15 TTOME A XI) FARM MAGAZINE SECTION G row ing G ood P otatoes in th e P acific N orth w est Some Ideas on the Homely “ Spud” by Men Who Know Whereof They Write. C apital P h o to g rap h o f th e B est Type of B aking P o tato , R aised N ear K ennew ick, W ashington. . . . . . N ote th e E ven Size Common to all These P otatoes, tween the row» should he k ep t nearly level. This ridg ■ o f soil will p ro tect the firs t of a series - discussing p o tato potatoes fro n sunburn. Some varieties <$> produce the tu b ers very close to tiie surface, or so n ear tiie su rface th a t euro the p o tato clean and free from ers g a th e r up the potatoes from th* earth . B reaking th e skin, r u ttin g or ground. This is tin b ruising the p o tato in any way redness The potatoes should not lie allowed to of articles its m arket value and sto rag e e u slity . lie on the surface of tiie soil for inoro growing. C areful work will reduce th is loss to th an a few hours. Those th a t are dug less th an one per cen t; and th ere is in la te sum m er or e arly fall should be seldom any ju stificatio n fo r the methods gathered up im m ediately and sacked may extend above th esu rfaee. The o f h arv estin g th a t reduce it above five and hauled to sheds or w arehouses. BY O. M. M9B.&IS, H o rtic u ltu rist; J. G. principle th in g to be accom plished by per cent. The pickers should follow elose B rig h t sunshiue will cause them to H ALL, P la n t P athologist, an d M. A. tilag e is tn keep down weeds and con­ a fte r the diggers and it usually pays tu rn green and sunburn, w hich in ju res Y OTHEBS, A sst E ntom ologist. serve soil m oisture. to have th e so rtin g done as the p ick ­ th e ir m ark et value. HE size of the seed piece of potato I f a crop of clover or some o th er vege-i planted seems to have a d irect in ­ tatio n has been tu rn ed under it juay be fluence over th e crop o f p otatoes found advisable to till deep e a rly , but produced. This fact is founded on the as soon as the roots of the p lan ts begin fun d am en tal principle th a t th e larg e to extend out into the space betw een seed piece or whole p o tato produces the row s the cu ltiv atio n m ust be more larg er anil stronger vines th an the e x ­ shallow or serious harm will be done trem ely sm all p otato or sm all piece of, to the plants. C u ttin g the roots of potato. A nother point th a t some tim e the plants by the last tillag e w ill g reatly has- its influence is the fact th a t the reduce the possibilities of the crop. eyes located n earest th e bud end of The tillage should be continued as th e potato usually sprout earliest and long as possible w ith o u t d irect harm to a te more activ e in th eir enrlv develop the p lauls. F req u en t shallow tillag e nient of p lan ts th an th e pyes located will m ain tain the best supply of niois Bearer the stem end. In p lan tin g whole ture and help to produce a crop of The opportunity of the year, and of the splendid era that is potatoes, it is comm only observed thu smooth, even potatoes. only one or tw o eyes a t th e bud end opening in Seattle s prosperity! Become associated with a strong In Irrig a te d Sections. produce sprouts, except in th e ease of organization, made up of leading business men in whom the pub­ In irrigate«! sections a little d iffe r extrem ely large tubers, and th a t it does lic have the fullest confidence, and operating along lines marvel­ not tend to produce too m any p lan ts in e a t system of tillag e is necessary. The system s suited to localities d iffe r more a I..11, as is «olio tunes thought. ously successful in other states, but never developed before to The Colorado E xperim ent S tatio n th an in non irrig ated n jio n s. The po­ their fullest, possibilities in the Northwest. found bv actu al tria l th a t seed pieces of tato crop is more freq u en tly planted on p o tato or whole p otatoes w eighing less laud than lias had a elover or a lfa lfa th a n tw o ounces produced sm aller and sod tu rn ed under. In th is caso it is w eaker p lants and a lig h ter crop th an usually necessary to c u ltiv ate very deep seed pieces nr whole po tato es w eighing as soon as fhe p lan tin g is done. The tw o ounces or more; th a t when th e piece harrow can be used to g reat ad v an ta g e of si ed jsita to weighed fa r in exceses of to keep down weeds and tn d rag to th e tw o ounces there was very little gained surface and break up any sods th a t m ay o f fic e r s . w ill bu ild house« and b u n g a lo w « in vigor of p lan ts or crop produced. tie lifte d by the cu ltiv ato r. The firs t on a wholesale scale tn meet the cu ltiv atio n is o ften given im m ediately Considering th e value o f the seed, • President already great need* of the expand H G. S H U E Y tw o ounce piece ox whole p o ta to gave a fte r p lan tin g and the land should then Vice-President r c. ru K T H ing c ity , and provide the public be harrow ed thoroughly and as soon us W . 8. B E L I. Sec*y and Treat. w ith s e c u ritie s of u n q a e e tin n e d approxim ately th e maximum retu rn s f Vulue and most g ra tify in g earning th e money invested in seed. Tliis lias the p lan ts are tall enough fo r th e row s power. S im ila r concerns in sonto been found tru e in field crop work anil to be easily followed, shallow tillag e DIRECTORS of the H outhem States are not is now generally accepted by m any should be continued. The soil should he only provin g m arvelous revenue g rad u ally throw n in a ridge over the H O SHUEY grow ers in d iffe re n t sections of the producers to th e ir shareholders, Pre»., H. O. Shuey A Co. country. Some p re fe r to p lan t the en row. This fa cilities irrig atio n nnd pro­ hut are accomplishing weudera for FRED C FURTH tire tu b er and never u se < n t seed. There duces th e covering necessary fo r the Manager. Vulcan Iron Works th e ir home cities in b u ild ing up ap|>eara to be some fo nndatio.i fo r faith protection of the potatoes. Deep tillag e W 8 BELL Ute com m unity, adding new and Sec’y, Equitable Building A Loan As »oc latió» s-sure te be injurious to th e p la n ts and highly im proved districts, and in in th is system. However, it does not A E. KNOFF i t is, fo r th a t reason, alw ays a good m aking it pesmhle for vast num ­ prove te be equally well i- mded i n ^ l f Sales Agent. American Steel A Wire Co. b e r « of th r ifty home loving profile f< ren t localities. In localities w here the p ractice to ridge th e land early. E V/. CAMPBELL to own th e ir own dw elling« on the Cashier, National City Bank. Seattle ea»y paym ent plan, amidtit con soil condition is such th a t the seed po M ulching. genial neighbor», and in loealitie« T. A. ERNST ta to decays rapidly th e whole p o tato Small fields or garden p atch es in non- that are ron a ta n tly increasing in Pres., Ernat Hdw A Plumbing Co. ▼slue. . is b e tte r lo r p lan tin g , b n t in •eases irrig ated sections can often be mulched H. R CLISE T h e “ P a c ific Hom e B u ild e r« “ Attorney and Capitalist w here tiie pieces o f seed p o tato do not w ith straw or m arsh hay w ith good re ­ ia no exp erim ent, nor doe« it decay rapidly, th e a d v an ta g e is n o t so sults. «peculate in any w ay w ith the money of its altar «»holders, turn ap p aren t. The mulch should be applied ju s t lie A D V IS O R Y B O A R D In g it« money ra p id ly , and w ill be In a position to earn from two M edium P o tato es Best. fore th e p otato sp ro u ts ap p ear above to four profit« a year on it« build . In cu ttin g po tato es for seed, th e ground. F our to eig h t incite« o f loose ALVIN H HANKTNS ing, and the b u ild ing oj - rat»« - Manufacturing Jeweler being on a large «cale, enable «av medium sized ones are o rd in arily to be m aterial, may be used. GEORGE BOUCKAERT ing» that are « ta rtliu g when com­ p refi rred. Split th " p o tato lengthw ise The p lan ts will grow up through this Wholesale and Retail Confectioner pared w ith the coat to individuals. an d if fu rth e r c u ttin g iM desired, cut w ithout trouble, and a good mulch will A lw ays Hi «nrh a company care DR M A MATTHEWS ful management is one of th«» Pastor First PreebyteTtan Church crossw ise, b u t do not cut to a single conserve more m oisture than any ord i­ greatest a«aurances of surest", and GEORGE F VANDERVEER eye, unless p o tato seed is very scarce, n ary system of tillage. T his practice thia fa cto r may be emphaaized with ▼anderveer A Comm in?». Attorney» vigor in the ''P a c ific Home Build tir th' tubers used are extrem ely large. hould be resorted to only in sections W. P. PAUUL. e ra .’ ’ L e t us have an opportun Pre» , West Seattle State Bank, Seattle M echanical cu tte rs are seldom sa tis ­ where th e m oisture supply is d iffic u lt it y to go in to detail« w ith you on this point. But to almost »very H A KIMBALL facto ry , because th ey do not di’ crimi to m aintain. one in B eattie and the N o rth *« «t A ss’L Gen’l F-eight A