Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 03, 2023, Page 8, Image 8

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    EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 3, 2023
WCCC Sunday men’s play
Twenty-four players
participated in men’s play
on Sunday, April 30, at Wil-
low Creek Country Club.
The event was a two-man
event playing 27 holes of
different formats. The re-
sults are as follows:
Net—1 st , Day-Hedman,
88; 2 nd , Pranger-Peck, 89;
and 3 rd , Peck-Hedman, 91.
G r o s s — 1 st , B e r g -
strom-Krietzer, 92; 2 nd ,
Watkins-Huddleston, 96;
and 3 rd , Disque-Ferguson,
The next men’s play
will be on May 7 with
Charlie Ferguson hosting.
There will be no organized
play on May 14 to celebrate
Mother’s Day.
Town and Country
awards Thursday
The Heppner Chamber
of Commerce will host its
annual Town and Country
awards banquet this Thurs-
day, May 4, at 6 p.m. at the
Gilliam & Bisbee Event
Center in Heppner.
A limited number of
tickets are for sale at the
Heppner Chamber of Com-
merce, Heppner City Hall,
and Murray’s Drug. Tickets
are $40 each, which in-
cludes a prime rib dinner by
Gateway Café and a no-host
bar provided by Bucknum’s
Tavern and Grill, a silent
auction and, of course, the
community awards presen-
St. Patrick’s church
plans VBS
St. Patrick’s Catholic
Church will be hosting
Vacation Bible School June
12-15. This year’s theme
is a wilderness adventure
through the Sacraments, a
program designed by Cat-
Chat. Start time is 9 a.m.
and VBS will conclude at
12:30 p.m. There will be
music, games, art, faith
and skits geared toward
learning about the seven
The church invites all
students who will be in
kindergarten next year up
to students who will be
completing 6 th grade in
June. Four-year-olds may
join but will need an adult
with them.
Registrations are avail-
able at St. Patrick’s Cath-
olic Church and the front
counter at Murray’s Drug.
Forms need to be submitted
by June 5 so supplies can be
Anyone with questions
may contact Deborah Wryn
or Laurie Wood.
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177 N. Main St, Heppner • 541-676-9228