PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW Probate Department In the Matter of the Estate of: BETTY LOU MAR- Q U A R D T, D e c e a s e d No. 22PB10742 NO- TICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS Notice is given that the undersigned have been ap- pointed and have qualified as the co-personal represen- tatives of the estate. All per- sons having claims against the estate are required to present it, with prop- er vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the co-personal representa- tives at Kuhn Law Offices, 267 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 428, Heppner, Oregon 97836, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain addition- al information from the records of the court, the co-personal representa- tives or the attorney for the co-personal representatives. DATED and first pub- lished January 18, 2023. SS William J. Kuhn OSB # 762075 P.O. Box 428 Heppner, OR 97836 To be published for three consec- utive weeks. CO-PERSON- AL REPRESENTATIVES: Sheree Smith 67057 Mar- quardt Road Lexington, OR 97839 Tel: (541) 989-8454 P a m e l a P i p e r P. O . Box 373 Heppner, Oregon Te l : ( 5 4 1 ) 6 7 6 - 5 4 0 4 AT T O R N E Y F O R CO-PERSONAL REP- R E S E N TAT I V E S : William J. Kuhn, OSB No. 762075 Kuhn Law Offices 267 N Main Street PO Box 428 Heppner, OR 97836. Telephone: 541-676- 9141 FAX: 541-676-5502. Email: wjk@kuhnlawoffic- Published: January 18, 25, Febru- ary 1, 2023 affid IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW CASE NO. 23PB00390 NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS I N T H E M AT T E R OF THE ESTATE OF WAY N E H E N R Y SCHNELL, deceased NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN THAT William J.L. Vandermolen has been appointed as the personal representative of the above estate. All persons having a claim against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned attorney for the personal represen- tative at: 121 SW Morrison St., Suite 600, Portland, OR 97204, within four months after the date of first publi- cation of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All those persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceedings may obtain additional informa- tion from the records of the Court, the personal repre- sentative, or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated and first published on: January 25, 2023 William J.L. Vandermolen, Personal Representative Melissa E. Chapman, OSB #092857 FARLEIGH WADA WITT Attorneys for Personal Rep- resentative 121 SW Morrison St., Suite 600 Portland, OR 97204 Phone: (503) 228-6044 Fax: (503) 228-1741 Email: mchapman@fww- Published: January 25, Feb- ruary 1, 8, 2023 CREZ III discusses expanding boundary, Boardman area of influence The Columbia River Enterprise Zone (CREZ) III board discussed altering boundaries for both the en- terprise zone and city areas of influence at a Jan. 23 meeting in Boardman. Port of Morrow Ex- ecutive Director Lisa Mit- telsdorf suggested that the CREZ III boundary be ex- panded to include a new Amazon property on Bomb- ing Range Rd. Morrow County Com- missioner David Sykes asked how much of the allowed 15 square miles the enterprise zone had already used. Mittelsdorf said the CREZ is currently 11.43 square miles, so there was plenty of room to grow. The property in question is about 160 acres. Both Morrow County and the Port need to agree on the boundary move be- fore it is sent to the state for approval. The taxing districts affected by the ex- panded enterprise zone also need to be given 21 days’ notice. The board agreed to move forward with that process. City of Boardman Councilor Karen Pettigrew was also at the meeting and asked that the Board- man Airport be included in Boardman’s area of influ- ence. An area of influence is a prescribed area that extends beyond a city’s lim- its, within which they are allowed a say in develop- ment and siting. Right now, the Boardman Airport falls outside Boardman’s area of influence. Board members agreed that the Port of Mor- row and Morrow County would make that change to the intergovernmental agreement. The change only affects the Boardman Airport property. Also at the meeting, the board elected Port of Mor- row Commission Secretary Joe Taylor as chair. Taylor replaces former Morrow County Commissioner Don Russell, who retired at the end of the year. Sykes was elected vice chair. FIVE- Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 1 Ione school honors students at assembly A big heartfelt Thank You to our community for the amazing love we have been shown. The cards, food, flowers, soup, auc- tion and barrel racing fundraiser was extremely generous. A huge shout out to Tiffanie Greenup, Julie Baker and Jeanie Collins for organizing that event. We feel so blessed to be a part of this community. Love, Ashli and John Gould, Adam and Amber Stutzman, and Andy and Rachael Stutz- man. 2-1p Ione Community School elementary students were recognized for being respectful and responsible. Front row (L-R): Konleigh Rietmann, Luna Rico Gonza- lez, Miriam Rico Gonzalez, Kyson Scoggins, Kleo WWW.HEPPNER.NET Childers, Adley McElligott. Back row (L-R): Cooper Submit News, Advertising & Announcements Stefani, William McElligott, Madelyn Campbell, Izzy Letters To The Editor Carson, Mina Hernandez, Matthew Bailey, Emily Rico Send Us Photos Gonzalez. -Contributed photo Start A New Subscription Ione Community School celebrated its stu- dents at a school assembly on Thursday, Jan. 26. The character traits for January were respectful and respon- sible. Staff selected students from each grade that they felt best exemplified those character traits. Kindergarten students were Konleigh Rietmann and Adley McElligott. For first grade were Luna Rico and Kyson Scog- gin. Second graders chosen were Kleo Childers and Miriam Rico. Representing third grade was Matthew Bailey. Fourth grade student was Emily Rico Gonzalez. Fifth graders were Izzy Carson, Mina Hernandez and Cooper Stefani. In sixth grade were Will McElligott and Madelyn Campbell. Students were also rec- ognized for attendance of 90 percent or above for the Rep. Greg Smith of Heppner with city officials from District second quarter. Receiving 57 who gathered at the Capitol last week to discuss legisla- attendance certificates were tive priorities. -Contributed photo Alison Aparicio, Liam Apa- SALEM, Ore.—Last District 57 who made the ricio, Bryson Bailey, Julius week, Rep. Greg Smith journey down; it is always Bailey, Matthew Bailey, (R-Heppner) celebrated a blessing to meet with City Day at the Capitol. friends.” Smith is currently serv- Each legislative session, the League of Oregon Cit- ing his 12 th term as a state ies coordinates a day when representative, making him mayors, city councilors, the longest-serving member city managers and other in the Oregon Legislature. city officials descend upon He holds a gavel as the the Capitol to meet with co-chair of the Joint Ways representatives and senators and Means Subcommittee to discuss their legislative on General Government. Rep. Smith also serves as priorities. Linsey Mitchell and “Our municipal leaders the co-vice chair of the Hunter Nichols of Heppner are a critical part of the full Joint Ways and Means have been named to the legislative process, and Committee. Additionally, Eastern Oregon University I would like to extend a he is the ranking member on Dean’s List for the 2022 thank you to the League of the House Revenue Com- fall term, along with six Oregon Cities for helping mittee. Boardman graduates and To reach out, visit coordinate the day’s activi- two Irrigon graduates. ties,” said Smith. “I would Smith’s Facebook page or Mitchell and Nichols also like to thank each of send him an email at rep. are both students in the the mayors, city managers gregsmith@oregonlegisla- College of STM and Health and city councilors from Science at the university. Mitchell is majoring in psychology and Nichols is majoring in biology. Ashley Aguilera and Adrian Roa of Irrigon were also both named to the The next meeting of the senior center dining room. list. Both attend the busi- Heppner Housing Authori- For more information, con- ness college, with Aguilera ty for the Heppner Senior tact KayRene Qualls at majoring in accounting and Roa in business adminis- Center will be Tuesday, 541-980-2836. tration. Feb. 7, at 4 p.m. in the Boardman students named to the EOU Dean’s List were Veronica Alvarez Frias, STM and Health Science, with a double ma- jor in Computer Program- a program sponsored by ming I and Computer Sci- The Morrow and Gil- ence; Lesly Anzora, STM Morrow County Livestock liam County Wheat Grow- and Health Science, Psy- Growers following until 3 ers League will hold a joint chology; Dominic Epkey, p.m. Gilliam County Live- meeting on Wednesday, STM and Health Science, stock Growers are invited Feb. 8, at the Gilliam-Bis- Psychology; Edgar Guz- to attend. bee Building in Heppner. man, Agriculture (OSU), Join the meeting for The program will start with General Studies-Explorato- updates on issues facing a meeting of the Morrow County Soil and Water Morrow and Gilliam Coun- ry; Jose Puerta, Business, Conservation District at 9 ty wheat and livestock pro- Business Administration; and Johana Sepulveda a.m., followed by a pro- ducers, legislative high- Vieyra, Arts, Humanities gram geared toward wheat lights from the League and & Social Science, Anthro- producers from 10-12 p.m. an update on research and pology/Sociology. Coffee service will be pro- extension activities. For Qualifying students vided by Breaking Grounds. more information, contact achieve and maintain a Wheat Growers and OWGL Secretary/Trea- grade point average of 3.5 Livestock Growers are in- surer Erin Heideman at or higher on a 4.0 scale vited for lunch provided blownawayranch@gmail. while completing a mini- by Tumbleweed Café, with com. mum of 12 hours of graded EOU coursework. Rep. Smith celebrates City Day at the Capitol Mitchell, Nichols named to EOU dean’s list Housing authority to meet CARD OF THANKS Alexzander Cave, Kleo Childers, Allison Crum, James Crum, Dillon De- Boer, Wyatt Geer, Amira Hernandez, Mina Hernan- dez, Arturo Lemus, Violeta Lemus, Anson McCabe, Adley McElligott, Harlow McElligott, Gabriel Men- doza, Joe Miles, Joshua Neiffer, Angel Ramirez, Ee- ston Revoir, Emberlee Re- voir, Emmyngton Revoir, Teagan Roy, Amilya Roy, Brylee Scoggin, Sophia Serrano, Beckett Skow, Cooper Stefani, Isabelle Venegas and Elissa Yates. FENCING Fencing Lancaster Fencing LLC is looking to gain some local clientele. With over 10+ years experience, I am con- fident I can deliver 100% customer satisfaction. Check out my website to see pictures of completed projects I've done and customer reviews. 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