Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 31, 2023, Page 10, Image 10

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    TEN - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Blue Mountains national forests
prepare for spring burning
L-R: Jacob Finch, Madison Palmer, Daemon Worden, Rylee
Palmer and Paul Lindsay enact the climactic ballroom scene
of “Enchanted” May 23. -Photo by Andrea Di Salvo
Nathaniel, played by Paul Lindsay, tempts Giselle (Madison
Palmer) with a poison apple while Robert (Jacob Finch)
looks on in astonishment. -Photo by Andrea Di Salvo
Madison Palmer as Giselle defends Jacob Finch’s character,
Robert, while brothers Paul and John Lindsay (Nathaniel
and Pip) gleefully put an end to the evil Queen Narissa,
played by Rylee Palmer. -Photo by Andrea Di Salvo
National forests in the Blue Mountains are preparing for
2023 prescribed burning. -Contributed photo
Fire management offi-
cials on the Umatilla, Mal-
heur and Wallowa-Whit-
man national forests are
preparing to implement
spring prescribed burning
activities to reduce the risk
of severe wildfire in the
Frequent, low-intensity
fire is essential for healthy
forests and reducing the risk
of high intensity wildfire
caused by excessive fuel
buildup. Prescribed burning
is an effective tool for re-
moving excessive amounts
of brush, shrubs, and trees,
while also encouraging the
growth of native vegetation.
In addition to reducing
wildfire risk, prescribed
fire also improves overall
forest health and resilience
to insects and diseases, and
enhances habitat for elk,
deer and other wildlife.
Forest Service prescribed
fire programs allow fire to
play its natural role on the
landscape under controlled
Prescribed burning is
also highly dependent on
weather conditions, which
must be within a narrow
criteria window to use pre-
scribed fire. Factors such as
wind speed and direction,
temperatures, relative hu-
midity and fuel moistures
are all taken into consider-
ation prior to implementing
a prescribed burn operation.
Each prescribed burn
represents many years of
planning and preparation
to ensure burn operations
meet prescriptive condi-
tions that allow for suc-
cessful burns that provide
multiple benefits to re-
sources. The forest works
closely with the Oregon
Department of Forestry and
Washington Department
of Natural Resources in
accordance with the state’s
smoke management plans
to determine when, where
and how much is burned
on a daily basis. Potential
smoke impacts, looking at
volume of smoke, direc-
tion of spread, and mixing
heights, are determined
prior to each burn. All burns
will be monitored until no
heat is found within the unit
and fire managers declare
the burn out.
Prescribed fire informa-
tion for the Malheur, Uma-
tilla, and Wallowa-Whit-
man National Forests is
available to the public on
a tri-forest online map.
The map is labeled and
color-coded to show each
burn unit’s status: planned,
active, or completed. Ad-
ditionally, forest users can
view other features includ-
ing current and past-year
burn units, national forest
boundaries and state wild-
life management bound-
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The Heppner High
School drama club per-
formed three showing of
its spring play, ‘Enchanted,’
this month, including a
by-request encore perfor-
mance May 23.
“Enchanted” is the tale
of a cartoon princess who
is tricked by an evil witch
into falling into a place
where there are no hap-
py endings—modern-day
Manhattan. With a cast that
also includes a fairy-tale
prince, evil stepmother,
jaded divorce lawyer, devi-
ous henchman and a plucky
chipmunk, musical hi-jinks
ensued as the characters
each tried to find their own
“happily ever after.”
Playing starring roles in
the production were seniors
Madison Palmer as Giselle,
Jacob Finch as Robert,
Daemon Worden as Prince
Edward, Mylee Quilter as
Nancy, Paul Lindsay as Na-
thaniel, Brooklyn Wilson as
Sam and Adan Guerra in the
dual roles of Carl and Clara.
Also playing lead roles
were underclassmen Rylee
Palmer as Queen Narissa,
Piper Kelton as Morgan and
John Lindsay as Pip.
Lending their talents
to multiple roles were Au-
brey Smith, Nate Ellsworth,
Moira Di Salvo, Kelsi
Workman, Elijah Quilter,
Lincoln Ellsworth, Jo Mc-
Masters, Eva Worden, Bec-
ca Ellsworth, Lizzie Ginn,
Austin Quilter, Samantha
Lamb, Mikalie Duncan,
Lineya Quilter, Jaicee Cim-
miyotti, Hadlie Duncan,
Makayla Quilter and Whit-
tlie Duncan.
Operating lights and
sound were Lizzie Finch
and Dailen Schultz.
Audiences ‘Enchanted’ by
student play
Chris Sykes
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A full walk-in basement is waiting for you to finish
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