HELP WANTED resumes to City of Hep- pner, PO Box 756, Hep- pner, OR 97836. Phone: 541-676-9618 or email to heppner@cityofheppner. org. 2-8-TFN c PUBLIC NOTICE Morrow County Pub- lic Works requests bids for preparing roadway for paving, haul and place hot mix asphalt. Bidder’s submitting bids shall be considered based upon the lowest responsive and responsible bid. All doc- uments for this Invitation To Bid must be obtained from the Morrow County Website Bids & RFPs tab. The Invitation To Bid clos- es and will be reviewed March 2nd. 2023 3:00 pm P.S.T. Contract terms, con- ditions, and specifications may be reviewed at the Morrow County Website Bids & RFPs tab co.mor- Bid’s will be received by Management Assistant Sandi Pointer in person or mail via UPS or Fed-Ex to: Morrow Coun- ty Public Works 365 West Highway 74 Lexington, Or. 9783 2-15-2c NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon For the County of Morrow In the Matter of the Estate of: TAMARA JANE STUTZ- MAN, aka Tamara J. Stutzman, and Tamara Stutzman, and Tami Stutzman, Deceased. Case No. 23PB00731 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and has quali- fied as the Personal Repre- sentative of the above-en- titled estate. All persons having claims against th- eestate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to Ashli Gould, the Personal Representative, in care of the law office of Anderson Hansell PC, attorneys for the Personal Represen- tative, at 475 East Main Street, Hermiston, Oregon 97838-1926, or they may- be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the pro- ceeding in this estate may obtain additional informa- tion from the records of the Court, the Personal Repre- sentative, or the attorney for the Personal Represen- tative. Dated and first published: February 15, 2023 s/ Ashli Gould Personal Representative c/o Sally Anderson Hansell, OSB #001934 Of Attorneys for Personal Representative Anderson Hansell PC 475 East Main Street Hermiston OR 97838- 1926 Telephone: 541-567- 7800 Fax: 541-567-7656 Published: Feb 15, 22, March 1, 2023 affid NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon For the County of Morrow In the Matter of the Estate of: RONALD LEE STUTZMAN, aka Ronald L. Stutzman, and Ronald Stutzman, and Ron Stutzman, Deceased. Case No. 23PB00733 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and has quali- fied as the Personal Repre- sentative of the above-enti- tled estate. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present the same, with PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to Ashli Gould, the Personal Representative, in care of the law office of Anderson Hansell PC, attorneys for the Personal Representa- tive, at 475 East Main Street, Hermiston, Oregon 97838-1926, or they may be barred.All persons whose rightsmay be af- fected by the proceeding in this estate may obtain additional in- formation from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the attorney for the Personal Representative. Dated and first published: February 15, 2023 s/ Ashli Gould Personal Representative c/o Sally Anderson Hansell, OSB #001934 Of Attorneys for Personal Representative Anderson Hansell PC 475 East Main Street Hermiston OR 97838- 1926 Telephone: 541-567- 7800 Fax: 541-567-7656 Published: Feb 15, 22, March 1, 2023 affid IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF MORROW PROBATE DEPT. Case No. 22PB09914 NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of James Marcus Miller, deceased. Notice is hereby that Chel- sea Rachelle Miller has been appointed as the per- sonal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are re- quired to present them to the undersigned personal representative in care of the undersigned attor- ney at 6751 SE Thies- sen Rd., Suite B, Milwaukie OR 97267 with- in four (4) months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, as stated below, or such claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceedings in the estate may ob- tain additional in- formation from the records of the Court, the personal represen- tative or the attorney for the person- al representative. Dated and first published this February 22, 2023. Chelsea Rachelle Miller, personal representative Donald P. Roach, OSB 753174, attorney for personal representative, 6751 SE Thiessen Rd. Suite B, Milwaukie OR 97267 Published: Feb 22, March 1, 8, 2023 affid Invitation to bid for Mor- row County Heppner Sheriff’s Re-Roof, 325 Willow View Dr., Heppner, OR Sealed bids for the Re- Roof of the Heppner Sher- iff’s Office project will be received by the Morrow County Public Works De- partment, At 365 W. Hwy 74, P.O. Box 428, Lexing- ton, OR 97839, in person or via UPS or Fed-Ex No later than 3:00 pm Febru- ary 21, 2023. The bids will be opened on February 22, 2023 at Morrow County Public Works office at 365 W. Hwy 74, Lexington, OR. 97839 The Invitation to bid will be available at the Morrow County Website co.mor- Bids & RFPs tab until February 21st. 2023. The office where contract terms, conditions and spec- ifications may be reviewed at the Morrow County Website Bids & RFPs tab Scope of Work: Provide necessary build- ing permits.Provide Mor- row County with ten-year workmanship warranty Remove existing roof, clean areas haul away all debris. All roofing removal and debris disposal to be done in accordance with all state, local and federal asbestos abatement regula- tions. Any structural repairs deemed necessary by building code or manufac- turer warranty standards to be done.Install fully adhered 60 mil TPO, ¼” Dens-deck or equivalent. Install custom manufac- tured edge metal, pipe flashing and metal vents. Properly flash all roof pen- etrations.The roof struc- ture houses several mis- sion critical units. Some of which are paired antennas. These will require special coordination to ensure that only one unit is misdirect- ed at a time. Management Assistant Sandi Pointer is the autho- rized individual to receive bids at 365 W. Hwy 74 Lexington, OR. 97839 Published: 2-15-2c Affd PUBLIC NOTICE here- by is given, that the two- year period for the re- demption of real properties included in the 2020 delin- quent tax lien foreclosure proceedings instituted by Morrow County, Oregon, on August 24, 2020, in the circuit court of the State of Oregon for Morrow Coun- ty, Case No. 20-CV-29349 and included in the judg- ment entered therein on March 9, 2021 will expire on March 9, 2023. All properties ordered sold under the judgment, unless redeemed on or be- fore March 9, 2023 will be deeded to Morrow County, Oregon, immediately on expiration of the period of redemption, and every right or interest of any person in such properties will be forfeited forever to Morrow County, Oregon. FIVE- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 22, 2023 Remembrance Walk even better with a little help from friends CCS Executive Director Kimberly Lindsay Friends Helping Friends is making their Remembrance Walk/Run even better this year—with a little help from some friends. The Shamwalk/5k run remembrance event will take place Saturday, March 18. Heppner Methodist Church will open its doors to the famous social hour of eats, treats and drinks at 8:30 a.m. Runners and walkers will depart at 9:30 a.m. after a group photo. This year’s fundraiser will benefit Willow Creek Terrace (WCT) assisted liv- ing facility. Willow Creek Terrace has been struggling to maintain full capacity and staff since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The facility is at full capaci- ty once again, and the funds will go to assist all the staff and residents. Pre-registration is en- couraged to help things go more smoothly the morning of the walk. Participation fee is $5 or a donation to the Remembrance Pot O Gold. Remembrance Sham- rocks will be put out Friday, March 17. Nearly 600 per- sonalized shamrocks line the walking route. New at this year’s event is a timed 5k run. The timed run was formed through a partnership between orig- inal run organizer Janelle Ellis and Heppner High School cross-country and track coaches Russ and Toni Nichols. Rewards are planned for a number of age groups, but anyone can still run for fun, as well. Sponsors of this year’s event are Mark and Pam Wunderlich and Commu- nity Counseling Solutions (CCS). Both are long-time supporters of the event. The Wunderlichs are helping with the purchase of green events T-shirts that will be sold to raise funds for WCT. The shirts sport the signature Donna Schonbachler logo and will be available in adult sizes small, medium, large, XL and XXL. Susan Hisler will be selling them, as will Pioneer Memorial Physical Therapy. More information is to come. “Mark and I just think the Remembrance Walk/ Run is a worthy cause,” says Pam Wunderlich. Date of First Publication 2/15/2023 Date of Second Publication 2/22/2023 affid REQUEST FOR QUOTES Class Hot Mix Asphalt Morrow County, Oregon Morrow County Pub- lic Works is Requesting Quotes for supplying Class C Hot Mix Asphalt. Sup- pliers submitting Quotes shall be considered based upon the lowest responsive and responsible bid with consideration of trucking turn-around time to vari- ous paving sites. All documents for this Re- quest For Quotes must be FENCING obtained from the Mor- Fencing row County Website Bids Lancaster Fencing LLC & RFPs tab (co.morrow. is looking to gain some The Request For local clientele. With over Quotes closes and will be 10+ years experience, I reviewed March 1st. 2023 am confident I can deliver at3:00 pm P.S.T. 100% customer satisfac- Contract terms, conditions, tion. Check out my website and specifications may be to see pictures of complet- reviewed at the Morrow ed projects I've done and County Website Bids & customer reviews. RFPs tab Contact Nathan Bid’s will be received by @ 360-953-1318 Management Assistant Licensed & Bonded Sandi Pointer in person or 9-7-TFN mail via UPS or Fed-Ex to: Morrow County Public LANDSCAPING Works, 365 West Highway 74, Lexington, Or. 97839, Landscape maintence. Attn: Sandi Pointer Elk Creek Excavation 2-8-3 c is starting a landscape DEADLINE: MONDAYS AT 5PM to make a difference in our community,” says Friends Helping Friends member Susan Hisler. “All pro- ceeds from this event stay in South Morrow County.” “Our small com- munity has experienced overwhelming grief and loss over the last several months,” adds CCS Exec- utive Director Kimberly Lindsay. “CCS is proud to sponsor the Heppner St. Patrick’s Day Remem- brance Walk/5K run and we hope everyone can join together to remember those that have left us too soon, and share hope and kind- ness as we move forward together.” Registrations, fees and donations may be sent to Kathi Dickenson, c/o Friends Helping Friends, PO Box 566, Heppner. Timed run added to the event division and taking on new clients at this time. Contact us for all your lawn care needs. Bill Rosenbalm 541-256-0140 2-15 TFN Mark and Pam Wunderlich “Friends Helping Friends has done a good job, and they’ve contributed a lot over the years. We just want to contribute. “It’s our hope that other people will be inspired to get involved,” adds Wun- derlich. Community Counsel- ing Solutions is again spon- soring the remembrance event. “Their financial assis- tance allows us to continue Parks comittee seeks hiking/ biking representative The Morrow County Parks Committee is search- ing for someone to repre- sent the Park User Group – Hiking/Biking position that will be expiring in March of 2023. The new term will start March 2023 and go through March 2025. The parks committee meets a minimum of two times per year, once in the spring and again in the fall. Committee members pro- vide advisory recommenda- tions to the Morrow County Public Works Director and Morrow County Board of Commissioners as to the management, marketing and improvements of Mor- row County Parks. The hiking/biking rep- resentative needs to be a Morrow County resident and be familiar with tour- ism, economic develop- ment, operations, standards and financing needs of the Morrow County Parks De- partment. Applications can be obtained from Morrow County Public Works and returned to Morrow County Public Works, Attn: Parks Committee, P.O. Box 428, 365 West Highway 74, Lexington, OR 97839 or via email to mcparks@ Do You Have Something to Share? Our newly updated website makes it easy to: •Submit news •Submit birth, engagement and wedding announcements •Send us photos •Submit letters to the editor •Place ads •Start a new subscription Weekly deadline for all news and advertising is Monday at 5pm. 177 N Main, Heppner • 541-676-9228 Prepare for power outages today FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR A $695 Value! $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (877) 557-1912 *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. Now’s the Right Time Take advantage of the new 30% Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) with PWRcell, Generac’s fully-integrated solar + battery storage system. PWRcell will help you save money on your electric bill and be prepared for utility power outages. 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