SIX - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, December 28 , 2022 County contracts with company for ‘water coordination’ By Andrea Di Salvo The Morrow County Board of Commissioners approved a contract with GSI Water Solutions, Inc. to provide water coordina- tion services for the county during a short meeting Dec. 20 in Heppner. At an earlier meeting, the commissioners had au- thorized Morrow County Planning Director Tamra Mabbott to issue a Notice of Intent to award a contract to GSI Water Solutions, Inc. and to work with Morrow County Counsel Justin Nel- son to develop a contract. The contract approved Dec. 20 was for GSI to pro- vide consulting services as “water coordinator” over a two-year period (2023 and 2024) to help organize and guide the county’s response to the “long-standing water quantity and water quality issues” facing the county and the region. The con- tract is for a not-to-exceed $140,000 budget and ends Dec. 31, 2024. As water coordinator for the county, GSI will work to communicate with and educate county resi- dents about water issues, as well as work with Morrow County Public Health to help address or mitigate impacts of those issues. The company will also support the development of policies and programs for a sustain- able water supply for the county, coordinate county responsibilities for pro- grams and activities related to water quantity and qual- ity, and help position the county to secure funding to support implementation of water-related programs and activities. At the meeting, the board also awarded a six- month janitorial contract for north and south county buildings to Patriot Build- ing and Grounds Main- tenance, ending June 30, 2023. The proposal from Patriot was the only one the county received and is for janitorial work in county buildings at both the north and south end of the county. Patriot Buildings & Grounds maintenance was the single proposal received. The monthly to- tal for south end work is $6,191.80 and the north end will cost $3,198 per month. Morrow County Com- missioner Melissa Lindsay gave an update on the rec- lamation of the old gas sta- tion in Ione. (See “County commissioners hear update on Ione gas station” in the Dec. 21 G-T.) Also at the meeting, Hermiston engineer Ron McKinnis requested the board sign a Sixth Street re- plat for the City of Irrigon. The purpose is to remove plat lines and replat for de- velopment of multi-family structure. The commission unanimously approved the replat. Morrow County Com- missioner Melissa Lindsay and Morrow County Pub- lic Works Director Eric Imes approached the county commission about the need to revise an agreement with the U.S. Forest Service regarding USFS Road 21. The 21 Road (Old Western Route) is a major means of forest access. The county had entered an agreement with the forest service in 2018 in which the county agreed to help maintain the road. Lindsay said the agreement was made with the understanding that grant funding was available for that maintenance, but that the grant funding has not materialized. “There are a lot of roads in the county that need work, and we have even some public access roads that we’ve talked about need work,” Lindsay said. “I’m not sure why we would take on the federal government’s roads when we struggle to maintain our own.” She requested the board direct Imes and Morrow County Assistant Roadmas- ter Mike Haugen to termi- nate the 21 Road agreement and begin discussions re- garding an intergovern- mental agreement (IGA) for minor maintenance such as annual blading. Imes agreed that the grant money had not been forthcoming and likely would not be. He also add- ed that he was concerned about being saddled with other, more complicated road maintenance. “It’s just beyond what I think the road department should be involved with on a non-county section of road,” he said. Board of Commission- ers Chair Jim Doherty said the lack of funds was con- cerning and that he support- ed the idea of establishing an IGA so the residents who use that road could still have it maintained more than the forest service might do. “We’re already main- taining that 17 miles. To do it once every couple years is absolutely feasible,” Imes said. “It would be nice if it doesn’t cost the county any money and the road main- tains some drivability,” added County Commission- er Don Russell. “I’d hate to see it fall into disrepair like some of the forest service roads.” The board unanimous- ly voted to terminate the current agreement and pur- sue an IGA for acceptable maintenance. Morrow County Hu- man Resources Director Lindsay Grogan advised the board that the 2023 Mor- row County Compensation Board had one vacancy due to a resignation. The compensation board has five members and prepares a recommended compen- sation schedule for county employees for the county commission each year. The vacant position had been held by Kalie Davis, who resigned after moving out of the county. Grogan recommended appointing Christine Gray to the four- year term, which ends De- cember of 2026. Gray is the human re- source director at Commu- nity Counseling Solutions (CCS) in Heppner and has more than 15 years of HR and payroll experience. She has also served on the Jo- seph School Compensation Board, been trained by the Oregon State Economist in wages and compensation and has several years’ expe- rience performing organiza- tional wage studies and im- plementing pay structures. “I don’t personally know her,” said Grogan, “But according to her ap- plication, she is a highly qualified individual that I think we would be lucky to have serve on the compen- sation board.” Grogan added that the one concern was that Gray works for CCS, which is contracted with the Morrow County Health Authority, but that she didn’t think there was a conflict there. Doherty and Russell agreed that they didn’t see a conflict and the board voted unanimously to appoint Gray to the compensation board. Reminder to insulate water meters The City of Heppner would like to remind every- one to insulate their water meters this winter. “It is important to protect the meter from freezing before the tempera- tures drop,” said a statement from the city, adding that Pettyjohn’s and other build- ing supply stores carry the proper insulation for a low price—much lower than the $75 plus materials the city charges for the repair of any uninsulated meter that becomes frozen. Anyone that has a difficult time accessing their meter to insulate it is en- couraged to contact the City of Heppner for assistance. Anyone with questions or concerns is asked to call 541- 676-9618 or stop by Heppner City Hall. WWW.HEPPNER.NET Get $5O ON ANY NEW ACCOUNT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! 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