Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 10, 2023, Page 2, Image 2

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    TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 10, 2023
The Official Newspaper
of the City of Heppner and the County of Morrow
U.S.P.S. 240-420
Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper
Published weekly by Sykes Publishing and entered as periodical matter at the Post
Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Periodical postage paid
at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 188 W. Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676-9228. Fax
(541) 676-9211. E-mail: editor@rapidserve.net or david@rapidserve.net. Web site:
www.heppner.net. Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times,
P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $35 in Morrow County; $40
senior rate (in Morrow County only; 65 years or older); $30 elsewhere; $35 student
Chris Sykes ...............................................................................................Publisher
Andrea Di Salvo ............................................................................................ Editor
Cindi Doherty.........................................................................................Advertising
All News and Advertising Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m.
For Advertising: advertising deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Cost for a display ad is $5.50 per
column inch. Cost for classified ad is 50¢ per word. Cost for Card of Thanks is $15 up to 100
words. Cost for a classified display ad is $6.00 per column inch.
For Public/Legal Notices: public/legal notices deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Dates for publi-
cation must be specified. Affidavits must be requested at the time of submission. Affidavits
require three weeks to process after last date of publication (a sooner return date must be
specified if required).
For Obituaries: Obituaries are published in the Heppner GT at no charge and are edited to
meet news guidelines. Families wishing to include information not included in the guidelines
or who wish to have the obituary written in a certain way must purchase advertising space
for the obituary.
For Letters to the Editor: Letters to the Editor MUST be signed by the author. The Heppner
GT will not publish unsigned letters. All letters MUST include the author’s address and phone
number for use by the GT office. The GT reserves the right to edit letters. The GT is not
responsible for accuracy of statements made in letters. Any letters expressing thanks will be
placed in the classifieds under “Card of Thanks” at a cost of $10.
“Larry” James
Lawrence “Larry”
James Angell, 80, of Tygh
d i e d
April 9,
at The
bration of Larry’s life will
be held at Cutsforth Park,
Heppner, on June 3 at 11
He was born Nov. 18,
1942, in Prineville, OR,
the son of Jim and Marjo-
rie Angell, the oldest son
of six children. He spent
most of his life in Heppner.
He worked at the Heppner
Kinzua Mill and in the
mountains, logging.
He was very involved
in the lives of his chil-
dren and grandchildren.
He coached many baseball
teams in Heppner and en-
joyed every minute. He
also led several Boy Scouts
groups, and was a member
of the Wranglers riding club
and the Heppner Elks.
He was preceded in
death by his parents and
two siblings, twin brothers
Harold and Gerald. His sis-
ter, Juanita, passed a week
after Larry.
He is survived by son,
Jim; daughter, Bobbette
(Pat); son, Craig (Alecia);
son, Marc; special friend
of 30 years, Gail Long; and
several grandchildren and
Memorial contributions
for those who wish can be
made to a Heppner sports
program of choice.
Timothy E.
“Tim” Reese
Timothy E. “Tim” Re-
ese of
d i e d
April 17,
2023, in
S p o -
WA a t
the age
of 71
years. A private family cel-
ebration of life will be held
at a later date.
He was born on Jan. 15,
1952, in Minneapolis, MN
to parents Monte Thomas
Reese II and Nora Lee
(Foley) Reese. Tim grew
up and attended school in
Minnesota with his five
siblings. After graduation,
he became an operator for
the Sister & Brotherhood,
IBEW Local 77, in Kenne-
wick, WA.
Tim married Joan A.
Barron on Oct. 22, 1994. He
was a volunteer for Uma-
tilla Fire and Ambulance
for several years. He loved
hunting, fishing and trail
riding in the mountains with
his beloved wife, Joan. Tim
especially loved spending
time with his three bonus
children and seven grand-
Tim was preceded in
death by his parents; a
brother, Monte Reese; and
a sister, Kathy Nazarian.
He is survived by his
wife, Joan Reese, Hep-
pner; bonus daughter, Misty
Haugen (Mike), Heppner;
bonus sons, Bradley Reese
(Rachel), Prosser, WA and
Joseph Sanders, Pendleton,
OR; seven grandsons; sis-
ters, Marsha Marx and Bar-
bara Reese, both of Minne-
sota; brother, James Reese,
Pendleton; and numerous
nieces and nephews.
Tim’s memory will live
on with all of his family and
friends who loved him.
Tim’s family appre-
ciates the care and com-
passion of Heppner EMS,
Pioneer Memorial Hospital
staff, and Morrow County
Sheriff’s deputies and dis-
Contributions in Tim’s
memory may be made to
the Umatilla Fire and Am-
bulance, Heppner Fire or
Heppner Ambulance.
Please share memories
of Tim with his family at
com. Burns Mortuary of
Hermiston is in charge of
William “Thad” Kill-
of Herm-
iston, OR,
died on
April 28,
2023, in
WA at the
age of 69
years. A celebration of life
service will be held on Sat-
urday, May 13, at 2 p.m. at
New Hope Church, 1350 S.
Hwy 395, Hermiston.
He was born on April
2, 1954, in La Grande, OR
to parents Clarence and E.
Fern Killingbeck. Thad was
raised and attended schools
in La Grande, graduating in
the class of 1972. He was
united in marriage to Lila
Lindley on June 23, 1973,
in La Grande.
Thad graduated with
his Bachelor of Science
in Education from Eastern
Oregon State College (now
Eastern Oregon University)
in 1976. He earned his Mas-
ter of Science in Education
from EOU in 1982 and later
his Administration certifi-
cate from Lewis and Clark
College in 1999.
Thad’s career in edu-
cation began with student
teaching at Armand Larive
under Carlisle Harrison,
Richard Lowry and Os
Halling in Hermiston from
1976-1977. He then taught
remedial math and science
at Riverside Junior/Senior
High in Boardman from
1977-1980. From 1980-
1999 he taught seventh
grade science, math and
art at Columbia Middle
School in Irrigon, as well
as coaching many of the
sports teams and serving
as the athletic director from
1989-1999. Thad was also
a football and baseball ref-
eree and baseball umpire
during this time.
He was a member of the
administrative team for AC
Houghton Elementary and
Sam Boardman Elementary
from 1999 through 2002.
Thad was the Vice Principal
at Sam Boardman Elemen-
tary from 2002-2004 and
Principal at Windy River
Elementary from 2004-
2007. He was recognized
in 2007 as the Boardman
Chamber of Commerce
Educator of the Year.
Thad served on the
Morrow County School
District Board from 2008
through 2018. He volun-
teered as a Boardman Little
League Coach, Boardman
Babe Ruth Coach and the
Morrow County Legion
baseball coach.
Thad enjoyed hunt-
ing, fishing, pencil draw-
ing, playing cards with his
friends, bowling, camping,
playing tennis, pickle ball,
biking, going on nature
walks, kayaking, golfing,
archery and was a sports
He is survived by his
wife of nearly 50 years, Lila
Killingbeck, Hermiston;
daughter, Kristie Shasteen
(Ted), Hermiston; sons,
Kyle Killingbeck (Anne),
Redmond, OR and Kory
Killingbeck (Amber), Lib-
erty Lake, WA; sister, Car-
olyn Gibbs, Redmond; and
grandchildren, Justin, Wil-
liam, John, Nathaniel and
David Shasteen, and Lucas,
Aaron, Luella and Leona
Thad was preceded in
death by his parents and a
sister, Clareen Coblens.
Contributions in Thad’s
memory may be made to the
Morrow County Education
Foundation c/o Burns Mor-
tuary of Hermiston, P.O.
Box 289, Hermiston, OR
Please share memories
of Thad with his family at
com. Burns Mortuary of
Hermiston is in charge of
Governor visits
Boardman on One
Oregon tour
Gov. Tina Kotek stopped in Boardman to discuss water issues
as part of her One Oregon tour last week. -Contributed photo
Governor Tina Kotek
visited communities in
Morrow and Umatilla coun-
ties on Wednesday, May
3, and Thursday, May 4,
including stops in Board-
man, Echo, Hermiston and
On Wednesday, the
governor started the day
with breakfast in Hermis-
ton, and then participated
in a round table led by Lati-
no/a leaders at Hermiston
City Hall. The conversation
covered a broad range of
issues including affordable
housing, summer learning,
youth mental health and
how past flooding continues
to impact communities in
Umatilla County. The group
also focused on the need
to have first-language out-
reach and education, partic-
ularly for public health is-
sues and disaster warnings.
Next it was off to Echo,
where city leaders provided
a tour of the town, starting
first with a look at the past
and current flooding from
the Umatilla River that
has impacted property and
transportation infrastruc-
ture. Kotek then toured a
dangerous railroad crossing
that is a significant safety
risk for children walking to
and from school.
Following lunch with
local leaders, the governor
visited the Families First
Childcare Center at the
Neal Early Learning Cen-
ter at the Port of Morrow,
meeting preschoolers in
their classroom and high
school students training to
become early childhood
educators. The tour was
followed by a childcare and
early learning roundtable
with a range of commu-
nity stakeholders at the
Blue Mountain Communi-
ty College training center
next door. They discussed
the critical need for more
workforce and facilities to
meet the need for childcare,
and the strong ties between
the school district, Head
Start program and local
The day concluded
with a focus on water con-
tamination in the Lower
Umatilla Basin. Oregon
Hunter education in
Lexington starting
June 13
Hunter education class-
es start June 13 at the Lex-
ington Gun Club. Class
days are June 13, 15, 20
and 22 from 6-9 p.m., with
a field day June 17 from 8
a.m. to noon.
Participants must regis-
ter online at myodfw.com.
Cost is $10 per student.
This class is a thorough
introduction to firearm safe-
ty, ethics and responsibility.
Students must attend all
dates. A valid card will be
issued at the end of class
with a hard card sent to the
student 60 days after.
Contact class instructor
Jim Marquardt at 541-969-
4845 with any questions.
Holly Rebekah
plans for summer
Summer markets planned for
Holly Rebekah Lodge
is looking forward to sum-
mer. Not only are the la-
dies of the lodge going to
continue with bingo on the
last Sunday of the month
at 3 p.m. (except for May
because of Memorial Day),
but they also will be holding
flea/farmers markets during
the summer months.
The markets will be
held in the park next to the
Holly Rebekah Lodge Hall
in Lexington on the second
Sunday of June, July and
August from 11-4.
Anyone who has ques-
tions or who would like to
sign up for a space may
contact LaRae Kindle at
Sex crime suspect arraigned
on multiple charges
A suspect arrested
on multiple sex-related
charges was arraigned on a
grand jury indictment last
Morrow County Sher-
iff’s Office reported last
week that MCSO officers
arrested Saul Nathan Lo-
pez, 18, of Heppner on
April 24. The arrest came
after MCSO received a re-
port of a possible sex crime
on April 13, with multiple
juvenile victims.
During the investiga-
tion, evidence was obtained
that led to the arrest of
Lopez. He was lodged in
the Umatilla County Jail
on multiple charges, with
no bail.
Lopez was arraigned on
April 25 and the court set
bail at $500,000. He was
then arraigned on May 1 on
a grand jury indictment and
the bail was kept the same.
Current charges again
Lopez include Using a
Child in Display of Sexu-
ally Explicit Conduct x 8,
Online Sexual Corruption
of a Child in the Second
Degree x 3, Online Sexual
Corruption of a Child in the
First Degree x 5, Encourag-
ing Child Sex Abuse in the
Second Degree x 8, Sexual
Abuse in the Third Degree
x 2, Rape in the First De-
gree x 1, Rape in the Third
Degree x 1, Sexual Abuse
in the First Degree x 1 and
Sexual Abuse in the Second
Degree x 1.
If there are persons who
have information regarding
this case, or other victims,
please contact Criminal
Sergeant Scott Carter di-
rectly at 541-314-5204 or
MCSO dispatch at 541-
This investigation is
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-Continued to PAGE TWELVE
Port Commissioner
There has been an Ione area person on the
Port Of Morrow Commission for 64 years.
Gar Swanson and Oscar Peterson 59/75,
Louis Carlson 75/87, John Bristow 86/95,
and then Marv Padberg 1995/2023. I am
very proud to be in the same paragraph
with that group of honorable past Ione
residents. Please continue the tradition
of representation from all parts of
Morrow County by voting for me for Port
Commissioner, I thank you. Marv