Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 18, 2023, Page 9, Image 9

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    Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, January 18 , 2023 -- NINE
Sheriff’s Report
fell on the floor and needed
a lift assist.
-MCSO received a re-
port of a flipped truck on
Patterson Ferry Road in
Boardman, close to I-84,
with possible entrapment.
MCSO arrested Dakota
James Kishpaugh, 22, for
Driving Under the Influ-
ence of Intoxicants and
reckless driving. Subject
was lodged at Umatilla
County Jail.
-Heppner ambulance
responded to an 81-year-
old in Heppner who was
conscious and breathing but
unable to move and needed
to go the ER.
-Heppner ambulance
responded to an 84-year-
old male in Lexington who
had fallen and was unable
to get up.
-Irrigon ambulance re-
sponded to a 62-year-old
female in Irrigon who was
diabetic with blood sugar
of 45. She was conscious
and breathing and had taken
medication. Patient refused
-MCSO responded to
a report from Irrigon High
School that a parent was
unsportsmanlike at a bas-
ketball game the night be-
fore. The parent would not
be allowed at future games.
-A female near Mur-
ray’s Drug in Heppner re-
ported that a dog just bit
her son on the finger, and it
was bleeding. She told the
owner what happened, and
he walked off.
-MCSO received a
cat complaint in Heppner.
Eight cats are continuously
on the property and appear
to be abandoned. Reporting
person would like a cat trap
so they can be picked up
and taken to Pet Rescue.
All cats need to go except
the pure black one.
-MCSO received a dog
complaint from Irrigon.
Person said at the house
behind them, dogs were
being neglected. One was
kept in a chicken coop and
never let out, at the far end
of the property. One was
a German Shepherd-type
puppy. Property had a high
fence so you couldn’t see
the dogs. MCSO deter-
mined the complaint was
-MCSO received a re-
port from a Heppner man
that his ex-wife took their
kids that weekend and was
not returning them. He had
full custody. The kids had
not been to school in three
days and the mother never
notified the school. MCSO
took it under investigation.
-A person in Heppner
reported that a female came
in with a dog bit to the fin-
ger. It was her own dog that
bit her.
-MCSO received a re-
port of a blue sedan on Hwy.
730, traveling at a high rate
of speed from Umatilla
heading into Irrigon. The
vehicle passed about three
cars in the no-passing zone.
-MCSO assisted at a
multi-vehicle motor vehicle
accident in Hermiston.
-MCSO received report
that an older white Chevy
pickup in Irrigon had spun
his tires and run the stop
sign on 7 th and was headed
down Division.
-MCSO received report
that a white Chevy pickup
in Irrigon, extended cab,
long bed, early 2000s was
spinning his tires and then
speeding by the reporting
person’s residence. Male
driver, young. On-going is-
sue. Coming from Tenth or
Brandon, last seen headed
toward Division.
-A male reported that
school bus #667 stopped
in the middle of an inter-
section in Boardman and
argued with him about a
road closure. He requested
November 2, 2022: contact on whether there
-Boardman ambulance re- was anything to be done or
sponded to a 65-year-old if he needed to contact the
female in Boardman who
November 1, 2022:
-Boardman ambulance was
paged out for possible over-
dose by an 18-year-old.
Patient was breathing but
not conscious. Transported
to Good Shepherd.
-Heppner ambulance
and Heppner fire responded
to report of an 81-year-old
with back pain and no mo-
bility. Patient was transport-
ed to Pioneer Memorial.
-Irrigon ambulance
transported an 83-year-old
who had recently had day
surgery and was requesting
assistance. Patient was tak-
en to Good Shepherd.
-Irrigon ambulance re-
sponded to Irrigon High
School, where the school
resource officer reported
an adult female with chest
pain. Patient was transport-
ed to Good Shepherd.
-Morrow County Sher-
iff’s Office and Boardman
PD responded to a com-
plaint from a woman in
Boardman who said her
ex-husband came into her
house and started damaging
property. Male half was in
her bedroom at the moment.
-MCSO received report
that a thick dark green/
yellow rope was crossing
both lanes of traffic on I-84
east in Boardman and was
posing a traffic hazard. Re-
ferred the hazard to ODOT.
-A person in Boardman
reported another person in a
silver Chevy Cruze pulled
into his driveway, sped off,
and came back.
-A person in Heppner
reported finding a stray
German Shepherd puppy
on Sand Hollow. It ran out
of a ditch, was really slim,
no collar or tags.
-MCSO received a ju-
venile complaint from an
Irrigon school. A 15-year-
old male left the school and
they were unable to locate
him. The juvenile’s mother
called school staff and re-
ported him located.
-MCSO reported a net-
work service problem with
AT&T mobile that impacted
delivery of 911 calls.
-A person in Irrigon
reported a dog tied up all
day with no food, shelter
or water.
-MCSO received a re-
quest for a welfare check
on a 16-17 year old male in
Boardman who was mak-
ing suicidal comments.
This was the second time
in two days that comments
were made, and the mother
wouldn’t be happy with law
enforcement response.
-MCSO received report
of suspicious activity at St.
Patrick’s Senior Center in
Heppner. A female reported
she heard someone on the
phone say they needed help
(on the elevator).
-MCSO was informed
Gresham PD arrested Wil-
lie James Cohens III on a
Morrow County Circuit
Court warrant for Failure to
Appear on charges of flee-
ing or attempting to elude,
reckless driving and reck-
less endangering. Subject
was lodged at Multnomah
County Jail with a bail of
-A male in Irrigon re-
ported that someone took
his pickup from his res-
idence about 20 minutes
ago. It was a red F150
-MCSO conducted ex-
tra night patrols at Wagon
Wheel Loop/Depot Ln.
in Irrigon after receiving
reports o9f suspicious ve-
hicles coming and going
at night.
-MCSO arrested Ab-
igail Dulce Delgadillo on
a LSA warrant for parole
violation on burglary II
and mischief I. Subject was
lodged at Umatilla County
Jail with no bail.
school district.
-MCSO received a
driving complaint regard-
ing an older white Subaru
station wagon with silver
roof and Washington plates
on I-84. An older male
was driving and his phone
was playing a movie as he
-A female in Boardman
reported that someone in a
gray 4Runner just ran over
her dog.
-A male in Boardman
reported that he was mov-
ing into an apartment and
that he had taken one load
in when the door locked on
him and he thought he heard
someone inside. He had
not gotten the key from the
manager and had yet to get
the door open. MCSO and
BPD responded to clear the
apartment when the male
gets the key.
November 3, 2022:
-Boardman ambulance,
Boardman fire and Board-
man PD responded to Lamb
Weston for a 24-year-old
female who had chest pains
and fainted and was in
and out of consciousness.
Patient was transported to
Good Shepherd.
-Boardman ambulance
responded to Oregon Po-
tato in Boardman, where
a 35-year-old male had
possibly overdosed. He was
unconscious and barely
-A female in Boardman
reported that her sister’s
ex-boyfriend tried to attack
her, sprayed with pepper
spray. He is refusing to
leave, but got him and her
sister. Boardman PD arrest-
ed Azael Vargas Orta for
resisting arrest. Subject was
lodged at Umatilla County
Jail with no bail.
-A motor vehicle ac-
cident occurred in Board-
man. The air bag deployed.
Agencies responded and
took it under investigation.
-Heppner ambulance
responded to Cutsforth
Park out of Heppner, where
at person was having an ir-
regular heartbeat and start-
ing to get light headed. He
reported he was conscious
and breathing and would
meet the ambulance.
-Irrigon ambulance
transported a 69-year-old
female in Irrigon. Female
was conscious and breath-
ing but possibly severely
-A male in Irrigon ad-
vised that his brother stole
some money from his fa-
ther. MCSO responded by
the reporting person chose
not to press charges.
-A person in Irrigon
reported that a white Dodge
caravan flew past his house
at a high rate of speed.
-MCSO received a
driving complaint that a
Subaru WRX almost ran
someone off the road on
-A person in Irrigon
advised that he had found
a scooter. It had been there
for some time and he want-
ed to see if it belonged to
-A person at C&D in
Boardman advised of a
male at the drive through
who was causing a big
scene and place a gun on
the front seat. MCSO and
Boardman PD responded,
and the male was tres-
passed from the location.
-A female in Irrigon
reported that her neighbor’s
dog kept coming into her
yard and digging, and it
just bit her new puppy. The
female said she spoke with
the owner before with no
result. She didn’t want the
owner to know who called
in but was available for
phone contact.
-MCSO received re-
port of a small white sports
car pulled over to the side
of the road on I-84 east.
It put its brake lights on
when traffic went by. Call-
Application for vacant position
er said they were unsure
if they were trying to get
someone’s attention, but it
seemed suspicious. MCSO
was out of position and no-
tified Oregon State Police.
-A female in Irrigon
reported that someone a few
houses away was shooting
guns, sounded like rapid
fire. She did not know who
the homeowner was, but her
horses were trying to get
through the fence because
it was scaring them. MCSO
was unable to locate.
-A female in Heppner
reported that a 14-year-old
juvenile was supposed to
meet her at 17:00 at the
school but had not shown
up, and she couldn’t find
her. The woman said she
checked everywhere, in-
cluding their house, and
was unable to locate the
juvenile. MCSO made
contact. The juvenile was
located by another family
-A male in Heppner re-
ported that his 15-year-old
brother was throwing a fit
and tearing up the house.
His mother was trying to
talk to him. MCSO re-
sponded and got the juve-
nile calmed down.
-A female in Heppner
reported that her dog was
attacked by a dog that lives
down the street.
-MCSO did an area
check of Willow Creek
Reservoir and advised some
people the park was closed
at night.
November 5, 2022:
-A male in Irrigon advised
that a female ran into his
fence and then drove away.
Male requested contact6,
then advised he would call
back if he wanted to press
charges; they are trying to
work things out civilly.
-MCSO was advised
that two people and a dog
were walking in the middle
of the road on Hwy. 207
and there was an old Prius
on the side of the road.
MCSO responded. They
had run out of gas and got
lost. MCSO took them back
to their car and waited for
someone to pick them up.
-A person in Boardman
reported that a Hispanic
man in a sweatshirt was
knocking on their door and
talking to himself, and he
wouldn’t go away. Board-
man PD responded and re-
turned the male to his home.
-MCSO received re-
port of a couple of vehicles
driving around the Port of
Morrow Laydown yard
on Internet Pkwy. MCSO
responded. It was just an
Amazon worker.
-A woman in Irrigon
reported that behind her
residence there were seven
puppies who had a small
shelter, and she was con-
cerned for the pups because
of weather conditions. She
requested a call back with
an update. MCSO respond-
ed and put it under investi-
-MCSO responded to
a cold motor vehicle acci-
dent, a White Dodge Car-
avan in a canal ditch near
-A person at Irrigon
Mini Storage reported a
navy blue SUV with Wash-
ington plates that showed
up around 8 or 8:30 a.m.
There is someone sitting in
the seat but squatting down
as if they did not want to be
seen; possibly a female as
they had long hair. MCSO
responded and determined
there was no criminal ac-
-A female in Irrigon
reported that the neighbor’s
trampoline had blown up
against their fence and she
is afraid if the wind picks
up it will blow over to her
residence and cause dam-
age. A deputy made contact
with the owner and placed
the trampoline back on the
-Continued from PAGE ONE
Morrow County Clerk
Bobbi Childers was pres-
ent at the meeting to give
input since commissioner
is usually an elected posi-
tion. She said all the appli-
cants would still need to fill
out the SEL 101 candidate
filing form to determine
eligibility for the position,
just as they would in an
election. Human Resources
(HR) Director Lindsay Gro-
gan said she did not think
applicants needed to fill out
an employment application,
but that she had envisioned
the SEL form, a letter of in-
terest and maybe a resume
if they wanted.
“I want to make sure
when we advertise this, that
the people are absolutely
sure in their minds what
the process is going to be,”
said Morrow County Com-
missioner David Sykes. “I
think that’s really important
in this.”
Childers said another
option would be for letters
of interest to be sent to HR
with the caveat that they
must fill out and be able to
pass the SEL before taking
“I would prefer to have
that verified before we de-
cide, ‘Oh, we want to ap-
point this person,’ and then
realize, ‘Oh, they’ve only
lived here 10 months,’”
replied Wenholz.
Sykes and Morrow
County Administrator
Greg Sweek both agreed,
and Sweek added that he
thought it would be sim-
plest for all documents to
be submitted to one depart-
ment. The issue the board
discussed was that all re-
cords submitted through the
elections department will
be public, including any let-
ters of interest or resumes.
The board had discussed
holding all the applications
to review at once. Childers
said she would not need
to put out the information
proactively, but it would be
there if individuals or media
requested it.
“This is my way for
people to see what this per-
son has said,” said Childers.
“I’m looking at it from
the point of view of the pub-
lic,” replied Sykes. “What
is the most open way to do
it so there’s not any kind of
issue with people of how
it was done, so everybody
knows, these are the rules.”
“It’s not a process of
us deciding we’re going to
hold them,” he added, ref-
erencing the fact that they
would be public record,
“because we’re not going
to hold them.”
Wenholz added that
he thought the SEL should
be required, with letters of
interest left up to the appli-
cant, knowing those would
also be public.
The commission also
debated over how long to
advertise the position. Wen-
holz suggested three weeks.
“On the one hand, I’d
like to get somebody in
here as soon as possible,”
said Wenholz. “On the other
hand, I want to give every-
body ample opportunity to
realize the position is open
and then time to respond
and get everything in.”
They also discussed
how to advertise the posi-
tion. Morrow County Coun-
cil Justin Nelson said he
thought an advertisement
would get more attention
than a legal notice. Childers
said they could publish a
legal notice in newspapers
and on the clerk’s website,
but also publish an ad.
“To me, the more the
better,” said Sykes. “We
don’t want anybody saying
they didn’t know about it.”
As far as the process
after applications were re-
ceived, the commissioners
decided to see how many
applications they received,
as the process might be dif-
ferent for three applicants
versus 25. Nelson said he
didn’t know if they should
hold an executive session
to review candidates, since
this wasn’t a typical em-
ployment process, and
would have to look into
that more. Sweek suggested
putting the review process
on the Jan. 25 agenda since
they would have a better
idea of the response at that
“Hopefully there’s a lot
of response,” Sweek said.
The board began ac-
cepting applications Jan.
12. The application win-
dow will close Jan. 31 at
5 p.m. All candidates for
this position are required
to file a SEL 101 candidate
filing form with the Morrow
County Clerk. Letters of
interest may be included.
For general informa-
tion on the position, go to
Heppner council to
hold goal-planning
The City of Heppner
is having a goal-planning
meeting at Heppner City
Hall on Jan. 26 at 5:30 p.m.
The meeting will run until
business is completed. The
public is invited. Interested
parties can contact city hall
Monday through Thursday
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with
any questions.
For more information,
contact Kraig Cutsforth at
541-676-9618 or heppner@
Boardman City Hall
breaks ground on
Boardman City Hall
broke ground last week
on an expansion for new
building department offic-
es. The construction of the
4,084-square-foot expan-
sion was awarded to 2KG
Contractors Inc. of Port-
land. The new addition will
have its own entrance to the
building and will include
offices, a conference room,
a public waiting room and
public restrooms.
The city council vot-
ed in June of 2022 to do
the expansion. The cost of
the project will be funded
through already accumu-
lated building department
funds received from build-
ing permit fees. Oregon
State law has restrictions on
how building department
revenues may be spent, al-
lowing only those funds to
be spent on building depart-
ment expenses. There will
be no revenues spent from
tax dollars the city receives.
A preliminary construc-
tion schedule shows a com-
pletion date for the project
of January 16, 2024. For
more information regarding
this project, City Manager
Pro Tem Rick Stokoe may
be reached at Boardman
City Hall, 541-481-9252.
5:00 P.M.