public access roads -Continued from PAGE ONE West Glen roads to a better standard and the property owners maintain them for the long run, that seems to be the most fiscally respon- sible way to assist,” he told commissioners. Mabbott said the way these older subdivi- sions were put in, should not have been allowed, and today would not be built this way. “New subdivi- sions are required to meet a minimum road standard and they also provide a homeowners agreement or a maintenance agree- ment,” she explained. But, she added that the county doesn’t have a way to actu- ally enforce the agreements in the future. “There is a new subdivision outside Boardman and before they start to build, they have to put up an asphalt road and then there is an agreement (maintenance). “But what if 10 years from now peo- ple don’t want to maintain those roads?” she asked rhetorically, even though the agreements are record- ed at the courthouse. After a long dis- cussion Commissioner Jim Doherty moved that the county proceed with the repairs, with no stip- ulation for either code en- forcement or any required maintenance agreements with the property owners. “The county road dept rec- ommends the expenditure. The public use of the road justifies the expenditure. Emergency folks want this done. And I don’t want this done quid pro quo - we will only do this if you do that. You are either recommend- ing it or not. The emergen- cy stipulation justifies it,” Doherty explained of his motion to just proceed with repairs. He pointed out the county doing and paying for the repairs would fol- low Oregon Law for public roads. The motion to just proceed was eventually amended by Commissioner Melissa Lindsay when she said she wanted mainte- nance agreements worked out with the landowners if the current work is done. “Any chance we get to a future maintenance agree- ment? I don’t think this is right we do it every two to three years,” she said. “I can do this if I know this is a one-time agreement and there is something for future maintenance.” She agreed with Imes that the first step would be to do a mailing to all the residents explaining the situation and need for the maintenance agreement. “I want a com- mitment of some kind for future maintenance,” she emphasized. Russell agreed there must be a mainte- nance agreement attached to the repairs. “I would like to help them to bring it up, but there has to be some path going forward to maintain their own road,” Russell said. He added that the county needed to be consistent on what it does with all roads in similar circumstances in Morrow County. “We can’t just keep going in and doing mainte- nance on that road and we don’t do it on other roads. We need to be consistent. I’m probably in favor of one time.” But he didn’t want to see them come back again in two to three years with the same request. “What’s the plan after we do it one time? That’s what I want to see,” Russell stated. Doherty said he didn’t want the current road work tied to any mainte- nance agreement or code enforcement, and refused to vote in favor of the mo- tion. “There is an illegal spud cellar out off of tower road and I bring it up ev- ery time code comes up because we beat the hell out of these people and we don’t go after those peo- ple,” he said of the seed potato facility he claims is a zoning violation. “We want to appreciate that we have 30 families out there working their tails off with those trucking businesses,” he said. “Don’t reach out to those people with trucks until the illegal seed potato processing facility is shut down,” Doherty said before voting against the amended amendment which passed 2-1. “It is important for me to see it through,” Imes said about the road repairs. Mabbott said she would work with Imes to change things at West Glen. “This can be a pilot project in one neighborhood,” she said. Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 28, 2022 -- SEVEN Eva Martin earns highest FFA degree Nursery Sale 25% off all Perennials, Trees & Shrubs Morrow County Grain Growers Green Feed & Seed Heppner - 242 W Linden Way - 541-676-9422 Eva Martin with her FFA hog One member of ited through their FFA the Ione FFA Chapter has career. American FFA De- earned their American gree recipients show prom- FFA Degree, the highest ise for the future and have award the national orga- gone above and beyond to nization can bestow upon achieve excellence.” “I am its members. Eva Martin extremely proud of Eva will accept this prestigious and her perseverance,” honor during the National said FFA Advisor Erin FFA Convention at the end Heideman. “This is a tre- of October in Indianapolis, mendous accomplishment and honor, the highest de- Indiana. “As the highest gree achievable in the FFA degree achievable in the organization. It is a degree National FFA Organiza- members are not even eli- tion, the American FFA gible to apply for until they Degree shows an FFA have been graduated from member’s dedication to high school at least a year.” FFA, once known his or her chapter and state FFA association. It as Future Farmers of demonstrates the effort America, is the largest FFA members apply to- youth leadership organiza- ward their supervised ag- tion in the ricultural experience and United States. Go to www. the outstanding leadership to learn abilities and community more about this organiza- involvement they exhib- tion. ALL NEWS AND ADVERTISEMENT DEADLINE: MONDAYS AT 5:00 P.M. Buyer: Custom Feed Services Livestock Superintendents : Jason Schoenfelder Alita Nelson Kellie Nelson Pete Szasz Sandi O’Brien Stephanie Johnson Rachel Archer Bank of Eastern Oregon: Christy Correa Becky Kindle Laurie Barrow John Qualls uctioneer: Ken Grieb Ring Men: Ken Bailey Tim Dickenson Jeremy Wilson Jeremy Rosebalm Jim Kindle Kyle Robinson Special Thanks To: Morrow County Fair Board Dawn Eynetich Sarah Smith Braxton Adams Shelby Krebs Cody High Ann Jones t er t ank you Order your family canvas prints today! 20x16 in 24x36 in 18x24 in Call Sykes Publishing for a FREE quote on canvas prints! 541-676-9228 Text Cell: 541-980-6674 188 W Willow St., Heppner Submit News, Advertising & Announcements Letters To The Editor Send Us Photos Start A New Subscription Smart security. Professionally installed. 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Cyrus Piel 16x16 in Home Grown Layer Crumble and Pellets 50LB. bag $19.99 Fall GRAND CHAMPION MARKET SWINE 24x24 in Purina Flocktober Ryan Ray ond Rollin Rock An us ans Li estock onte Becky ans es Killion Port of orrow Northwest ar Credit orrow County rain rowers C reen eed Cene ar est States itch a Ashbeck astern Ore on obile Slau hter ollets S oked eats Beef Northwest eeders Country Natural Beef Randy ills orrie ri s ony Cle ent Bill Canaday Julie Baker Anna Browne acy oodwin Chris Schachtschneider Beth ickenson rin eide an Lenn reer adison ynes Kaylee Patterson r Shanna Sallee GRAND CHAMPION MARKET LAMB Tenley Rosenbalm Buyer: Lane & Makenzie Bailey BUYERS Over $ ,000: JVB Dairy Over $10,000: orrow County rain rowers ance airy Construction id Colu bia Producers Bank of astern Ore on Abe acNa e Bailey ea y uip ent Repair ile Cattle Co Sil er Creek Contractin Custo eed Ser ices LLC Blue ountain Plu bin alther ar s Colu bia Ri er airy Over $3,000: P rinity Li estock ilkinson Ranch LLC C ar s LLC Proudfoot Ranches Board an Ace ardware N etal abricators iller heat Northwest Crane Ser ice Lane and akenzie Bailey La b eston Peter and Nancy c lli ott Ranch inton Creek n est ents Kacie and anielle ray Lake iew ei hts iller Sons ary redrickson nterprises Butter Creek Cattle Co pany SK encin Ore on ay Nortwest ar Credit Ser ices Corey iller ar in Over $1,000: Kyle and Jody oos Perfor i Nutrition Syste s Riekkola ar s Shelco lectric nc a enblast Richardson Ranch R O uip ent Co Swanson nsurance roup er iston eterinary Clinic Bi horn diesel perfor ance Jason and ara Proudfoot Ken and Julie Nelson A L Cattle Co AS AR S BP oherty ar Krebs Sheep Co pany urray ru Beef Northwest GRAND CHAMPION MARKET GOAT Savanna Greenup Buyer: Community Counseling Solutions lyin J nterprises ark and Pa underlich illa ook i Shannon Rust Curtis Kathy Cutsforth ar Blown Away B Ore ar s Northwest ar Supply re e and lizabeth Peterson an and eresa reenfield N L AR AR N CO illia s a ily ruckin Cold Sprin s eterinary Ser ice iller heat nc Co unity Counselin Solutions Crai iles ar in Beef Northwest Co unity Counselin Solutions ouble ar in Custo eed Ser ice Up to $1,000: BRAN ON AN A R N R CKS e s Cheer Royals ike Snyder Ben c lli ott aniel Ritacco Jack Rabbit Candle Co pany PA ARR R BARN RANC S P N J NS N rew and ayllor Brannon Julie Pal er Scentsy AR Austin and Shannon Carter Chris and Ja ie ickenson arcee itchell ro heat ar s Jeff Cutsforths ar Jere y and Jennifer Osterhol Ki berly Lindsay Li htnin Bolt Cattle Co al ancock RA Patricia aly R CK AN K LS OR N Kaelyn Lindsay ichael inckley Neistadt Accountin Ser ices LLC rinnin olf LLC JAK AN CARA BA L Ja es and iana Cutsforth Kathi ickenson KNOP RLS e an Kyle annah and ailey alker iller and Sons Patti Adair Sandi Richardson Ste e and Ky ickenson ARR N LSON GRAND CHAMPION MARKET BEEF Madison Orem Buyer: JVB Dairy espain ulch ar s SAN OBR N Joyce ason NANC LL R AN B LL ONA L NAS CON RAC N LLC Swa art Brothers nc Cain Cattle Co pany Rosco and Kay Rene Qualls Crai iles ar in arcies a Ser ice BR AN C LL O ickenson Chiropractic Clinic ric and raci cCready Lindsay Ranch Pedro ar s LLC AN AR ANN A S ra is Kirsten arrison OR N AR S AL ON RANC S John Qualls inton Creek ay riple A ruckin LlC A BAR RANC Brittany and Pete Casperson Pe Le ar s Bob and Linda ueller Circle Ranches rieb ar s nc PA L AL ON Albee Road Custo Sprayin Auto Kool LLC alarie Philippi A ON RANC Philippi Ranches nc KRP Brett and Jane arrison S AN AN PA C S OR Leslie Pierson Realtor CRC Cattle LLC Jarrod and Alison O den S BBL L LAN AN CA L Ken and Anna Browne Rodelo ar s Jaca a ily rian le Ranches R LLC alen ea er Karl and Patricia S ith id Colu bia itle PAP AC N R C aureen c lli ott heatland nsurance ark and Lisa Pratt eppner Christian Church Ore on O PSON RANC heatland Luciani Ranch R N P N RPR S S NC Gross Total THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT