10 HOME AND FARM M AGAZINE SE C T IO N State W ill Take Part In Exposition Directions for Spraying Cherry Trees Washington Announces Plans for Panama-Pacific Fair—Re­ sources Will Be Set Forth. Missouri Agricultural College Gives Growers Hints on Formulae of Value. BY RICHARD SEELY JAMES, der way, the d ep artm en ts of h o rticu l­ CCORDINO to the Missouri A g ri­ a t the end of eight or ten m inutes by E xecutive Commissioner, W ashington ture and agriculture being in charge of cultural E xperim ent S tatio n , cher adding cold w ater. S tra in into a b arrel State Exposition Commission. Leslie M. Brown, form erly of WaJIa ries should be sprayed in the fol and add w ater to m ake 50 gallons. W alla, and form er secretary of the low ing m anner: T hird S praying: J u s t a fte r the fr u it A S H IN G T O N ’S fiv e p rim ary re S tate H orticultural Society. F irst S praying: A fte r th e leaves is off, using bordeaux m ixture 2-3-50, Mr. Brown is v isitin g all sections of have begun to come out, but before the self boiled lime sulphur 7-7-50 or com­ sources, h o rticu ltu re, agriculture, fo restry , fish eries and m ining the sta te in tho course of g ath erin g blossoms open, using bordeaux m ixture m ercial lim e-sulphur 1) gallons to 48 J from which this sta te gains her fundu the ex h ib its of products of tho farm (2 lbs. copper sulphate, 3 lbs. lim e and gallons of w ater. T his is to keep the m ental w ealth, will hu the chief classifi and orchard, and expects to show the 50 gallons of w ater) or some form of leaves healthy in order th a t good strong catio n s fo r ex tu o its from W ashington very best th e s ta te produces. lime sulphur, eith er the comm ercial or fr u it buds may be form ed fo r the next In addition to general sta te wide ex self boiled. a t th e P an am a-P acific E xposition in y e a r ’s crop. liibits, the sta te commission will tak e Han Francisco, 1915, according to the S praying O u tfits. Second S praying: As soon a» the p ractical ex h ib it plan adopted by the charge of featu re ex h ib its p repared by calyx tu be is o ff the young fru it, use Pow dery mildew is lik ely to be v ery W ashington S ta te E xposition Cominis various counties and localities, and, in arsen ate of lead paste 2 lbs., bordeaux bad on young cherry trees, p a rtic u la r­ fact, welcome local ex h ib its when tho •ton. m ixture 2-3-50, self boiled lim e-surphur ly those grow ing in tn e nursery row. The S ta te commission, appointed by locality is w illing to have same in 7-7-50 or comm ercial lim e-sulphur 1 | Such trees should bo sprayed three or G overnor lu ste r in accordance w ith the stalled as a p art o f the general sta te gallons w ith w ater enough to make up fo u r tim es w ith bordeaux m ixture 2-3-50 act of the last legislature, has d eter exhibit in accordance w ith the com 50 gallons of th e solution. or e ith er of the lim e sulphur as men­ m ined to make W ash in g to n ’s p articip a in isio n 's broad plan. tioned above. ■ j Pi epara at Home. E xhibits to Be Aided. lion in the g reat exposition a purely S praying O u tfits: A b arrel sprayer These two sprayings are to control will spray from five to ten acres of L ive stock and pou ltry will also be p ractical one. “ Our o b je c ts,” says John Schram well represented from th is state. The tho leaf spot and jm wdery mildew, and orchard and costs, com plete, from #12 presid en t o f the commission, “ are two, executive commissioner has named to poison the cureulio insect which p unc­ to 130. A bucket sp ray er is useful for nam ely, to set fo rth th e resources, pro Robert B urt of S eattle as comm issioner tu res the fru it. w hitew ashing or spraying a dozen trees du cts and a ttra c tio n s of the s ta te for of live stock and H arry H. Collier o f S elf boiled lime sulphur m ust be pre or less; costs $3.50 to $8. The sm all in fo rm atio n o f possible settlers, inves Tacoma as commissioner of poultry, and pared a t home, as it does not keep well hand compressed a ir and knapsack out­ to rs and tourists, and to exploit the th e commission has voted considerable and hence is not k ept for sale. To pre­ f i t s are used fo r spraying potatoes, products o f our sta te for the purpose sums of money to aid W ashington stock pare, slake 8 pounds of lime in a large nursery trees, berries and vineyards. of increasing our world wide m arkets. breeders and poultry fanciers to exhibit tu b or v at, and while sim m ering from They cost from $5 to $15. Ail sprayers In o th er words, W ashington w ants a t th e g reat in tern atio n al stock and its own heat, stir in 8 [munds o f fine should havo brass w orking parts which more producers, and she also w ants the poultry shows a t San Francisco in sulphur. Stop the sim m ering or boiling are not injured by acids. 1915. It is hoped th a t this sta te will best m arkets for w hat she produces. We believe the coming in tern atio n al tak e many aw ards in these shows. The P lan t Lice in Spring. exposition o ffers a fin e oppo rtu n ity to sta te commission is planning to help Some trees and shrubs are loaded work tow ard both o bjects a t th e same pay expenses of sta te exhibitors, and every season w ith p lant lice. On those H ave you e v er ato p p ed to th in k how you tim e. For th a t reason we will adhere also to o ffer a series of e x tra aw ards w ill c a rry yo u r clothe« a n d p ro v isio n s oa affected last y ear one is likely to find yo u r m achine, o r how you w ill keep the to practical, industrial lines in m aking fo r prize-w inning en tries from this now sm all, black, shiny rggs a t the p e ris h a b le food cool on a ho t d a y 1 I f n o t— our ex h ib it a t San Francisco, and not state. W rite or See SM ITH - H e M akes the The office of the exposition enmmis- ends of th e tw igs. These can be seen delve very extensively into tho e n te r­ on fru it anil other trees, various orna tain m en t and oth er fancy featu res of ion is at 709 C entral building, S eattle, and while it is the m teu tio n of the m ental shrubs, and p articu larly on the exposition w o rk .” G u a ra n te e d to keep th in g s cool. F iv e Classified Exhibits. o fficers of the commission to v isit all buckhorn. As soon as the ten d er leaves n y th in g E lse ou N eed for rts of the state th is year, correspond begin to unfold on th is shrub th e eggs And H e M akes A the Besides the general display of re­ T rip . sources made in th e W ashington S ta te cnee and suggestions from all localities hatch, and the leaves shortly become Sm ith M akes and R epairs Trunks, loaded w ith lice. Why not, therefore, Sam ple Cases and Grips. building a t San Francisco, the s ta te will is invited. The commission will have p resen tativ es a t most of th e local trim hedges and shrubs now, and burn install fiv e classified exh ib its in five of the m ain ex h ib it palaces, in th e five fairs and exh ib its th is year, and will th e trim m ings, hum as well all prun 490 W ashington Street. d ep artm en ts outlined above. W ork on tak e m any of th e best ex h ib its from ings of fru it tre e s ) It is very well P o rtla n d , Or** > Greediest Hogs Are Most Valuable IIE OREGON ag ricu ltu ral statio n has found out by actual feeding te s ts th a t the hog which eats most greedily is the most pro fitab le. T h irty pigs were divided into th ree lots, the heaviest eaters in one lot, and the o thers graded according to th e ir ca p a rity l'«r consum ing feed. A hundred hogs like the heaviest eat ers. a t the ra te of gain made and pres ent prices, would m ake a p ro fit of $297.65, or alm ost exactly $3 a head. A hundred like the poorest feeders would have made a p ro fit of $115.65, or only a little more th an a dollar a head. They were evenly graded as to size and sex. I f th ere is th is g reat differen ce betw een tho heavy eatin g hogs and the lig h t e a te rs— and most hog grow ers will agree w ith th e general proposition— it would seem th a t breeders might well de­ vote them selves to breeding ap p etite in hogs, instad of color or fancy points. If th e ap p etite m akes the p ro fits, breed app etite. D o n ’t be w eary of the way. Remem­ ber th e hosts who have passed on who thought not of them selves alone, but tried to make the path sm oother and D o n ’t ex(ieet bony, skinny stock to b rig h ter for those to follow them . We escape the detection of the city buyer. pass this w av but once, so let it be with He will often class the whole shipm ent good cheer and noble deeds. by a few such poor birds. V Skin and Blood Diseases E very p art of your body is dependent on the blood supply. I f your blood is crowded w ith im purities and germ s of disease, causing your skin to be covered w ith annoying and d isfiguring eruptions and blem ishes, tak e Sulphurro to p u rify the blood, use it ex tern ally to allay irrita tio n and inflam m ation. S ulphurro is an an tisep tic and germ icide. You ran understand w hy it gets results when you consider th a t taken internally, it enters into the blood, tho blood carries it to every p a rt of the body, im purities ami germs ___________ i o f disease are elim in ated ; in fact, ta k in g Sulphurro means cleansing, heal­ Though more th an 750,000 bushels of w heat are held in Lincoln county, W ashington, by farm ers, w arehouse men and m il ls y et, a-eo rd in g to the statem en t o f Assessor D. B. Campbel), th ere were on Mareeh 1, 250,000 bushels less th a n a y ear ago. Owned by mills and w arehousem en on M arch 1, when the statem en t was due from grainm en, were 375,741 bushels, while farm ers had stored 400,502 bushels. O f th e grain stored by the farm ers tho g reatest am ount is at D avenport, w here producers are holdiug 63,030 bushels for higher prices, p ractically 10 per cent o f the product o f the D avenport w heat belt. W ilbur farm ers are storing 19,293 bushels; Blue stem . 44.171; A lm ira, 46,285; Reardan. 4 6 ,2 9 0 ; G ovan, 63.1*3; C reston, 21,741; Dennx S tatio n . 13,130; Odessa, 12,62'*: I H arr.n g to n , 11.556; Monrovia, 12.998. A ■ surprising featu re is tl a t Sprague, one of the leading shipping points, h ai on Hand but 1.284 bushels, while Mohler, prom inent w heat point, has 2,i 2 bushel«. One reason to r th e reduced ..ui.-uat is higher pit-*cs th is season. ing and b e n e fittin g the en tire system ; it m eans rem oving the cause of disease. W hen Sulphurro is used in the b ath w ater, the pores absorb th is bene ficial an tisep tic, inflam m ation and irrita tio n arc allayed. S ulphurro used in tern ally and ex tern ally m eans pure blo.nl and a healthy skin. CURED TWO YEARS AGO, “ POSITIVE AND COMPLETE” J»« is. t»ia. The C M. C Stew art Sulphur Co.. Seattle, Wash. Gentlemen: Th» c . M. c . B t.w art Sulphur Co., Seattla. W u h . Gentlemen: I wn»h to th a n k you fo r the g re a t bene, fit I have receiv ed from ' S u lp h u rro in c u rin g me of a very a n n o y in g S kin Dig- eae«. w hich covered the whole of my face an d top o f my he^d ao th a t it rem oved th e h a ir A fte r try in g v a rio u s rem cdien and re c eiv in g no relief, a frie n d induced ma to try S u lp h u rr ” w ith th« vary happy re s u lt o f m piete cure. S in cerely youra. OF.O W R A KFR, Olive Streat. S e a ttle You w ill m d l that c m , H r . y , , „ • go wrote yon of my cure of a v«ry bad CSM of Skin O iteaae by th« use of ••Ru|. H uirro.” S i„ c . that tim . h , I e h ld re tu rn i th . tr o u b le t h . c a r . ts p n ,it ir . and compl.t». I am a .n d in c you thia, h«- (o r . ,lr,,» rtiii< t r w Seattle, in j u a u c t . Uke rtUirdy. For Sale by A ll Druggists. GEO. BAKER. r e