HOME AND FARM MAGAZINE SECTION Among the Orchards of the Northwest A Page of Interesting Advice and Information About Fruits, Large and Small. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ in th e han d s o f some capable frien d or S' some responsible com pany th a t ean give S> <$> tho sam e care to liia o rchard they would S> < give th e ir own, his o rchard will th en become a producer of comm ercial ap «> plea. I f these orchards of non resid en ts 4> <$■ are n o t in te llig e n tly and sk illfully ■$> handled, an d th e fr u it n ot graded and <$> honestly packed, th en i t will not en ter <$■ th e m ark ets. A y e a r o f larg e production like 1912 surrounds an incom petent or financially BY E . F. S T E P H E N S . w eak grow er w ith g rav e difficu lties. H E com m ercial apple o reh ard ist is P erh ap s his c ap ital will not allow him o ften asked by h ii-frie n d s , “ Do to store his fr u it in his own or some you hope to fin d room to m ark et o th er w arehouse until th e m ark ets ask all tho apples you are g ro w in g !" In fu r it. P erh ap s his fr u it is shipped b e­ m y own case I expect to produce in a fore th ere is a dem and, or too many single season th ree hundred to four ra re are shipped to one point, or fo r hundred car loads of upples from the some o th er reasons it does not render orchards in my care. him a su ita b le p ro fit, th en th e w eaker W hat are th e conditions surrounding and less successful grow ers become dis tho fu tu re m ark et of the comm ercial couraged an d neglect th e ir orchards. a p p le t R ecently, in L incoln, N eb., 1 T hey th e n drop out o f th e race and are found Ben D avis grow n in K an sas sell­ no longer com petitors w ith th e up-to- in g a t w holesale fo r $6 a b arrel. Jo n a d ate com m ercial orchardists. th a u s a t *6.50 a b arrel, ami o th er v a ­ P er Cent Produce. rieties in barrels a t sim ilar prices. P rofessor B ailey, a v ery noted and W estern box apples, w holesale, are sell­ reliable w rite r on h o rticu ltu ral topics, in g a t $2.25 to $2.75 a box. The Y akim a s ta te s th a t only 10 per cen t o f the F r u it G row ers’ Union j s selling Wine- fr u it trees sold by n ursery men ever saps f. o. b. Y akim a, Wash., a t $2.25 a become p ro d u ctiv e a n d b ear fru it for box. These prices are ex trao rd in ary , a continuous period. T he others fall b y and arise from th e fa c t th a t th e crop th e w ayside. of apples fo r 1913 in th e U n ited S tates The production of apples is less a t w ith boxes com puted fn barrels, was th is tim e th a n ten y ears ago fo r th e rea only 25,000,000 b arrels as a g a in st 45,- sons above suggested, w hile th e citru s 000,000 barrels fo r tho crop of 1912. grow ers and th e b an an a tru s t have P roduction on Increase. tak en up some portio n of tho apple Tho average production of tho U nited m ark et, y e t tho production of apples S ta te s fo r th e la s t ten y ears has fallen has fallen o ff, and du rin g th e n ex t fiv e to not f a r from 30,000,000 b a rre ls a n ­ y ears th e m ark et is n o t likely to be nually. W henever the crop fails below overstocked w ith apples. T here seems 40,000,000 barrels the com m ercial g ro w ­ y e t to be room in th e expanding m a r­ er may be sure of good prices fo r his k ets of th e w orld for e x tra Taney and apples, if proportly grow n, p acked and fan cy g rad es of fru it, grown and m ar m arketed. k eted by th e in tellig en t, up-to-date anil On the streets, my frien d s tell me successful o reh ard ist. I t is believed th a t oranges are as cheap as apples, th a t th e P an am a C anal will help to ex­ th a t while th e consum ption o f oranges p and tho m ark et fo r apples grown upon is up to the lim it of production, the tho P acific C o a st Tho in h a b ita n ts of orange does not ta k e th e place of tho tho island» o f th e P acific and tho apple. The apple can be eaten fo r o rien tal races a r e ’'g rad u ally becom ing m any m onths in th e y e a r and can bo consum ers of apples. By th e use of g rad ers and by p ack ­ cooked in m any and v aried w ays. I t will be d iffic u lt to develop an y oth er ing in th e most a ttra c tiv e and up-to- f r u it w hich will really su p p lan t the d a te m anner, th e o reh ard ist can get his apple in th e m ark ets o f the country. pro d u ct before th e public in sush form People tell us th a t by p e rsisten t a d ­ as to increase th e sale and broaden his v ertisin g , wide d istrib u tio n and fo rc ­ m ark et. A y ear lik e 1912 should de­ in g the fr u it in to consum ption, o fttim es cidedly enconrage th e o reh ard ist who by very low prices, th ey have been has su ffic ie n t cap ital to co n stru ct cold ab le to increase th e consum ption of a ir sto rag e houses eith e r on his own th o b an an a from 10,000 to 75,000 e a r­ lan d or a t his n earest railro ad sw itch. loads annually. T heir e ffo rt is to m ake T hus equipped w ith sto rag e fa cilities th e ban an a the f r u it of th e w orkm an u n d er his own control, th e o reh ard ist w ill n o t co n trib u te to th e depressing and th e child. overstock a t any point by turow ing uu Millions #of Trees Planted. The apple o reh ard ist has th ese con­ solicited c ar loads on m arket» already ditions to contend w ith. He m ust o r­ filled. ganize a cam paign of ed ucation, c a ll­ in g a tte n tio n to th e m any and v aried uses th a t can be m ade o f th e apple, and m ust endeavor to in a u g u ra te d if ­ fe re n t system s of d istrib u tio n . U nder previous m ethods, too m any carloads o f apples w ere shipped to th e largo cen ters. The sm aller tow ns, able to i l / ^ I E R B Y trees in thia region a re han d le a c ar or one-half car, w ere o ften in fested w ith tw o serious in ­ overlooked and neglected. The re ta ile r sect pests, and my office re ­ usually asks fo r more p ro fit fo r bis ceive» a g re a t m any Inquiries concerning w ork in d istrib u tin g apples th a n th e m ethods of co m b attin g th e m ,” said J . gTower can hope to m ake on th e e n tire B. Shinn, county a g ric u ltu rist of Spo­ y e a r ’s w ork. kane. “ T he insects are th e black To illu s tra te : In my home tow n I ch erry ap h is and th s cherry leaf sing. supply th e local m erch an ts w ith ap­ “ S p ray in g w ith a com bination of th e ples a t $1.59 a box, and th e y im m edi­ lim e sulphur, and th e tobseeo spray a te ly dispose of them a t $2.25 a box, a know n as B lack L eaf 4 0 ,’ ju s t an th e p ro f it of 50 per cen t on an artic le in ch erry buds are opening has resulted his bands b u t a few days. Should these in p rev en tin g 90 to 100 p er cen t of apples go on th e stan d o r .b e sold by ap his infectio n . The m ix tu re is made th e grocer in sm all lots, th e selling by using one gallon of comm ercial lime p rice is likely to be doubled. T his phase sulphur to 10 gallons of w ater, and add o f d istrib u tio n w ill require earn est a t ­ ing one p a rt of th e ‘ B lack L eaf 4 0 ’ to ten tio n . 8u0 p a rts o f th e d ilu te lime sulphur. In th e m a tte r o f production, we know “ The cherry sing is th e progency of th a t m illions of apple trees have been a sm all fly which depoeits eggs on th e p lan ted in M ontana, W ashington, O re­ low er su rface of th e leaves. These gon and Idaho. These s ta te s have the eggs h atch in to slime covered larv ae clim ate, sod and w ater suited to larg e th a t do so much dam age by e atin g aw ay production. W hat then will happen to th e green portion of th e leaves, leaving th e m illion». of trees p lan ted in th e no th in g b u t a netw ork o f leaf veins. Stale* and »old to nou resid en t inves Two rem edies b a re proven successful in to rsi th e n o rth w est in co m bating these slugs. Incompetent Grower In Fix. One is th e use o f a sp ray co n tain in g one I f th e non resid en t in v esto rs fin d s pound of w hite hellebore to 50 gallons h im self able to give up his presen t line o f w ater and th e o th er co n tain s one p a rt o f work and to give personal a tte n tio n uf ‘ Black L eaf 4 0 ' to 800 p a rts of w ater. to his fiv e or ten acres; or if he it These sp ray s are need as sooa ns tb e ■hie to place the care of his orchard slugs are discovered on th e fo lia g e .” TBe big problem th e orchard- 1st faces these day», and it is a problem for comm ercial pur- poses, as p a rt o f his w ork, is the disposal o f his crop. Mr. Steph- ens has a fow id eas well w orth considering on how to o b tain th e m aximum cash y ield from apple orchards. T . .. 5 A c r e s fo r $ 2 5 0 .0 0 FARM ERS! $ 1 0 .0 0 DOWN AND $5 .0 0 PE R MONTH. BIG SAC R IFIC E! Buys 5 acres of good level logged off land, betw een Portland and Centralia, on the mam lino of thine railroads, 1 l a m iles from a tew n of 1,000 population, saw m ills and other ind ustries. We have 160 acres to choose from, eotne of th ese tracts are abonl ‘•a cleared; also a fin e trout creek runs through them. You can got any kind of la y ­ ing tract that you w ank Som e of th is laud is bottom land. 180 acre dlverxified D airy and Ilog ranch all fn cultivation except 10 acres in pasture. FINE SPRING AND CREEK. Good Seven Room House, Fine Large Barn. OTHER OUT BUILDINGS. Following STOCK inclnded: SEVENTEEN MILCH COW4 (M ostly n — . Perfect Title and Warranty Deed. CHARLES DELFF.L J e rse y s) 212 R ailw ay E xch ange Rldg . betw een 8rd and Fourth, on Stark St., Portland, Ore. FOUR CALVES ONE BULL EIGHT HORSES SIXTY HOGS AND ABOUT $1000 WORTH MACHIN­ ERY, TOOLS. ETC. THIS ENTIRE PROPERTY A SNAP A first class steam laundry. F u lly equipped. Laundry bu ildin gs mud residence; w agon; team s. Earning $ 7 0 0 per w eek. Splendid town. $ 4 ,0 0 0 ; easy terms. W ELL WORTH $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 E V E R Y T H IN G GOES, IF SOLD T H IS W EEK. FOR $1 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 W IL L R EQ U IR E $ 4 ,500 CASIL P E O P L E S R EA LTY CO., 14 N. 6th St., Portland, Oregon. WOULD YOU L IK E AN IN COM E OP $3,500 A Y EA R ? If so, and you have $ 1 ,0 0 0 to invest in a The Harbolt Realty Company INC. good, le gitim ate bu sin ess that w ill aland the strictest in vestigation , w rite to me 710 LEWIS BUILDING, Fourth and Oak. Marshall 4200. A-7158 JOHN »SPRINGS, 312 H enry Bldg. 812 H e n r y Bldg., P o rtlan d , Oregon. A B A R E O PPO R T U N IT Y FO R AN A LA SK A N IN V E S T M E N T . The stock and buml house of H erria & Rhodes, Inc., S eattle, Wash., th e old­ est established firm in thia line in Level Valley Land For Sale in Harney Val W ashington, has been authorized by the loy, Harney County, Oregon, at Prices m anagem ent o f the Golden llill Con­ Ranging From $ 2 0 .0 0 to $ 3 0 .0 0 Per Acre. Term s, ten per cent cash and the balance solidated M im a Com pany, situ a te d in in nine equal annual paym ents, payable on the fam ous Willow Creek free gold or before m aturity, w ith interest at six per q u artz d is tric t of A laska, to »ell 100,- cent. D eep and productive soil, no rock, no 000 shures o f treasury- stock n t loe per gravel. Y ields m agn ificent crops of wheat, barley, rye, oata, flax, field peas, field roots, share. The rem arkable fe a tu re of th is aUaJfs. meadow grasses, fru its and garden commission is tlm t wo are furnished UTii k. E xcellen t and abundant w ater at from w ith a w ritten g u aran tee th a t the full teu to fifteen feet. purchase price of these shares is to be An nn surpassed opportunity for those re tu rn e d to nil of the purchasers of looking for a horn«.. Lack of railroad trans tins stock in d ividends before an y other portation has up to the prennot tim e kept p a rtic ip a te in the thia great valley from being largely brought shareholders can The gu aran tee provides th a t under cu ltivation ; how ever, the Oregon A pro fits. E astern R ailw ay Company ia now engaged the money is to bo used only fo r a in constructing a hu e into the valley, and »tam p mill, w hich is under construction the road w ill be com pleted in the vary M ar now, and is expected to bo in operation future. on Ju ly 15. T here is su ffic ie n t ore in Far booklet containing farther inform ation, sight to w a rra n t a su b sta n tia l p ro fit addroaa from th is se a s o n ’s run, and to reim ­ burse the purchasers of th is stock. By O r e g o n & W e s te r n C o lo n i­ reason of tin s operation tho shares should g reatly increase in face value. z a tio n Co. T his is a g re a t opp o rtu n ity fo r a good 968 Stark Portland, Ore. investm ent. M ail your check today. We will gladly fu rn ish you fu rth e r in fo r­ m ation. R eference»— Any B eattie Bank, i H errin & Rhodes, Inc., estab lish ed IK9fl, M ining, Oil & B ank S tock B rokers, 119 From 10 to 500 acres, state how mm-h Adv. under cu ltivation and also what im prove­ C hesry lit., B euttle, W ashington. 5 0 ,0 0 0 ACRES FARM S W ANTED m e n ts; full description and location terms, etc. I ’ll do tho ru st, option required. Redwood saw d u st is being used by vine- yard ists in C alifornia for p u r lin g fresh la id , »rapes. It tak es the place of the ground cork used for im ported Spanish grapes. C H A S. HIRSTEL 104 Sherlock Building, Portland, Oregon. New Cherry Pests Are Being Found O n C o Y \f \ « s « s c Y T>\e G r« » t Oertxrx YSe& cYy at Have you ever experienced the delight« of a vacation at a real seaside resort? i t ’s the finest outing in the world, for nothing compares with the real ocean for genuine fun, pleasure, sport and health upbuilding recreation power. If you would like to know how you can obtain a choice lot for nothing in the new Northwest Pacific Ocean Resort Town- site of EEAHURST, where $100,000.00 will be spent in improve­ ments, simply fiii in and mail us the attached coupon. The proposition is only open to a limited num ber of people. To be in time you must return the coupon prom ptly. OBEOOH ■ WASHIMOTOR DEVELOPUEMT COMl'AJTT 401-8 O tmb Bulldlaa, Bcatua, Waak. B.nd irs futí partí calar, refan U af yu»r prupualttoa, • ! „ ymu fr e , trio atratad foldaa deserttMng Seahurat, Ihe caw ' h w s Keaoat Towaaite ol ib , NsrthwsaK Nam».. . . . . . . . . . . a . . » n ... ............ • Blraa» or K F. D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tows. m . m . , - . , < - » . - • • « B is t ,..-------------- , , , IJa. , M