____________ H O O T and farm magazine section -____________ A W eekly Page of Poultry Hints to You p*vo 1» * Department Full of Bright Idea« for Readers of the Home and Farm Magazine Section. p y M T l/r g r hoouoa may bo built more O]":B anti oonooqimotly lens ax- uraxivaly in our B o o th s» Btotsx than in tha North. Howevor, a house which gives satis­ faction in Oregon or Washington will ItUu g ive good result« in Tazna os Cali­ fornia. Tbs best sits for a poultry hrmas in any location it one where good watai and air drainage are ovaiLiblo. The floor and yards will then be dry. The lamee nttoulA not occupy a low hollow in which cold air settles. Wher­ ever poHsihie, a southern or southeast ern exposure should he selected, al­ though this is no* essential if thora is any good rowaoo for facing the house in a differen t direction. Syutems Are Compared. There are two popular ways in which to raise poultry, the “ intensive eys tcro’’ and the “ oolony system .“ The first of thiwe aims to save steps, and accomplishes this purpose. Long sta­ tionary houses are used. It is easier, however, to keep the birds healthy and to reproduce the stock under the second gystom. Under the colony system, the birds are allowed free range, the houses, houses, which hold about 100 hsns each, being placed from 200 to 250 feet apart, eo that tho stock will not kill the grass, ♦ h is system may be adapted to severe winter conditions by drawing the colony housoa together in a convenient place at tho beginning of winter, thus reduc­ ing the labor during the eold months. The first system is more suited for hens used solely for the production of mar k it eggs than for those used to breed ■lock. Pew Fences as Possible. Feneos mean an outlay of money, and this outlay is more or less continu­ ous, as they must be maintained after being installed. There should ba as few fences as possible dividing the lets and the yards, aa land can be kept “ sw eet’ ’ more enaily if not fenced, and fresh, s vi net land is a valuable asset in poultry raising. On good soil, a greensward may bo b s kept up by allowing 200 to 250 square feet of land per bird. This means 217 or 174 birds per acre. More space is ueceiwary ou poor or light land. A larger number of fowls are usually kept to the acre where double yards aro used and the land is fre quently cultivated. Plymouth rocks, and the other heavy meat breode in small yards require fences 5 to 8 feet high, while a fence 0 to 7 feet high ia necessary for leghorns. The upper two feet o f the fence for the latter may be inclined inward at aa angle of 30 di’grees, or * strand of barbed wire mav be used oa top of the regular wire to keep them ooufinod. It m also some times ueeeeeary to elip the wing feath­ ers of one wing of these birds that per- siet In getting onk A board or strip along the top of the fence ia not ad visable. Liens will often fly over such an arrangement. P aint Helps Appearance, l'osts may bo set or driven into the ground. They should be set 8 to 10 foot optr with couimoa poultry netting, or 18 to 20 feet with woven wire. Corner fa ists sh o u ld be about 8 inches in diameter, »ad be so l four feet in the ground, while intervening poets may be 4 or 5 isekeo in diaiaetor and set 3 feet la the ground. That part of the post which m not ts tho ground may be •barred or treated with some wood pre­ servative to advantage, while corner |H'ste should be firmly braeed er eat in aeiuenk All buildings and appliancaa cm a p o u ltr y farm will be Improved greatly, both m a|>pearanca and ia eervireahd tty by the addition of pamL Ona may buy rved mixed paints, or may purchase paste pigments and oil and mix them. All surfaces should be elran and dry be­ fore they are painted. Use a priming eoat made of equal parts of paint and |ii,seed od and cover with one or more •oats of paint, which should b s thor- •a g h ly rubbed into the snrfaoo. Whitewash la Cheap* Whltowash is the cheapest o f all paints and may be used either for ox ternw er interior r.ifso o si It can be made by staking shoot 18 pounds o f yitok lim s ia • paU e it h two J* I water, covering the pail with d o th or burlap and allowing it to slake for one hour. Water is thon added to bring the whitewash to a ooinostaney which may be applied readily* A weatherproof whitewash for ex ­ terior surfaces may be made aa follows: (1) Slake 1 bushel of quicklime in 12 gallons o f hot water, (8) dissolve 3 pounds of common salt and 1 pound of sulphate of xino in 8 gallons o f boiling water; pour (8) into (1 ), then add 2 gallons of skim milk and mix thorough­ ly. Whitewash is spread lightly over the surface with a broad brush. Feed Breeding Hens. When large numbers of eggs that ill hatch well and produce strong chicks are desired, breeding hens must be well fed, both as to quautity and quality. One should not expect to get high production from hens which are not abundantly fed without gradual weakening of the stock. One of two tEings must happen when fow ls are fed too sparingly— the de­ veloping ovules will be reabsorbed, or, in the ease of fow ls in which tho laying characteristic is strongly in her 11 ml, the hen will use material in the form of food which should be used to build up the body tissues in the manufacture of more eggs. In the latter case, egg production can­ not keep up but for a short time, be­ cause tho bird rapidly loses strength. An abundance of food is therefore one of the necessities where a continuous •gg production and strong chicks are desired. •• • ;" '■ - l i J ~ O T í" ' « - W A N T E D -F A H M LAND We have city property to exchange for farm lands. Tell us what you have. We w ill consider livestock, with or without land. Will exchange western I laud for eastern land or city property. [ SW A N K B R O T H E R S 611 Northwest Building. Main 4190. Portland, Oregon. Hotel Benson T Y P E W R IT E R S Carl Stanley, Manager KENT * T y p e w r it« from the r n .n c f .c t n r « . >5 lor three m oi.the, Kemiiigton No. 6 or No. 7; Sm ith Prem ier, No. 2 or No. 4 ; visible Keminirti.ii. Monsroh. Sm ith Prem ier, 83 per month delivered anyw here. Itebuilt m achines sold oil easy paym ents. O. Kirke Drury, Asst. Mgr. FIRE and element proof hotel with every modern convenience a n d equip­ ment. Central location. Two beautiful dining rooms. New buffet. Sample rooms. Rates no higher than those in in­ ferior establishments. A u t o busses meet all trains. Send fo r beautifully illustrated booklet. A REMINGTON TY PE W ITT E R COMPANY. 86 ftoedway. Pcoiand. Oregon RAT SWAT The New Rodent Exterminator RATS A ND SQUIRRELS Provide Plenty Feed. GO IN A SINGLE NIGHT D on't make the mistake of thinking you can half feed your hens and make If Your Dealer Does N ot Have It, a success of the poultry business. The Write Os. wants of the hen's body come first. If there is any surplus it goes into the AMERICAN DISTRIBUTING CO., eggs. Where there is no surplus then 1004 Broadway Bldg., Portland, Oregon. are no eggs. It is your business to pro­ vide enough food for both the hod} and the eggs. PORTLAND, OREGON. A “MIRACLE” Nickel Plate Lower Freight Rates Are Foreseen FREE Send today for a FR E E S A M P L E of our E X C U R S IO N R A T E S HE P acific Coast Forwarding Com­ pany is operating o ffices and con­ solidating warehouses at Portland, Oregon, for the purpose o f consolidat­ ing lees than carload shipments of household goods, machinery and auto mobiles into full carloads for all points in the East, South and to Canada. Cars are also operated from tho East to all points in tho West for incoming goods. Thia service fills a long fe lt want in the shipping line aa it now enables the shipper of less than carload lots to com bins his tonnage with other shippers of the same commodity and through tha agency of the P acific Coast Forwarding Company to secure reduced rates and better Service en route without the use less delay and consequent loss sustained when shipping less than earload d i­ rectly through the railroad companies. The system is now operating in the Easters territory on a very large scale sod has been endorsed by all railroads as 14 furnishes them with carload busi- n«aa with much less annoyance on ac count o f small damage claims due to excessive handling o f goods. The company loads and unloads its own cart checking carefully every item listed and in every way protects the shipped It ia an enterprise that is ap predated. T “M IR A C L E ” On Household G o o d s , Automobiles and Machinery To and From AU Points. PACIFIC COAST FORWARDING CO. 207 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Portland, Ore. VIOLIN STRING Absolutely tho Fin« eat Violin String in the World. GRAVES Cash Register Bargains M U S IC C O . Our prices about half other dealers. We \ e w L o c a tio n , 1S1 F o u r th S tr e e t. pay highest price for second-hand regie P ortlan d * Or. tors. We do expert repairing and guar ic lu a lv e Ajprnta fo r C. G. CONN Hand antee our work. Will exchange to suit K I a a tm u ie n ta . «tend fo r C a tiU o r o e and Our Latent S e w n d -U a n d 1.1 at. our requirements. SUNDW ALL CO. 805 2nd avenue, Seattle. Phone Main 1180. free egg cases . CLASSIFIED advertising F II Schmal» % Co., paid u p capital >10,- 000, evtablished 100A, want 50 0 more farm­ er» aa regular «hip p eri of freak eggs each werk and will «end free on rekueat, by m«n tioning thia paper, an egg ease. H i g h «at market price guaranteed. W rite today. Tags, pricer fr e a V eal, hogs, poultry and hides else wanted. No eom alsaiona ehargetk A GOOD PRACTICAL farm er w ith enongh capital for «toefc and ekuipm ent, can aeeura a favorable long Un»e leaaa oa one of tha best frnu. cow and hog ranches in E astern W ashington. W. W. Belden, 105 W hite Bldg^ Seattle, Wash. F . II. S C H M A L Z & CO. The imports s f m atches C hins greatly m eead ia value any other wood produeh Must of the matches ccme in from Japan. 1*5 Front Street. Portland. Oregon. BABY C H IC K S Rtar StraJTi, 25,000 T el to SeH In May and Ju n < s i s Special P r ie s of S NGLE i OM fl W HITE LEGHORNS 8 1 0 .0 0 per 10ft. R« «1 m ortgage U ftars A postal w ill bring a m salesm an to your mail bo& I. D. CASEY &. S O N S E m u L W u U tU L W u lu n g ia s / d i , » h l. C o x p oo n s « m o li lo Iho ilo a o m e . fo r f u ll In fo r m a tio n .— No LIEB HEALTH ACCIDENT obUcotlon lneorroA. O n e P o lic y ZA » r P L E T R V7 IVI B I N A T I O ONTRACT Violin String Have tha tn u u n in gs op . your auto ntekel plated. Also all ether kinds of finish«« on a«f metal W rite for prices. M ail orders promptly filled. OREGON PLATING WORKS Kith and Aldttr Streets, Portland, t>r*