Gresham outlook. (Gresham, Multnomah County, Or.) 1911-1991, May 22, 1914, Page 17, Image 17

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Tot Just Three Years Old Milks Holstein-Durham Cow Alone
M aster George Foster Beard, Young Illinois Farmer, Able to Give Pointers to Many Experienced Milkers.
„ . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
N ot so very long ugo The llm ne v
. . .
ed tin urco.i,.. of :. r. m arkable ‘V
<s> buy turtui r of F o re» ', Wash. Au <i>
♦ Illin o is render hai
I to ♦
w produce a record, so sent th is in- s>
<i> te re stin g account and p ictu re pub- ♦
>i> lished herew ith. We shall be glad
<s> to have pictures and accounts of <e>
<f sim ilar in terestin g farm children <s>
>s> from our readers. R^-nd them to
"!> the ed ito r Home and F arm Maga- <e-
<s> zine, care of th is new spaper.
at »• II.K IN G a cow reg u larly a t th e age
of th ree an d a h a lf y ears has
brought fam e to M aster George
F o ster B eard, lover o f dum b anim als,
and the sturd y little son of Mr. and
Mrs. George M. Beard, who reside a t
T w in M aple Farm , one mile out of
D over, New H am pshire.
W hen the B eards bought th e ir stock
fa rm 13 years ago th ere came w ith the
purchase a well-bred H olstein-D urham
cow, 9 y ears old, and giving then 24
q u a rts of milk a day. M aster George,
ns soon as he could toddle to th e cow
b arn , becam e g reatly attach ed to Old
D utehie, as she was called, and one a f
ternoon la st summer, when th e cows
cam e up from pastu re, he asked his
fa th e r if he m ight milk her.
M aster George F o e te r Beard M ilking a t the A ge of Three a i d One H alf Y ears.
Cow Takes to Tot.
H is fa th e r, pleased w ith the prospect
o f having so young a pupil in th e m ilk ­
ing a rt, consented and provided him
w ith a low stool and a pail. The young
s te r had w atched the men milk and he
sa t dow n to his first m ilking stu n t w ith
th e a ir of a veteran. The 22 y ear old
cow took kindly to the e ffo rts of the
novice, though Mr. B eard had m isgiv­
ings as to w hether she would brush him
aw ay.
D utehie m ilked easily and George se­
cured three q u arts at his first a ttem p t.
H e m ilked the cow reg u larly every
n ig h t a fre r th a t through the sum mer
and gradually acquired th e requisite
Strength to milk her clean. He weighed
about 40 pounds when he began m ilk ­
ing and has become very m useular
th rough the constant exercise.
B usiness C ollege T en d s T o S u ccess
Mrs. P. M. Baldwin Tells How Studies Help the Pupils in Their
I‘< T k ii W o m e n of W oodcraftf
Alice Husbv. I’. V. L.
p. Co.; S adia
Vigu*, P o rtlan d Ad Club.
S tudents A ll Over West.
Behni-e W alker «tiidentH • n holding
positio;: w ith ev ery large H in n r.i ia
I o r t h o 3; ni fact, these stu d en ts »re
‘ ntaM,- ; «.od ' tn « vorj section of : ha
X ort h west.
1*. ini' ■ W alk' r tra in in g bar 1 m < »me a
; n yin for thorough business tra in in g
a:m ng th* busi .< >.« men of th is sectiou,
Ihr.eigh the u n tirin g e ffo rts of the
pi« lent. I. .»I. W alker who s ta te s
th a t his ami in building up a log busi­
ness college was not only to m ake good
b«> k k iep ers and good stenographer«,
but to h'iild < haraetei to have stu d en ts
¡« ¡¡.e
the college w ith a b read view of
life and its responsibilities.
ione stu d en t is not c:n b u rraised bi
■HERE i* perhaps no one thin g out f lack o f educational advantages
young people need so much as thcr- pr**vioiiM to enrollm ent, and so that
each stu d en t may progress as rapidly
ough business train in g .
It is said th a t 90 per cent o f the as his ab ility and e ffo rts will permit.
business men of th is day and age are ! he wisdom o f this plan has been
U niversity graduates
failures. W herein lies th e tro u b le ! In dem onstrated.
nine cases out of ten. th ere is a lack and those from t 1 m ? grades work side
of system — a lack of p rep aratio n for by side.
business. C a rtiu l tra in in g will rem edy
Good Work Done.
th is evil.
Good work is being done and a busi­
Few young people realize the bless­ ness like atm osphere is felt on every
ing th ey en.ioy in living at a tim e when side.
they can ta k e a course in a business
F requent ta lk s to the students are
college, and get th e tra in in g in a few given on various subjects from polities
Lad Born. Farmer.
T he little lad seems to be a born m o n th s' tim e which it took th eir fath ers to dress, by the j r »id» nt <-f the college
husbandm an. When th ree years old he as many y ears to acquire in th e w liool and by business men and women.
A choral class hae been organiped
used to go to the p astu re alone and of experience.
College 11 Y ears Old.
under th e direction of Dr. Enna. one
b rin g in th e cows. He could not tie
A t P o rtlan d , Oregon, is located the o f the leading imi-dcians in this sec
them , but would have them in th e ir
desire the in ­
rig h t places aud knew the nam e of each Belmke W alker Business College, oc­ tion, and stud»nt> *
about baking with
one. He tak es a keen in terest in all th e cupying th e old Y. M. G. A. building, stru ctio n m ay join th e class.
at F o u rth n ear Morrison streets. The
a ff a irs of the farm .
fa c t th a t th is in stitu tio n w as iounded baseball club was organized in the col
D uring the past season he took charge only 11 y ears ago seems alm ost in
lege. In th is way good clean sport is
of a Jersey calf, which he led about and redilde. considering the size, the equip eucouiagvd am ong the students.
train ed to drive w ith an im provised bar m ent of th e school and th e num ber of
Its leavening action is so
The position question — th e placing of
ness and reins.
and so thorough. I t
¡stu d en ts eurolled.
student*— is one th at r« civet* a great
leaves the dough deliciously
M any a «t t i lent
I The school occupies about one half deal of a tten tio n .
¡acre of school room, and in addition w ants a position, hut could not hold it
to this, a new ty p ew ritin g room on the
Crescent M fg . Co.,
fourth floor is to be ready for ocrup tak e a young man or young woman arnl
.S e a t t le , W n .
laiicy th is fall.
V isiting th e d ifferen t shorthand, type a young |>erw»n should p erfect his tr a in ­
w ritin g , bookkeeping and telegraph ing b eto r applying for any position.
rooms, and seeing so many stu d en ts a t i They can get some one who has been
i WO head« are paid often to be bett< r
work so earn estly , prep arin g for busi train ed , ao why should they bother to GET IT FROM
th an one. This is^not alw ays the nene life, one cannot help feeling that | tra in an y o n e!
case. I t depend» upon the ease. it bodes well fo r the fu tu re of the 1’a ' The m anagem ent of the school confer YOUR GROCER
In a recen t bulletin, published in th is cific N orthw est.
w ith business men to b a rn ju st v.-hat the
25c Per lb.
business nitii w ant, and ju st what they
p aper, from the U n iv ersity uf W ash­
System Is W atchw ord.
do not w ant, in employes, ami govern
ington at Pullm an, w ritten by P rofessor
System is th e w atchw ord throughout them selves accordingly in planning the
H . L. B lanchard, th e w riter declare«!
I th e d ep artm en ts.
work of th e school.
th a t the only cure fo r roup was to “ cut
o ff th e ch ick e n 's head aud get rid of i A carefu l record is kept of atten d
Student« Are Placed.
h e r ,” thus prev en tin g th e spread o f |* nee- » '« d en ts being required to make
I f the student« would do the work
the disease.
ont ta rd y b lan k s when late and excuse assigned in a careful, p ain stak in g wav.
„ n n-
. >•
¡b lan k s on leaving school a t irreg u la r and th u s p rep are them selves for a posi V A C U U M
From Mrs. II. T. K innev. an A rlin g ,
., „ . ,
. '7* ..
H and I’uw er & Kl'-i tric.
,, , ,
, ,,
hour«, which m ust he O. K d. a t th e ot tio n , th ey would In* place«!. The nurn
ton. W ash., farm er, the Home and Farm p
From $4.00 u|
Agent« WanU-d.
her o f e a llr th e college receives for
Ma s in in e section has received th e fol
W. L. B F N T L E Y A CO.
low ing le tte r, which s|leaks for itself
B ehnke W alker fills a need in the cnm jietent help is far in ex»-#»«« of tlo-
l l t h and W ashington S treets.
and w hich we commend to P rofessor ¡Community— ac tu a l business methods n u n b tr placed. When a stu d en t is put
P o rtlan d , O regon.
• re tau g h t. H ere, too, ia • place fo r a in a position, th e college w ants to be Only V aru sm • lem ier Store tn O n-goa,
B lanchard for his opinion:
. a . . ... .
el a«« of atudenta who have not com- able to g u a r a n t y th a t he will prove
Dear Editor:— I should like to answer , A
. ,
. .
„ .
p letea th e course in th e public achool, sa tisfa c to ry to his em ployer, and thu- a i
n . U B lanchard w ith a Bonp C * e which whf, w, Dt more
an d
, fwd
cred it to th e school and him '¿If.
we have ...e d aud know it to be very th „ fh„v are over(fWWn
’ out of
I t m ay be o f in terest to m any to know WHERE RIVER RAIL A N D OCEAM
.occessfi.l a r d recom mend .U use:
l p U fe in the pubh(. KhwoU The work
th a t seven o f th e girls who ran for
T ake 1 oz. f n itra te of lead to 7 oze. is arran g ed especially to help these, Queen o f th e Kos« F e stiv a l are Behnke-
of w ater. W ith m edicine dropper put W ith rtu d in t« enrolling a t any tim e W alker girls who did good work while
F o r A storia, W arrenton, F lavel or
in the eye« and th ro at. T ake 4 lb. ni during the y e a r and h aving such a d if in college an d a re m aking a creditable N ew A storia P ro p erty ,, enll on or w rit«
tr a te of lead to a tu b of w ater and dip 1 <Vrem e in ed ucation to begin the work record in th e ir p resen t positions.
to A. R CYRUS, 386 Com m ercial 8 t .
each chicken. Do th ia in th e chicken ; m a businefa college, it was necessary
The seven B ehnke W alk er Business
honee and «pray th e chicken house w ith to fo rm u late some plan to ta k e c a r^ of College g irls w ere: M atild a Peterson, A storia. On-goo.
w hat is le ft.
all. H ence, the work ia arran g ed ao C ity H all; M innie Sm ith, L adies of the
Ir 9 1
* r,l
f o r t h e coin - c f ir
Th>s receipt woika. Mrs. II. B. K iu ¡th a t a gr*»at deal o f in d iv id u al in at rue .Maccabees; H elen Fitag« raid, 8 P . A 8 .;
in C afif-im in , 110 m ite , of f i r . to i t > . ^
uon van be ¿ n u n — so th a t one student 1 Lunn Ustetvuld, Wuoduioa ot the W orld, beeu b u ilt au Ibe tu e rta b a tlu rx i fureau
Great Comfort
“ Crescent
Farmer Disagrees
with Pullman
Astoria By The Sea