Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 24, 2023 -- SEVEN Riverside sends three to state meet Riverside sophomore Pedro Chavez took the dis- trict championship in the 400 Meter at the 3A Special District 6 championship meet last Friday and Satur- day in Vale. He took the top spot with a 50.68a personal record. He also placed sec- ond in the 200 Meter, while senior Tyrese Boyd took the top spots in both javelin (178’ 11 personal record) and high jump (6’ 0 season record). On the women’s side, senior Alexis Partlow fell short of a personal record but still took second in discus. Spots on the podium at the district meet also secures all three athletes positions at the 3A State Championships at Hayward Field in Eugene this Friday and Saturday, May 25-26. Chavez qualified in the 200 and 400 Meter; Tyrese Boyd in Javeline and High Jump; and Alexis Partlow in Discus. Riverside results from the 3A-SD6 championships were: Men’s Results 100 Meters Varsity 8. Gustavo Zuniga, 12.48a 200 Meters Varsity 2. Pedro Chavez, 23.88a 8. Arturo Murguia, 24.98a 400 Meters Varsity 1. Pedro Chavez, 50.68aPR 7. Izaak Mendoza, 58.77a 800 Meters Varsity 8. Martin Landeros, 2:29.60a 1500 Meters Varsity 8. Ethan Beaty, 4:48.03aPR 3000 Meters Varsity 7. Ethan Beaty, 11:03.77aPR Shot Put Varsity 5. Juan Medina, 36’ 9 6. Owen Carman, 36’ 0.75PR 16. Fernando Medi- na-Mar..., 26’ 10 Discus Varsity 8. Allen Rodriguez, 105’ 5.5 9. Owen Carman, 102’ 5 11. Juan Medina, 93’ 0 Javelin Varsity 1. Tyrese Boyd, 178’ 11PR 4. Juan Medina, 133’ 11PR 14. Julian Alvarez, 96’ 4 High Jump Varsity 1. Tyrese Boyd, 6’ 0SR Long Jump Varsity 10. Diego Murgia, 15’ 5.75SR 12. Osmin Barrera, 14’ 7.25 Women’s Results 100 Meters Varsity 4. Leyla Gutierrez, 13.70a 8. Miriam Landeros, 14.37a 200 Meters Varsity 6. Crystal Sanchez, 29.30aPR 7. America Garcia, 29.39a 400 Meters Varsity 4. Daniela Ruiz, 1:08.72aPR 5. Kaylee Christy, 1:08.84aPR 800 Meters Varsity 5. Monse Pacheco, 2:48.59a 1500 Meters Varsity 12. Paula Di Mauro, 6:57.83aPR 100m Hurdles Varsity 4. Miranda Landeros, 19.07a 300m Hurdles Varsity 3. Miriam Landeros, 51.52aPR 6. Kaylee Christy, 55.87a 4x400 Relay Varsity 4. Daniela Ruiz, Monse Pacheco, Kaylee Christy, Leyla Gutierrez, 4:45.15a Shot Put Varsity 4. Alexis Partlow, 28’ 9.25 5. Stephanie Booher, 27’ 7PR 14. Maddisen Branden- burg, 20’ 6.75 Discus Varsity 2. Alexis Partlow, 89’ 11.5 14. Stephanie Booher, 59’ 8 Javelin Varsity 5. Kaylee Christy, 85’ 8 7. Leslie Lopez, 82’ 0 11. Aunika Partlow, 70’ 5 High Jump Varsity 7. Yamileth Hernandez-..., 4’ 2PR Long Jump Varsity 6. Miriam Landeros, 14’ 3.75 10. Crystal Sanchez, 13’ 5 13. Cynthia Gonzalez, 11’ 8.5 Ten Heppner athletes headed to state championships Arianna Worden (left) and Riley Archer run together at the district championship meet last week. -Photo by Susan Hisler Gage Hart (left) and Trevor Nichols take on Stanfield run- ners at the Special District 4 championships in Hermiston. -Photo by Susan Hisler Women’s 4x400 Relay team members Arianna Worden, Ire- lynn Kollman, Lily Nichols and Hallee Hisler at the district championships. -Photo by Susan Hisler Hayden McMahon sprints away from Owen Cunningham after the handoff in the men’s 4x400 relay. -Photo by Susan Hisler The Heppner Mustangs track and field team attend- ed the 2A Special District 4 Championships in Hermis- ton last Saturday and came home with four district championships and 10 indi- viduals and two relay teams as state qualifiers. Aside from placing third as teams for both men and women, Hep- pner’s Trevor Nichols took first in both the 1500- and 3000-Meter races, while Lily Nichols placed first in the women’s 1500-Meter and Arianna Worden took the top spot in the 3000-Me- ter. State qualifiers were Hayden McMahon, 200 Meter; Trevor Nichols, 400, 1500 and 3000 Meter; Jacob Finch, 800 Meter; Gage Hart, 1500 Meter; Men’s 4x400 Relay team (Owen Cunningham, Jacob Finch, Hayden McMahon and Trevor Nichols); Owen Cunningham, Triple Jump; Hallee Hisler, 100, 200 4:59.93aPR and 400 Meter; Lily Nich- 300m Hurdles Varsity ols, 800 and 1500 Meter 2. Jaton Black, 43.21aPR and 300m Hurdles; Irelynn 4x100 Relay Varsity Kollman, 800 and 1500 3. Jaton Black, Paul San- Meter; Riley Archer, 800 chez, Koebie Campos, An- and 3000 Meter; Arianna tonio Lemus, 46.35a Worden, 1500 and 3000 Shot Put Varsity 4. Sean Moore, 40’ 1PR 10. Jose Resendiz, 34’ 11 14. Antonio Renteria, 30’ 4PR Eight ladies played on a Discus Varsity sunny but cool day Tuesday, 6. Antonio Renteria, 106’ 4 May 23, at Willow Creek 8. Jose Resendiz, 104’ 4 Country Club. Low gross 11. Tomas Miranda, 94’ 7 of the field went to Virginia Javelin Varsity Grant. Pat Dougherty had 16. Bryce Black, 64’ 5PR low net of the field, and Pole Vault Varsity Karen Thompson had least 1. Jozen Byers, 11’ 4 putts. 4. Samuel Cole, 8’ 4PR Karen Thompson had 6. Saxon Byers, 8’ 4PR the long drive on Flight A. Long Jump Varsity Sharon Harrison had 13. Eduardo Quezada, 15’ low gross for Flight B, 11 17. Juan Carlos Renteria, 15’ 8.5PR 19. Saxon Byers, 15’ 7.75PR Women’s Results 100 Meters Varsity 8. Neftali Mejia, 14.73a 200 Meters Varsity The City of Heppner 11. Neftali Mejia, 32.41a will offer free garbage Shot Put Varsity 14. Stephanie Romero, 21’ vouchers to city residents during the month of June. 10.5 The garbage vouchers Discus Varsity can be picked up at Heppner 6. Selene Roldan, 84’ 0 City Hall and are good for Javelin Varsity one free 6x6 pickup load 14. Theresa Salas, 57’ 7 with racks at the South Long Jump Varsity 12. Nataly Cabral, 9’ 9.5PR Morrow County Transfer Station. Free items include Irrigon’s Black, Byers and relay team qualify for state The Irrigon track and field team attended the 2A Special District 4 Cham- pionships last Saturday at Kennison Field in Herm- iston. Jozen Byers walked away with the champion- ship spot in the pole vault, while Jaton Black took second place in the 300m Hurdles with a personal record of 43.21a. Qualifying for the OSAA 2A State Champi- onships are Jaton Black in the 300m hurdles, Jozen Byers in the pole vault, and the men’s 4x100 relay team of Jaton Black, Paul Sanchez, Koebie Campos and Antonio Lemus. The 2A championships will take place this Thurs- day and Friday, May 25- 26, at Hayward Field in Eugene. Full Irrigon results for the district track meet were: Men’s Results 100 Meters Varsity 5. Jaton Black, 11.80a 11. Antonio Lemus, 12.15a 13. Paul Sanchez, 12.42a 200 Meters Varsity 13. Antonio Lemus, 25.85a 16. Eduardo Quezada, 27.25a 17. Giovanni Gonzalez, 27.49a 800 Meters Varsity 6. Koebie Campos, 2:17.08a 1500 Meters Varsity 6. Irwyn Murguia, Heppner places third at district track Meter; and the women’s 4x400 Relay team (Arianna Worden, Irelynn Kollman, Lily Nichols and Hallee Hisler). Qualifiers will head to the OSAA 2A State Cham- pionships this Thursday and Friday, May 25-26, at Hayward Field in Eugene. Also qualifying for their state meet were junior high athletes Healy Hisler and Claire Lindsay. Hisler qualified in Long Jump and Lindsay qualfied in Javelin. The state middle school championships are May 24 in Corvallis. Full Heppner results from the district meet were: Men’s Results 100 Meters Varsity 8. Hayden McMahon, 11.90a 15. Landon McMahon, 13.62a 200 Meters Varsity 5. Hayden McMahon, 24.12a 12. Tyelor Moore, 25.82a 18. Landon McMahon, 28.85a 400 Meters Varsity 2. Trevor Nichols, 52.20aPR 800 Meters Varsity 3. Jacob Finch, 2:08.10aPR 1500 Meters Varsity 1. Trevor Nichols, 4:16.86a Over the Tee Cup while Shirley Martin had low net and long drive. For Flight C, Kris Lind- ner had low gross, Kim Carlson had least putts, and Karen Smith-Griffith had low net and long drive. Kris Lindner had a chip-in. Upcoming events in- clude a fun day with guests welcome and the Jo Petty- john tournament June 9-11. Heppner to offer garbage vouchers next month TVs and othe electronics, couches, appliances and paint. Items not accepted are hazardous chemicals, oil and tires. The vouchers are valid only during the month of June. For more information or to pick up a voucher, go to Heppner City Hall or call 541-676-9618. 2. Gage Hart, 4:18.51aPR 3000 Meters Varsity 1. Trevor Nichols, 9:41.70a 2. Gage Hart, 9:42.67a 4x400 Relay Varsity 5. Owen Cunningham, Ja- cob Finch, Hayden Mc- Mahon, Trevor Nichols, 3:43.70a Shot Put Varsity 12. Landon McMahon, 33’ 1.25 13. Tyelor Moore, 32’ 3.5 16. Chris Humphreys, 27’ 5.75 Discus Varsity 9. Ty Boor, 102’ 5.5PR 14. Tyelor Moore, 83’ 4.5 15. Chris Humphreys, 74’ 0 Javelin Varsity 7. Chace Jones, 125’ 1.5PR 9. Ty Boor, 122’ 8.5 11. Chris Humphreys, 109’ 3 High Jump Varsity 3. Owen Cunningham, 5’ 1 3. Ty Boor, 5’ 1SR Long Jump Varsity 6. Chace Jones, 16’ 10.5PR 7. Ty Boor, 16’ 10PR 14. Hayden McMahon, 15’ 9.5 Triple Jump Varsity 2. Owen Cunningham, 37’ 6.75PR 7. Jacob Finch, 35’ 5.5 8. Chace Jones, 35’ 2.25 Women’s Results 100 Meters Varsity 3. Hallee Hisler, 13.39a 12. Denisse Bracamontes, 15.66a 200 Meters Varsity 3. Hallee Hisler, 27.38a 13. Denisse Bracamontes, 32.70aPR 400 Meters Varsity 2. Hallee Hisler, 1:01.85a 800 Meters Varsity 2. Lily Nichols, 2:30.18aPR 4. Irelynn Kollman, 2:36.30a 5. Riley Archer, 2:38.74aPR 1500 Meters Varsity 1. Lily Nichols, 5:07.31a 3 . A r i a n n a Wo r d e n , 5:13.49aPR 4. Irelynn Kollman, 5:15.97aPR 3000 Meters Varsity 1 . A r i a n n a Wo r d e n , 11:59.55a 3. Riley Archer, 12:26.69a 6. Saige Jensen, 13:12.08a 100m Hurdles Varsity 4. Saige Jensen, 19.28a 300m Hurdles Varsity 2. Lily Nichols, 51.28aPR 4. Saige Jensen, 54.96a 4x400 Relay Varsity 2. Arianna Worden, Irelynn Kollman, Lily Nichols, Hallee Hisler, 4:29.62a Javelin Varsity 3. Saige Jensen, 85’ 0 Long Jump Varsity 8. Denisse Bracamontes, 12’ 6PR Giefing, Rollins qualify for state meet The Ione track and field team placed seventh at the 1A Special District 3 Cham- pionships last Friday and Saturday. Freshman Henry Giefing took first in the long jump in districts with a personal record of 20’ 1.5. With the district cham- pionships behind them, both Giefing and senior Bryce Rollins have quali- fied for the 1A State Cham- pionship at Hayward Field in Eugene this Thursday and Friday, May 25-26. Giefing qualified in the 100 and 200 Meter and the Long Jump, while Rollins qualified for both Shot Put and Discus. Full results from the 1A-SD3 championships are: Men’s Results 100 Meters Varsity 3. Henry Giefing, 11.81a 200 Meters Varsity 2. Henry Giefing, 23.81a Shot Put Varsity 4. Bryce Rollins, 41’ 8.5 16. Lewkus Burright, 33’ 1 22. Carter Eynetich, 31’ 2 Discus Varsity 4. Bryce Rollins, 123’ 2 9. Lewkus Burright, 108’ 2 16. Carter Eynetich, 85’ 8 Javelin Varsity 8. Bryce Rollins, 111’ 4 12. Carter Eynetich, 108’ 1 13. Lewkus Burright, 107’ 9 Long Jump Varsity 1. Henry Giefing, 20’ 1.5PR Women’s Results 100 Meters Varsity - Pre- lims 10. Victoria De La Torre, 14.93a Shot Put Varsity - Finals 25. Victoria De La Torre, 23’ 2 Print & Mailing Services *Design *Print Sykes Publishing *Mail 541-676-9228