Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 07, 2023, Page 11, Image 11

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    Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, June 7, 2023 -- ELEVEN
Sheriff’s Report
The Morrow County Sheriff’s Office has released the following information:
November 26, 2022
-MCSO received a
driving complaint regarding
a red Blazer that was swerv-
ing into oncoming traffic
heading south from Lexing-
ton on Hwy. 74. The vehicle
was gone when MCSO
arrived on the scene.
-A male in Irrigon stat-
ed that he heard a large
bomb coming from the area
of the high school.
-A woman in Heppner
requested a welfare check
because she believed her
children were left unat-
tended at that time. She
stated her children were
12, 10 and 9 and on the au-
tism spectrum. She advised
her ex-husband tells them
goodnight and goes to bed
without making sure that
they are asleep. She did not
know if her ex was at the
residence at the time but
was requesting contact.
-An employee at Port
View Apartments in Board-
man requested a check on a
male resident. His vehicle
had not moved in a week
or two and no one in the
same apartment complex
had seen him. A Boardman
police officer made contact
with the male, and every-
thing was ok.
-Staff at Boardman
Harvest Town Foods re-
quested that a female sub-
ject be trespassed for life.
Boardman PD responded
and trespassed the female.
-A caller in Boardman
stated someone just stole a
bag of cans from his resi-
dence .
-Irrigon Ambulance
responded to an 89-year-old
female in Irrigon who was
having labored breathing
and nausea. Patient was
transported to Good Shep-
were random dead birds on
their property due to con-
cern about the bird flu. The
caller advised he had a dead
bird, possibly a hawk, in his
driveway. The incident was
referred to another agency.
-A caller on Utah St. in
Irrigon stated that the white
Ford Explorer was parked
at the intersection with
Division again in a manner
that was unsafe to pedes-
trians. MCSO responded
and determined the vehicle
was legally parked and no
-A man in Irrigon re-
ported that about 25 head
of calves had shown up at
his pasture. They were a
variety of ages, some cows
and yearlings. There were
also a variety of colors,
mainly light-colored ones.
A deputy responded. The
possible owner was located
and would be checking the
-A woman in Irrigon
called via the Language
Line and stated that her
husband had her kids and
that they had not been to
school in a week and she
would like to know what
could be done.
-A caller advised of
loud music coming from
a neighbor’s apartment in
Heppner. A deputy respond-
ed and made contact with
the neighbor regarding the
-A man in Boardman
advised he wanted to report
harassment from his ex-
wife and her boyfriend. The
caller requested to speak to
a Spanish-speaking officer.
-Irrigon Ambulance
responded to a 72-year-old
male who had a fever and
was not mobile. Patient
was transported to Good
November 27, 2022—
Morrow County Sheriff’s
Office and Boardman PD
responded to a report of a
suicidal subject in Board-
man. The caller advised the
dad wanted to kill himself.
Community Counseling
Solutions was advised.
-Caller wanted to report
a black cow walking east-
bound on the westbound
shoulder near the fog line
on I-84, Boardman.
-A person in Irrigon re-
ported a suspicious vehicle
cutting off a license plate of
a blue or black Honda. The
vehicle had moved on and
the caller was requesting
-A woman in Boardman
reported that there were
two German shepherds on
her property attacking her
dogs in the back yard. The
dog owners took care of
the incident civilly, no law
enforcement assistance was
-A male in Irrigon ad-
vised that the health de-
partment put out a notice
to notify them when there
November 28, 2022—
A male in Irrigon advised
he was in a dispute with his
father and his father wanted
the caller to get his animals
off the property or else he
would turn them out, but
the caller was unable to at
the moment. The caller was
requesting contact.
-A man in Heppner ad-
vised there was a big buck
behind his location that
appeared to be injured. He
requested contact.
-A man near Ione ad-
vised he was flagged down
and advised of an over-
turned Suburban with in-
jury. Ione Fire, Heppner
Fire, Heppner Ambulance,
Morrow County Road Dept.
and Morrow County Sher-
iff’s Dept. responded.
-A woman in Boardman
advised her boyfriend was
intoxicated and wouldn’t
leave. The male was in
the garage and nothing
physical had happened.
Boardman PD, Boardman
Ambulance and Boardman
Fire responded. The patient
was transported to Good
Shepherd and the caller
was provided with options
and restraining order infor-
-A caller at Main Street
Laundry in Boardman ad-
vised of an open door to a
room that is usually closed.
It had electrical equipment
and it looked like someone
went through it. A Board-
man PD officer responded
and shut the door.
-Boardman PD report-
ed giving a courtesy ride for
a juvenile to high school.
-A woman in Board-
man reported missing her
nine-week-old black lab
puppy named Yoshi. The
dog had a black collar with
a red tag and had been miss-
ing since 5:20 a.m.
-A caller at Driftwood
RV Park, Boardman, re-
quested Boardman PD con-
tact regarding the main-
tenance building having
been broken into over the
weekend. The caller ad-
vised there were two elec-
tric drills missing from the
building and unknown if
anything else was taken.
-A man in Boardman
requested Boardman PD
contact regarding an on-
going issue of a person
harassing him and making
physical threats against him
in person and by phone.
-Boardman PD served
a restraining order.
-A female advised
Boardman PD that there
was a protection order ap-
proved that day and that
the order stated the caller’s
husband got the kids from
4 p.m. to 8 p.m.. The caller
stated the male had been
making threats to her and
refusing to return the kids.
She requested officers ac-
company her if possible.
November 29, 2022—
A caller at Lamb Weston
in Boardman advised he
crashed into a semi truck
across from the location.
There were no injuries, and
it was non-blocking. Board-
man Ambulance, Boardman
Fire and Boardman PD
-Boardman Fire and
Boardman Ambulance re-
sponded to a 50-year-old
male at Lamb Weston in
Boardman who had lac-
erations on two fingers,
possibly down to the bone.
The patient was transported
to Good Shepherd.
-Irrigon Ambulance
transported a 73-year-old
female with tightness in the
chest and nausea.
-Irrigon Ambulance
responded to a 14-year-old
male who was breathing but
unconscious. The juvenile
had been sick. The patient
was transported.
-A caller with the City
of Ione reported vandalism
done with a pellet gun. He
advised it was not on city
property, but the subject had
to shoot over the post office
to hit the abandoned build-
ing. The caller believed he
knew who was responsible
and requested contact.
-A person in Irrigon
stated that in an empty lot
to the north, some trash had
been dumped.
-A caller on Hwy. 207
near Lexington advised
of a pallet jack and heavy
equipment cylinder on the
roadway. The caller had
managed to get it off the
road but wanted to advise
Bailey Heavy Equipment
that it possibly fell out of
the truck.
-A Morrow County
Sheriff’s Deputy advised
being out with a possi-
ble disabled vehicle near
Boardman. The individuals
were picking up cans.
-Irrigon Fire advised
MCSO of a vehicle versus
fire hydrant motor vehi-
cle accident. No fire or
emergency services were
-A woman in Gilliam
County advised that her
daughter’s ex had been
threatening her and mak-
ing suicidal threats. Gil-
liam County advised her
to contact MCSO because
the male lived in Morrow
County. MCSO made con-
tact and advised her of her
-A man in Irrigon ad-
vised his pug mix ran off
from his location. Pug had
no collar or tags. He ad-
vised it was okay to give
out his information if the
dog was located.
November 30, 2022—Mor-
row County Parole and Pro-
bation sanctioned a subject to
20 days in jail. Subject was
already lodged at Umatilla
County Jail.
-A caller requested a wel-
fare check on a female in
Irrigon. She had been making
suicidal comments to family
members and the caller was
concerned because she had
three kids in the residence
and the caller was concerned
for their welfare. The caller
had not spoken to the female
because they were no longer
on speaking terms, and want-
ed to remain anonymous.
Morrow County Sheriff’s
Office made contact and
determined the female was
all right.
-A woman in Irrigon ad-
vised her sister’s ex kept
messaging her mom and
threatening her. MCSO
made contact and advised
the individuals of their
December 1, 2022—
Boardman Ambulance
transported a 36-year-old
male with low potassium
who was feeling weak.
-Boardman PD, Board-
man Fire and Boardman
Ambulance responded to a
three-year-old male with a
bloody nose that wouldn’t
stop bleeding. The patient
was transported to Good
177 N. Main
P.O. Box 337
Heppner, OR 97836
-Heppner Ambulance
transported an 84-year-old
female on blood thinners
with a bloody nose that
wouldn’t stop.
-Irrigon ambulance re-
sponded to an 88-year-old
female who was breathing
but not conscious with pos-
sible stroke. Patient was
-A 58-year-old female
approached law enforce-
ment at the Irrigon Shell
and advised of pains and
medical issues. Irrigon
ambulance and Morrow
County Sheriff ’s Office
responded and the patient
was transported.
-A caller in Boardman
advised of a female in red
pants and a red jacket mak-
ing a disturbance in front
of the residence. MCSO,
Boardman PD and Commu-
nity Counseling Solutions
responded and the female
was transported to CCS.
-MCSO was advised
that all the mail boxes had
been broken into on Kunze
and Parkside in Boardman.
-MCSO conducted a
welfare check on a juvenile
in Irrigon.
-A deputy advised of
a vehicle that hit a deer on
Hwy. 74, Heppner. MCSO
advised the individual was
actually attempting to catch
a kitten.
-MCSO was advised
there was a miscommuni-
cation at the Circle K in
Heppner and an individual
drove off without paying for
gas. MCSO made contact
with all parties.
-MCSO was advised of
a pickup pulling a flatbed
with a car on it. The pickup
was speeding 80 mph and
the car only had one strap
on it. MCSO gave Emerald
Lee Eshleman a warning
for no trailer lights but de-
termined the vehicle was
strapped down correctly.
-A caller at Heppner
Les Schwab advised there
was an injured cat that ran
into the shop. The cat was
taken by a local rescue and
was transported to the vet
in the morning.
-A person at Irrigon
Shell advised MCSO that
a red SUV with Washing-
ton plates was harassing
them while driving; it was
slamming on its brakes in
front of them, then followed
them to the gas station.
They advised the other
vehicle was currently on
the other side of the semis
at the Rustic Truck. MCSO
made contact with the caller
but was unable to locate the
other vehicle.
December 2, 2022—
Heppner ambulance and
Heppner fire responded to
a 75-year-old male in Hep-
pner who was conscious
and breathing but was shak-
ing with a 102.3 fever and
couldn’t get warm. Patient
was transported to Pioneer
Memorial Hospital.
-Irrigon ambulance
transported a 69-year-old
male who was having trou-
ble breathing.
-A caller in Irrigon told
dispatch they wanted to re-
port child molestation.
-A caller in Irrigon re-
ported a black Subaru WRX
with a rack on top on SE
Utah; reported it stopped
at the stop sign debating
on what he was going to
do, spinning his tires and
fishtailing. Morrow County
Sheriff’s Office was unable
to locate.
-A caller on SE Utah in
Irrigon reported a four-door
maroon pickup was headed
toward Division and did
not acknowledge the caller,
who was walking on the
side of the road.
-MCSO received report
of a trespass in Irrigon. The
caller reported a Ford F150,
white, 90s model, drove
through their yard at Fred-
erickson Farms and headed
eastbound on the should of
the road. The caller advised
they had never seen the
driver before and didn’t
believe he worked there.
MCSO arrested Marco An-
tonio Garcia for Driving
While Suspended-Misde-
meanor. He was lodged at
Umatilla County Jail with
no bail.
-A caller said he was
advised of an injured duck,
which he located. The in-
dividual was given the
number for Blue Mountain
December 3, 2022—
Morrow County Sheriff’s
Office responded to a call
from a female at Riverview
Mobile Court on Hwy. 730,
who advised her boyfriend
was not letting her leave.
The female then advised
she was able to leave and
did not want deputy con-
-MCSO was advised
of a male who was suicidal
and walking to the Irrigon
Marina. A deputy respond-
-A female in Irrigon
asked to speak to a deputy
regarding an individual ha-
rassing her by phone. And
MCSO deputy responded
and took the incident under
-Dispatch received an
EMS call for a 59-year-old
male who was conscious
and breathing but inco-
herent and unable to talk.
Multiple agencies respond-
ed but the patient refused
-At 10:37 p.m. a female
at SE Park Place in Irrigon
advised that her neighbor
was operating loud machin-
ery and asked that they be
contacted and asked to do it
in the daylight hours.
-Boardman ambulance
received a call from Lamb
Weston East Plant in Board-
Chris Sykes
This classic split level 2 bed, 2 bath home overlooks
Heppner with a relaxing back deck and beautiful
backyard. 1 car garage leads into the lower game
room/office with bathroom. New furnace in 2020
with ac and air purifier, new roof in the last 5 years,
new carpet in 2021. Cozy living room, dinning room
and bedrooms. Upper and lower Sqft is approximate.
140 S Gilmore St. MLS#:23505395
This house is ready to go. Recently updated
windows, kitchen and bathroom. Heat on demand
water heater, new paint, fridge, washer, dryer and
dishwasher. Large back yard. Within walking
distance of the Heppner pool, high school and
softball field. 485 W Morgan St. MLS#: 23328135
Three bedroom, one bath home on quiet street in
Heppner. Real wood floors and knotty pine walls
give a warm and comfortable feeling when you walk
inside. Large fenced backyard with excellent soil will
give you a great garden, and there is an access gate
off the back street (Riverside) for additional parking.
A full walk-in basement is waiting for you to finish
out and add lots of additional living space. New
pellet stove. 335 W Union Ave, Heppner
MLS#: 23220466