue. If the diseaso I f it is to be conceded th a t the cost ta iled in struction g iv en . These teachers th a t each sneceeding crop becomes shows signs of spreading up or down » f niain taiu in g a hen for one year is »••ill tie fu rth e r helped by correspondence poorer. ' ’ the tree, the bark C ould be cut aw ay $1.5(1, th e necessity of securing b e tte r ourves throughout, the e n tire y ear atnl considerably b«'»ond the discolored th an the av erage six dozen egg hen is by personal v isitatio n and su p erv isio n .” RAISING SPRING LAMPS. Prospective stu d en ts and all teachers area. All infected nuhs'ance should a t once apparent. The y early product A ISING spring Iam bi is w d l adapted be removed. The wound should th«n o f such n lien has an av erage value o f who a re in terested in th e ’.). A. V. sum ­ about (1.50. The y early production of m er s n.o! w id receive a copy o f the __ , to th e clim atic conditions of West be w ashed w ith a l t , 1W) »elution of ern Oregon and does not require corrosive sublim ate, which can be a good layer is worth twice th a t amour.»; B ulletin upon request mailed to II. M. and most of the increase represents a T en n an t, R eg istrar (J. A. C., C orvallis, g reat cap ital or sjiecial skill, according bought from the’ druggist, who will Oregou. to P rofessor E. L. P o tter, head o f the give directions fo r preparing and us­ clear p rofit. • • • Oregon A gricultural College anim al hus ing the wash. It is a deadly poison* S T U D E N T A P P O IN T E D . h an d ry departm ent. The in d u stry so and should be labeled I ’'.s o n . and kept W EED P E ST S OF OREGON. I I q IIE E P sorrel is spreading rapidly] - ’ R A '.lv M. Il-.rr r.gton, of Pre-sw ell, fits in with approved crop ro tatio n s iq glass, not m etal, containers. O regon, who w as g rao n ated from and is v aluable in building up depleted A fter w ashing out th«» wound, which O over large areas and because of th e h o rticu ltu ral d ep artm en t o f <> soils. N eith er is it in im m ediate dun is absolutely essential to success, it the large num ber of seeds form ed last y ear amt has since filled a gor o f being overdone. should be allowed to dry, ' and then on each point bids fa ir to In come a «■ r, A. The ind u stry may be made p ro fit­ covered w ith a good tre e or prum ug position in ffce Iow a experim ent statio n oos weed jvest in O regon,” w rites P. W alls, o f the A gr.eultur.il ( -ege at Am.!#, has been appointed an assist­ able on farm s w here grain, hay, clover, pain* to p ro tect it from fungi and botany and plant pat hid qy li paT’ iii. r.t, a n t h :u l'C o .tu rist n tne U nited S tates vetch and rap«* are grown. Much the h eart rots. Mr. H a r­ same conditions ar» required fo r this Do r.ot depet 1 upon exuding gum to , in tho P acific Homestead. ‘ ‘ Weeds d ep artm en t o f agriculture. rin g to n ' b u p e in im e n t is based on a com industry as for d airying, except th a t it indicate cankers. Bud ones »ctnetimes nmv in- bjeetionahle because of th e ir poisonous q u alities and on sec m at of p e titiv e ex..i illatio n w hich he w rote up need not have th e same accessibility to form w ith very little ex tern al gum. the r crow ding o o f more val a ib 'e pi » its. while a tte n d in g O. A. C. and is to be m arket and th a t some range land may W atch should b" kept ail spring for Sorrel! seed is said by some w riters t > m ade e ffe c tiv e a t cnee, provided it is be used. I t is ju s t as p ro fitab le as or­ the fa in te st sign»» of canker and for No be p. c, nous when eatin in large q u an ­ accepted. W hether th«' p. sition wdl be d in ary dairy in g , although it m ay not blighted fru t s; lifs and buds. accepted or n t has not been decided f>y pay so large a p ro fit as d airy in g eon o th er «uecessfnl tre a tm e n t fir this t a . .1 by liorv-i . hut the p lan t « .a hardly Mr. H arrington. His position at Ames ducted in th e most approved m anner. disease has come t«x the a f e n tio n of be ci iib- I pi isonous.” No expensive equipm ent is needed in the experim ent statio n here. B ut if is exceptionally good, i-ud he is receiving ‘ ‘ In addition to spreading by seed tile the wuv o f buildings. The she«!» neees extrem e w atchfulness -is m aintained p lan t has large rootstocks th a t live in rapid prom otion, lienee, lie may decide sarv to sh elter the flock may be eon and the above tre a tm e n t thoroughly ap­ tin . i i I I n year to y ear, w hich to rem ain w ith the sta te work, accord­ stru eted at a very sm alt cost. A shed plied, th e dam age done annually by ing to P rofessor U. I. Lewis, head o f the •e n d up shoots every few inch« -. The Is feet w ide and 60 feet long w as re the disease will be m aterially reilueed. f t o u a re stalked, hnve ear lik e a, h o rticu ltu ral d epartm ent. • • 41 eently constructed a t th e eollegc a t a • • « p -111 • S at t I , and are s ", I t«>tal cost o f $25. I t 'accom m odates K H R M FU L E X T E R N A L PA R A SIT E S. amnewbat like an Indian ari -w hea l. SECU R IN G GOOD L IB R A R IE S about 50 she«’p but does not provide X TE R N A L p arasite s frequently F. -w. rs i [ tvv !- i i ^ p V i 'l l I N d gi 1 lib raries for sto rag e room fo r hay. eause heavy poultry losses, and big and se e l bearing, and s- '.s very town-; to. - n ill to purchase and The moat p ro fitab le tim e for grow ing poultry nu n should q u aran tin e th eir email. 3 l ey are f, ml in c ver m anage a public lib rary and too a good, cheap lam b in W estern Oregon flocks against them. S ;.... al method» many kind of grass seed, which they large to depend upon the small trav elin g is M arch. A pril, May and Ju n e. The are required for the .‘ontrol of the vnri- resem ble so closely th at th eir pri !1'" | lib raries is one of th«' g reatest lib ra ry best result» a re generally obtained by ons kinds of pest«, but certain general 1» hard to d , or ■ r un I a fte r ; ‘,né (problems the people have to solve,*' said p astu rin g the lam bs on sown e««tur»g“. measures are often advisable. ll ll‘e i U ut » Mia. Id a A. 'K id d e r.” 1 n u n of t t ë I t is necessary to have several fields in One of t ’lc be«t general methods is • r iwiling out i r q. plants. A gricultural College. Tho need of good order th a t each kind may be utilized in fum igation. W hile not very effectiv e “ t'lean cu ltiv atio n and lim ing the books and th e influence of good lite r a ­ its proper season. I t is also necessary against any of th e external parasite», •nil will e ra d ii ite th e p la n t. T he eul- tu re are q u ite generally ad m itted , while to h a re a special p astu re to be used for it should be em ployed for its g reat sani­ t th e d isastrous result» o f sensational finishing. ta ry value. I t is conveniently applied M o to throw the r d »to, ks t the sur reading are q u ite as well understood. O rd in arily no g rain need be used but by slipping a te n t th a t has been treated 1 ng t be » ’ l.o o fr< e from the The g re a t question in th e sm all tow n is it m ay occasionally be fed w ith profit w ith linseed oil or rarbohneum over tbe p i- t d u n u g the «uaiicer. and grow ,ng a to supply th e rig h t kind o f rending in when it is very cheap or when m utton colony chicken house and w eighting «■Rivaled er ; ti e next year. I. aim g attract» « » form. is high. The g rain should be fed in a down the sides » 'h a Itftlo d rt. Tbs th e »oil will stim u late the crop p lan ts ‘ •P erh ap s one o f the best w ays to se creep so th at the Iambs m ay get the fum es are then ap] liisl, a fte r which the tnak n ’ them ro j ’"W the sour sorrel, cure th e ad v an ta g e o f a gem! lib rary is grain w hde th e ewes are k ep t from it. te n t is removed to tbe n ,x t huu»e, and and th u s cu rtail the num ber of w .c l by co o peration io tw een a num ber of The gam should be about one h alf so «,n. ae, d m atured.'* small tow ns of the same county. A pound a day which by e x tra fe«'din»j An account of th e «, ,1 metho«!» goml general lib rary can be purchased | nnd care may be increased to nearly for m « t of th common poultry p«ara- D 2 T A IÏ ED TO FIE L I» WORK. |b y all th e to w n s c o o p e r a tin g a n d lo one pound. sites IS ■ 1-n n lege I . • n “ Some I ILE actin g as the local represe I in th e mo«t aecessil-le place. In E xternal P ari« ’ - >f P w ritten ta tiv e of the A g ricu ltu ral Celle) is way all the p atro n s of the lib rary GOOD ROADS M EETIN G by Dr. H. E. Ew « g r- >- r h as- ta n t d p ertin en t of cntnmido at lloed | who c o n trib u te to its support may have «'i-.RtKrt o f go«v*l road meet ng« a t the Oregon A gricultural t o I lege. » iv r, Vrofe^Ror V’. I. S afro, aR«i»tant ail th e ad v an tag es o f a good lib rary r •ill, iîio Î oj ( i »t, w ill conduct expert- w ithout andue cost to anv one eonnty durin g May 11 16. I ’ ' 'I. Ext . u 1 r-'Cl-j» ft« ut» n th e fouir»! ef (••«»«ing invt«>| “ T his *ou.iuuuit; lib ra ry idea ha» roeetu e > were pr> -ided over by » eu a ty Vorv •».!.«, Greg«. P E ”F i A F A w >