Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - NINE School District remains optimistic about state budget -Continued from PAGE ONE motions/transfers: Albro, Teacher – 2023/24 – SBE; competitions and leader- ship training. Heppner TSA members Madison Palmer and Trevor Nichols are also state offi- cers. The state TSA confer- ence is April 20. In other business, the board: -heard from Special Education Coordinator Ma- rissa Turner that they are doing a math intervention curriculum adoption for special ed K-12; -approved an early graduation request from Irrigon High School student Alexa Ketelson; -approved receipt of unanticipated revenue from Good Shepard Community Health Foundation in the amount of $4995 to Riv- erside Jr./Sr. High School and $7,350 to Irrigon Jr./Sr. High School; and -heard that dis- trict-wide enrollment is up over last year, with 2,289 MCSD students in April 2023 compared to 2,274 in April 2022, with the larg- est gain in Heppner at 357 compared to 338 last April; -learned of the resigna- tions of Bo Bourasa, HES K-2 Teacher (will be fin- ishing the 2022/23 school year), Marie Cain, RJSHS Head Volleyball Coach, Maria Covarrubia, SBE Educational Assistant, Alex Lindsay, HJSHS JH Track Coach, Mandi Parsons, IES Special Education Teacher (will be finishing school year), Italia Rodriguez, IJSHS Educational Assis- tant, Madison Rosenbalm, HES Third Grade Teacher (will be finishing the school year) and Edith Velasco, RJSHS JH Assistant Track Coach; -approved the fol- lowing employment/pro- Eric – JH Science Teach- er – 2023/24 – RJSHS; Azurin, Elijah – Music Teacher - 2023/24 – WRE; Beard, Ashley – Instruc- tional Coach – 2023/24 – MCSD; Chavez-Sier- ra, Kimberly – 5th Grade Teacher – 2023/24 – WRE; Edwards, Stephanie – 6th Grade Teacher – 2023/24 – WRE; Gerry, Saman- tha – PE/Interventionist – 2023/24 – HES; Hard- ing, Johnathon – Music/ Choir Teacher – 2023/24 – IJSHS; Harshberger, Richard – Instructional Coach- 2023/24 – MCSD; Hodgdon, Cynthia – 3rd Grade Teacher – 2023/24 – ACH; Kennison-Kerri- gan, Dawn – Instructional Coach - 2023/24 – MCSD; Lopez, April – 1st Grade Teacher – 2023/24 – ACH; McCreary, Dale – Science Teacher – 2023/24 – IJSHS; Meyer, Stacy – 2nd Grade Teacher – 2023/24 – ACH; Mitchell, Martha – 2nd Grade Teacher – 2023/24 – SBE; Mittelsdorf, Jordan – Kindergarten Teacher – 2023/24 – SBE; Nitz, Deidra – 1st Grade Teacher – 2023/24 – SBE; Parker, Jennifer – Educational As- sistant – 2023/24 – HES; Rambo, Alyssa – 3rd Grade Roberts, Joshua – Social Studies Teacher – 2023/24 – RJSHS; Rodriguez, Adair – Educational Assistant – 2023/24 – RJSHS; Roy- er, Mike – Counselor – 2023/24 – IJSHS; Savage, Amber – 1st Grade Teacher – 2023/24 – SBE; Smith, BeAnn – 2nd Grade Teach- er – 2023/24 – SBE; Stre- bin, Alicia – Title Teacher – 2023/24 – SBE; Wares, Quentin – Assistant Cus- todian – IJSHS; Wilson, Melanie – Assistant Custo- dian – HES; -approved the follow- ing extra duty contracts: Duenas, Edgar – Temporary JH Assistant Track Coach – RJSHS; Sweeney, Brandi – JH Assistant Track Coach – HJSHS; Velasco, Edith – Temporary HS Assistant Track Coach – RJSHS; -heard that the OSBA Summer Conference is Aug. 11-13 at Salem Con- vention Center, Steam Fri- day is April 28, Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8-12, the budget committee meeting is Tuesday, May 9 at 5:30 p.m. at Irrigon Jr/Sr High School, and the next regular board meeting is Tuesday, May 9, at 6 p.m. at Irrigon Jr/Sr High School. Sixteen participated in men’s play at Willow Creek Country Club on Sunday, April 16. The results are as follows: KP #4-13, Tim Wright, 13’10”. KP second shot #6-15, Charlie Ferguson, 5’10”. Net—first, Tim Wright, 58; second, Tim Hedman, 59; third (tie), Curtis Day and Dave Gunderson, 61. Gross—first, Char- lie Ferguson, 65; second, Duane Disque, 67; third, Jeff Edmundson, 70. The next men’s play will be April 23, host- ed by Jeff Watkins, Jerid Huddleston and Donald Mathews. April 30 will be the shootout—a two-man event, so golfers need to get their partners lined up for that. WCCC Sunday men’s play Grow Em’ and Show Em’ holds Hunter Greenup excels second goat, sheep meeting By Jasper Hanna and Tenley, president and in bareback On April 16, the Grow vice-president, read out riding Em’ and Show Em’ 4-H the schedule, which was Hunter Greenup, the son of Travis and Tiffanie Greenup of Heppner, was champion bareback rider at Treasure Valley Com- munity College Rodeo in Ontario, OR earlier this month. He placed third in the first round, second in the second round, second in the shortgo and first in the average. Greenup is currently a student at Blue Mountain Commu- nity College. Town and Country awards banquet May 4 The Heppner Chamber of Commerce will host its annual Town and Country awards banquet on Thurs- day, May 4, at 6 p.m. at the Gilliam & Bisbee Event Center in Heppner. A limited number of tickets are for sale at the Heppner Chamber of Com- merce, Heppner City Hall, and Murray’s Drug. Tickets are $40 each, which in- cludes a prime rib dinner by Gateway Café and a no-host bar provided by Bucknum’s Tavern and Grill, a silent auction and, of course, the community awards presen- tation. group had its second goat- sheep meeting, in which 12 members attended. The meeting began with the Pledge of Alle- giance, which Axton Hen- dricks led. Then they did the 4-H Pledge, led by Mikalie Duncan. After the pledges, they did an M&M ice breaker where they shared interesting facts about themselves. After the ice breaker, club members went over the basics of Animal Health Records, then Brooklyn given to each member. Some of the important upcoming dates include May 1-25, 4-H camp reg- istrations; May 15-June 1, OSU summer conference registrations; and May 19, 4-H community service at the Morrow County Fair- grounds. At the conclusion of the meeting, they had some time to document important information. The next club meeting is scheduled for June 1 at 6 p.m. Plant-based cooking class planned at local church The next Delightfully Yummy vegetarian and plant-based cooking class will be Tuesday, April 25, at 7 p.m. The class is free, and all are welcome. The class is located at and hosted by the Heppner Seventh-day Adventist Church, 560 Mi- nor Street, Heppner. The showcase is Mex- ican cuisine. Recipes and samples will be available at class. Call or text 541- 561-9132 to reserve a seat and apron. This event will also be shared live on Facebook at Delightfully Yummy. FISHERMAN'S NIGHT Thursday, April 20th Oyster & Fish Dinner Dinner at 6pm Lodge at 8pm Lots of Raffle Items! Members & Guests Only